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IVF/ICSI/FET Cycle Starting November... Anyone else? - 4 BFN, 6 BFP, 1 angel!

Scomar, that's great! Well done. Do you know when EC might be?
Started IUI cycle on 1st November... Treatment on 13th BFP on 25th November. Now 5 weeks with first baby.
Hello lovely ladys

Hope your all well???

Haven't had a chance to catch up over last few days, but will be reading and replying after I have posted this update.

Well on day 7 of stimms went for scan, 25 follicles all together. But only 3 which were 12 m and the rest were even smaller :-( very gutted as at this stage on my last cycle was alot better :-( another scan on Friday and let's see what happens. They haven't increased my dose either so in limbo .

Anyway hope your all well and I will catch up on everyones news now

Nat x
Megg - helen is right. Its quality NOT quantity. Those 4 could be super dooper ones and even if they arent all great you only need one to stay strong. Thats what I am hoping seeing as its 1 day past EC and I just have the one left now. Dont tell yourself that its all over with 4, it really isnt.

Did they give you much feedback afterwards? I only know that my three came from the left side where the follies were 16, 19 and 22mm the day before triggering. I had a 16mm on the right side but nothing came of it.

At the end of the day, there IS an egg destined to be fertilised by the single special sperm that is going to make your baby. It doesnt matter how many other eggs and sperm that are produced along the way, its the special ones that count.

Fingers crossed for your fertilisation report tomorrow xx

Deep down, I know that's true. I guess I just can't rest easy until I know what comes with the fertilization report. If most of them fertilize, I'll be okay with it. I'm just worried that none of them will even be mature or fertilize. That's the part that scares me.

OMG Megg, sorry you are so disappointed. What happened all the other follies? Did they say?

Try not to worry, four is still a good number. Fingers crossed for your 'Fantastic Four'.

Rest up tonight & get ready for embarkation of your precious embies. x

His explanation doesn't cut it, in my opinion. He said he was "unable to get to some of the smaller ones"... Uhm... Out of 20??? But, whatever.

Hello lovely ladys

Hope your all well???

Haven't had a chance to catch up over last few days, but will be reading and replying after I have posted this update.

Well on day 7 of stimms went for scan, 25 follicles all together. But only 3 which were 12 m and the rest were even smaller :-( very gutted as at this stage on my last cycle was alot better :-( another scan on Friday and let's see what happens. They haven't increased my dose either so in limbo .

Anyway hope your all well and I will catch up on everyones news now

Nat x

Hoping they keep growing, Nat. Maybe more will catch up?
So sorry to hear of the devastating news Megg. I know logistically you know that it is about quality and not quantity, but it doesn't change the shock that you are feeling right now.

I remember my first cycle getting 24 retrieved and they were all garbage, and only 3 fertilized. I couldn't get over the shock, until someone on here told me not to give up on my little fighters.

So all I can say hun is believe in your little fighters.

I will be praying for you and your eggs/embryos.

Millions of :hugs:

*Also this current cycle I had 25 follicles at my last scan before EC and they only retrieved 10 eggs.*

More :hugs:
I suppose less eggs than follies isn't so rare! If they're all good quality, I'll happily take what I got. I'm just worried they might not have been. Would they have told me today if they were mature or not? Or does that come with the fertilization report?

Thanks, Blue!
Maturity info comes with fertilization report. Praying for you hun. Sending tons of xo.
Damn! LOL I was hoping! Thank you! Morning can't come quickly enough!
I am sure it is all you can think about right now. :hugs: I will be thinking about it and praying for you. xo
Well I havent had a call from the embryologist to say its all over so looks like I will make it to transfer at lunchtime today. I do hope this one is a fighter!
Goodluck at transfer this morning fluffy!!! Yippy you will be pupo. xo

Goodluck today Megg with the fert report. xo

Praying for everyone here. xo
Well I havent had a call from the embryologist to say its all over so looks like I will make it to transfer at lunchtime today. I do hope this one is a fighter!

Woohoo! No news is good news, indeed! I keep hearing stories of one lonely embie making 1 or sometimes 2 babies for someone! So, don't you give up... Not at all!!! :hugs: :dust:

Come home to us a PUPO Princess!
Well, I got my call... Of the 4 eggs retrieved yesterday, 3 were mature, and ALL 3 FERTILIZED!!! :happydance:

Tentatively scheduled for Day 3 transfer at 1pm on Friday... I'll know around 10am on Friday if we're waiting until Day 5 instead!
Thats fantastic megg! So pleased for you. See- all that worrying for nothing x.

afm - little embie safely inside. Even got a pic too. They said it is poor quality so it will have to be a fighter to make it through. If it does then I truly will believe in miracles!
Indeed! All of it for nothing!

Its so much safer in your tummy than out in the world though! I bet s/he is a fighter! I have hope for you and your embie!!! :hugs:
Hi Megg, I'm sneaking over from the October thread to say GREAT NEWS!!! :happydance: I'm so happy that your fertilization was excellent -- go little guys, go!
Brilliant news Megg, I'm so pleased for you :hugs:

Fluffy, miracles do happen :hugs:
lol, i too am gatecrashing with mercy! megg :happydance: am so pleased for you hun, that's fab news!!!! PUPO in 3 sleeps (or 5 ;))

fluffy - hope transfer went well today :)

x x x x

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