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Good news girls! I went in for my scan (5w2d) and was able to see a little sac in my uterus (unexpected as it's early). My beta went from 171 on Thursday to 1290 today! :happydance: That is a very good sign that things are ok. No more worries of ectopic (at least at this point). I am so happy. :cloud9:
obviously i wasn't fully awake yet this morning as i didn't read this!
awesome news!!! yay
Hi everyone

BizyBee that is really good news.

Hopesforababy sounds like you have been through so much. It seems my situation is also quite similiar to yours, but I am still at the beginning of my journey. I have only just had 1st IVF/ICSI. I have no problems either. They said ?PCOS but only on a marginal blood test, no confirmation on scans. I really feel for you both. For men this the worst possible situation. It affects how they feel about their masculinity. They also have to put up with our feelings and emotions, the feeling that they cannot provide the very thing money can't buy. I'm not surprised he is having anxiety attacks. And not surprised you are emotional. I have been all over the place emotionally this week on two week wait. The choices you are faced with are tough. I am not adverse to the idea of a donor either because as you said you can still do IVF in the future. However, its a difficult decision. I really can emphathise with you. A year seems like eternity when you are going through this. As Tansey said you probably do need some counselling to help you. Just know that you are not alone in feeling the way you do.

Tiny where are you from then. I presumed you was from the UK. Good luck for blood test. Did you have any symptoms by the way?

Anyway, good luck everyone. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tiny where are you from then. I presumed you was from the UK. Good luck for blood test. Did you have any symptoms by the way?

belgium :)

main symptoms were the af like ache/cramps when i got up (in the morning),
tired more easily (but i think the progesteron caps help with that too),
tender breasts (i blame that on the pregnyl for now though)...

and the last few days - since this weekend- nausea, nothing horrible really,
my mom told me in advance when she had MS she ate a granny smith apple,
so i've been doing the same when i start to feel a bit sick and that helps idd!
Tiny, wonderful wonderful news. Where are we at with confirmed pregnancies? My brain is frazzled. Is it just Tiny?

Hopes, so so sorry, really feel for you.

As for me, hanging in there. Working on final revisions for my book so takes my mind off it. The biggest struggle is trying to believe it could happen. Totally presume it won't which is silly, need to think it will so it does! Got spots, cramps, tired, grumpy... but these are all side effects of pessaries I'm taking and also had these symptoms a million times before in previous cycles so I'm like, 'whatever'.
How did your egg collection go MummyIwanabe?x

Thanks Tiny. Hope the sickness not too bad. Never heard the one about grannysmith apples before. By the way, I love Belgium me and my husband did a road trip through Europe for our honeymoon ending in Italy. We didn't stay long in Belgium but loved it.

By the way Trixie you aren't alone. I have convinced myself it hasn't worked. Sounds like you have promising symptoms. I have sore breasts but no cramping. Yesterday I was very doom and gloom but guess is a side affect of all drugs. I am also fed up because I have put on 10Ibs. But other than that nothing. I also have a whopping great cold sore. So now don't want to face world with coldsore and weight gain. Oh well, will have to as going out today. Its lovely and sunny here so hopefully will remain nice for trip.xx
Had my EC yesterday and got 10 eggs but 6 were immature

I'm wondering whether my FS sent me too early for EC or whether I need more trigger shot.

That aside the clinic called and the other 4 - 3 out of 4 fertilised with the fourth possibly - have to call back tomorrow to see.

The 6 immature were germinal vesicle the most immature and today they are M1.

They need to be M2 to fertilise and the clinic said there's nothing they can do with them. Can't they keep watching them to see if they get to M2 and then try ivf with them and then i could freeze them or does it not work like that?

i asked the clinic if there was anything they could do and they said not at this stage. what does that mean?

Should I call again and ask why they can't keep watching them?

Anyone else had this or know what I should do?

Also if i have 3, will they transfer 3 or will they insist only 2 due to my age?
Hi mummyIwanabe

I would question why FS sent you for EC before more eggs mature.

That said, can't go back in time. As for transferring 3. It depends where you are from in the world. In the UK they have very strict regulations on embroyo transfer. I think they are likely to put to two back. They may freeze the last one.

However, you should probably take guidance from embroyologist. I'm not sure that helps.

Wish you luck in nerve wracking timexx
I will be questioning it if it fails :nope:

I'm in UK so guessing 2 will be put back in if I have 2 by sat. I doubt I'll get a frostie.

