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IVF/ICSI/FET Cycle Starting November... Anyone else? - 4 BFN, 6 BFP, 1 angel!

Hi Ladies

Megg - what time is EC tomorrow? Wishing you luck for it xx

Teapot - 6th day of stimms - it fies past doesnt it? When do you have a scan to see what your follies are up to?

Wallie - I hope that you are still feeling better today x

AFM - Just got back from EG and am dissapointed that they only got 3 eggs! I mean - 5 weeks of drugs to get just three!!! I know I only had 7 follies and 4 likely good ones but nothing from my right side was any good. Just got the three from my left. Im just praying that we have a good fertilisation rate and that they call tomorrow to say we have three excllent quality embryos. All I can do is wait and keep telling myself I only need one good one!
Hey Fluffy, sorry they only got 3 but its quality not quantity and you just need that one magic embryo. Fingers crossed for a fantastic fertilisation report tomorrow.

Good luck for EC Megg.

Update from me - the spotting seems to have stopped for now. I'm panicking every time I go to the loo but will just keep an eye on it. I'm not sure how much the progesterone suppository stops things so we'll just see. I had the crap*est night sleep so I've taken today and tomorrow off. I phoned one of the few people at work that know about the IVF in floods of tears this morning saying it hadn't worked. I guess if I get my BFP on Friday then I'll feel a bit of a clip but one very happy ecstatic clip! I'm also a little more prepared for it not working than I was. I'm still very doubtful but would be over the moon to be proved wrong.

Teapot - I've had spotting for nearly 2 years now and I associate it with my period starting. Last IVF I got spotting at 11dpo (this time it was 9dpo) and I ended up with a chemical pregnancy so I don't associate it with being a positive sign.

Hi to everyone, hope you are all doing well. These drugs make you doolally don't they??

H xx
Millions of hugs coming your way Fluffy, I won't go on about all the potential positives, but send strong wishes to your three musketeers.

Helen, brilliant that the spotting stopped, whatever happens tomorrow, at least you won't feel on edge because you're at work. Hope the spotting has gone away until next August! ...Do you think you might do a sneaky secret test tomorrow?

We'll be thinking of you tomorrow megg.x
Millions of hugs coming your way Fluffy, I won't go on about all the potential positives, but send strong wishes to your three musketeers.

Love that image of three musketeers in a petri dish! :dance::dance::dance:
Hi Ladies

Megg - what time is EC tomorrow? Wishing you luck for it xx

Teapot - 6th day of stimms - it fies past doesnt it? When do you have a scan to see what your follies are up to?

Wallie - I hope that you are still feeling better today x

AFM - Just got back from EG and am dissapointed that they only got 3 eggs! I mean - 5 weeks of drugs to get just three!!! I know I only had 7 follies and 4 likely good ones but nothing from my right side was any good. Just got the three from my left. Im just praying that we have a good fertilisation rate and that they call tomorrow to say we have three excllent quality embryos. All I can do is wait and keep telling myself I only need one good one!

Its at 9:45am. They said to arrive at 9am and expect to be there for 2-2.5 hours. EEK!

I'm with the others... It only takes 1!!! If you do get 3 good ones, would you put them all back? Or...??? Just curious!

Hey Fluffy, sorry they only got 3 but its quality not quantity and you just need that one magic embryo. Fingers crossed for a fantastic fertilisation report tomorrow.

Good luck for EC Megg.

Update from me - the spotting seems to have stopped for now. I'm panicking every time I go to the loo but will just keep an eye on it. I'm not sure how much the progesterone suppository stops things so we'll just see. I had the crap*est night sleep so I've taken today and tomorrow off. I phoned one of the few people at work that know about the IVF in floods of tears this morning saying it hadn't worked. I guess if I get my BFP on Friday then I'll feel a bit of a clip but one very happy ecstatic clip! I'm also a little more prepared for it not working than I was. I'm still very doubtful but would be over the moon to be proved wrong.

Teapot - I've had spotting for nearly 2 years now and I associate it with my period starting. Last IVF I got spotting at 11dpo (this time it was 9dpo) and I ended up with a chemical pregnancy so I don't associate it with being a positive sign.

Hi to everyone, hope you are all doing well. These drugs make you doolally don't they??

H xx

Actually, the progesterone suppositories can cause cervical irritation and cause spotting. So, it could be BECAUSE of them that you see the spotting! FX'd for you!

