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IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Hi ladies just wondered if I could join u not a clue how I work this site but been nosying at ur posts for weeks now (hope u dnt mind) I was reffered from whiston to liverpool late last year had information evening november and I've just had all my tests repeated and we have just received consultation for 24th feb my bf has low sperm morphology (so we were told @ whiston )and I've had ectopic in a previous relationship 2 years ago ttc since I'm just curious as to what this appointment is about I'm guess working all the time and its all I'm thinking about hope ur all ok reading your comments has kept me going I'm sick of friends and family announcing pregnancys when they didn't want children (selfish me) can't help feeling like this :/ sorry I'm rambling on be lovely to hear some bfps on here very soon :)xx

Hi babys4beckyx welcome to our thread, If it's your 1st appointment it will be pretty straight forward they'll have a look at your results and then with you having MF probably recommend ICSI depending on if there is a waiting list which there never seems to be you should start within a couple of months.

If you have any questions write them down coz you are in and out and your mind just goes blank, Good Luck xxx

I'm still waiting for therm to ring I am so nervous !!!!!!
Thanks for reply I was really gettin confused as I though we would be starting next period well I was hoping all we seem to do is have an appointment wait 3 months and all over again bugs are u waiting on results regarding your eggs :) good luck xxxx
Also I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to boost my chances of this working I don't drink alcohol either so I dnt need cut backs :D my partner isn't a drinker either I've put him on zinc and I'm just taking my folic acid also with icsi is there a better chance of that working or ivf xxx
If it's a male factor problem then they will recommend ICSI to up your chances, I think the drinking and smoking is the main one but I have cut out as much caffine as possible I was going to try and eat better but i'm lucky to get 2 a day let alone 5 so I've tried my best to eat healthier.

Well I've just had the call and i'm a bit dissapointed we got 17 eggs exactly the same as last time but this time 10 were immature and could not be used so out of the 7, 5 have fertilised the hospital think this is a really good amount but can't explain why I am getting so many immature so not only do I have no tubes I produce shitty eggs aswell things just get better. She said it's my decision if we go to day 5 but I don't know if I'm brave enough I can't help but think they will do better if they are inside me I just don't know what to do !!!!
Aww bugs don't be disheartened at least there are 5 u only need 1 good egg I don't know what I'd decide on that one either I'd rather it be in and done with but then its good to go to blasto stage as you know which is the best whatever u decide I wish you lots of luck you deserve it I can't wait to be at that stage so does that mean if you only have the 1 et you have 4 remaining to freeze xxx
Longtobeamum _ sorry just read ur reply thank u and I wish u lots of luck on losin weight how far have you got to go xx
Ah Bugs, like babys4beckyx said, all it takes is 1 good egg, but as you say, it's so hard to decide what to do for the best. I think if it was me I'd let them go to blasts.

I'm goint to wait till they call tomorrow and see how they are doing if 3 or more are progressing well I'll go to blasto any less I'll have one put back as the embryologist said if they don't make it to blast in the lab it's unlikely they'll will get that far in the womb it's just about taking that chance on the positive side she said she has never had it happen when they have let them go to blast and not 1 has made it so fingers cxd xxxx
Ahhh this is so exciting for u so when is it roughly u have them in ?? How long has it taken to get to this stage from startin treatment I'm so scared of it all, xxx
Hi girls :)

Welcome Becky! Nice to see a new "face" in here to share the up's and down's with :)

Bugs- Think u made the right decision to wait an see what tomorrow beings. Fingers x'd that your embies get to blasts! come on embies!! ;-)

Wrighty- Hows it going hun? hope all is well x

Longtobeamum- Is it 49lb to go intill your bmi is under 30 or your goal weight?
Cnt rem sorry... lol. I have lost 30lb so far and got another 26lb to go. I Will do it!! :)

Ooh i checked with Dr and the referral was sent to the LWH on the 1st so i am very happy and feel sooo much closer to being preg! yaaaaay xxx
Hi africa queen I'm still gettin used to all this replying stuff ha! Its all such a waiting game isn't it for everyone one way or another xx let's hope we all get BFP this year xx
hi girlies, not been on for a few days coz my internets been playing up! boooo!!

babys4beckyx- hello and welcome hunny

bugs- congrats on gettin 17 eggs huns thats brill! wishing u and ur embies tonnes of luck hunny!

africaqueen- well done on ur 30lb weight loss thats brill!!!!

longtobemum- well done on ur 12lb weight loss hun!!! thats fab

ive been on menapur since last saturday and felt realy fat hehe! soooo bloated lol, should finish it on monday the 7th! woop!

went for a scan yesterday to see if its workin and it is! yey! goin back on monday 4 another scan, then they are gunna arrange my egg collection which should be the 10th or 11th the nurse said if all is well!!!!! eeeeeeeek! gettin a lil nervous and excited now if that makes sense.

good luck to u all and of course babydust for bfps in 2011!!!!!!!!

talk to u all soon girlies!! xxxxxx
ive been on menapur since last saturday and felt realy fat hehe! soooo bloated lol, should finish it on monday the 7th! woop!

went for a scan yesterday to see if its workin and it is! yey! goin back on monday 4 another scan, then they are gunna arrange my egg collection which should be the 10th or 11th the nurse said if all is well!!!!! eeeeeeeek! gettin a lil nervous and excited now if that makes sense.

good luck to u all and of course babydust for bfps in 2011!!!!!!!!

talk to u all soon girlies!! xxxxxx

Aww Laura that's fab about your scan and EC date!! I'm certain everything will go really well for you. How have you found injecting yourself? And how has OH been? Have you had many mood swings?

Hi laura how's it all been for you?? How long roughly has it been since ur consultation I am hopin to start next period after my consultation on the 24th xxx
hi girls,

longtobemum- my injections have been ok had no side affects wiv buserelin but had bloating wiv menapur and been abit emotional hehe! apart from that they have gone realy well. My OH has been fab, hes realy supportive, bless him! hes changed his shifts at work while ive been on injections to support me so im not doin um on my own hehe! x hows u hun? great to hear about ur weight loss :). x

babys4beckyx- its been ok thanx, well we got put on the ivf list in december after the info evening and i started my injections in january so its gone realy quick realy hehe :) im actually in shock how quick its goes at this stage. Good luck hope u start urs soon hun. x
hello ladies

hope your all well

Laura - thats great news hun. did they say how many follies you had? we could be PUPO together or not far behind each other. good luck with your scan monday :dust: xx

Africaqueen - hi hun hows the diet going? everything going ok just feels like its really dragging but i know not long to go and i will be PUPO woohooo xxxx

Bugs - who did you speak to about 5 day transfer as ive never been given the options its always been "your having it on this day" and thats its. are you self funding or NHS? i would be like you hun i wouldnt know what to do with only having 5 embies. im sure you will make the right decision hun and good luck with transfer. ive had 2 and 3 day transfer and got BFP from both just unlucky they didnt stick xxx

Babys4becky - welcome hun good luck with your appointment and your forthcoming treatment xxx

longtobeamum - hi hun hows the diet going? good luck with it xxx

AFM - well ov due in 5/6 days now im excited and really nervous. thinking of phoning the hospital monday about having a 5 day transfer as that is really what i want. so would be great to know that it is possible

good luck ladies

:dust::dust::dust: :hugs: xxx
can anyone help im on buserelin 15 days now i had period last fri it lasted for 4 days then last night started bleeding again confussed really my scan is on tues do you no if i start stim then very new to this not sure if posted it right x

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