Been for another scan this morning, everything coming along nicely, got 3 that are almost ready but they want the other follies to catch up so another 300 of gonal f tonight and then back in the morning for another scan! they were pleased with my lining, so fingers crossed, the nurse mentioned the end of the week for e/c but didn't promise anything!

early morning for me again tinyb, have to there for 7.30 so it means leaving my house just before 6am! lol! it will be worth it though i hope xx
wow, quite a drive away!!!
i was going to complain about having to get up at 6am-ish...but reading that by then
you have to be on your way already... i'm not going to hehe
Yay, so good to see so many of us close to EC!

My AF still isn't here. When did you all get AF when down regging?
i'm not a good example, i started spotting beforehand, so when stopped the meds to
wait for AF, i didn't have to wait very long.
took last pill friday, got AF saturday late night
Trixie, were you on BCP at all? On my cycles without the pill, I would be about a week late getting AF while down regging. This cycle, with BCP, I had the spotting just a couple of days after stopping the pill. Hope she shows soon!

Yeah Looby on getting EC this week!

Tansey, how are you feeling?

Tiny, so glad you get a scan tomorrow! Hopefully it'll show a thin lining so you can start soon!

I had my last scan this morning! I'll get a call this afternoon with my estrogen level and what time to take the trigger. On the scan it showed 11 follicules that were at least 19 and some others that were a little smaller. So hopefully by Wednesday those little ones will catch up a bit. Oh, the dr also said that if my estrogen level was still a little high, he may put me on heperin (sp?) to thin my blood. Oh, and I'll only take 2/3 of the Ovidril because the hsg can cause OHSS symptoms to worsen. Oh dear, please don't let me get OHSS or let my eggies be affected by this!!

Hope everyone is having a good day!
i hope so, if lining is ok and bloodwork is ok i can start the same day, yay!

oh niiiice and big eggos you have, yay!
by wednesday... omg, you're going to break the record haha.
i'll keep my fingers crossed that OHSS doesn't show, awaaaaay you *hisses at OHSS*
hopes4ababy, that's a really good result from scan, you got some corkers brewing in there! And yes, I'm hissing at OHSS for you too *hiss*

Woo-hoo, got AF. Haven't been so happy to see the witch's ugly face since the month I lost my virginity and thought I was preggo, ha ha!

Now I've just gotta think of how I'm gonna get out of training next thurs and fri if they need me to go in for scans - the training's an hour away and starts at 9, ends at 4.30 but clinic hours are 8-5 so gonna be a mare. Is quite expensive intense training. Anyone got any solid excuses I can use? I already have 2 weeks off from 23 August to 'have a cyst removed' (taking it as normal leave as get loads of leave). I could say op's been brought forward but then they might ask for an NHS cert to prove it to the training company to get out of paying for it so need another excuse for missing the first hour or 2 of training. And aren't some scans 2 days in a row as EC gets closer? How can I come up with an excuse for missing the first hour of both, maybe more then 1 hour if I can even get early morning scans?
what type of training? for work i assume?
i'm sure you can get a doctor's note, so your absence is legit, and they cannot ask questions.
or you can use doctor's note one day and blame traffic the next?

eta: of course there's the option of honesty hehe

i'm telling work tomorrow what i'm up to (i'll need a good excuse as to why i'm there 1 hour early anyway haha).
so for next week, when i have scans in the morning i might ask if it's ok if i'm like 15 minutes or so late
or if i can switch shifts with somebody else so i can start an hour later than i normally do
Yeah for AF Trixie!! I hate the whole problem with having to give some excuse for why I'm late for things or have to miss certain things. Can you say that you have to go in for blood work related to the cyst surgery and that those are the clinic hours?
It is training for work, so typical is was booked at the worst possible time. I wish now I'd come up with an excuse. Bloods in prep for cyst removal is a good one. Keep 'em coming.

I wish I didn't have to lie but my boss is one of those hard-nosed career women (nice enough to me though) and she just wouldn't understand. I just don't feel comfortable telling her.
Damn those hard asses! Just because work is their number one priority doesn't mean the rest of us don't have lives!! Good luck with getting around your sticky boss Trixie!

Oh, by the way, I loved the hissing at OHSS Tiny and Trix!

Tansey, good luck on retrieval tomorrow!! You'll do great!