AFM... We spoke with the clinic and got a collection condom for at-home collection tomorrow morning. At least now we can pretend to be making our babies the old fashioned way with some :sex:! LOL Of course, we take the sample in at the same time they're going to knock me out and steal my eggs. But, I'll try to ignore that part! :haha:

Also, saw this and thought of us... Its called "test tube baby":

Love the pic megg! As for how many to put back, I dont think I have a choice here as they try to reduce multiples and if you're under 35 and its your first try its just the one. I think that if you dont have any good quality ones then they may consider 2. I just hope we have a good fertilisation rate tomorrow morning. Will be thinking of you tomorrow, hope it all goes well x
Love the pic megg! As for how many to put back, I dont think I have a choice here as they try to reduce multiples and if you're under 35 and its your first try its just the one. I think that if you dont have any good quality ones then they may consider 2. I just hope we have a good fertilisation rate tomorrow morning. Will be thinking of you tomorrow, hope it all goes well x

Oh, gotcha! They leave that decision up to me in the end here. So, I didn't realize they were so strict on it for you. I'll be thinking of you too! I hope all 3 fertilize and go on to grow big and strong for you!
hi everyone, sorry i have been so CRAP. this moving house lark is v hectic !!
Megg good luck hun - am amazed at all your follies !!!!! such good news. i have my first scan tomorrow and EC expected on 10 or 11 or 12th.
Think i will be offline for a bit now as i find it so hard to read some parts of the threads and work myself up a bit !! thiink i just need to shift my focus for a bit iykwim
but i am thinking of you all every day and i will check up on the thread i just may not post much !! i think i am just terrified of jinxing things or writing postive things ? oh man i think i should stop rambling as going crazy !!!
i hope the spotting turns to a bfp teapot and to all you others i am thinking of you,
ps any news from Sammy >>??
No news from Sammy! :(

I know what you mean about getting worked up. But, jinxiing can't happen. What will be will be! Just take a day at a time. Please let us know how the scan goes tomorrow though? PLEASE? *begs*
Well, no need to worry about which embryo to put back. Though all three fertilised, two were abnormal each being fertilised by two sperm. The embryologist said this morning that its an indication of poor egg quality and that the outer layer was not good and may have started to break down.

So, from the three muskateers as teapot named them, I just have the one left. He/she is coming to stay in my tummy tomorrow. Providing, that is, that I dont get a call in the morning to say that that one didnt develop.

The only comfort I can take from this is that my remaining one was the one that had to be put back and this way there are no decisions to be made and the wrong one cant be chose to be put back. Nature has taken care of that for me.
Well, no need to worry about which embryo to put back. Though all three fertilised, two were abnormal each being fertilised by two sperm. The embryologist said this morning that its an indication of poor egg quality and that the outer layer was not good and may have started to break down.

So, from the three muskateers as teapot named them, I just have the one left. He/she is coming to stay in my tummy tomorrow. Providing, that is, that I dont get a call in the morning to say that that one didnt develop.

The only comfort I can take from this is that my remaining one was the one that had to be put back and this way there are no decisions to be made and the wrong one cant be chose to be put back. Nature has taken care of that for me.

"All for one & one for all"

I bet you can't wait to have your little embie back on board. Everything crossed for you. xx
I'm sure your little embie will be a fighter. Like Teapot I have everything crossed for you.

H xx
I had to come check on you before I left, Fluffy! I can't wait to hear your little embie is back safely home in your tummy! :hugs:
early indicatios are 14 follies for me !!

good luck megg and fluffy
Congrats, scomar!

I only managed to have 4 eggs retrieved. I feel like my heart's been ripped out. My crib was waiting on me when I got home, and I've never been more certain that I'll never get to use it. At least I don't have to worry about being overly hopeful, since I'm convinced this was all a huge mistake.
Megg, I'm so so sorry. Huge :hugs::hugs: to you.

Don't give up all hope though, wait and see what the fertilisation report is like and then what the embryo quality is. That's was really matters, it really is quality and not quantity and you only need that one embryo.

Got everything crossed for you for tomorrow.

H xx
Thanks, Helen. I just can't fathom a positive ending now. :( Maybe if all 4 are good tomorrow then I can rest easier. But, today... I feel like all is lost.
Megg - helen is right. Its quality NOT quantity. Those 4 could be super dooper ones and even if they arent all great you only need one to stay strong. Thats what I am hoping seeing as its 1 day past EC and I just have the one left now. Dont tell yourself that its all over with 4, it really isnt.

Did they give you much feedback afterwards? I only know that my three came from the left side where the follies were 16, 19 and 22mm the day before triggering. I had a 16mm on the right side but nothing came of it.

At the end of the day, there IS an egg destined to be fertilised by the single special sperm that is going to make your baby. It doesnt matter how many other eggs and sperm that are produced along the way, its the special ones that count.

Fingers crossed for your fertilisation report tomorrow xx
Megg I agree with what the others have said. Try not to stress, you do only need the one. Hopefully it will be good news for you tomorrow and your mood/thinking will all change. I'm sending positive thoughts your way! :hugs:
OMG Megg, sorry you are so disappointed. What happened all the other follies? Did they say?

Try not to worry, four is still a good number. Fingers crossed for your 'Fantastic Four'.

Rest up tonight & get ready for embarkation of your precious embies. x

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