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IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Aww bugs, i am sure you will stand as good a chance hun! How come they are only putting 1 embie back? Wow, EC on thurs?! Not long now! that has come round quick for u hasnt it?! dnt knw where time goes tbh.

Guess what?? I went Dr before over my heavy periods to get some tabs and i casually mentioned that me and dh are ready for IVF and our GP is sending the referral this wk!!!

Woooohooooooooooo I know its the very earliest start of the whole process but we have a ball and it is rolling!! haha. He said to expect a letter in around 2mths time. By then i would of lost the required weight and i will be ready to roll. I know its a small step but its the start and im over the moon xxx
Thats great news hun you will feel so much better now it will feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders and then a few months you'll be a stress head like me !!!

Me and the OH decided that we didn't want to take the risk of twins, The fact my friend has just found out she's having twins from IVF made it more real that it can happen, So we decided to just have 1 put back but this has really put a spanner in the works. I'm going to ring tomorrow to see if their are any other options. I think I feel under more pressure coz this is our last go we cannot afford anymore after this so we really need to give it our best shot xxxx
I've posted this on the other thread but just for you Liverpool girls so you know with it being LWH.

Just an update I have spoken to the hospital (the lead embryologist) and she said they absolutely have to take my Eggs out on Thursday or we may lose some and that if the transfer needs to be done on Sunday then they will arrange for it to happen on Sunday. So Panic over phew !!! The nurses just made me think that Sunday wasn't an option and with all these extra hormones flying around they really didn't help. Thanks for your replies ladies much appreciated xxxx
hello ladies

hope your all well

Africaqueen - thats great news hun. :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: i know its only the start but your on your way now xxx

Bugs - its daft they arent open on a sunday i thought they would have started to by now. i always ov towards the end of the week so all mine go bk by day 3. would love to let them go to blast but not my choice if they arent open. good luck with EC on thursday hun hope you get lots of mature little eggies xxxx

Laura - hows your stimming going hun? xxxx

AFM - well feels like its going really slow. ov due in 8/9 days. i cant wait to see that smiley face. have a feeling that transfer will be on sat 12th of feb which means embies will be 2/3 days not the blasts im hoping for but cant help how my cycle goes . well i should be PUPO in 2 weeks :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:. i feel excited, nervous and scared all at once. i am dreading the 2ww though but if it gives me my BFP i will do it as many times as i need to.

good luck ladies xxxx
I've posted this on the other thread but just for you Liverpool girls so you know with it being LWH.

Just an update I have spoken to the hospital (the lead embryologist) and she said they absolutely have to take my Eggs out on Thursday or we may lose some and that if the transfer needs to be done on Sunday then they will arrange for it to happen on Sunday. So Panic over phew !!! The nurses just made me think that Sunday wasn't an option and with all these extra hormones flying around they really didn't help. Thanks for your replies ladies much appreciated xxxx

lol didnt see your new post thats great hun. 1 less thing to worry about xxx
Bugs- That is FAB news!! made up for you! must be a relief :)

Wrighty- Ooh not long now for you to be PUPO too :)

I cannot wait to get our referral now. I will happily post about needles and meds etc as it means im back in the race of life and with a huge chance of being preggo! woohooo xxx
Aww Bugs, that's fantastic!!

Well, I rang up my FS today, and told them that I was nearly at my goal (little white lie, but I thought that by the time I got my referral through, I will have lost the weight anyway)
Anyway, they said they will not refer me until my BMI was at 29!! I thought it was 30!! Then I have to make an appointment, and they will scan me and weigh me. Then refer me. Oh well, it's really spurring me on!!

I will get my BMI down to 28 before I make the appointment. I don't want it to be on 29, then get there and be having a bloated day or them not account for my clothes, then not refer me!

hi im just on buserelin injections this is my 13 day of taken them got banging head aches all the time go for scan on tue really scared lol
hi im just on buserelin injections this is my 13 day of taken them got banging head aches all the time go for scan on tue really scared lol

hi littlepee

welcome hun. i remember those headaches well. hope they ease for you soon. make sure your drinking plenty of water. good luck with you scan on tuesday hope you will be ready to start stimming. is this your first cycle?

:dust: xx
Bugs- That is FAB news!! made up for you! must be a relief :)

Wrighty- Ooh not long now for you to be PUPO too :)

I cannot wait to get our referral now. I will happily post about needles and meds etc as it means im back in the race of life and with a huge chance of being preggo! woohooo xxx

i know cant wait :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: :haha::haha:
It's about time we had some action on our little thread, Let's hope LWH gets us all our BFP's.