Going to phone tomorrow to see if fourth embie has fertilised.

Thanks Inky x
I will be questioning it if it fails :nope:

I'm in UK so guessing 2 will be put back in if I have 2 by sat. I doubt I'll get a frostie.

Going to phone tomorrow to see if fourth embie has fertilised.

Thanks Inky x

Some of my eggs didn't fertilise, it's not the fertility clinic's fault. Follicles develop at different rates, this is why your follicles would've been different sizes as you were scanned, there's not much they can do about it. If they gave you more of a trigger shot, the ones that were on the verge of maturing would mature too much and pop. So really, it's out of their control. From what I gather as well, once the egg is taken out of you, it needs special treatment to mature them artificially which costs a bunch more and is only feasible if it's been agreed beforehand. Anyway, maybe give them a call, they can explain this all but it's standard procedure in clinics for it all to work like this.
Inky, I look like a leper, my skin is horrendous and hair is all limp. Seeing my friends tonight for a Chinese and have warned them about how I look, not that they care but hey. I see you live in Sevenoaks, I have friends who live there (and Tunbridge), love it (apart from the traffic on the M25 to get there ;-)

So just 1 pregnancy so far for us August bunch?
I'm just about to go out so will be quick

MummyIwanabe waiting for eggs to fertilise is a nerve wracking time. Its hard to reassure you, but I sure you'll get two back. This time who knows you might even get twins. Have high hopes for you. I read your blog, and you are young so got high chances. When my eggs were being processed (so to speak) I couldn't even take a phone call from the lab. Handed phone to husband. I also rang them back to question them as wasn't sure about a few things. At this time your fate is in their hands so ...very hard.

Enjoy your night out tonight Trixie. Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about the way they look. Yes, Sevenoaks is nice. I come from Greater LOndon originally so nice change. I will say though, it is the home of the Daily Mail reader. Anyway, must really dash now. Need to put about five layers of concealer over coldsore to cover it prior to going outxxxx

I think there is 3 pregnancies for August so far, Bizy, Tiny and loubbylou (think thats how spelt) Also waiting for Helen as had low beta result ?chem pregnancy. Hopefully beta will rise.
Yup, 3 so far (looby, tiny, me) but praying for Helen too.

Sending loads of dust to the PUPO gals. :dust: Holding out hope for you. xx

Mummy, hoping for lots of cell dividing and growth this week. You'll be PUPO soon!

Hopes, so sorry hun that you and OH are going through this. :hugs:

Tans, how are you darlin?
Thanks girls :hugs:

Hopes I'm so sorry to hear longer journey you may have to face. It's good that your DH is considering donor sperm. My DH FREAKS any time it's mentioned and refuses to accept that it might be an option for us. From my side I'm not sure how many times I can keep doing this, I'm exhausted by it all.
Yes would be great if we both came back with good news but I POAS this morning on an IC and I got the faintest of faintest lines so I think it's likely the hcg is leaving my body so not that hopeful.

H xx

Hugs Hun x
Good news girls! I went in for my scan (5w2d) and was able to see a little sac in my uterus (unexpected as it's early). My beta went from 171 on Thursday to 1290 today! :happydance: That is a very good sign that things are ok. No more worries of ectopic (at least at this point). I am so happy. :cloud9:

Yay Tiny, that's quite a bfp! xx
Helen, hope your test goes well and it's going up, not down.
Inky, the internet can be so bad for our sanity! FX for you.

Fab news Hun x
i'm not officially confirmed yet, i'm expecting a phone call in 5 hours (might be 8 hours too, depending how busy it gets bc FS makes it a point to call everyone himself to tell them the news)

i so hope for good news
OMFG!! Still complicated!!!!!!!!!

My results today was 75 where it should have been over 100. The thing is its still rising though so they said I was classed as being pregnant!

The nurse did say that sometimes if its not going to work properly that the level rises before it falls. I'm also spotting more now so that has me worried but I spoke to one of the doctors and they said that spotting is not an indication of how things will go either way.

They have said there is nothing more they can do at this stage so they've booked me in for a scan on 23 September and I will be in limbo land until then unless I go on and have a period.

Tiny - I hope your results are more clear cut than mine.

I hope all you other lovely ladies are well, I appreciate your support so much on this journey and I hope that we all eventually get our happy endings.


H xx
sorry you still don't know, what a long wait that is to find out - at least for now your bean is still there and hopefully come 23 sept you will see it crystal clear :)


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