IVF/ICSI in July

Thanks for the lovely welcome girls. I'm excited, but scared to take such a big step. My meds come in tomorrow, and I'm sure that will make me realize how close I am. xx
Sue if you dont mind me being nosy, what was the result last time?

Hi Angel223. Last time round I got 35 eggs & 23 embies so we decided to go to blastocyst stage ( 5 day transfer). However by that time only 2 embryos had made it and hospital policy was that only one could be transferred (they're cracking down on multiple births for people under 35). We had one really good one put back in but unfortunately the other one wasn't suitable for freezing, which is why we're starting from scratch again this time. The good embryo did take and so ICSI did technically work for me. Our son was stillborn at 34 weeks but it looks like that had absolutely nothing to do with ICSI so please don't worry.

Thanks for the welcome everyone and also Hi to BizyBee.

DH has to do his sample at the hospital just before I go in for collection. Last time he found it really stressful as he was also worried about me about to go into theatre. This time round I'm going to see if they'll allow me in to help him a bit :blush:. The frozen sample seems like a great back up plan.

1st DR injection for me today wasn't too bad. Had some acu tonight too.

:hugs: to everyone
Sue - I am so sorry for your loss - I cannot even begin to imagine the devastation. I hope this time around is a happy ending for you.

I have called the clinic to prepare a back up sample - not because I think dh can't do it on the day but what if it spilled or what if it was a terrible sample etc. We plan to still use the fresh sample on the day - and only use the frozen sample if there are any problems with the fresh sample. Fresh is by far a much better sample - but people use frozen donor sperm all the time.

Af is still hiding although I know that she is very close by....hurry up af....
Sue im so sorry to hear that - i cant even begin to imagine how you ever learn to deal with that loss. More power to you for trying again after everything.

Snap Bizy, i get my meds tomorrow too and start the following day.

Blue, AF really is a wee minx. Hope she shows soon (and hope that the last one for a long while!)
Sue - sorry to read about your loss :hugs: Fingers crossed for this cycle.

Bizy - having the meds in the fridge really bought it all home to me, but after about 2 days, I didn't even notice the big blue bag! Any sign that the witch is on her way?

Angel - what day do you start, I get a bit confused with time differences - and I don't think I know where you are!

Blue - I keep thinking AF is here and am on quite regular knicker watch - it's almost worse than waiting for her in a "regular" ttc month - she was much more predictable then!

Starbright - how are you feeling?

Caline - any more side effects of the DRing?

BabyChristie - what time of day are you doing your injections? Best wishes for today and this cycle.

Springflower - not long now - did you track down the cheapest drug dealer, I mean supplier? :winkwink:

Thanks for all "sample" experiences. I think we'll just see how DH feels on the morning, and if it's a cold morning, I'm sure he'll appreciate the warm clinic - when we go for my first scan, he can check it out (and make sure the door locks). Something else, sperm related, that's on my mind is when DH should refresh his boys prior to egg collection day. Because we are doing ICSI because of his low number of swimmers, I'm worried we'll not time it right, as I don't want his boys to be too young or too old, iykwim. I guess every 2 or 3 days will ensure a healthy batch?

Did my first injection this morning - the injection was fine (other than the syringe was slightly different to the one I practiced with at the clinic), but afterwards it felt a bit itchy/tingly, so I then convinced myself that I was having an allergic reaction to the Buserelin and it wasn't going to work!! But after about 5 mins I was over it!

My second injection this evening wasn't really itchy at all. I asked DH to help with the injection by drawing up my dose - he failed big time - he ended up with a huge air-bubble in it - and used the air bubble as the guide to the right dose - he almost got it on his third or forth attempt, I'll get him to try again in the morning - bless.
Hello Ladies and welcome sue1411 and BizyBee:flower:

I haven't been on for a couple of days, looks like things are really hotting up!!

