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IVF/ICSI/FET in September!!!

Thanks, SillyGirls. The low antral follicle count is yet ONE more thing to research & become depressed about. I thought my issues were cleared up with surgery last year, but no, here's something new!

I don't know how a short protocol can help in my situation. I'm not sure what this even means. The RE said something about 4 weeks instead of 6, start to finish. But she said she'd mail me all the information once she thought about it some more & made a decision about what would be best for my circumstances.

Another thing I don't know: what does this low count mean in terms of stimming? What is the correlation between baseline counts & stimulated counts? Is it possible to get loads of eggs while stimulated, even though the baseline is low? Or can I only hope for as many eggs as I have follicles (now)?

So confusing. And depressing. I really just want to power through this IVF, get my sad, bad results, and move on with my life, knowing I did all I could to make it happen. :cry:
Mercyme, in my research, REs aren't really sure what low antral follicle count means. What they think it may mean is that a woman's supply of eggs is starting to diminish. However, definitive research doesn't back that up so they use both FSH and Antral count to give them some sort of idea, but it is still very subjective.

Most women start to have higher FSH numbers and/or lower antral follicle counts as they get older. This is why many REs use the microflare protocal on these women. This protocal is used in women who have "either demonstrated a poor response to stims or who may be at risk of having a poor response." So, for me, because I am 37 they are using this protocal. It starts with 3 weeks of birth control pills (yes, isn't that crazy!) and then moves to lupron or gonadotropins for 12ish days and then the hcg trigger. For me, we are using Gonal F, cerotide and repronex (sp?). They do the bcps to make sure you have no remaining corpeus luteum when they start the stims.

Here is a quote from some of my FS docs on microflare: "Women that are more likely to be low responders to ovarian stimulation would be those that have low antral follicle counts, those women who are older than about 37, women with elevated FSH levels, or low AMH levels, and women with other signs of reduced ovarian reserve. We try to stimulate the woman to get a minimum of 3 follicles with a size of 14-18 mm in diameter with a flare stimulation. Ideally, there would be 6 or more follicles in that size range. The goal is to get an ideal number of good quality eggs to work with."

Keep your chin up! Most women respond really well to this protocal!! It is actually an aggressive protocal which is awesome b/c think of it this way, you are starting with the most aggressive protocal instead of doing rounds of lesser levels of stims. I am actually excited to be doing this protocal :)
I'm a short protocol girl too - I fall very well into your quote MySillyGirls. My first cycle was a failure, but I'm going to be on a higher dose of stims this time round with additional pregnyl (hcg) during the cycle to help mature my eggs.

mercyme - your antral count is the maximum number of follicles you can grow that cycle. The antral count, whilst on a decreasing trend with age can still vary cycle to cycle, but probably by only about 4 or 5 antral follicles. My clinic don't do an antral scan/count, as there is nothing than can be done about it. Just remember it's quality not quantity that counts, but obviously you need a few to allow for the ones which won't make it past fertilisation - which is where I lucked out, only one survived the fertilisation process of ICSI, but didn't fertilise :(
Hi everyone

I haven't been around for a while but thought I would drop by. I'm on the short protocol too - just waiting for af to arrive!!! Only got 1 follicle last time so praying for more this time round. Let's hope this type of protocol brings us our bfps this cycle xxxx
Hi silarose and leilani :wave:
Mercyme, sorry you are feeling so down about the whole thing, trust me i really do know how that feels. I was exactly the same the first cycle, was so sure it would all go wrong and wouldnt let myself get the least bit excited even when i got a bfp. But i can say with all honesty that this negativity that i thought was an act of self preservation did absolutely nothing to soften the blow when things did go wrong. I guess what i am trying to say is that you should actually allow yourself to feel a bit excited and hopeful because there is nothing to be gained by fearing the worst. I know my outcome wouldnt have been any different but i would have saved myself a lot of bad moods, i was basically miserable from the first appointment to the end.Its trying to get the right balance between optimism, realism and pessimism and it is a hard thing to do. In a couple of months you might be happily pregnant ! Anyway i hope you get what i am trying to say , i dont mean to preach but i can say this with the benefit of hindsight :hugs:
I am not sure about the antral follicle count as i dont really remember having one done, only the AMH blood test which can be an indicator of how well you will respond to stims etc.

