IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Quickie from me girls as i feel crappy :-(

Hpyns- Well done on the embies and good luck for ET x

Tink- Bet u are glad ur straight to stimms! u will be pupo in no time x

Schoolteacher- Sounds like a stressful day but you got there in the end eh? x

Traskey- Hope all is well with u x

Rosa, Hope and looplew- hope jabs going ok ladies x

Hi to everyone else. I am dosed up on painkillers for my mouth and im shattered from dr and my needle REALLY hurt today :-( im off to bed. 1 wk done already so going quite fast luckily xxx
Hope, yes, the journey has begun! Today, I've felt fine though. Let's go out and get some nice and comfy (albeit not very good looking probably) mat pants!! :headspin: Sorry...trousers! :haha:

Tinks, so words are different depending on where you are in the UK? I'm trying to think of words that are different throughout the states...soda pop. In the midwest, it's pop. In the east, it's soda. In the south, it's coke. No matter if it's sprite, rootbeer, whatever...it's coke. They're a little strange down there...:haha: Sorry you were over-stressed about your appt today. Glad you got in though, and didn't get sent home!

Princess, well it's a step anyway. Baby steps! End of the week will be here before you know it!

AQ, sorry about your tooth extraction. Ouch! :hugs: 1 week done! Take it easy today.

4everyoung, I'm so sorry, hun. Maybe the doc will know what to do differently for next time. It WILL work next time! Do you have any frosties? :hugs:

ST, oh hun!! I'm so sorry that they were so rude! What a disappointment. Sometimes they just don't understand how hard this is for us. Good job putting on the tears and getting moved through though! So glad everything worked out for you in the end! When do you start injections then?

Zowiey, that's a great number! Hopefully they're not too big. Do you think they'll just retrieve earlier, or down your dosage? I'm also doing the same amount of powders for menopur and 3 for bravelle. I start them in a week.

I should post a pic of my box. It's SO overwhelming! it's HUGE!!! :wacko:
Hey ladies! Wanted to pop in and let you all know that we had the ER on the 18th. Out of 7 follicles we got 5 eggs and today we learned we have 4 embryos. ET on the 21st, we'll put 2 in and we're off to the races. I'm done with Lupron, Gonal-F, and Menopur injections! But I'm now on oil progesterone injections in my butt muscle and progesterone suppositories. Not much bleeding after ER. The progesterone injection didn't hurt (DH did it brilliantly), but today it feels like a bruise on my upper butt/hip. If I'm confirmed PG, I'll be doing these injections for the next 12 weeks!!! When I get home, I'll catch up on the thread, sorry so time right now as I don't have access to my own computer. Sending good thoughts out to all of you!!!

Yay! 4 embies!! Are you going to freeze the other two? Omg, that's so soon! I'm happy for you! I'm glad to hear that the progesterone injections don't hurt. I'm worried about those. I have to do the shots and the suppositories too. :wacko: I'm like really?! I can't just do one or the other?! I'll have to do the shots for the first tri, too. Not fun.
Zoweiy - I'll be on two powders of Menopur - I think they're 75Mil a dose. Scans every couple of days is going to be interesting - my clinic is about 25 minutes away - but that goes to an hour if the traffic is bad. Not sure how I'm going to manage that with work though. I have an appt with my GP on the 1st to come up with a plan!

Tink - nice meds :thumbup:

Hpyns - :dance: That's a wonderful result - GL for ET. I really don't envy you those progesterone shots, your hubby must be amazing if that didn't hurt!

AQ - one week down already - it's flying by! Sounds like you need some serious downside to let your body recover from the DR and the Dentist :hugs:

Rosa - I think mat pants might be on the agenda, either that or I need to finally decide whether I like the boots I bought a couple of weeks back because then I can wear leggings and a skirt or dress which will be better than trousers.

I always found that strange that people in the South call everything coke even when it's not! When we were at Uni we spent the first week meeting new people and asking them what they called bread rolls where they came from… rolls/baps/batches/hoagies - so many names for a lump of bread :lol:

AFM - Sniffing starts tomorrow, just trying to work out when to start the four hourlies to fit in best i can with life.

Oh and I think I've said before that we're not telling DH's parents about IVF because they don't know we're TTC and want to surprise them with the We're Pregnant announcement… well they called last night and they want to come and stay October 4/5. Luckily before stimms, but I'll be sniffing and the meds are in the veggie drawer in the fridge… DH said - well that's that then, mum will want to know what the meds are. So I came up with a crafty plan and I've just checked that they fit nicely inside the boxes my innocent smoothies come in - so they're now disguised in the fridge… lets just hope no one takes a fancy to a smoothie :lol:

It'll be weird having them here and not telling them - they were here when I did my Clomid cycle and was having hideous side effects but I don't think they noticed that I wasn't quite myself :)

Well I'm pretty sure I missed a ton of people but I have to run to get ready for work - so I'm thinking good thoughts for you. Here's today's affirmation for you:

I trust and I love myself
AQ - How are you feeling today??? Have you managed to get some sleep?