I'm soooo impatient! and want to get started! I had my 2nd accupunture session yesterday. Have to say I'm not too sure about it but I hope to strat feeling the benefits once I start the meds. I ahve my injection training booked for 12th July and will start injecting the next day. So I now have under 2 weeks left to wait!

Leilani - Yep sorted myself out a deal :haha: I'm picking up my perscription on Friday, so will have everything ready soon. I know I'll still have another week but I just want to know they are safely in the fridge waiting for me!

Hope everyone's doing well and the DR isn't too bad.
Hi everyone, wow its so busy on here!!! I started my down reg sniffing this morning so we're on our way. No side effects yet but its very early days! Depending on when AF shows, looks like we might start stims around 15th July so not that long hopefully.

Sue1411 - so sorry to hear your story. I really hope the ICSI works for you and that you will have your little bundle very soon. Looks like we are only a couple of days apart....

Bizybee - welcome! Sorry to hear about your losses too. You'll be on the meds before you know it and i wish you all the best for your treatment to be a success

Leilani - I'm taking the meds about 8am and then again about 8pm. The nasal spray seemed ok if a bit tingly in the nose afterwards. I just couldn't face more injections as I will have to inject the progesterone if I get to the 2ww because I don't do well on the pessaries.

Good luck to everyone on here - lets hope for lots of BFPs in 4-6 weeks. x
Sorry for your loss sue. :hugs: :hugs:

Angel, the meds came in and the huge box freaked me out a bit!

Blue, hope :witch: arrives asap!

Babychristie, good luck with the sniffing!

Leilani, I'm not sure about AF. I had some EWCM yesterday (on cd41) and a pos OPK (which prob doesn't mean much due to PCOS), but we :sex: just in case!

Question girls: I don't have to sniff so does that mean I am on the short protocol? I won't find out the details until AF arrives and I'm curious.
Hi everyone. Hope you all had a good day - I'm still loving the sunshine

Blue - Hope AF shows up soon. Its typical how when you want it to happen it never does! Love your dog photo by the way - sooo cute.

Angel - Good luck with starting the meds tomorrow.

Leilani - Are you stimming already then? Sorry, I'm a bit behind with where everyone is.

Springflower - I kind of know where you're coming from with the acupuncture too. If I'm honest, I've never felt any different whilst I'm having it or straight afterwards, but there is so much evidence in its favour for IVF and I suppose I have to give it some credit for my BFP last time. I've also found it really good at bringing on AF.

BabyChristie - I think our schedules are going to be very close. My baseline scan is booked for 13th July and if that's ok, I will start stimming that evening. You're so lucky you get to do the sniff version. I've not tried that before. What happens if you sneeze?

BizyBee - I'm on injections and I'm also on the long protocol. I may be totally wrong about this, but I think if you are on the long protocol you start DR around day 21 of your cycle, then add the Stims around 2 weeks later - which becomes day 1 of the IVF process, egg collection on day 14 and transfer 3 or 5 day later. That's just me tho.

Was half asleep when I did my injection this morning and got the needle tips the wrong way round, which meant I used the whacking great drawing-up needle to stab myself with. Won't make that mistake again!

Am I still allowed a sneaky glass of wine while DRing or should I be teetotal by now?
Ouch Sue that sure sounds painful - that is a huge needle compared to the other isn't it!!!

Af still isn't here - really hoping she comes soon though - yet now she will be here for the day of my friends wedding that I am the matron of honour for - yikes!

BizyBee - I am on long protocol too - but not sniffing - instead I am injecting to DR(starting on cd21). What meds did you get in your package Bizy?

Angel - Goodluck tmorrow with the first injeciton.

Babychristie - glaed your first sniff went well - isn't it so sureal to start?

Springflower - with the acupuncture I didn't notice/feel anything right away - but my first af after starting acu was significantly healthier blood colour and texture - showing that my lining was better. But I know acu isn't for everyone too.

Lelani - I find the injection sight is always itchy right after the injections too - but goes away quickly.