Well i had a really interesting phone call at 5 oclock today, they rang to book my FET for friday!!! :happydance: I was like, yesterday you said it was cancelled? she said no we are very happy with your bloods today and its all set to go, we are not sure why you had such strange results on saturday but it doesnt matter now it has all be reviewed by the consultant and we are all set to go. What a great phonecall :happydance:I had had a pretty glum weekend cos we were told we had to wait another cycle and now we are back on. I am allowing myself to be happy this time. Even though my chances are not great they are certainly better than not having it done at all and at least we are moving forward again. We :sex: like crazy all weekend because the clomid gave me 2 good follicles and we thought there was no transfer going ahead so we decided to give it atry the old fashioned way and hope. Theoretically i could have triplets now, that would be funny after all this!
good news gracy!! strange how they told you it was cancelled but glad you're back on the road again :) xx
Wow, thanks so much for your hopeful responses. You're so sweet! :flower:

Gracy, thank you for being so encouraging. You're right -- a pessimistic attitude won't save me from heartache & will just prolong the bad feelings. This whole thing has taken me (and DH) by surprise. I didn't know I could cry so much about something that wasn't, like, death or divorce!! I didn't know how much I wanted to have a child, since we were anti-kids for about 8 yrs. (ha ha, bitter irony of the universe. you're freaking hilarious. ha.)

Leilani & SillyGirls, thanks for the information & the pep talks! I'm wondering if part of the reason I have low antral follicles is b/c of the endo surgery. The RE said something about that possibly affecting the count -- so maybe the eggs are okay quality & not so diminished. Who knows! But you've given me reasons to stay positive, so thank you!! Yes, SillyGirls, I'll be excited about aggressive treatment! I'm going to get higher doses of FSH, so I'm more likely to produce more eggs. Yeah!

Gracy, I'm so excited for you -- FET is definitely better than no FET. Oh, I'll be anxiously awaiting more updates from you!! Great good luck! :hugs:

Yay for the short protocol. Good luck silarose, Leilani, SillyGirls!
Taking a bit of a bnb break still - but looking forward to Sept with all of the lovely people here. xo Blue12
see-you when you get back blue :hugs:
Mercyme, i totally know what you mean about not wanting kids for so long and then wanting one and not being able to! We have been together 7 years and for first 6 didnt even want any.All my friends had kids ages ago and i used to think'"what are you doing that for?" Then we said well i will stop taking the pill and just see what happens, good if i do get preggers but ok if i dont as well. Then slowly but surely i changed into this ovulation obsessed, cervical mucous checking monster. Then when the ivf/ infertility thing started i too didnt think i could cry so much. I am so sick of crying i really am. So you are not alone i completely understand where you are at, its so horrible and isolating. I think it occupies my mind 80% of every day and on my really bad days i feel like half a person because i havent reproduced.
Well i am off to walk my furbabies. I will report back friday night after my fet
Then slowly but surely i changed into this ovulation obsessed, cervical mucous checking monster. Then when the ivf/ infertility thing started i too didnt think i could cry so much.

Wow, you sound just like me! Thanks for validating my feelings, you're sweet.

I did acupuncture two days ago. It was expensive!! Also, it stressed me out. Not the actual acupuncture, but hearing her tell me that my body isn't ready to have a baby. :cry: I guess if Western & Eastern medicine both are telling me that my body isn't working, it must be true. It was really depressing.

The acupuncturist said that I'm out of balance, which sounds right. She left the needles in for 75 min!! and finally my "chi" was in balance. I'm supposed to go back in two weeks, and she'll tell me if my body's ready. Let me just say that I'm a total skeptic about these things. I believe in strong Western medication -- no herbs for me! -- and surgeries & science & technology! But... there's a limit, especially when it comes to reproduction, which to my mind is about the hardest kind of science. Everything can be right -- ICSI injecting sperm into egg, fertilization, division, etc. -- and no Life, no growing baby. Even with all the technology, there's something mysterious about creation. So, I guess I'm willing to see if the Eastern medicine can complement IVF. It can't hurt!
Well, AF caught up with me yesterday afternoon, pretty much right on time, so I rang my clinic today, and they'll ring me back next week with my plan. I'm going to be on BCP for the next three weeks or so and the pretty much straight in to the Stims. I'm a little excited, but after last time, I'm also running pretty low on PMA.

