IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Babies- Yeah the same for me with the progestrone. Finding it fine. I use mine rectally as it absorbs much more easier and not as much mess! lol. I have a bad memory tho so i set my alarm twice a day as it has to be taken 12hrs apart so i do mine at 10am an 10pm. xxx
Its the thing i most not looking forward to but thing its the fear of the unknown more than anything else, once i use it a few times sure i will see its not that bad.
So excited for uuu!!! i think your otd is the same as my first injection? 3rd Nov.


Babies- Yeah the same for me with the progestrone. Finding it fine. I use mine rectally as it absorbs much more easier and not as much mess! lol. I have a bad memory tho so i set my alarm twice a day as it has to be taken 12hrs apart so i do mine at 10am an 10pm. xxx
Babies- With my last pregnancy i had a infection an had to use the bum bullets then so im used of them. lol. Its a piece of cake. If you use them rectally your muscles suck it up. haha sorry for tmi! if u use them vaginally you have to lay down for 20 mins to allow it to absorb which i dont fancy. Yes my OTD is 3rd Nov but i will be testing on Halloween as if there is a BFP to be seen it should show a faint positive then. I am super scared of testing tho. I cant stand to see a bfn after all this build up etc. In the lap of the gods now tho so not a lot i can do other than hope an pray! xxx
Arr thanks for that info least Im a little bit prepared now so won't be overwhelmed when i see it all- who is injecting you or are you doing it yourself? think my mum is going to do me she's diabetic so used to handling needles. my boyfriend has offered but not sure i might freak out if he does it. ha ha xxx

QUOTE=babies7777;13566533]Yes they arrived last week. They came in a big box but most of it is just packaging. Once inside the box there was a white box with the medicine for the fridge in then a white jiffy envelope with all the other meds in and i got a blue zip bag with all the needles, syringes and cotton wool etc and the sharps bin in. You get two types of needles, one for mixing the menopur which are quite big but you dont use them to inject with and the ones you do use look fine (she says) hee hee but they dont look that bad. You also get a dvd to watch which shows you how to inject which was good to watch. The thing im most dreading is the progestrone, not looking forward to sticking that in places things shouldnt go! :haha: but its all so worth it once we get our bfp's!!


Arr brilliant so were pretty much doing it at the same time then. Im off work for this week its half term so the time will go slow while I've got nothing to occupy my time with. have your meds arrived yet? mine come Thursday bit scared to see the needles though!! xxx
B][/B]QUOTE=babies7777;13565183]I start injections on the 3rd Nov, cannot wait either, not the injections the possible bfp!

I've got my needles appointment on the 11th November so will start then just can't wait Im so excited to just get started now, where about are you in your journey?xxx

Yay, thats great news!!

When do u start injections?

woo hoo my meds arrive on Thursday now it feels like its really happening xxx
Ahhh, so it makes it easier that way hee hee, its just the thought of it, but sure it will be fine once i get used to it. A halloween bfp!! that will be amazing!!
I'm just watching quints by surprise, they are all screaming their heads off yet i would happily have them. Fingers and toes crossed for all our bfp's!!


Babies- With my last pregnancy i had a infection an had to use the bum bullets then so im used of them. lol. Its a piece of cake. If you use them rectally your muscles suck it up. haha sorry for tmi! if u use them vaginally you have to lay down for 20 mins to allow it to absorb which i dont fancy. Yes my OTD is 3rd Nov but i will be testing on Halloween as if there is a BFP to be seen it should show a faint positive then. I am super scared of testing tho. I cant stand to see a bfn after all this build up etc. In the lap of the gods now tho so not a lot i can do other than hope an pray! xxx
I'm going to do it myself as dh wont be able to come to the instruction appointment with his work and i think deep down he would be scared to hurt me so its prob best i do it. Im gonna do it when he is there tho so he feels part of it. Wonder if you will be on the same meds as me, with your cycle will you be testing before christmas?