No af for me still. They did say she should be here after 7-10 days of DR - and today is the 9th day of DR so we will see. It makes me worry a bit because I have a friend who had a failed ivf whose af didn't come - so they gave her something to induce her af - and af still didn't come so they went onto stims anyway and she got af 4 days after ET. I won't be here for 2 days due to my friends wedding - I wish everyone luck and will be back soon!

Anyone else I missed, I am sorry - but best wishes and see you all soon!
Here's what I have. Not sure what some are for, but I'll know my protocol soon, hopefully!
HCG, 10K
Crinone Progesterone
Prenatals, Baby Aspirin
Sharps container
I have lupron too (for DR) that I inject.

Instead of Gonal F (to stim) - I have menopur and puregon.

And I have progesterone injection too - for 2ww!

So exciting Bizy - what cd are you on?
Hi girls - hope everyone is going well.

Baby Christie - hope the sniffing is going ok so far!

Bizy my drugs haul was no way near as exciting as yours! Im so disappointed - guess thats the short protocol!

Sue - loving the needle story! DH tried the drawing needle on me once and i can promise, never again! Not sure about the wine - my clinic give mixed messages - some nurses say none at all and others say in moderation!

Blue - enjoy the wedding. Hope AF has showed up by now!!

Leilani - im in N Ireland so i guess there is pretty much a day between us?

Anyway, i started meds today 1st. Just a tablet 2x a day so easy peasy for me! One week of that then a whole 5 days of nothing! Feeling a bit queasy but cant decide if its meds of the dinner i made last night!!
Blue, I think I'm on cd43 now. It feels like it will never end! Stupid PCOS! :hissy:
Hope she's arrived for you!

Angel, glad this part is easy for you!

How's everyone else doing?
Have now doen 5 shots of Buserelin (DR) and start the stimming tonight - got to love the short protocol - I'll just ignore the fact I'm doing it because of my age and poor hormone results!

I'm turning into a paranoid lunatic - I swear I'm getting all the menopausal symptoms - headaches - hot-flushes and mood swings - but after 2 days I don't know if that's possible. If it is, God help my poor DH when I go through it for real!!

I also thought I was allergic to the drugs (again), but when I was getting dressed this morning, I went to use DH's moisturiser (mine's almost run out, and he has loads), then I remembered there was a reason I never but the one he bought by accident - I'll allergic to it - so for now my puffy eyes are his fault for buying the wrong thing.

Does anybody know if it's ok to take ibuprofen or antihistamines when doign IVF drugs?

Also AF showed up properly this morning after spotting for the first time ever yesterday. I'm glad she's here after what you said Blue.

That's a whole heap of drugs Bizy - have you got your plan now?
Def not ibuprofen - i was told paracetamol was ok though. Do you get that there? I have no idea about the antihistamines though. Hey looks like you could do with a chill pill too!! Your mind just goes off on its own doesnt it! lol!
I hate paracetemol - the tablets are always so big! The eye-swelling has gone down, so I'll just wait and ask the nurse when she calls on Monday (with the results of my first blood test).

Angel - what are your pills? Are they for DR?
Hi all
Hope everyone's doing ok.
Had a rough week in terms of work and other stuff going on. But apart from all that, the DR seems to be going fine. Have got baseline scan first thing monday.
There's a few of us that have started now. How are you all doing?
Leilani, no plan yet. Still waiting for :witch:
Hope your swelling goes down!

Starbright, good luck with your scan!
:flower:Hello Ladies

Hope you all doing ok.

I picked up my drugs tonight. Yipee! Feels like another step closer. :happydance:

I've got:
Gonal F

Had a look at the Burselin, and a bit scared now the needle looks big to me!!

Now a question..
When you had your injection training, did you go on your own? I'm worried I'll forget what I'm supposed to do when I'm at home. So feel I need someone else there to listen too. OH has to work but I was thinking about bringing my mum along. She's desperate to see the clinic, no idea why...am worried that will look weierd though, being as I'm 31 and not 10!!

Love to you all

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