I did consider accupuncture, but am not totally convinced, and realise that it's not a quick fix, so have probably left it too late!
Hello, Hope everyone is well! I know I am deffo in this thread now, start my meds on the 5th Sept hoping EC will be around 26th Sept.

I have a question for you lovely ladies my BMI is high I managed to get it to 29.80 for my first appointment at the clinic where they did all the tests. I have since been on my hols and seem to have not been able to stop eating since! my BMI is now up to 30.43 oooppppsss. I am trying my best to get it back down as I know it will help me to get my BFP but I am worried that they are going to weigh me again and cancel my cycle as my BMI is over 30. Did anyone else get weighed again? The next time I will go is when I have finished down regging.

Hope someone can help.

Take care xx
I heard that some clinics do cancel if your BMI is over 30 and down reggin can make you add weight. I'm not sure how strict your clinic is, some don't have a guideline of 30.

Hope you manage to get it down in time :) :hugs:
hi yomo :hi:

Well i dont officially belong here now and should be on the august thread but doesnt matter. Today was a good day! My doctor rang me first thing this morning and gave me the fantastic news that my chromosome testing got the all clear and i am perfectly normal :happydance: i dont have that translocation thing which was such a mega relief you have no idea. They are putting the abnormal embie down to bad luck and this shouldnt affect the other ones.

So i went to have my fet today with a light heart! when i went in they sat me down and told me that they thawed the embie out last night and watched it overnight and it continued to expand nicely and was still in really good shape. I think they expect some cell loss but she said that ours had over 90% remaining which is very good and we should have about as much chance as with a fresh cycle from this little one. Because this one thawed out well we still have the other 3 frosties which is good. All i can do now is wait. will try not to test until next weekend which will be 8dp5dt.

Another thing that they said which was interesting was that they encouraged intercourse tonight and over the next couple of days! They never said this last time but the doctor i saw today said that there is some evidence that the presence of semen can promote implantation! So its on tonight and all weekend! Poor DH is doing a 14 hour shift today, he isnt going to know what hit him.....
That's great, Gracy. Wishing you all the very best!!! So they recommended intercourse? I always thought you'd feel really sore after FET (I've been worrying how I'll be able to cope). Is it painful?

Lyndsey, I have everything crossed for you that your BMI will not delay your treatment. Since you're borderline, if you keep working out and dieting from now, it should drop below 30. Good luck hun :hugs:
good news gracy!

ive never heard about the semen helping! clinics should tell us everything!!!
i know what you mean mummy. they never told me that before either but today she definately said to :sex: Maybe she is just a bit weird..... She also said dont get over heated, no baths, hotwater bottles on the tummy or electric blankets and no extreme physical exertion like running etc... Last time the other doctor said just continue your life as normal dont do anything different, so who knows really :shrug:

Isi i dont find the transfer at all painful i barely felt it both times and i usually squirm at smear tests and when i had the HSG i almost passed out! So dont worry about that, i reckon you will be totally fine.
Ah yeh heard about the heat stuff but hey I'll try anything to help with semen etc! haha!

I hate the clamp that goes up there to allow them to do the transfer! hate the metal feeling (bad experience once with a nurse nicking me inside when removing it!!) :nope: I have to do deep breathing!!! lol
Yay Gracy!

I saw on another forum some ladies who are following the Colorado Protocol for IVF and FET - and this recommends BDing on the day of transfer. I guess it'sone of those things that can't cause any harm, and if it possibly could help - then we'll all try it!!
Hi Ladies

Well I thought I'd join this thread because it will be my #1 ICSI IVF in September (DH has v low count). I'm on the second day of synarel nasal spray today now I'm just waiting for AF to arrive and well you all know the rest. Quick query - what's down regging? Is that on the cycle after a non successful IVF when you are waiting to return to normal?

Synarel does not taste very nice btw lol...

Good luck to us all in September :)

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