hello ladies

hope everyone is well

Mrs-G - hope AF comes on time hun. my last AF i never had any warning i normally have a few cramps but nothing she just arrived on time hope its the same for you xx

Isi - at least its a start hun and you dont have to wait too long to see you FS good luck with your appointment xx

sammy - hope you had a nice time hun and did lots of sunbathing. ive enjoyed looking after the thread for you. well what can i say about what you came home. they do say bad luck comes in 3s so thats your 3 things out the way so good luck all the way now https://static.fertilityfriends.co.uk/forum/Smileys/classic/reiki1.gif https://static.fertilityfriends.co.uk/forum/Smileys/classic/reiki1.gif https://static.fertilityfriends.co.uk/forum/Smileys/classic/reiki1.gif xx

Britt - it aint over til the :witch: arrives xxx

AFM - well got to the hospital to find out my appointment was at 2pm not 3pm like i got told on the phone :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: but they managed to squeeze me in but i knew everything already. they didnt tell me a single thing that i didnt already know :haha::haha::haha: so i gotta ring on 1st day of AF to make arrangements for a scan and if everything is ok i can start stimming wooohooooooooooooooo

:dust::hug: xxx

omfg this country is crazy. we have PCT suspending or thinking of suspending funding for fertility treatment but yet i just found out today that a friend had a boob job yesterday on the NHS funny thing is shes actually boasting that she lied to the doctors to get them done saying its making her depressed but she isnt really. what a waste of public money. thats what they should stop first not fertility treatment really has made me angry :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

evening my lovelies x x x x

welcome home Sammy!! Sounds like it's been an eventful time away for your house!!!!

Wrighty - i cannot believe the boob job!!! Speechless mate. And do you nkow what's even more chuffin annoying - the depths of despair and depression we go through and have gone through, yet we can't get free goes on the nhs....(well, we can, but you know what i mean.) Bloody awful.

britt - i'm so sorry your acupuncture wasn't up to much, it's a real shame as it gives it all such a bad press. good that you got something out of it though - but for that price :/ i can see why you wouldn't go back

Mrs-G - so easy for me to say, but try not to stress about the acupuncture. Is it the needles hun? or anything in particular that bothering you? If i can help to alleviate any fears, i will do :) although, i have a feeling i might not get on before you get to go

hello and love to you other ladies - i've lost my thread on who i needed to reply too :wacko:

x x x x x x
my update - didnt wanna put it on the last post as it would have made it mammoth!!!

I have a yucky feeling my cycle's gonna be put back :( i've had for the past few weeks some strange sensations going on in my womb - i thought last month that it was implantation, etc, but AF came and proved that theory wrong!!!

It's not painful as such, just really heavy, dragging feeling, quite tender, and like something needs to come out??? I've done another preg test just in case i had false negative last month, but negative again, so i know it's defo not a wee one in there. sometimes i get back pain with it, like period pains, but they've been coming at the wrong time in the cycle. Recently i've had to hold my womb as there's been such a strong heaviness in there. Anyone had this before?? Any ideas what it could be??

I don't think it's an infection as such as i have no unusual CM or yucky stuff, peeing ok, no burning - it's what i'd imagine it to feel like if there was bubba in there. Strange. I'm gonna ring the clinic tomorrow, but if they tell me to go to docs for tests and scans, it'll set me back ages........

i know i need to get it sorted though, we've only got two blastos and i couldn't live with myself knowing i'd wasted one cos i hadn't got my act together - but really, timing??!!!!

all thoughts gratefully received! thanks cherubs x x x
Mrs-G was it your first round? Congratulations, let's hope there is something lucky in the name!
have just realised there are two Mrs G's!!!! sorry ladies!!! :wacko:
evening my lovelies x x x x

welcome home Sammy!! Sounds like it's been an eventful time away for your house!!!!

Wrighty - i cannot believe the boob job!!! Speechless mate. And do you nkow what's even more chuffin annoying - the depths of despair and depression we go through and have gone through, yet we can't get free goes on the nhs....(well, we can, but you know what i mean.) Bloody awful.

britt - i'm so sorry your acupuncture wasn't up to much, it's a real shame as it gives it all such a bad press. good that you got something out of it though - but for that price :/ i can see why you wouldn't go back