Arr thanks for that info least Im a little bit prepared now so won't be overwhelmed when i see it all- who is injecting you or are you doing it yourself? think my mum is going to do me she's diabetic so used to handling needles. my boyfriend has offered but not sure i might freak out if he does it. ha ha xxx

QUOTE=babies7777;13566533]Yes they arrived last week. They came in a big box but most of it is just packaging. Once inside the box there was a white box with the medicine for the fridge in then a white jiffy envelope with all the other meds in and i got a blue zip bag with all the needles, syringes and cotton wool etc and the sharps bin in. You get two types of needles, one for mixing the menopur which are quite big but you dont use them to inject with and the ones you do use look fine (she says) hee hee but they dont look that bad. You also get a dvd to watch which shows you how to inject which was good to watch. The thing im most dreading is the progestrone, not looking forward to sticking that in places things shouldnt go! :haha: but its all so worth it once we get our bfp's!!


Arr brilliant so were pretty much doing it at the same time then. Im off work for this week its half term so the time will go slow while I've got nothing to occupy my time with. have your meds arrived yet? mine come Thursday bit scared to see the needles though!! xxx
B][/B]QUOTE=babies7777;13565183]I start injections on the 3rd Nov, cannot wait either, not the injections the possible bfp!

I've got my needles appointment on the 11th November so will start then just can't wait Im so excited to just get started now, where about are you in your journey?xxx

Yay, thats great news!!

When do u start injections?

woo hoo my meds arrive on Thursday now it feels like its really happening xxx
:cry: just got back from my follicles scan and they are not that good!!!! :cry:
Only had 6 follicles and all of them really small! biggest one is 12mm and about 4 of them were only 10mm and the nurse said that they should be 17mm! They have upped my Menopur for 2 more evenings so am on 4 vials rather than 3!!
Oh god felt sooooo disappointed!! What do you ladies think????

Nici- I know u will be disappointed hun but look at me, i had 4 follicles and only 1 was the right size and we got our golden egg from it ;-) the fact they have upped your menopur is great as follies can grow as much as 1-2mm per day so u have plenty of chance to grow them to size and its quality not quanity remember.
Right what i did after my scan was up my protein level by a HUGE amount as it helps follies and eggs develop. I had x1 protein shake(ready made in a can from tesco) and x1 protein bar per day from my scan till EC and i also drank a pint of milk per day and ate lots of brazil nuts and it did the trick! so stock up and u can make a difference before EC. you will be fine. PMA all the way hun! xxx
Nici- I know u will be disappointed hun but look at me, i had 4 follicles and only 1 was the right size and we got our golden egg from it ;-) the fact they have upped your menopur is great as follies can grow as much as 1-2mm per day so u have plenty of chance to grow them to size and its quality not quanity remember.
Right what i did after my scan was up my protein level by a HUGE amount as it helps follies and eggs develop. I had x1 protein shake(ready made in a can from tesco) and x1 protein bar per day from my scan till EC and i also drank a pint of milk per day and ate lots of brazil nuts and it did the trick! so stock up and u can make a difference before EC. you will be fine. PMA all the way hun! xxx

Awwww thanks hunni!!!
Its just gutting to hear that things arent going to plan!!! what aisle in Tescos are the protein shakes??

Arr that's nice so he'll still be part of it. originally i was gonna do my own but thought the best way to go about it is to have my mum and boyfriend learn how to do it just incase we have any difficulty. i think it works out testing literally just before Christmas which Im into minds about really it could either be best Christmas ever or horrible. it'll be my last week in school when Im having ec and et so think its time i tell work about my journey up until now I've not had to tell them anything because everything has fallen in school holidays bit worried they will be off with me so fingers crossed. when will you be testing? xxx
I'm going to do it myself as dh wont be able to come to the instruction appointment with his work and i think deep down he would be scared to hurt me so its prob best i do it. Im gonna do it when he is there tho so he feels part of it. Wonder if you will be on the same meds as me, with your cycle will you be testing before christmas?

