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IVF/ICSI/FET Cycle Starting November... Anyone else? - 4 BFN, 6 BFP, 1 angel!

Teapot- things are sounding good! Egg collection will come around before you know it.
Megg- I get so confused with the timing but hope it goes well if you havent gone already. How are you feeling now its a few days after egg collection? I feel a bit crap and have mild ohss and am quite uncomfortable. Whats the luck eh? 10% chance of getting it and wham thats what I get, though probably 10% chance of a bfp with my poor embie and I bet im in the other 90%!
Megg- I get so confused with the timing but hope it goes well if you havent gone already. How are you feeling now its a few days after egg collection? I feel a bit crap and have mild ohss and am quite uncomfortable. Whats the luck eh? 10% chance of getting it and wham thats what I get, though probably 10% chance of a bfp with my poor embie and I bet im in the other 90%!

I don't know if I have mild OHSS, but I'm still pretty miserable! :( So, maybe I do. They haven't mentioned it to me. Hoping you make it into the good 10% too!
I'm a little drugged up on Valium! LOL But, I'm home. I had 2 put back, as the doctor said they were way too high quality to risk putting all 3. He was very nervous about the possibility of triplets if we'd done all of them. So, the 3rd will likely be frozen on Sunday.

Here they are before being put back:


And, this is them after (they're the white dots in the circles):

Megg thats great news! Seeing them on the screen is great isnt it? We have a small pic of ours too.
Aww megg they are beautiful LOL its weird to see them like that, until I joined this site I didn't really no much about ivf. I really hope it works and you get a beautiful baby at the end (maybe 2) its good the doc said they were very strong tho. When will you find out if its worked or not? I'll keep preying for u! Well I'm ovulating today so if I get pregnant and so do u we will be very close together :haha: good luck again hun xxxxx
Yes! Its amazing to see them!

I would just be a few days ahead of you, jacks mummy. About 3 days to be exact. I should know by Dec 22.
Excellent news again Megg. I hope this is a Christmas to remember. :happydance:
Thanks, Wallie! I hope so! I certainly hope that your next AF is the last you see for about a year!
Well done Megg and Fluffy on being PUPO!! Everything is crossed for you both.

H xx
Congratulations Megg! Those pictures are AMAZING! They look perfect! Hope they snuggle in tight & you get to meet your little twins.

...Yoohoo, Blue - how are you? Thinking about you
Hi everyone!!! Sorry I have not been updating on myself. It has been my hardest 2ww yet. If you want the full story on why it was so difficult you can read it in my journal.

This morning I used a clearblue digital on (11dp3dt = 14dpo).

It said pregnant 1-2 weeks.

I am excited because I have never seen this in my life but I do know that there are still many hurdles.
- positive on the beta (with a high enough number)
- beta numbers doubling appropriately
- first scan showing a heart beat
- first scan showing not ectopic
- then obviously many more hurdles in pregnancy

But I have at least made it one step further than I ever have in the journey so far.
Blue that is just fantastic news, woo hoo!!! I'm on my phone so will type more later.

H xx
Brilliant news. Congratulations again!!!!
Hey Ladies

Sorry I haven't posted for sooo long but things have been a nightmare for me with things not going to plan and I lurked for a while but did not post.

I arrived in the UK on the 6th of Nov and expected to go back home on the 4th Dec latest but I am still here. When I went for my first baseline scan and bloods after down regging it showed that the drugs had not worked at all on my body and my cycle was cancelled. DH and I were devasted as we had fought all the way to get to this point and we had the added complication of having to travel to London for treatment. WE were given options of waiting until Feb/March next year or staying on longer and inducing my period a little quicker so we could start again.

