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IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Hi ladies just a little update I had my day 7 scan this morning, I've got around 6-7 folliclies on each side but they are showing a little small so they've upped my dose to 3 amps of menopur for the next 3 days. So compared to last time hopefully these little eggs will get bigger and I'll have some juicy ones compared to last time when I had too many shitty small ones. My stomach is starting to look like it's going mouldy lot's of nice yellow and green bruises but the night sweats have stopped :yipee:

I was chatting to the nurse and she said on Saturday morning they did 12 transfers which I think shows how many people are in the same boat or is it that they resort to IVF to quickly !!!!!

I'm back in on Friday so I'll keep everyone updated, Hope everyone else is well xxxxx
Oooh hope those follies grow and grow Bugs!
Hope your poor tummy bruises go away soon.
Get plenty of rest where you can ;-)
Are you going to take any time off work after EC/ET?

Yes I've got a week's holiday booked from the 14th Feb which will hopefully be my testing week and then depending on if I have a 3 or 5 day transfer I might go back in inbetween collection or transfer or I might get signed off I'm just going to take each day at a time. It's not the phsyical side of it coz last time I felt fine it's the other side last time I was like an emotional wreck so i'd rather be at home xxxx
Yeah thats what i was thinking.
I would find it very emotional dealing with the waiting and poss outcomes etc.
I will probs do what your doing when we come to having treatment.
Aww best of luck to you! we really need some BFPS on this thread dont we?
starting with you ;-) xxx
ooo fingers crossed bugs!! :hug:

How have work been with you over needing time off? have you told them about what's happening?

Yes I work in the public sector so we get special leave for IVF treatment, I told them what was happening last time and I told the people on my team coz I couldn't be arsed trying to explain each appointment and time off and things and all the girls really look after me so it's nice. I think it also helps coz there is so many pregnancy announcements in work I think if people know they are a bit more considerate about what they say in front of you.

What is everyone else doing if you get pregnant with IVF will you keep it a secret or would you tell people and what about the babies would you tell them when they are older ?

I've taken pictures at each step so I can make a scrap book I think it will be nice to show them how much effort went into making them, But I know someone else who hasn't told anyone and she won't tell the babies (it's twins) so just wondered how everyone else felt ???
I will only tell a handful of people about going through IVF, just a couple of people who I have to tell at work, my sister knows, she has been fab so far and I haven't even started, she's been researching it an everythin lol. My DF of course, and a couple of friends. Not even gonna tell my mum.

I will tell my baby/babies when they are older, like you say, they will know what we went through to have them. My work have just brought a new IVF policy in, where you get 1 days paid leave, per cycle I think. Just doesn't seem enough to me.

I think the scrap book is a lovely idea! One I might pinch if you don't mind. I have kept a little diary of dates ever since we started the fertility treatment which I will keep too. Show them how much we went through.

I love that my idea has been pinched I just think it will be nice to look back on, one day is nowhere near enough that is ridiculous you need at least one day for collection and one for transfer and then at least one after each to rest. I'd love to know who comes up with these things probably a man xxxx
Hi ladies for my next update, I had my day 10 scan today and I've got roughly about 10 follicles on each side. The scary part was when the nurse said oh that looks like a good one oh no it's a cyst, That was a bit scary but other than that the follies are roughly the same size but are still far too small so they've prescribed me another 3 days of drugs (another £153 poorer) and I've got to go back on Monday so they've got 3 days to pull their finger out and get nice and big and juicy !!!!

Hope everyone is well and counting down to their IVF journeys, I have been waiting till September for this and I can't believe how quick it's come round you'll be starting before you know it xxxxxx
Will be keeping everything crossed that them little follies grow for you Bugs!! xxxxx
hi girlies, hope ur all good!

