IVF/ICSI/FET Cycle Starting November... Anyone else? - 4 BFN, 6 BFP, 1 angel!

Hey everyone,

Nvr2late - I am at a clinic in Newmarket - Northern Reproductive Therapies. I remember looking into that clinic is missisauga. Do you like it there?

AFM - I am kind of nervous/excited for tomorrow. I have my follow up appt from my first failed ivf/icsi cycle.
I know it may sound sillythat I am having another cycle without having the follow up appt yet - but I have spoken with the clinic director and some of the nurses and they spoke with the doctor to find out if she recommended that I try again right away and they said that she said yes - even though I haven't had the follow up yet. I am nervous to hear what she tells me about why the cycle didn't work - or more about what our problems are or what our chances now are. I can guess what she is going to say - no reasons - just try everything the same again - lower the dose of stims to avoid ohss.
Megg, a shred of PMA?? LOLLL I've got a shred. hehehee

You just sounded so disheartened in your poast! LOL Maybe I just read it with the wrong inflection! Sorry about that! :flower: Forgive me? :hugs:

P.S. You better have more than just a shred! :winkwink:
Megg, no you didn't read it wrong. I have been very disheartened but I am trying to get myself back in a positive state of mind (without setting myself up for major heartache) :)

I swear, every week some poor person sees my little jeep driving back from the FS office bawling my eyes out. this whole process has made me very emotional. Add in a few good songs on the radio and I am a weeping mess.
Hi, girls. Well, here we go again. I am starting bcps today and stims in 3 weeks. We hope to get a cycle in by Tgiving. The doc has determined that I have a diminished ovarian reserve, so, I realistically have a 25% chance of this working. Not great odds but we are going to give it another shot. If it does not look like we are stimming well, we will likely abandon the cycle.


I wanted to reach out and let you know that I understand how you feel I am 37 and met my Mr Right late in life, only married 1 year ago but TTC for 17 months. I am desperate for a baby and never thought that it would be a problem but after all my testing my AMH came back extremely low for my age which was a bit of a shock. I am about to start my first round of IVF and I know people would say my chances of success are lower but I tend not to think about numbers. We are not numbers we are people and what we have to remember is that we could be one of those 25%, there is absolutely no logic to any of this TTC journey some people are young and get great numbers of eggs collected with top grading and still no BFP and then an older lady with few eggs and lower grade goes and get pregnant with twins.

You have to believe that this will work for you and focus on that thought. Hang in there we are all thinking of you and willing it to go well this time.:hugs:
Your right Carolb, there's just no logic to it but it's the best chance we have if we have "problems" conceiving, so we've just got to go for it.

Megg, your calander is very full, it's scary when it's written down like that too.

Blue, good luck with your appt today, I hope it goes okay for you and let's hope you don't get OHSS again this time. I would be seriously annoyed for you if you did, they can't let that happen at all!

AFM - I'm on 12DPO and no sign of AF, pretty unusual for me with no spotting. Tested last night but nothing BFN so I don't have any hope for a natural BFP before IVF. Stinking sore head this morning so that probably means AF is iminent.

OH said he might go to information evening on the 18th November, I was really surprised! We'll see if he does come along. He always seems to be working late these days. His MD left and he seems to have more and more to do these last 2 weeks.

Anyway I'd better go and get ready for work. BNB in the morning is so BAD for me! lol! Catch you all later ladies.

Thanks for the info re the info evening, lol my OH will hate that! he was not keen on starting IVF in the first place as worried about how it will affect me etc, so I could prob do without him there if we do have to attend one! Mind you, he is manic at work and away a lot recently so that might for once work in my favour!

