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IVF/ICSI/FET Cycle Starting November... Anyone else? - 4 BFN, 6 BFP, 1 angel!

Teapot - my first one that we did ourselves wasnt the best either. It was the only one that seemed to have hit a capillary and spurted blood when we took the needle out!! Hubby had a very surprised look on his face as he stuck his finger on my spurting tummy!!!

Tory - I hope that you are wrong too, fingers crossed for you xx

Megg - Thats a great amount! Cant wait to find out your EC date, I bet its close to mine at the rate you are growing your follies!!!

AFM - I trigger tomorrow night! Cycle is not cancelled. The consultant said I didnt have as many follies as he would have expected for my age but I have 3 on the left (16, 19, 22mm) and 4 on right (10, 13, 13, 16mm) so should get at least 4 eggs from the large ones and who knows, the small ones may catch up?

I cant say im not dissapointed with having just 4 good ones but the consultant reminded me that its quality not quantity that they are after (Im sure they just say that to us ladies with few follicles to make us feel better).

I do my trigger at 11.45pm saturday and then EC monday 6th. I guess with so few follies its unlikely to have enough to go to a 5dt and more likely a 3dt but if the lucky one to be put back takes then I wont have a care in the world!!!!

Oh man! I would love to trigger tomorrow night! I'm sick of the stims! I hope we can follow the same schedule. If not, I might just be a day behind you! We're destined to be bump buddies, Fluffy! I know it! :hugs:

So much for that! Just spoke with the clinic. They're having me wait until Sunday to come back now. My E2 was 584. She said it just might take a couple more days. I don't know. I'm confused, as the internet suggests that's just right for my stage of stimming. Oh well... sleeping in tomorrow and going Sunday instead.
Hi Girls

It's over for me witch has got me and two test BFN.

I wish you all loads of luck. I will keep reading and supporting you all from the sidelines

Tory xx
Tory, I'm so so sorry. Big :hugs::hugs:

I hope that you have lots of support around you to help you through this.

I would treat yourself to a huge bar of chocolate, a huge glass of wine or 6 and a huge hug from your OH.

Thinking of you,
H xx
Tory I am so so so sorry hun. Take some special time with your oh. xo

You will get your little one. xo
So sorry Tory, you must be so disappointed. take care of yourselves :hugs:
Tory, so sorry for your bad news.

Take good care of yourself & OH.

Megg - I hope your blood and scan went well this morning!!!
Scan now shows 20 follicles... all between 14-22mm!!! :happydance: The blood hasn't come back yet, but we already know I'm going to trigger tonight and have egg collection on Tuesday! I'm so happy I could burst!
That's fab news Megg!! :)

AFM - just started spotting at 9dpo. I've had ongoing problems with spotting so I'm guessing that means I'm out. I'm beyond devastated :sad2: and would love to hope and pray its implantation bleeding but its just like the spotting I've had before.

I'm not due to test until Friday but I have a feeling AF will show up before then. I had 2 top quality embies, I'm not sure what more I can do?

Will keep you posted,
H xx
Helen I am praying that you are not "out" and that it is implantation bleeding. I thought you were much further than 9dpo. I am 7dpo - only 2 days behind.

Sending tons of :hugs: and :dust: xo

I think the wait is one of the hardest parts of this process.
Helen I'm praying this is not spotting for you. I've had problems with spotting on a normal cycle and it does my head in. The thing that's weird is that I've been really relaxed about taking my vitamins these last two cycles, couldn't be bothered about them and my spotting had been non existant, which is weird.

Anyway, I hope this is just implantation for you. Take care!
Helen - fingers crossed its implantation xx

Megg - Thats great you are only a day behind me!!

AFM - Triggered last night, mixed emotions really. I dont feel ready as its come around so quickly. Think my head is a little messed up and im stuggling to see this ending positvely. I dont understand why. Im just terrified of how I will cope if it doesnt work. Need to switch my mind around. Hoping to be more positve for egg collection tomorrow!!