Rosababy - I think we should all post pics, I think mine is quite small compared to most but they haven't given me everything yet and I have no DR drugs :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Hope - We call bread rolls barmcakes :haha: I love the idea to hide the drugs :thumbup: I hope everything goes ok tomorrow with DR and you get of lightly with symptoms :thumbup: The scan are going to be nightmare, it took us over 3 hours to just get to the clinic yesterday :dohh: It will all be worth it though.

Nothing to report with me just itching to get injecting :thumbup:

Hope everyone is well :kiss:
hello all! i had my first injection last night of 150iu Gonal F. It went fine, and didnt hurt-I got DH to do it! I don't have a pen, I had to add the solution to a bottle containing the powdered Gonal-F and mix then draw 150iu from the bottle into syringe with needle and then inject that. simpler than it sounds. (tinks we must have our Gonal f from different suppliers because didnt you say yours was a pen?)Next scan on friday! didnt learn anything at scan yesterday as they only said it was 'fine'. I will defo ask for figures next time! Must go as on work computer, do personals later!xxx
Hi All--

Hpyns--great numbers! Good luck. Keep us in the loop!!!

AQ--Feel better xx

So, I'm at the end of my first IVF cycle. I have had the heaviest flow ever in the last 24 hours (and I've historically had a healthy flow). To add insult to injury, my nurse said I need to keep taking my Crinone (vaginal suppository) and come in for my blood test this morning--just in case. The usually 45 minute drive took an hour and 15 minutes (even though I left before 6 am). When I got there they got me right in, which was great, but due to my lousy veins, it took FOUR attempts to draw blood. I look like I have been accosted :p

Anyway, even though I'm sure it's all for naught, I'll be grateful that I have the resources to go through this process, even the unpleasant parts (which most of it is, isn't it ladies?).

Thanks for listening. :)
Hope- Good luck for sniffing tomorrow! i am glad im injecting as only once per day and out the way then :) x

Rosa- How is dr going for you? x

Tinks- I am a lot better with my sore mouth today thank you. Had a few painkillers and a early night last night and think that did the trick :) x

Schoolteacher- Glad your 1st jab went well :) x

4everyoung- i am sorry this cycle has not worked out for you. I hope at your FU appt they have a good plan for next time ((hugs)) x

Hi to traskey, princess, loopylew and all u other girlies. x

AFM- Last nights jab REALLY hurt! all the rest have been fine but my friend said she sensed it was difficult to get thru the skin last nite. OUCH! hope tonights is ok. Im on day 8 of dr now so slowly getting there. Side effects lessened except the tiredness whics is worse than ever but all for a great cause so il survive xxx
ST - Glad your first injection went well, yes my gonal F is a pen, looks like a fat marker :haha: I have to mix liquid and powder together using a syrine for the cetrotide. Do you have a grug to stop you ov'ing? Isn't strange how even the same drugs can differ :dohh: GL for jabby No2 :thumbup: Are you going to do this one :winkwink:

4ever - I am sorry the clinic still made you go through the painfull journal for a blood draw when you feel you know the result anyway :hugs::hugs::hugs: 4 atemps as well, poor you :hugs: Really hope the bleeding eases soon :thumbup:

AQ - Sorry your jab last night really hurt, hope tonights is more succesfull :thumbup: Are you going to have a go at the injections or carry on with your friend? I know she is an expert so makes sense :thumbup: Glad your throat is a little better also.

Having to look at my meds all the time and know I cant use them yet is soooo frustrating lol :wacko:
Thanks Tinks, i hope so too! best be a sharp needle! lol.
Aww you will soon be jabbing away! not long now and honestly it goes so fast! im on my 2nd wk of dr now and its flew by. I hope stimms are ok as im nervous about them after hearing so many of my friends who have had treatment telling me how bloated, sore and ill they feel as the follies grow. At least its a good sign they are working eh? xxx
For the first 2 or 3 days it is only the gonal F that I use and thats a pen so I will be eased in gentley then its cetrotide (syrine) as well until EC but I am not too worried about the jabbys TBH, just the side effects :haha: Plan on drinking my body weight in water next week :haha:

Let us know how it goes tonight, GL :thumbup:
Stacy - sorry you had to go through the rigmarole of a blood test - when do you get the results?