Megg your calender is very full! Gives a good insight tho as to what is ahead!!
Thanks, Carole! Isn't it funny...I never thought 37 (actually, will be 38 in a few weeks) was all that old until I started this darn process. My mom had my sis naturally at 39. My good friend is pregnant now naturally at 42 after just 5 mos of trying. LOL...and then there is little old me with my diminished egg reserve. I mention my 25% because my fs, who is a wonderful compassionate person, sat me down yesterday and spent an hour with me. He wanted me to weigh all pros and cons (college education costs of our other kids, etc). Based on what he has seen, my chances are lower than normal...25-35%. Then, he brought me in for an ultrasound and was even more concerned...he said realistically 25%. He was brutally honest. But, also warm and genuine. That is when he said we have an "escape hatch." We are going to start stimming and if it doesn't look good, we are going to bail before the major costs of IVF happen at the retrieval.

I tell you all this dear because your chances are likely better than mine. Hugs to you!!
Megg I know you put up your calendar - and it can look very overwhelming - but as much as it looks on paper - I personally found ivf to be "underwhleming" lol.

It is strange because I expected to be so overwhelmed but it didn't feel as overwhelming as I expected (based on how it looks on paper). It came to be less than 10 mins a day between swallowing a few pills and doing injections.

I found the challenging part to be all the scan visits and waiting to find out if things were on track or if things were going as they were supposed to be.

Sorry for my ramble there - I am just trying to say don't worry too much about the needles and the pills - everyone will come to find them easy. xo
Megg, no you didn't read it wrong. I have been very disheartened but I am trying to get myself back in a positive state of mind (without setting myself up for major heartache) :)

I swear, every week some poor person sees my little jeep driving back from the FS office bawling my eyes out. this whole process has made me very emotional. Add in a few good songs on the radio and I am a weeping mess.

I understand! I thought it sounded like a sad post, but then re-thought! :hugs: This process couldn't NOT make you emotional and weepy! Its just in its nature!

Your right Carolb, there's just no logic to it but it's the best chance we have if we have "problems" conceiving, so we've just got to go for it.

Megg, your calander is very full, it's scary when it's written down like that too.

Blue, good luck with your appt today, I hope it goes okay for you and let's hope you don't get OHSS again this time. I would be seriously annoyed for you if you did, they can't let that happen at all!

AFM - I'm on 12DPO and no sign of AF, pretty unusual for me with no spotting. Tested last night but nothing BFN so I don't have any hope for a natural BFP before IVF. Stinking sore head this morning so that probably means AF is iminent.

OH said he might go to information evening on the 18th November, I was really surprised! We'll see if he does come along. He always seems to be working late these days. His MD left and he seems to have more and more to do these last 2 weeks.

Anyway I'd better go and get ready for work. BNB in the morning is so BAD for me! lol! Catch you all later ladies.


Sorry about the BFN! There is still time! :hugs:

Thanks, Carole! Isn't it funny...I never thought 37 (actually, will be 38 in a few weeks) was all that old until I started this darn process. My mom had my sis naturally at 39. My good friend is pregnant now naturally at 42 after just 5 mos of trying. LOL...and then there is little old me with my diminished egg reserve. I mention my 25% because my fs, who is a wonderful compassionate person, sat me down yesterday and spent an hour with me. He wanted me to weigh all pros and cons (college education costs of our other kids, etc). Based on what he has seen, my chances are lower than normal...25-35%. Then, he brought me in for an ultrasound and was even more concerned...he said realistically 25%. He was brutally honest. But, also warm and genuine. That is when he said we have an "escape hatch." We are going to start stimming and if it doesn't look good, we are going to bail before the major costs of IVF happen at the retrieval.

I tell you all this dear because your chances are likely better than mine. Hugs to you!!

Your FS sounds like he has a truly kind heart. I'm glad he's being realistic but warm... That's hard to find. Can I ask what he saw on your u/s that made him more concerned?

Megg I know you put up your calendar - and it can look very overwhelming - but as much as it looks on paper - I personally found ivf to be "underwhleming" lol.

It is strange because I expected to be so overwhelmed but it didn't feel as overwhelming as I expected (based on how it looks on paper). It came to be less than 10 mins a day between swallowing a few pills and doing injections.

I found the challenging part to be all the scan visits and waiting to find out if things were on track or if things were going as they were supposed to be.

