Good luck with EC tomorrow Looby!

Bizy, it sounds like you've got a good number of follies growing. Any idea when you might be having EC?

Tiny, Brumbar, Trixie, Helen, hope things are going well for you ladies!

I'm feeling a little better as far as the anesthesia wearing off, but I am super bloated. I'm guessing it's from the OHSS. Just took the Lovenox shot; it hurts like hell! Hopefully not much longer on those as I start the progesterone injections tomorrow. Boo! Those stink too!
If all goes well, it could happen around this time next week!
Hi ladies I have been really upset and angry because out of 6 eggs 3 were too immature and 1 didn't fertilise and that left us with 2 yesterday. However they were already 2 cell which is good. So we went back today (day2) and 1 isn't doing good (whatever that means) but the other 1 is doing well and is 4cells in less than 48hours. So we are praying that out 1 good 1 makes it to 8 cells by tomorrow to be put back and also that maybe the other catches up.
:wave: tansey.

sorry to hear that's not the result we wanted. I really hope the good one makes it 8 cells and that they'll put the other one in anyway.

lots of love xx
Thinking of you Tansey. Sorry hun. xx Praying for your little embies!

Nothing to report from me today. I have some slight cramping in my lower back and I'm having an occasional twinge on my ovaries, but that's it. I have another scan and blood test tomorrow.
Well EC done and we got 10 eggs! Embryologist will call in the morning between 8am-10am so then will find out how many are mature and fertilisation rate. Feeling a little sore and uncomfortable but it all went well.

Hope everyone else okay today x
Yay Looby! FX for a fab fertilization report! xx
Tans, sorry to hear you're upset but keep hopeful sweetie. xx

Loopy, that's good news :)

I'm just waiting for my pre-stimms scan Monday. I just need to hope for a thin womb lining, no cysts and no ovarian activity, right?
remember Tansey...1... you only need 1 for it to happen! keep faith! i'll keep everything crossed for you that you have a top embryo to be put back in you!
Tansey, I'll be thinking about you hun. Keeping fingers crossed that your little embie grows nice and strong.

Looby, great news on EC! I hope you get a great fert report!

I got my fert report this morning and, I don't know what I was expecting, but it hasn't made me feel real positive. Out of 12 eggs, 11 were mature. One of those didn't survive the ICSI, three didn't fertilize, and we are left with 7. I was really hoping that with that many eggs I would be able to go to a 5 day transfer, but it looks like we'll be at a 3 day transfer. We've had crap quality the past two cycles, so I'm just so worried that these will all be crap, too. I just wish there was something that I could have done or could do now to help them be the best possible quality. Dammit! This whole process is so stressful and just plain shitty.
We've had the call this morning from the embryologist, out of our 10 eggs, 8 were mature and 6 have fertilised, so they are planning on going to blast with them. They are going to call us again on Sunday morning with another update and an appointment time for transfer on Tuesday. So we're pretty pleased with that, she said it was a slightly higher than normal fert rate so fingers crossed.

hopesforbaby - so sorry that you're feeling a bit disappointed, will your clinic not try to go to blast with those numbers?

Hope your embies are doing well Tans!

Tiny, how are you feeling?

Hopes and Looby, FX you have some blasties to transfer in a few days time!

Trix, good luck for Monday. Hope your ovaries are dormant and lining is thin!

Hi Brum and Mummy! How are you?

My appt. is in a little while. I'll update when I get the report.
^^ can't wait to hear!!!

feeling fine, first day i had a massive headache, but the day after it was ok
and the days after that, less and less, so yay!
well, i hope that doesn't mean it's not working, i want to see lots of follies on scan monday
I'm shattered today. Me back is killin me! Think its too much computer work and I've felt rubbish this week (think I ovulated) and I sometimes suffer quite a bit lol!

Going out for a yummy chinese tnite and then working all weekend doh!

Looking forward to starting now, keep getting a nervous tummy but just praying this time it will work for us all.

Enjoy the weekend girlies xxx
Had 2 transfered today - very happy that they both made it :)
aaaw awesome!
are they the ones in your avatar?

and pls enlighten the IVF-noob (aka me) what PUPO stands for?
Had a scan today and my EC is scheduled for Monday! OMG! :yipee:

Everything looks good, so I will take my last stims tonight. I have the trigger tomorrow at 10 pm and the retrieval on Monday morning. It's really happening!
I can also take my last aspirin and steroid tonight. I'll start the aspirin back up in a few days.

Here's the low down of my ovaries:
Left: (8 total) 5 follies at 15.5mm, 3 follies at 12mm
Right: (8 total) 3 follies at 18mm, 3 follies at 16mm, and 2 at 14mm
They expect that the smaller ones may catch up and I'll end up with a good number on Monday.

Yay Tans! I knew those babies were fighters.

Tiny, PUPO is Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise! :)

Feel better Mummy. :hugs:

Hi Trix! :hi:
Wow, Bizy that's some great numbers that you've got hope all goes well! good luck!
and Tansey, congrats on being PUPO, 2 lovely embies snuggling down, wishing you all the best!
Good luck to all the rest of you girlies too!

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