Bugs- Good luck hunny! hope u get some nice big follies hun! xx

i went to lwh last thursday for my baseline scan to see if my buserelin has worked and it has. :) I now start my 3 amps of menapur tonight! eeeeek gettin excited now!
Gotta go back in on friday the 4th for another scan and also on the 7th and hopefully if everything goes to plan and there is atleast one fat follie, they will arrange my egg collection!!!!!!! I cant believe how fast it goes at this stage hehe! i am in shock!! hehe

well i wish all u girlies alot of luck and ofcourse baby dust!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxx
Good Luck Laura hope it all goes well, We will be really close together hopefully I'll have my collection at some point this week so we can drive eachother crazy on 2WW !!!
longtobeamum- thanx alot hunny, im excited!!

bugs- i know its mad how close it is hehe!
we sure will drive eachother nuts on the 2ww! lol

hello ladies

sorry i havent posted in a few weeks but have been reading up on you all

Bugs - that sounds great hun good luck with your next scan hope your follies are nice and ready for EC https://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o189/bethswk/Blinkies/follies.gif xx

Africaqueen congrats on the weight loss hun keep it up you will be on the list in no time xx

Longtobeamum - good luck with your weight loss hun. hope you will soon be on your journey to your BFP xx

Laura - good luck with stimming hun. it really does fly by mine did.https://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o189/bethswk/Blinkies/follies.gif xx

Natp - hope everything is ok with you hun xx

AFM - AF arrived on thursday :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: so i should be having FET in roughly 2 weeks cant wait im so excited so i will be around abit more now.

https://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r104/ovwatch/Misc/thGoodLuck.jpghttps://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r104/ovwatch/pouringdust.gif To All xx
Hi girls :)

Bugs and Laura- Hope your follies produce tons of fab eggies and you both get a good choice of embies from them :)

Wrighty- Nice to hear from you hun. Was thinking of you last wk ;-) Not long for you now and you will have your snow baby where he/she belongs :)

Longtobemum- we will soon be on here posting about our IVF cycles won't we? be weird after standing in the sidelines for so long ;-)

Is anyone going to the next Link at LWH on 9th march? Its about acupuncture this time. I am hoping to go as im quite interested in having a go at acupuncture xxx
Hi ladies, Oh Wrighty how exciting you must be desperate to be pupo you've had to wait so long it'll be here before you know it xxx

AfricaQueen what is the Link I've never heard of it, I would be the 1st to shout about acupuncture It's painful when you have treatment but I think that means they are hitting the right spot and I feel so relaxed on my way home. I think I've said before on this thread if anyone wants the number of my acupuntarist I would be happy to give it. She specialises in fertility and works under Zita West. She is worth every penny if not just for the information she gives me about what to expect coz the Womens don't tell you anything xxxx
Bugs- The link is a meeting every 2mths that happens at LWH and they discuss something different each meeting. I am going to go the next one. You should come and we can meet up :)

If you could PM me the details of that acupuncturist that would be great please?
I don't mind a little pain if it gives us a better chance and iv had a few tattoo's so should find it ok. lol :)

Hope your feeling ok. Im lying in bed watching 'PS i love you' tissue fest again! xxx
Ha Ha I know that one gets me every time proper tearfest !!!
My acupuncturist name is Jackie Fairweather if you google her name you will find her she is the only person I can find in Merseyside who specialises in fertility and the acupuncture aside she is like my councilor I don't shut up from the minute I get in there. I'll let you know nearer the time about the Link meeting god only knows where i'll be then I'm trying not to plan too far in advance at the minute xxxx
Well just got back from my scan i've got a few big follicles but some are still lagging behind so they've given me another prescription for tonight and then they are going to do egg collection on Thursday but I'm a bit pissed off coz that means day 3 will be Sunday and the clinic is closed so If I haven't got many which I think will be the case They won't wait till day 5 so I'll have to have transfer on day 2 and I just feel coz I am only having 1 put back how will they possibly know which is the best one at that stage. I suppose I've just got to trust them but I'm really wishing I'd gone to a private clinic seeing as though I'm paying anyway !!!!!

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