Sorry for my ramble there - I am just trying to say don't worry too much about the needles and the pills - everyone will come to find them easy. xo

Looking at it IS overwhelming... but, I honestly don't expect it to feel that way. Its really just 3 slots I'm dealing with each day... AM, lunchtime, and PM. Even at the worst of times, there's not that much at once... but the calendar is daunting to see.
It is strange because I expected to be so overwhelmed but it didn't feel as overwhelming as I expected (based on how it looks on paper). It came to be less than 10 mins a day between swallowing a few pills and doing injections.

I'm so glad you've said this! I am seriously hoping to be underwhelmed by the needles!!

So you're 4 days away from DR Blue? you'll be exactly 2 weeks ahead of me, so I'll be stalking you! How was your followup today? Could they tell you anything useful?

MSG - It's great that you have an escape hatch, hope you don't need it. 25% is still better odds than couples with no fertility issues & the FS will always point out the worst case scenario. Sincerely hope your ovaries suprise you!

Megg - how's you? are you def having that polyp removed on Mon?

Kiki - our clinic insisted on both of us attending the info eve & said they like to see both partners all the way through if possible. I thought it was quite interesting & was good for DH to see the process as he's never on the internet & it wouldn't enter his head to google stuff!

AFM, Got my start date - 8th November. & 1st scan on 24th Nov. Wierded out now!

Everyone else - Hope you're ok. I'm not very good at keeping up with everyone & remembering who's doing what, but I'll do my best! Good wishes to you all. x

...must do some work now!
Megg, how's Peoria today?? Beautiful crisp fall day just a few hours away.

Anyway, Megg, my fs is wonderful. He is probably the most compassionate person I have ever met...that in itself made me want to cry. LOL!! Anyway, he did a new antral follicle count and actually came to look himself. My left ovary looks pretty good but my right ovary, well, is a real drag. This explains why on my last ivf cycle, i only got 2 mature eggs on right ovary. The antral follicles on that ovary are very small. He measured the ovaries and the follicles. Apparently, he expects them to be a certain size just under normal conditions and a sign of diminished ovarian reserve is if they are smaller than that size.
It is strange because I expected to be so overwhelmed but it didn't feel as overwhelming as I expected (based on how it looks on paper). It came to be less than 10 mins a day between swallowing a few pills and doing injections.

I'm so glad you've said this! I am seriously hoping to be underwhelmed by the needles!!

So you're 4 days away from DR Blue? you'll be exactly 2 weeks ahead of me, so I'll be stalking you! How was your followup today? Could they tell you anything useful?

MSG - It's great that you have an escape hatch, hope you don't need it. 25% is still better odds than couples with no fertility issues & the FS will always point out the worst case scenario. Sincerely hope your ovaries suprise you!

Megg - how's you? are you def having that polyp removed on Mon?

Kiki - our clinic insisted on both of us attending the info eve & said they like to see both partners all the way through if possible. I thought it was quite interesting & was good for DH to see the process as he's never on the internet & it wouldn't enter his head to google stuff!

AFM, Got my start date - 8th November. & 1st scan on 24th Nov. Wierded out now!

Everyone else - Hope you're ok. I'm not very good at keeping up with everyone & remembering who's doing what, but I'll do my best! Good wishes to you all. x

...must do some work now!

Megg I know you put up your calendar - and it can look very overwhelming - but as much as it looks on paper - I personally found ivf to be "underwhleming" lol.

It is strange because I expected to be so overwhelmed but it didn't feel as overwhelming as I expected (based on how it looks on paper). It came to be less than 10 mins a day between swallowing a few pills and doing injections.

I found the challenging part to be all the scan visits and waiting to find out if things were on track or if things were going as they were supposed to be.

Sorry for my ramble there - I am just trying to say don't worry too much about the needles and the pills - everyone will come to find them easy. xo

Blue, I couldn't agree more...the scans were the most difficult for me. the injections seemed easy.
It is strange because I expected to be so overwhelmed but it didn't feel as overwhelming as I expected (based on how it looks on paper). It came to be less than 10 mins a day between swallowing a few pills and doing injections.