Got the call from the dr today and my estrogen is now at 6200!! Good grief that's high! So tomorrow I have to start the blood thinner Lovenox (sp?) to prevent OHSS symptoms. And guess what? It's a freaking injection! Tomorrow was supossed to be my day off from shots! And depending on how I do at retrieval will determine how many days I have to be on the Lovenox shots. I'm really starting to look like a pin cushion!

Hope everyone is doing well!
I've just been for my scan and my results were borderline :(

I've had to have a blood test to see if I can start stimming tomorrow as planned. The alternative is that I might have to continue DR, as if this process wasn't long enough!!

Wish me luck for the results of my blood tests later.

H xx
Well back from my final scan this morning I think. The nurse expects that we will go for EC on Thursday but they will be calling me at lunchtime to confirm once they have the blood results back. This morning there were 4 follies over 1.8 and another 8 above 1.2 so she said she expects that we will hopefully get about 9 eggs or thereabouts. So fingers crossed, waiting for the call for instruction for the trigger and what time etc, hubby will be going in with me for his ssr so all happening this week! exciting but scary! xx
Hello Lovely Ladys

Reading through your many posts and just wanted to wish you all luck

I am currently on long protocol,day 10 of injecting for down regging.Its my first cycle and we are going straight onto ICSI due to pcos and MF.

The brusaline"not sure if thats spelt right" is the injection I am taking for down regging.I have felt no side effects whats so ever,which makes me feel very nervous if its working.
Next week I go for a baseline scan but not sure what they are looking for,could anyone help me out?

Nat xx
They're looking to check your lining is correct and will measure your down reg levels by blood to see if you're down regged enough to start the stims. Then you'll have scans every other day to see how large the follicles are getting which are harvesting those eggies :)
Hi ladies (posted this in my journal but wated you all to know too)
I'm back resting in hotel now and I'm feeling a lot better but sleepy. I had to stay longer as I was in terrible pain on my left side when I came round and was
We had to wait hours to find out that we had 6 eggs This is what we got last time but hoping the quality is better this time.

I went to the loo and as I wiped I felt somehing hanging out of my foofoo - I panicked and had a look but it was gauze as they had packed me. Neeldless to say I had peed all over the end of it so got DH to get a nurse to take it out. Well A WHOLE BANDAGE LATER!! It was like stuffing your mouth with cotton wool and pulling it out making a dry draging Not a pleasant experience and poor DH's face was a picture! It was almost like a magic trick!

Got to go back tomorrow for a butt shot and the fertilization report.

Also exciting that I got a load of drugs to take:
coraspin = aspirin
folic acid
tetra = antibiotic
progynex = progesterone
prednol = steroid (very happy about this one!)

Can I say good luck to all of you no matter what stage you are at and I will do some personal responses when I've got my energy back! :hugs: and :dust:
Hi girls, here's my update:
Things went well at my scan yesterday. My estradiol level is above 300. I have many follicles on both ovaries (16 left, 22 right) but most are small. I had about 4-5 that were getting close to the 1cm range. The Dr. told me to continue the same dose of Gonal F and Lupron. I also have to continue with the Dexamethesone and Aspirin. Can't wait to see how things change by tomorrow! I still feel great. I have had no side effects (other than an occasional hot flash at night). I'm on a really low dose, so that may be helping.

I have to head out for a bit, so I will come back later to catch up with all of your stories. I am officially home from vacation, so I'll have some time later. Can't wait to see how everyone is doing.
Yeah Tansey on EC!! I can't wait to hear the fertilization report tomorrow!

Looby, glad to hear your scan went well and hopefully all will be set for your EC on Thursday!

Helen, hope you get to start stimming tomorrow! Yeah for you!

Tiny, how did your scan go?

Nat, glad to hear you're on your way with DR. Hopefully not much longer until stims!

I'm feeling really bloated today. Yuck! Just keep reminding myself that by this time tomorrow I should feel a little better!

Have a good day!
glad it went well tansey, how comes you get those drugs after? Is that a turkey thing?! :rofl:
Been some exciting posts this afternoon. How did your call go LoobyLou?

Well done on the EC Tansey, 6 eggs is great. Hope they're all super quality!

Bless you Hopes, all those injections! The things we have to go through to get our babies.

Sounds like things are progressing with you BizyBee - hope your holiday was good.

NatP like you I didn't have any side effects but........good news from me! Blood tests came back fine so I can start stimming from tomorrow for 12 days :happydance::happydance:

:dust: to us all!

H xx

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