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IVF/ICSI/FET Cycle Starting November... Anyone else? - 4 BFN, 6 BFP, 1 angel!

Thanks! I love the gatecrashing! I don't mind! :) I just hope they keep growing and growing and growing!

Anyone else find it an odd feeling that you have "babies" growing outside of your body before transfer?
I'm gatecrashing too!!!!!!

Well done Megg all 3 fertilised, that's fab news!

Good luck to everyone in the November thread x
WELL! What a difference a day makes...

Megg - Congratulations on being mummie to 3 little embies, hope they stay strong for you - you should be PUPO by the weekend! Amazing!

Fluffy - Congratulations on being PUPO, keep yourself nice & warm. All my bits are crossed as always. Miracles DO happen, your embie just didn't like being away from you & wanted to get back inside asap. He/She will be snuggling in as we speak...

Blue - how are you feeling chick? I bet you're nervous? You're next up for the big test aren't you (like you need a donkey like me reminding you) Hugs that it's a nice Christmas BFP for you. x

Natp - how are you? Best of luck for your 2nd scan tomorrow. Try not to worry about follie size at your 1st scan, it would be worse if they were all huge at that stage. Better that they grow steadily & smoothly & stim for an extra day or two if needed. I'm sure you'll see a nice change tomorrow. I think we started stims the same day?

Helen - really hope you're ok Mrs & you've had good news/not bad. x

AFM, Day 9 of Stims today, can't quite believe I've only another 4 or 5 days of injections left (this cycle at least), they're part of my morning routine that won't be missed! It has really flown by... Feeling twinges in the ovary areas & quite a bloated tummy, nothing major in the side effects dept. thank God.

I've got my 1st scan since stims tomorrow morning. If I'm 'ripe for the picking', EC will be Monday. If not, it's another scan Monday & EC on Wed.

Christmas shopping tomorrow evening & putting my tree up hopefully on Sunday, so I can spend EC/ET week under the glow of fairylights!

Well girls, we're due a bunch of special Christmas messages, baubles crossed!

FX'd for your scan tomorrow, teapot! :)

I guess 'no news is good news' at this point... I've not gotten any phone call to tell me anything awful, so I'll assume all is as it should be?
Helen- I do hope you have some good news and hope you're doing ok x
Hey, thank you for thinking of me.

Today is my OTD but I started bleeding yesterday so I'm out :sad2:

I really don't want to go to the clinic to do the blood test but I know I have too. I'm going to get a CB Digi on the way home because I want to see if there is any trace of a chemical pregnancy like last time but I know there probably isn't.

Anyway I should be able to give you an update in a couple of hours.

This hasn't been a too successful thread so far but that has to change starting with Blue hopefully.

Report back later.

H xx
Helen I am so so so so so sorry. xo

Millions and millions of :hugs: right now. xo
Megg if you end up having your transfer today - goodluck. xo
Yea megg I've been stalking!! Lol got everything crossed for u!! I really truely hope and prey this is ur time!! So if they put 3 back is the a chance on triplets? (Sorry if I'm being a moron but don't no much about this) good luck again thinking about u xxx
I'm SO sorry, Helen! :hugs: Gutted for you! :cry:

No word on whether transfer is today yet. Should know in less than an hour.

jacks mummy - A chance? Yes. Likely? No. My chance of triplets should still be less than 5%.
Oh Helen, so sorry it didn't work. Hope the beta isn't too annoying for you chick. My thoughts are with you.
Back from the hosp after my stims scan. I have 5 follies on the right, 2 x 14 & 3 x 12. :thumbup:

They still couldn't see my left ovary with the dildocam, (despite almost shoving it up so hard I thought it would appear in my throat! OUCH!) so they were just going to ignore it altogether! :growlmad:
I asked was it worth doing a normal ultrasound & he said it might be a good idea (!!). It was really hard to find even with the pelvic scanner, but eventually it showed itself & there's at least another 2 on that side, size around 13. :thumbup:

So, 7 altogether plus couple of smaller ones/less than 10mm that they didn't bother with.

I've got another scan on Monday, poss EC Wed. or if they haven't grown enough, EC Friday. :shrug:

After all their digging around with the scan/probe thingy, I'm now spotting. Brilliant.

Virtual hugs to you all. :hugs: Feeling quite 'tampered with' now. :sad1:
Sorry that was so rough, teapot! :hugs:

I gave up and called the clinic. They just said I was "good to go at 1"... So, that's that... Its today. No clue how many or what quality. I guess I'll know when I get there. Must be something left to transfer though!
Sorry that was so rough, teapot! :hugs:

I gave up and called the clinic. They just said I was "good to go at 1"... So, that's that... Its today. No clue how many or what quality. I guess I'll know when I get there. Must be something left to transfer though!

Just saw on the other thread you've got another couple of hours yet. Will you have all three if they're all there?
...still morning for you & it's already dark here!

...I had to fill in the consent forms regarding the Egg Collection. WHY do they have to make it so scary? "it's rare, but this might happen" "& this is rare too, but we'd have to open you up to fix it" ..."sign here" Jesus help me!

Best of luck Megg & put your feet up later!! I catch up with you when I get home :kiss:
Sorry that was so rough, teapot! :hugs:

I gave up and called the clinic. They just said I was "good to go at 1"... So, that's that... Its today. No clue how many or what quality. I guess I'll know when I get there. Must be something left to transfer though!

Just saw on the other thread you've got another couple of hours yet. Will you have all three if they're all there?
...still morning for you & it's already dark here!

...I had to fill in the consent forms regarding the Egg Collection. WHY do they have to make it so scary? "it's rare, but this might happen" "& this is rare too, but we'd have to open you up to fix it" ..."sign here" Jesus help me!

Best of luck Megg & put your feet up later!! I catch up with you when I get home :kiss:

Yes, if all 3 are available, I'm bringing them all home! The chance of triplets would still be VERY small... less than 5% probably. So, I'm willing to chance that in order to not leave 1 behind. Of course, if the doctor has a really good reason to not do all 3, then I'd listen. But, I'm planning on doing all 3 if I can.

Egg collection... I dunno... It actually kind of sucked. Not immediately, but I'm still not feeling 100% after it! :( Its all well worth it... but still not fantastic!
Good luck for today megg hope you can have all 3 put back in! I'll prey for you! XxxX

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