I'm so glad you've said this! I am seriously hoping to be underwhelmed by the needles!!

So you're 4 days away from DR Blue? you'll be exactly 2 weeks ahead of me, so I'll be stalking you! How was your followup today? Could they tell you anything useful?

MSG - It's great that you have an escape hatch, hope you don't need it. 25% is still better odds than couples with no fertility issues & the FS will always point out the worst case scenario. Sincerely hope your ovaries suprise you!

Megg - how's you? are you def having that polyp removed on Mon?

Kiki - our clinic insisted on both of us attending the info eve & said they like to see both partners all the way through if possible. I thought it was quite interesting & was good for DH to see the process as he's never on the internet & it wouldn't enter his head to google stuff!

AFM, Got my start date - 8th November. & 1st scan on 24th Nov. Wierded out now!

Everyone else - Hope you're ok. I'm not very good at keeping up with everyone & remembering who's doing what, but I'll do my best! Good wishes to you all. x

...must do some work now!

I'm good! Definitely all systems go for Monday! Got a call this morning that I have an "anesthesia consult" at 10am tomorrow. She said its pretty routine. :shrug:

Yay for start & scan dates!

Megg, how's Peoria today?? Beautiful crisp fall day just a few hours away.

Anyway, Megg, my fs is wonderful. He is probably the most compassionate person I have ever met...that in itself made me want to cry. LOL!! Anyway, he did a new antral follicle count and actually came to look himself. My left ovary looks pretty good but my right ovary, well, is a real drag. This explains why on my last ivf cycle, i only got 2 mature eggs on right ovary. The antral follicles on that ovary are very small. He measured the ovaries and the follicles. Apparently, he expects them to be a certain size just under normal conditions and a sign of diminished ovarian reserve is if they are smaller than that size.

A little cool! Very clear! :thumbup:

That's great that you have someone you like so much. I really do like my FS too, and it makes a HUGE difference! I understand what you're saying with the U/S now. I could have figured that out, you'd think! :dohh: But, my brain is elsewhere sometimes! lol Well, I have all the hope in the world for you! :hugs:
Had acupuncture this morning and a few hours later my period started - 2 days early. Argh. Anyway, this means I can now book my sono and pap test, and now only one cycle stands between me and IVF :) Starting to get excited, but trying to be practical as well, as I was super-psyched the last time and when it didn't work, I was devestated.

Anywho, onward and upward!!!
Had acupuncture this morning and a few hours later my period started - 2 days early. Argh. Anyway, this means I can now book my sono and pap test, and now only one cycle stands between me and IVF :) Starting to get excited, but trying to be practical as well, as I was super-psyched the last time and when it didn't work, I was devestated.

Anywho, onward and upward!!!

Thats great nvr! One step closer x

Can i join your thread. I have joined every thread from May - Nov due to the problems I have had OHSS, delayed AF waiting for FET etc. Started down reg on the 17th Oct first scan 08th Nov.

Good luck everyone x
Had acupuncture this morning and a few hours later my period started - 2 days early. Argh. Anyway, this means I can now book my sono and pap test, and now only one cycle stands between me and IVF :) Starting to get excited, but trying to be practical as well, as I was super-psyched the last time and when it didn't work, I was devestated.

Anywho, onward and upward!!!

Thats great nvr! One step closer x

Agreed! Any step in the right direction is good at this point!
Sure, Tory! :hugs: Hope there are no more bumps in the road for you! So, is this considered your 1st cycle then? Or...? IVF, ICSI, or FET?
Hi Megg

I have had different feed back from hospital if it is considered all 1 cycle (FET). I am hoping and think it is. I have 3 ivf at my hospital. I just read about Sharon Davies who had 8 attemps before she got her Baby and she said she would have carried on until it happened. It has given me inspiration that we all will get a BFP one day xx

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