Baby dust to all xx
Good luck fluffy. I know what you mean about not being ready and scared of it failing. Postive thoughts are a must though, so please please try. You can tell me all this just shortly :rofl:

I've been on a downer, could actually say I'm depressed really but feeling alot better today.
That's fab news Megg!! :)

AFM - just started spotting at 9dpo. I've had ongoing problems with spotting so I'm guessing that means I'm out. I'm beyond devastated :sad2: and would love to hope and pray its implantation bleeding but its just like the spotting I've had before.

I'm not due to test until Friday but I have a feeling AF will show up before then. I had 2 top quality embies, I'm not sure what more I can do?

Will keep you posted,
H xx

I hope you're wrong! FX'd for a surprise BFP for you!

Helen - fingers crossed its implantation xx

Megg - Thats great you are only a day behind me!!

AFM - Triggered last night, mixed emotions really. I dont feel ready as its come around so quickly. Think my head is a little messed up and im stuggling to see this ending positvely. I dont understand why. Im just terrified of how I will cope if it doesnt work. Need to switch my mind around. Hoping to be more positve for egg collection tomorrow!!

Baby dust to all xx

I'm also wondering how I'll cope if it doesn't work. I'm trying to tell myself it WILL work though! FX'd for us both!
Scan now shows 20 follicles... all between 14-22mm!!! :happydance: The blood hasn't come back yet, but we already know I'm going to trigger tonight and have egg collection on Tuesday! I'm so happy I could burst!

...20 Fantastic Follies & EC on tues, brilliant! Can't wait for your updates this week!

Fluffy - thinking of you / EC today. Really looking forward to hearing your update later, hope it all goes well.

OMG Blue! 7DPO already - can't believe how quickly time passes. Everything crossed for you ;)

Wallie, hope you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hard to be positive when you're playing the waiting game & the weather's a bit naff. Hope you feel better today. x

Helen, like the others, I pray this is implantation spotting for you. take care of yourself & take a few days off if you can - even just to rest & hopefully see a nice bfp in the comfort of your own home. x ...have you had trouble with spotting just this cycle or forever?

AFM - :flasher: On to 6th day of stims, had a niggly headache on/off since last wednesday, but it reminds me to drink something! Mostly drinking water, glass of milk each eve, ginger tea with honey, & the odd decaff coffee or black tea. Is decaff coffee ok?
...I've been taking green tea capsules & Acai berry extract - is it best if I scrap these now? I know antioxidants are a good thing, but then I don't want to take risks really.

I was a bit emotional yesterday, dunno if I can blame the drugs or if it was putting up my parents Christmas decs with my brothers & sisters (age range 24-42!!) We have the same 70's decs from when we were children & it always makes me happy/sad.
(ha ha, maybe it is the drugs, 'cos just typing that last bit made me cry!! NOT GOOD with customers coming in & out!)

...Nvr2late / Natp / scomar - are you still out there? how are you doing? Anyone else I've missed, hope you are bumbling along nicely. :hugs:
Fluffy / Megg. Try not to think of the worst - although preparing for a fall can be a good thing & the bfp will be all the more fabulous, positive thoughts are much more fun. Half of the worry is the unknown.
DH & myself have so far felt quite ok about it all. We've discussed that it may not work & think we are prepared for that (could be a naive statement). I'm actually quite scared of it working iykwim!

I'm more worried about my mum & dad. My mum is quite innocent & thinks IVF is a sure cert. She was planning a holiday yesterday around when I'd be due if we get bfp. I think I'll be more upset for her.

What will be will be I suppose. I better get some work done!

x :dust:
A lot of people thing its a sure thing... and its hard to know that they might have to face the reality of it all. But, I hope I can instead make them believe it more rather than less! LOL

Yes, I'd say the emotions are drug related. They do that to us! :hugs:

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