hello ladies

well no drugs for me today had a phonecall at 8.30 and pharmasure have sent it to the wrong depot so i wont be getting it til tomorrow now i know its only 1 day but was so looking forward to my parcel today. i now have a bad feeling that i aint gonna get them before my appointment because the pharmasure office isnt open tomorrow so if i dont get it i wont be able to talk to them til monday.

hope you all have a lovely day xx
hey Wrighty- sorry your parcel didnt arrive so frustrating...

how are you girls??

AFM- did not get the call this month for IVF, could be b/c DH and I hadnt done all of our blood work, but that is done now...so I wouldnt be doing IVF now until end of Nov/Dec....yikes (and that is if I get the call) but I dont mind, gives us a couple more months to try naturally before forking out $15k!!
I will watch and learn from the rest of you for now.

as well, I was travelling for work and just back late last night and got a +ve opk yesterday but now this morning my temps have spiked and I have post O cm...so i might have missed the window- regardless, I am going in for IUI this morning, it was already booked.

aw maaaaan - how frikking annoying wrighty, :hugs: disappointed i'm sure is an understatement cherub x x x

sorry your treatment has been pushed back Britt, as if waiting isnt bad enough x x x

i have a mini rant - apologies........

i;ve been very proud of myself for maintaining PMA this week, feeling confident, doing all the right things health wise....and then i go and log on fb and my friend has written in response to someone else's post how perfect her life is now she's pregnant...:ignore: i really want to swear at this point, but i dont wanna lower the tone of the thread...........she bloody knows the god awful journey we've been on FOR THE PAST FIVE FRIKKIN YEARS.........:growlmad: i'm sure it wasn't done to spite me, but i do think that when (PMA) i get my BFP, i'm sure i'll announce it on facebook, but then i'll think about if there is anyone who might be a LTTTCer and not use such descriptive emotive words, that might actually hurt someone. her fb her right to say what she wants, i get that - but surely a wee bit of sensitivity isnt too much to ask???

rant over.

hope you're all well ladies :)

x x x x
Hi ladies

Aah wrightywales I'm sorry you didn't get your meds today :( How frustrating for you. I really hope they do arrive for you tomorrow - we're expecting our meds tomorrow too, our medical company also not open tomorrow but they explained their delivery team are working so I'm hoping that will be the same for you too :hugs:

Britt - do you have to wait for them to contact you before you can start? I hope the next couple of months go quickly for you :hugs:

MrsF - big hugs :hugs: I hate fb most of the time - I keep telling myself to get rid of it as I've got several friends who keep complaining about their pregnancies or children - it does my head in! Keep up the PMA x

DH and I have planned a fun weekend :happydance: before our first jab next week, we went to the cinema straight after work tonight and then went for a pub meal, tomorrow night we're meeting up with some friends, I'm now trying to talk DH into taking me shopping on Sunday - got some vouchers to spend and need to take some shoes back to Zara - but he's not too keen on the idea at the moment :dohh:

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend xx
hello ladies

hope everyone is well. anyone got any nice plans for the weekend. mine is just going to be a relaxing one.

britt - sorry your treatment has been put bk hope the time flys hun :hug: xx

MrsF - i have hidden all my pregnant friends from my news feeds on FB so i just dont see things like that. its not that im not happy for them because i am its just that its hurts to see them moan about pregnancy symptoms and when they post their scan pics up. most of my FB friends dont know that im going through ivf so i cant expect them to reserved in what they post so i just hide them. they dont know i have done it so no harm done. sending you lots of PMA your way hun :hug: xx

Missmonty - sounds like a lovely weekend you have planned hope you enjoy it. have your drugs arrived? good luck with starting next week :hug:xx

well my drugs have arrived :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: just been having a good look through it all

so im on
fostimon 150iu - 2 vials a day to stim ovaries - only have 10 days worth
centritide 0.25mg - 1 vial to stop ovulation - only have enough for 5 days
cyclogest - progesterone suppository

so the countdown til drugs appointment starts only 3 days to go :happydance::happydance::happydance: and then hopefully AF in less then 2 weeks. now its starting to feel real 2 weeks and hopefully i will be injecting again cant wait to get started

:dust::hug: xxxx
Can I join? I thought I was going to be a September IVF, but it's been the testing & consulting month instead. So, I'm starting with my October period, which should start between 29 Sept & 1 Oct. I'm on a "short protocol" -- straight to FSH injections -- b/c I have diminished ovarian reserve :cry: and low antral follicle count :cry: and some endo :cry: We only started fertility treatment b/c DH has a low sperm count, but it looks like I'm just as infertile as he.