Mrs-G - so easy for me to say, but try not to stress about the acupuncture. Is it the needles hun? or anything in particular that bothering you? If i can help to alleviate any fears, i will do :) although, i have a feeling i might not get on before you get to go

hello and love to you other ladies - i've lost my thread on who i needed to reply too :wacko:

x x x x x x

yeah we can but for how long? i know im on my last go now but id hate to think of all the lovely, well deserving ladies that might never get the same opportunity that i have had. warrington have already stopped there funding its not going to be long till the other PCTs follow
i had heard when the new coalition was formed that cuts were gonna be made across all public sectors, then i heard (it may've been on this site) that fertility treatment was gonna be hit - probably by the end of the year. I always felt that the pct postcode lottery sucked, but having been on here for as long as i have, i am so pleased that some ladies have resulted a BFP after 2 or 3 rounds on the nhs.

it is gonna hit the fan once all area funding stops - like you say wrighty, it's gonna hit some well-deserved ladies hard, it's just so unfair. this new government are really not doing themselves any favours - so many couples will be affected by this.
:growlmad: bloody politics
Mrs F - you're best getting checked out, it might just be your body playing tricks but worth checking. With regards to acupuncture its not really the needles it more about going then having to go straight to work after, I;m not sure that I'll get the bebefit of it, I thought the idea was that it relaxed you.

I called nurses today and they are fully booked aggghh!!!! They've managed to squeeze me in next Friday and say I'll have to use water as I won't actually be on day 21 - surely they don't mean actually inject water into me do they?????

my update - didnt wanna put it on the last post as it would have made it mammoth!!!

I have a yucky feeling my cycle's gonna be put back :( i've had for the past few weeks some strange sensations going on in my womb - i thought last month that it was implantation, etc, but AF came and proved that theory wrong!!!

It's not painful as such, just really heavy, dragging feeling, quite tender, and like something needs to come out??? I've done another preg test just in case i had false negative last month, but negative again, so i know it's defo not a wee one in there. sometimes i get back pain with it, like period pains, but they've been coming at the wrong time in the cycle. Recently i've had to hold my womb as there's been such a strong heaviness in there. Anyone had this before?? Any ideas what it could be??

I don't think it's an infection as such as i have no unusual CM or yucky stuff, peeing ok, no burning - it's what i'd imagine it to feel like if there was bubba in there. Strange. I'm gonna ring the clinic tomorrow, but if they tell me to go to docs for tests and scans, it'll set me back ages........

i know i need to get it sorted though, we've only got two blastos and i couldn't live with myself knowing i'd wasted one cos i hadn't got my act together - but really, timing??!!!!

all thoughts gratefully received! thanks cherubs x x x

id get yourself checked out just incase hun xx
Mrs F - you're best getting checked out, it might just be your body playing tricks but worth checking. With regards to acupuncture its not really the needles it more about going then having to go straight to work after, I;m not sure that I'll get the bebefit of it, I thought the idea was that it relaxed you.

I called nurses today and they are fully booked aggghh!!!! They've managed to squeeze me in next Friday and say I'll have to use water as I won't actually be on day 21 - surely they don't mean actually inject water into me do they?????


when i did my training i didnt inject anything into me. the nurse did say they used to use water but they stopped that. the water they use will not be tap water it will probably be the same water you use when you mix the drugs. i just had a go at making sure i could stab myself the syringe was empty. xx
Going to IVF class in the morning!! Filled out a mountain of paperwork. Some of it was weird -- normal questions like "height" "weight" "eye color" -- but then, "complexion" & "teeth" -- WTF? I put down "yes" for "teeth". What kind of question is that??

wrighty, I'm shocked at how your friend was able to game the system! How frustrating to feel like important services aren't being fulfilled when frivolous ones are. Actually, I'm still amazed by the idea of a country taking care of its citizens' health -- why are we so backward here?

MrsF, sorry to hear that you're dealing with weird pains & AF issues. Hope they get resolved soon.

MrsG, hope you get to see the nurse right away! Sounds really annoying.

Sammy, glad to see you on the board after your holiday. I'm new to this one -- but it's fun to be on a thread with you; you always brighten up the place. Maybe it's your picture? Looks like great fun!
Helloooooo ladies!!!!

Right then well i am able to play the game again (oh the joys - NOT)

After another argument with OH just before the apt (we already have an argument before EVERY ivf apt for some reason :blush:) i was all ready to give the doc a piece of my mind but it went better than i thought!

I brought up the progesterone (or rather lack of it) and he agreed to increase this for as long as we wished.... then i brought up the fact that receptionist staff were putting in my FET (wrong in every way in my opinion - either answer the phone or put in embryos but not both?) however, he said she was trained (hmmmm)

Then i said i could not physically go through another egg collection awake as its far too painful and he said "well we can give you a drip and knock you out" why wasnt i offered this last time when i was having a small conorary sitting in that chair?