Arr thanks for that info least Im a little bit prepared now so won't be overwhelmed when i see it all- who is injecting you or are you doing it yourself? think my mum is going to do me she's diabetic so used to handling needles. my boyfriend has offered but not sure i might freak out if he does it. ha ha xxx

QUOTE=babies7777;13566533]Yes they arrived last week. They came in a big box but most of it is just packaging. Once inside the box there was a white box with the medicine for the fridge in then a white jiffy envelope with all the other meds in and i got a blue zip bag with all the needles, syringes and cotton wool etc and the sharps bin in. You get two types of needles, one for mixing the menopur which are quite big but you dont use them to inject with and the ones you do use look fine (she says) hee hee but they dont look that bad. You also get a dvd to watch which shows you how to inject which was good to watch. The thing im most dreading is the progestrone, not looking forward to sticking that in places things shouldnt go! :haha: but its all so worth it once we get our bfp's!!


Arr brilliant so were pretty much doing it at the same time then. Im off work for this week its half term so the time will go slow while I've got nothing to occupy my time with. have your meds arrived yet? mine come Thursday bit scared to see the needles though!! xxx
B][/B]QUOTE=babies7777;13565183]I start injections on the 3rd Nov, cannot wait either, not the injections the possible bfp!

I've got my needles appointment on the 11th November so will start then just can't wait Im so excited to just get started now, where about are you in your journey?xxx

Yay, thats great news!!

When do u start injections?

woo hoo my meds arrive on Thursday now it feels like its really happening xxx
Nici- Yes it is very upsetting to hear things arent as well as they could be but im proof that it is not always the end of the road ;-)
The protein shakes are in the aisle where the vitamins and meds etc are xxx
Nici im so sorry that follies are not the size they should be but like africaqueen said its the quality not quantity, stock up on the protien and take the extra menopur and fx'ed the follies will catch up. Lots of :babydust: and :hugs:
Nici im so sorry that follies are not the size they should be but like africaqueen said its the quality not quantity, stock up on the protien and take the extra menopur and fx'ed the follies will catch up. Lots of :babydust: and :hugs:

Awwww thanks hunni!!
I guess thats why the first cycle of IVF is a big learning curve if it doesnt work as i should of been on 4 amps to begin with then would of had lots more follies and ones the right size too! i think tho that they shud scan people after day 6 or 7 rather than leave it till day 10!! grrrrrrrrr!!!
Sorry, rant over .... and breath .......
Am off to Tescos now to stock up on Protein shakes!!

I think mine will be few days before christmas but im not 100% sure how long each parts takes, think the dr is 3 weeks and the stimm is 10 days but not sure if that depends on a few things and when af comes, will ask when i go to the injections appointment to clarify but judging on what im guessing it will be before christmas so like u said hopefully the best christmas present ever!!


Arr that's nice so he'll still be part of it. originally i was gonna do my own but thought the best way to go about it is to have my mum and boyfriend learn how to do it just incase we have any difficulty. i think it works out testing literally just before Christmas which Im into minds about really it could either be best Christmas ever or horrible. it'll be my last week in school when Im having ec and et so think its time i tell work about my journey up until now I've not had to tell them anything because everything has fallen in school holidays bit worried they will be off with me so fingers crossed. when will you be testing? xxx
I'm going to do it myself as dh wont be able to come to the instruction appointment with his work and i think deep down he would be scared to hurt me so its prob best i do it. Im gonna do it when he is there tho so he feels part of it. Wonder if you will be on the same meds as me, with your cycle will you be testing before christmas?

Arr thanks for that info least Im a little bit prepared now so won't be overwhelmed when i see it all- who is injecting you or are you doing it yourself? think my mum is going to do me she's diabetic so used to handling needles. my boyfriend has offered but not sure i might freak out if he does it. ha ha xxx

QUOTE=babies7777;13566533]Yes they arrived last week. They came in a big box but most of it is just packaging. Once inside the box there was a white box with the medicine for the fridge in then a white jiffy envelope with all the other meds in and i got a blue zip bag with all the needles, syringes and cotton wool etc and the sharps bin in. You get two types of needles, one for mixing the menopur which are quite big but you dont use them to inject with and the ones you do use look fine (she says) hee hee but they dont look that bad. You also get a dvd to watch which shows you how to inject which was good to watch. The thing im most dreading is the progestrone, not looking forward to sticking that in places things shouldnt go! :haha: but its all so worth it once we get our bfp's!!


