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Thanks Mummy and good news about your eggs fertilising. Hope you get some good quality embies out of it.

H xx
Hi Helen well that sounds very optimistic. Really gunning for you.x

MummyIwanabe, I will send magic vibes to your embies in the lab and will them to divide into beautiful specimens.:flower:

(edit - I think two week wait is sending me round the twist!)
helen, i'm happy you're still in the running!!!! i hope you see a cute little one bouncing around on your scan!

still no phone call here, so i'm still sure-unsure
i got the call!!!!

definatly positive, my HCG is over 300!
i am beyooond happy!
Tiny, I am so happy for you!!!! :wohoo::wohoo: Congratulations on that :bfp:

And well done on the hcg levels although I've just checked and you were a couple of days ahead of me so if my levels start to go up properly I shouldn't be too far behind you.

Speaking of which I went out and bought a Clearblue Digi because I just wanted to see the words and sure enough it came back 'pregnant 2-3 weeks' which it says equates to what the doctors would class as 4-5 weeks which is about right I think.

I can't believe after all these weeks of IVF I still have another 2 weeks of waiting to go :wacko::wacko:

Trix and Inky - Ive heard that when the hcg injection goes out of your system it can leave you feeling down which is why you both might be feeling it's not going to happen for you. I hope with all my heart it does for you guys and Natp and Mummy (and anyone else I've forgotten!)

Congrats again Tiny woo hoo!!!

H xx
Congrats tiny! that's great news!
Helen - hope AF stays away and that level keeps rising, will have my fingers crossed for you!

I've been rubbish the last wk, been AWOL, very busy with other things and have been avoiding bnb a bit to try and relax and stop worrying about things! 2 weeks til scan then hoping i will relax! Sounds really awful that when i know so many of you have been going through the mill, it's just taking a lot of getting my head round that fact that the ivf has worked.

Hope evryone is well xxx
OMFG!! Still complicated!!!!!!!!!

My results today was 75 where it should have been over 100. The thing is its still rising though so they said I was classed as being pregnant!

The nurse did say that sometimes if its not going to work properly that the level rises before it falls. I'm also spotting more now so that has me worried but I spoke to one of the doctors and they said that spotting is not an indication of how things will go either way.

They have said there is nothing more they can do at this stage so they've booked me in for a scan on 23 September and I will be in limbo land until then unless I go on and have a period.

Tiny - I hope your results are more clear cut than mine.

I hope all you other lovely ladies are well, I appreciate your support so much on this journey and I hope that we all eventually get our happy endings.


H xx

Hugs Hun, sorry you have to be in limbo even longer.it's just not fair on you or ya hubby

Fingers crossed and you are preggers so lots pma lol

Nat x
Congrats tiny! that's great news!
Helen - hope AF stays away and that level keeps rising, will have my fingers crossed for you!

I've been rubbish the last wk, been AWOL, very busy with other things and have been avoiding bnb a bit to try and relax and stop worrying about things! 2 weeks til scan then hoping i will relax! Sounds really awful that when i know so many of you have been going through the mill, it's just taking a lot of getting my head round that fact that the ivf has worked.

Hope evryone is well xxx

I understand Hun, I have avoided bnb on occasions, as it can be stressful sometimes
It's all about self preservation Hun
Nat x
Hello lovely ladys,
Just some advice after icsi/ivf treatment how do I work my period out?

Do I time 28 days from my last period


Do I add 14 days on from the time of ovulation I.e day off egg collection


Reasons I ask, I am convinced period is coming. I have strong period like pains in both sides of my ovaries. They are aching when they don't give me a stabbing pain.Also cervical mucus has bits of blood in it 'sorry tmi'

Feeling down as I am convinced AF is on her way

Currently on day 7 since egg transfer

Hope everyone is well
Nat x
I don't really know too much hun. But when I did my cycle, I didn't get my af until 2 days after stopping progesterone - and I had spotting after due to left over follicles rupturing.

BUT Hey don't count yourself out!!! Everyone seems to say that the symptoms are the same.

Congrats Tiny!

Helen, I hope your numbers continue to rise and that you are on your way to a healthy pregnancy!

Nat, Trixie, and everyone else, I'm thinking of you ladies and hoping for all the best.

DH and I are doing better today. We had a long talk with my parents last night and are getting to a better place. I have a call in with an infertility counselor for next week and have an appointment with FS the week after. We would do donor sperm if we do it. The thing with embryo adoption is that it's like a real adoption. You have to put together a life book, the bio parents of the embryo pick us. We'd have to get a lawyer and do the whole home study thing. I didn't think it would be so complicated! But the donor sperm route we just pick a donor, have it sent to our clinic, and then do the procedure. They are thinking we'd just have to do IUI with the donor sperm, but I'm not too impressed with the chances with IUI. But I guess we'll figure it out in the coming weeks. Thank you all for your continued support!
Nat, you count +14 days from egg collection
and you're not out yet, i've felt like AF was on her way every single day since 5 days after transfer,
might just as well be the muscles there stretching out a bit
my clinic said you can't tell when your period is due as the hormones throw everything out of whack. The pessaries usually keep your period at bay and then once you stop them it comes soon after usually. For me that wasn't the case and it came 1-2 days earlier than my OTD.

Don't panic yet, you're only half way xx
Well I checked cervical mucus and it was a very light pinky brown last night. Today it's creamy White but I am thinking that's the progestion meds.
I have noticed my cervix has closed up and gone slightly higher.....have any of you lovely ladys experienced this? Or know what it means or why it happens?

Nat x
Well I checked cervical mucus and it was a very light pinky brown last night. Today it's creamy White but I am thinking that's the progestion meds.
I have noticed my cervix has closed up and gone slightly higher.....have any of you lovely ladys experienced this? Or know what it means or why it happens?

Nat x
Congrats Tiny!

Helen, I hope your numbers continue to rise and that you are on your way to a healthy pregnancy!

Nat, Trixie, and everyone else, I'm thinking of you ladies and hoping for all the best.

DH and I are doing better today. We had a long talk with my parents last night and are getting to a better place. I have a call in with an infertility counselor for next week and have an appointnt with FS the week after. We would do donor sperm if we do it. The thing with embryo adoption is that it's like a real adoption. You have to put together a life book, the bio parents of the embryo pick us. We'd have to get a lawyer and do the whole home study thing. I didn't think it would be so complicated! But the donor sperm route we just pick a donor, have it sent to our clinic, and then do the procedure. They are thinking we'd just have to do IUI with the donor sperm, but I'm not too impressed with the chances with IUI. But I guess we'll figure it out in the coming weeks. Thank you all for your continued support!

Hugs Hun xx
Hope it's implantation bleeding nat! AF symptoms mimic pregnancy ones, so don't worry.

Congrats Tiny and Helen! :happydance:

Mummy, have you heard about your embies? Hope they are doing well.

Hopes :hugs:

PUPO ladies: :dust: and :hugs:
3 embies, the fourth didn't make it.

I feel really sad as this time our FS wanted to see top quality embroyos but its the same as last time.

2 fair embies at 2 cells (they expect between 2-4 cells on day 2)
and 1 poor at 5 cells (it's poor as they said it's uneven)

I feel like it's all over already why can't I get good quality embryos...

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