Anyway, I'll work to catch up with the other posters & see where everyone's at this month.
welcome mercyme :hugs: i haven't been in any other ivf threads this time round, but i do know the october one is where it's at ;) x x x is this your first cycle hun? x x x

wrighty :happydance::happydance::happydance: indeed !!!!! i don't recognise the drugs you're on (but i think that's cos i was on a diff protocol), so i'll do my best to catch up! crikey, i think between us we must have a pharmaceutical qualification with all the diff drugs we've been on / are on! 3 days to go gal....

thankyou miss monty and wrighty x x x fb sucks :( loving the idea of hiding news feeds...will look into that. Another friend stated that she was not pregnant this month (out the blue!), so i guess she'll be the next one to announce. No [-X scrap that - I'M gonna be the next one to announce

well, i've just got home from my 6 hour round trip for my acupuncture - how amazing was that!!!!!!! took me bout 2 hours to get there, but was a nice drive, lots of PMA and thought sorting, then i was in for just over an hour. My lady is an angel, i know her as she trained me years ago in Ear Acupuncture. After that i had a wander for an hour, then came home. the 2 paragraphs below are about what happened in my session - please dont feel you have to read it though ladies, but could be of interest x x

i had my initial assessment (history, meds, physical and psychological health), had my pulses taken (in eastern medicine, there are 6 - 3 in each wrist), and read my tongue (it says alot about the body). she picked up on a definite imbalance in my body and set to readdressing the balance. I had 4 needles in my tummy (only about 2 mm or so in), and then 3 in each leg (to help boost and regulate the endocrine system). Then i had 3 in my spine that were only quick in/out needles, and then i had one needle over my uterus, and this amazing cigar-looking thing that was lit at one end which she circled around my womb which gave out this most amazing warmth and smell. it was then finished off by one quick needle in each ankle :sleep:

i felt little kind of "pops" in my womb, which was a sign that things were moving in there so i was responding already. she took my pulses throughout the treatment and they changed with each bit of treatment. at the end, they were more in balance (but not totally). I have another one on 22nd, then on the 29th, and then the last few will be decided later. each treatment will be different i think, but with the obvious overall goal.

i'm now at home feeling very sleepy and relaxed, and willing my womb to become a more welcoming place!!!!!

i'll leave you with a saying that was in her clinic, it made me think of what we go through ladies, it brought a wee tear to my eye:

Life is not about getting through the storms, it's about dancing in the rain

x x x
Hello ladies,

thats right MrsF, you WILL be the next one to announce your pregnancy!!! :hugs: good luck to you

Wrighty- yeah that the drugs arrived :happydance: I think you are determined to get your bfp and you are going to.

Mercy- welcome!!!!! :flower: Can I ask what the short protocol means? this is all new for me, I thought I would be starting in Oct but it looks like end of Nov/Dec for me as there is a bit of a waiting list even though we pay for it. All I know is our FS wants me on BCP for a month which seemed strange

mrsF - your right there hun you will be the nxt to announce your pregnant im willing to bet on it. i dont recognise my drugs either never been on short protocol before i was on long protocol last time so its all new.

Britt thanks hun. im on short protocol you dont down reg and just have a scan on day 1 of cycle then start stims. have a couple of scans. around day 7 i start the centrotide to stop me ovulating then the same as a normal cycle scans until EC and then ET

mercy - welcome hun and good luck with you cycle. i will add you to the list :)


https://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1480/1480555ipgpdidffl.gif Buddy List, Dates and Outcomes https://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1480/1480555ipgpdidffl.gif

Sammy09 - FET - roughly 18th oct
MrsF - FET - roughly 5th oct
Britt11 - IVF No 1 - put back to nov/dec :hugs:
Wrightywales - ICSI No 2 - start between 24-28 sept
DillyC - ICSI No 1 -
Glitterqueen - ICSI No 1 - start injection 22nd sept e/c w/c 4th oct
Springflower - ICSI No2 -
Babychristie - IVF No 2 -
Maz - IVF No 4 - start down reg 8th sept
Tory123 - FET -
Isi Buttercup - IVF No 1 -
Redfraggle - ICSI No 1 - start down reg 21st sept
MissMonty - ICSI No 2 - start down reg 16th sept
Mercyme - ICSI - start between 29 sept -1 oct
Mrs-G - IVF -
Thanks for adding me, wrighty! I'm glad to be in this "4 Leaf Clover" cycle with all of you & baby dust for us all! :dust::dust:

MrsF, your acupuncture session sounds amazing. I did one a couple weeks ago -- but she's superbusy & can't really fit me into the schedule in time for the IVF. I liked my experience ... hopefully it'll be enough!