Then i complained (not that im one for complaining - much) about the fact that they were not stimming me enough with 150 Decapeptyl, 150 Puregon and 75mg of Menopur and so he said ok well we will increase then to:

150 mg Decapeptyl
225 mg Gonal F (same drug as Puregon apparently)
150 mg Menopur

which is much better.....

I said this was our last try of free IVF's (you get 3 free here in Holland) and he said it wasnt we had two left... You could see the confusion on my face after having 2 already! 3 - 2 (IMO) = 1? :dohh:

So he explained that if you get pregnant and carry for more than 12 weeks and then miscarry or have to terminate then you get that "try" refunded back as another free go. With the first IVF i was BFP and carried until 24 weeks but sadly had to terminate due to Hydrocephalus so in our case we have another 2 fresh cycles of IVF.

I asked about IUI and he said "have as many as you want... 8... 10.... doesnt matter they are not expensive and insurance companies will pay for as many as you want (to waste your time on)". :happydance: (he also said there is about as much chance of it being successful as an immaculate conception (in not so many words) but i knew that anyway! :haha:

With regards to our FET he wanted to put that in on CD 10 (im on CD 6) which was amazingly quick but OH starts a new job Monday and i dont think asking for time off in his first week will look very good so we postponed until October which i had already planned... nice for the super quick offer though! lol

We have to call when i have AF and we will get scheduled in for a scan on Day 10 (since i have short cycles) and then FET. He gave me a script for the Pregnyl in advance.

He also wrote the new protocol and filed this with our notes. I asked him how much IVF cost when we run out of options and he said 3000 euros without drugs and 4500 euros with drugs... then something amazing happened...

He said "i will double up on your meds so if for some reason you are not successful with the rest of your free tries then you can use the spare drugs and save yourself 1500 euros" I was like WFT???? :happydance:

I said i didnt know how many follicles i had and he said "well lets scan you and see shall we" I knew i only had about 15 or so, there was 8 on my right ovary and 4 on the left. He explained that loads of follicles usually mean a poorer quality of eggs so in his opintion I had an excellent follicle/ovary reserve.

So we will stay put now for FET (only 50% thawing rate with these he said)and (if needed) another free fresh cycle of IVF and then maybe move to Belgium if they both fail!

I would imagine the next fresh cycle will be late November cycle as i have 2 weeks off work in December.
Wow! That's awesome, Sammy! So pleased for you!!! October is shaping up to be a very great month indeed!!
I know.... we couldnt really say we were leaving that hospital after that could we... i mean he has offered us just about everything! lol.

Ahhh well we give them one more chance and then over to belgium for the "last chance saloon" ha ha :hugs:
sammy - thats great news hun. so happy for you. xx

Thanks Hun... The first hurdle of 22 million complete! Lol

We should be having FET transfer around 18/19 October.

God I'm so sick of this crap...
bet you are hun but it will be worth it. xxx

i havent got a clue when my EC/ET will be depends on how i respond to the drugs but it will be first half of october i think i havent even started and im starting to get a bit flustered about it all.
Sammy that's fab news!!!! I bet you weren't expecting any of that! Always the way though isn't it - you get ready to give a piece of your mind and they go and screw it up by giving you so much!!!! :haha: (i mean that in a good way bud ;) ) x x x x

just learnt via another thread that i'm on my 2nd round of ivf :happydance: - i'll try and explain - i've read in some literature that average success is 3rd round and i thought this meant 3 fresh cycles plus all the frozen bubbas......:blush: so, hopefully, i won't have to pay for oodles of fresh rounds! (PMA kicking in again ladies!!!) i have a bizarre train of thought...... :wacko:

hope you're all well this evening my lovelies x x x

mercyme - teeth??? speechless.....

i'd just like to say that i really appreciate this thread and you ladies, i really look forward to logging on and catching up, and love the support in here. Soppy moment over.

Laters crazycats x x x x
MrsF - i love the way you think hun. so this should defo be my time as its my 4th https://static.fertilityfriends.co.uk/forum/Smileys/classic/reiki1.gifhttps://static.fertilityfriends.co.uk/forum/Smileys/classic/reiki1.gifhttps://static.fertilityfriends.co.uk/forum/Smileys/classic/reiki1.gifhttps://static.fertilityfriends.co.uk/forum/Smileys/classic/reiki1.gifhttps://static.fertilityfriends.co.uk/forum/Smileys/classic/reiki1.gif

mercy - what a thing to ask. good luck tomorrow hun xx

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