AQ - glad your mouth feels better today, hope the jab is back to the usual painless event later x You're right that once a day is better than 5 for sniffing, but I'm not a great needle person so right now I'll take the sniffs - might have something different to say about that at 8am tomorrow :lol:

ST - sounds like your DH is a shot pro too. My DH said to me last night, do you start the injections tomorrow? And I said no, not until the 7th and he was like, oh yeah, sniffs tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to stabbing you with that needle… nice!

TMI but since we started TTC and I stopped the BCP I get awful spots and he loves to squeeze them! I got one right in my eye cavity last night and he tried to get rid of it - I've never felt pain like it and was thinking after that shots will be a breeze! I used to have really dry skin but now its oily - I really should switch my moisturisers and stuff as I'm sure it'll get worse with all the IVF drugs - something else to spend money on!

Tink - only 6 days until you start stimming - you'll be using those meds in no time :)
Stacy - sorry you had to go through the rigmarole of a blood test - when do you get the results?

AQ - glad your mouth feels better today, hope the jab is back to the usual painless event later x You're right that once a day is better than 5 for sniffing, but I'm not a great needle person so right now I'll take the sniffs - might have something different to say about that at 8am tomorrow :lol:

ST - sounds like your DH is a shot pro too. My DH said to me last night, do you start the injections tomorrow? And I said no, not until the 7th and he was like, oh yeah, sniffs tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to stabbing you with that needle… nice!

TMI but since we started TTC and I stopped the BCP I get awful spots and he loves to squeeze them! I got one right in my eye cavity last night and he tried to get rid of it - I've never felt pain like it and was thinking after that shots will be a breeze! I used to have really dry skin but now its oily - I really should switch my moisturisers and stuff as I'm sure it'll get worse with all the IVF drugs - something else to spend money on!

Tink - only 6 days until you start stimming - you'll be using those meds in no time :)

They there--I get the test results sometime today. The weird thing with all of this is I haven't had much cramping like I normally do with my period. Little twinges but not much pain, so I guess that's something to be thankful for :)

Anyway, thanks for asking. I'll confirm the results when I get them.
Hope - That spot thing is funny. My DH is always after sqweezing mine but I wont let him anywhere near. I cant stand them being sqweezed :wacko:

Thinking of you 4ever :hugs:
Hi all!

4everyoung-poor you having to go for the blood test! The heavy flow doesn't sound nice either, I hate it when that happens-espcially when you get those big clots they are scary! Take care hunxxxx

AQ-how odd that your injection hurt after the others didn't, here hoping it was a one off!

Tinks-yeah i'm gonna do it myself tonight, Aaaaah!!!! as dh is out. They said theymight give me cetrocide but will decide as and when so I haven't got it yet. Must be so annoying to just be looking at the drugs. that's what i thought was gonna happen to me when they sent me home with the gonal F but still not knowing the if the other ladie's AF had arrived.

Hope-hiya! my dh has never jabbed before but he was great! it's easy when it's not your own belly your jabbing it into though I guess! Did you decide on a fertility bracelet in the end? I have also gone one (some might say ridiculous) step further and printed off a pic of a elephant and turtle to stick o my wall!xx

Hi trask, delly, rosa, princess, doodar, hypns (goodluck!), Zo and everyone else! x
Oh hadn't thought of printing out pictures!

I just had a complete brain freeze then and couldn't remember whether I'd ordered the bracelet or not! OMG - what am I going to be like with a pregnancy brain :lol:

I ordered this one while I was eating my breakfast - I was limited in my choice as I have really skinny wrists and I didn't want to wait for someone to make one to fit!


"This simple yet beautiful bracelet has the powerful combination of Rose Quartz and Rhodanite. It has been finished off with a delightful Tibetan silver plated mother and baby elephant charm.

Mother and baby elephants together symbolise fertility, the elephant also symbolizes love and fertility because Buddha is said to be conceived when he entered his mother’s womb as a white elephant.

Rose Quartz is considered the stone of unconditional love and is said to encourage fertility. A beautiful stone bursting with goodness and love, ready to deflect negative energy.

Rhodanite is believed to be an emotional balancer that nurtures love. This stone activates the heart and stimulates fertility."

Hope it arrives quickly... the postman could be a regular visitor for the next few days as I just went a little mad on eBay ordering knitting supplies for the doll :lol:
OOooh hope I might have to print a pic of a mother and baby elephant together now!x
Sounds like you girls have been busy shopping :) Positivity is never a bad thing so I say go for it!!!!

Stacey, I hope you are ok after your bloods when you get your results :hugs:
It's official--I'm out this time around. Calling my RE Thursday to start the ball rolling again!

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