Britt, this is my first (& only) IVF, so I'm not 100% sure what everything means yet. I'm going to the IVF "class" next week, so I'll know more then. From what I can see, the short protocol means that I don't do weeks of birth control & Lupron; I just jump straight into the FSH injections once my period has started. Because my prognosis is rather grim (but not completely dreadful), I'm going to be dosed up with massive amounts of Follistim. I sorta blacked out when the nurse was explaining it to me (okay, not literally, but my brain melted at the numbers she gave) -- it sounded like she said I'd be taking 4 injections a day--she said 80 vials total over about 2 weeks? I hope I misunderstood.

Anyway, here's a little on me:
I'm 35; DH is 40 -- he had cryptochordism as a child, so sperm count is very low (5 mil); his FSH levels are really high. I thought I was okay until we found out I had endo, polyps, & a chocolate cyst (gross). Had surgery a year ago. In Feb '10, did first IUI -- shocked to get a BFP. But miscarried at 7 wks. :cry::cry: Did two more IUIs -- May & July 2010 -- both BFNs. So, we're moving on to IVF with ICSI. Now my FSH levels are a bit high (10.2) & antral follicle count is low -- wasn't a problem last year, so things are just getting worse. BLEH!!! :wacko: This is really our one shot b/c it's taking half our savings -- no insurance except for office visits & bloodwork -- and I don't see us able to afford another round before our bodies stop working (fertility-wise) altogether.

Good luck to all of us!!!
Hi All!!!!!

I'm quite excited today, my drug delivery arrived!!! Woo Hoo, my god those needles look scary, just waiting for AF to arrive next week, have my holiday at end of month then DAY 21 here we come!!!!
Mrs-G - thats great hun good luck with you cycle. is this your first cycle? xx
Oooh, how exciting MrsG!! -- do you think you'll inject yourself, or get your partner to do it?
here is the code if anyone would like to add the 4 leaf clover to your signature
just copy and paste and dont forget to delete the the stars :)

I added a ticker for this cycle -- countdown to starting IVF/ICSI !!! eeek.
mercy - it will soon fly hun. are you injecting yourself? my hubby wont do it for me as he has a needle phobia so hes no use x
afternoon :)

well, after my acupuncture sesh yesterday i slept for 13 hours solid last night! :sleep: jumped out of bed this morn and took the dog for a run!!!!! and am looking forward to doing the housework and sorting stuff out for work tomorrow!!!

mercy - is there anything else you can do, like a massage (or several ;) ) to compensate? shame she can't fit you in, but she must be good if she's uberbusy x x

mrs-g - i cacked myself when i got my drugs through and saw the needles! When i went to my injecting lesson i asked her where i'd be sticking those huge ones, and she laughed and said they were just mixing needles :blush: i knew that.....

not long now wrighty til your appt ;)

am gonna have a go adding the four leaf siggy - i have a feeling i'll cock it up, but here goes!

happy sunday ladies x x x x
Hi MrsF, your acupuncture sounds so lovely -- maybe I will schedule in massages. They're really cheap around here b/c there's a massage therapy school. I can get a very nice 60 min massage for $30 (tipping isn't allowed b/c they're students). . . I think I will schedule a series, thanks for the suggestion.

Gah! needles! I've gotten much tougher than I ever thought possible, but it must be super-intimidating to see them in a huge packet all together! Wrighty -- Yes, DH will do my injections, he's in the medical field (surgical tech), so thinks such things are cool. Of course, when he gave me the hcg shot for the last IUI (boo), we both giggled so much that it took him 5 min to finally inject me. Nerves, I think.

Anyway, I'm still thinking there's time to back out of this whole expensive mess -- we could just walk away, no fortune lost, no dramatic changes to our lives, no emotional rollercoaster (well, too late for that one) . . . I'm just so ambivalent (i.e., strong emotions for each totally-opposed option). This is all very hard.
hell ladies

hope everyone is having a relaxing sunday

MrsF - wow hun you must have been so relaxed after that acupuncture session wish i could sleep that long. if you need any help doing your sig let me know i can walk you through it. xx

Mercy - hubby was probably a little scared in case he hurt you im sure he will do alot better this time with him doing them everyday. i was surprised how easy i found it to do it myself really didnt think i could and look at me now actually looking forward and even excited about jabbing myself everyday and then twice a day but not for as long this time around. xx

well i havent done much today but have lots planned for tomorrow. will be doing house from top to bottom so i have nothing to do tuesday when i have my appointment:happydance::happydance::happydance: cant wait then will be countdown to AF. im planning on doing lots of exersice before she is due to help mother nature along well that and wearing my nicest white knickers lol doubt it will work but gotta give it a try :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

:dust::hug: xx

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