Welcome littlepee, Those headaches are a nightmare but they do subside when you move onto stimms xx

Well I can safely say i'm absolutely bricking it about tomorrow I just can't wait till I've had our little embie put back and then I can get on with things then I just hate all this waiting !!!!

Good Luck everyone whatever stage you are at xxxx
Bugs- best of luck for tomorrow hun! be thinking of u lots xx

Longtobeamum- you will soon have that referral! we CAN do it xx

Wrighty- Bet u can't wait! il be having kittens when we get our info evening appt never mind anything else! lmao xx

Welcome littlepee! Hope the headaches subside soon. Not nice but hopefully all worth it in the end ;-) xx

I am going to call dr's receptionist on fri just to make sure he has sent that referral through! lol. Have to check these things dont u? ;-) xxx
It's about time we had some action on our little thread, Let's hope LWH gets us all our BFP's.

Welcome littlepee, Those headaches are a nightmare but they do subside when you move onto stimms xx

Well I can safely say i'm absolutely bricking it about tomorrow I just can't wait till I've had our little embie put back and then I can get on with things then I just hate all this waiting !!!!

Good Luck everyone whatever stage you are at xxxx

hope everything goes well today bugs and you get some lovely little eggs :hugs::hugs: xx
Hi ladies well the Good News is we got 17 eggs which is fab not quite as many as last time but hopefully better quality, The not so good news is that they advised us to go for ICSI rather than IVF to increase our chances. Too much booze for the OH over Xmas maybe !!!! I can't be mad at him though he is 48 so I suppose these things sometimes happen, Trying to stay positive and hopefully we will get a good fertilisation report in the morning.

For anyone who is worried about collection it went perfect for me as it did on my last go I felt a little sore when the drugs started to wear off but nothing a couple of paracetamol didn't fix. I've had a lovely sleep this afternoon and feel fine now just waiting for my tea xxx

Thanks for all the well wishes xxxx
Hi ladies well the Good News is we got 17 eggs which is fab not quite as many as last time but hopefully better quality, The not so good news is that they advised us to go for ICSI rather than IVF to increase our chances. Too much booze for the OH over Xmas maybe !!!! I can't be mad at him though he is 48 so I suppose these things sometimes happen, Trying to stay positive and hopefully we will get a good fertilisation report in the morning.

For anyone who is worried about collection it went perfect for me as it did on my last go I felt a little sore when the drugs started to wear off but nothing a couple of paracetamol didn't fix. I've had a lovely sleep this afternoon and feel fine now just waiting for my tea xxx

Thanks for all the well wishes xxxx

:happydance::happydance::happydance: congrats hun thats a great number. good luck with fert report tomorrow xxxxx
Bugs- Soooo happy for you!! that is fab news and if ICSI gives u a better chance then its all good! whatever it takes hun ;-)

I have everything x'd for a good report tomorrow! keep us updated. You will soon be pupo! yaaaay.

Im gonna call in dr's tomorrow as need to pick up note for work an il ask has referral been done when i call in. Bloody hope it has! xxx
Hi ladies just wondered if I could join u not a clue how I work this site but been nosying at ur posts for weeks now (hope u dnt mind) I was reffered from whiston to liverpool late last year had information evening november and I've just had all my tests repeated and we have just received consultation for 24th feb my bf has low sperm morphology (so we were told @ whiston )and I've had ectopic in a previous relationship 2 years ago ttc since I'm just curious as to what this appointment is about I'm guess working all the time and its all I'm thinking about hope ur all ok reading your comments has kept me going I'm sick of friends and family announcing pregnancys when they didn't want children (selfish me) can't help feeling like this :/ sorry I'm rambling on be lovely to hear some bfps on here very soon :)xx
Hi ladies just wondered if I could join u not a clue how I work this site but been nosying at ur posts for weeks now (hope u dnt mind) I was reffered from whiston to liverpool late last year had information evening november and I've just had all my tests repeated and we have just received consultation for 24th feb my bf has low sperm morphology (so we were told @ whiston )and I've had ectopic in a previous relationship 2 years ago ttc since I'm just curious as to what this appointment is about I'm guess working all the time and its all I'm thinking about hope ur all ok reading your comments has kept me going I'm sick of friends and family announcing pregnancys when they didn't want children (selfish me) can't help feeling like this :/ sorry I'm rambling on be lovely to hear some bfps on here very soon :)xx

Hi Becky, welcome to our thread :flower:

I can't help you as to what you will do on your appointment as I'm currently losing weight to be referred, but I'm sure one of these lovely ladies will help you :thumbup:

Just wanted to say welcome, and good luck with your baby journey :)


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