Arr brilliant so were pretty much doing it at the same time then. Im off work for this week its half term so the time will go slow while I've got nothing to occupy my time with. have your meds arrived yet? mine come Thursday bit scared to see the needles though!! xxx
B][/B]QUOTE=babies7777;13565183]I start injections on the 3rd Nov, cannot wait either, not the injections the possible bfp!

I've got my needles appointment on the 11th November so will start then just can't wait Im so excited to just get started now, where about are you in your journey?xxx

Yay, thats great news!!

When do u start injections?

woo hoo my meds arrive on Thursday now it feels like its really happening xxx
Everything crossed for u, grow eggies grow!!


Nici im so sorry that follies are not the size they should be but like africaqueen said its the quality not quantity, stock up on the protien and take the extra menopur and fx'ed the follies will catch up. Lots of :babydust: and :hugs:

Awwww thanks hunni!!
I guess thats why the first cycle of IVF is a big learning curve if it doesnt work as i should of been on 4 amps to begin with then would of had lots more follies and ones the right size too! i think tho that they shud scan people after day 6 or 7 rather than leave it till day 10!! grrrrrrrrr!!!
Sorry, rant over .... and breath .......
Am off to Tescos now to stock up on Protein shakes!!

Nici - dont panic - it's good that you know this now and that they can do something about it. Extra drugs and a couple more days should do the trick just fine. There is nothing to be gained from worrying - they've found the problem and theyre fixing it!

I cant remember who asked me, and cant find the thread now, but someone asked me about whether or not I did the deed in the 2ww? The answer is no, and I still havent - dont want anything disturbing what's going on up there! Whether it actually would or not is a different issue, but if it makes me feel better....

REALLY struggling with this wait for my 7 week scan. I'm 6 weeks tomorrow and feeling fine in the main. Just need to know that the baby is ok and doing what it should be. Did anyone else go mad with the wait?!!

How are you doing with the 2ww Africa?! xx

had my egg collection today and very worried. they managed to get nine eggs buy only five of them were any good to be injected and with our track record of fertilisation i don't think things look to good for us. all we can do is hope and pray.
Jane- I am sure the next wk will fly by and u will soon see your lil rice for 1st time :) I am doing ok as it goes but will swing from feeling super positive to be terrified within hrs! lol. Its the classic 2ww madness kicking in! i can imagine how worried you are for 1st scan as i was the same with my previous pregnancies. Nerves on edge none stop. Im sure all will be fine. Any ms or anything yet? x

Cvaeh-5 eggs is good. Was it IVF last time rather than ICSI? as your chances will be a lot better with ICSI surely? lots of pma coming your way hun. Get some rest and you are in my prayers. I hope tomorrows call brings you wonderful news x

AFM- Well todays "symptoms" are... feeling very lightheaded and dizzy and very worn out. Odd lil twinges still and (tmi, sorry) lots of clear cm. I hope these things point to a BFP! lol. xxx

had my egg collection today and very worried. they managed to get nine eggs buy only five of them were any good to be injected and with our track record of fertilisation i don't think things look to good for us. all we can do is hope and pray.

Hey hunni!!
Am sure your lil eggies will be just fine ya know!! got everything crossed for you!!! what time was your collection??? you werent in the lift going down from the HC at about 11.15 were you???



my collection was at eleven and only left centre at one. i'm trying to be positive but can't help but think there must be something wrong with the five they icsi'd if four others were no good. i really appreciated your positive thoughts and prayers,

nic- i'm sure your follicles will grow nicely for collection later in the week.


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