We agreed for me to stay and I spoke with work and sorted everything out for me to have unpaid leave and DH had to fly home as we couldn't afford for us to both have no salary in December. I went on BCP 2 tablets a day for 9 days and then waited for AF. This time my scan and bloods were perfect and I started with Letrazole from day 1-5 and Gobnal F from day 2. I am now on day 11 and due for my final scan tomorrow before EC on Wednesday. I have 15 good sized follies and really hopeful. DH flies in on Tuesday afternoon to do his bit and then goes back 2 days later as really can't afford to be off work more. My Mum will be with me when ET takes place and then I fly home on Christmas Eve.

I have just been catching up on your progress and so pleased to see Megg and Fluffy PUPO and HUGE congrats to Blue on your BFP.

I have everything crossed for all the ladies on here for more BFP's and promise that I will catch up on all your posts today.

Take care and wishing for you all to pregnant for Christmas :hugs:
CONGRATULATIONS BLUE!!!! Thats fantastic, fingers crossed for a happy and healthy 9 months.

Carol - Sorry that things have not been going to plan. Sometimes our bodies have a mind of their own dont they. It sounds like it is playing ball now so fingers crossed for you xx
Carol - sorry to hear you have had such a bumpy road. I will be praying for you for a happy ending. xo :dust:
Hi everyone!!! Sorry I have not been updating on myself. It has been my hardest 2ww yet. If you want the full story on why it was so difficult you can read it in my journal.

This morning I used a clearblue digital on (11dp3dt = 14dpo).

It said pregnant 1-2 weeks.

I am excited because I have never seen this in my life but I do know that there are still many hurdles.
- positive on the beta (with a high enough number)
- beta numbers doubling appropriately
- first scan showing a heart beat
- first scan showing not ectopic
- then obviously many more hurdles in pregnancy

But I have at least made it one step further than I ever have in the journey so far.

:wohoo: OMG! CONGRATS!!!! :yipee: That's fantastic!!! :wohoo: I'll go read the story!

Hey Ladies

Sorry I haven't posted for sooo long but things have been a nightmare for me with things not going to plan and I lurked for a while but did not post.

I arrived in the UK on the 6th of Nov and expected to go back home on the 4th Dec latest but I am still here. When I went for my first baseline scan and bloods after down regging it showed that the drugs had not worked at all on my body and my cycle was cancelled. DH and I were devasted as we had fought all the way to get to this point and we had the added complication of having to travel to London for treatment. WE were given options of waiting until Feb/March next year or staying on longer and inducing my period a little quicker so we could start again.

We agreed for me to stay and I spoke with work and sorted everything out for me to have unpaid leave and DH had to fly home as we couldn't afford for us to both have no salary in December. I went on BCP 2 tablets a day for 9 days and then waited for AF. This time my scan and bloods were perfect and I started with Letrazole from day 1-5 and Gobnal F from day 2. I am now on day 11 and due for my final scan tomorrow before EC on Wednesday. I have 15 good sized follies and really hopeful. DH flies in on Tuesday afternoon to do his bit and then goes back 2 days later as really can't afford to be off work more. My Mum will be with me when ET takes place and then I fly home on Christmas Eve.

I have just been catching up on your progress and so pleased to see Megg and Fluffy PUPO and HUGE congrats to Blue on your BFP.

I have everything crossed for all the ladies on here for more BFP's and promise that I will catch up on all your posts today.

Take care and wishing for you all to pregnant for Christmas :hugs:

Oh, man... You've been through it! :hugs: I'm SO sorry! But, at least you've gotten it sorted and are on the way to egg retrieval now! I'll update you on post 1!
Morning Ladies

Thanks for all your support and kind words:hugs:

I am getting ready to make my way into central London again to have my scan and acupuncture session. This should hopefully be my last scan before egg collection, if all is well then collection should take place on Wednesday if not it will be Friday. I have everything crossed for Wednesday as that will mean I will be able to fly home on the 24th if not then I will miss Christmas Day with my DH and his family.

I will of course update you when I get back later tonight.

Take care all and hope you have a great day :hugs:
Im keeping my fingers crossed for you during your scan carole. I so hope its egg collection on wednesday so you are home in time for christmas x

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