• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

hi girlies,

wrightywales- hiya hun, hows u? hope ur good!
yeah when i had a scan on friday, she said i had 14 follies on the right and 11 on the left, some need to grow abit more but i have a few fat follies! lol so gunna have a rescan on monday! then hopefully EC on thursday or friday if all is goooood!! xx
hi littlepee,

when i started buserelin the nurse said to me if the lining of my womb shown up thin enough on my scan i will beable to start my menapur. Dunno if this helps hun, good luck! xx
thanks this months just dragging for me really bad lol cant wait for scan on tue so i no im a step further just want to get it all over with x
can anyone help im on buserelin 15 days now i had period last fri it lasted for 4 days then last night started bleeding again confussed really my scan is on tues do you no if i start stim then very new to this not sure if posted it right x

hi littlepee

i dont see why not as long as your lining is thin enough then you should be fine to start stimming.

if you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask im sure we can all be of help in some way or another.

good luck with your scan tuesday im sure you will be ready to start stimming xx
littlepee -i know its horrible waiting isnt it!! im goin for a scan monday hehe, good luck wiv urs hun and hope u get to start ur stims! x
hi girlies,

wrightywales- hiya hun, hows u? hope ur good!
yeah when i had a scan on friday, she said i had 14 follies on the right and 11 on the left, some need to grow abit more but i have a few fat follies! lol so gunna have a rescan on monday! then hopefully EC on thursday or friday if all is goooood!! xx

wow hun you got plenty of follies. no wonder your bloated lol i was the same towards the end on both my cycles. good luck xx
wrightywales- awwww thanx hun, just hope there good enough! xx
good luck hun! xx
Hiya girls :)

Laura- best of luck with EC! Not long now hun x

Wrighty- hope everything is going well x

Bugs- How are we doing? :) x

Longtobeamum- Ooooh just think it will be us posting our updates here soon! yaaay x

Littlepee- Hope all goes well for u with this cycle x

I am itching to get letter through inviting us to a info evening...lol. Anyone know how long they waited from initial referral to LWH to attending a info evening??

I'm PUPO :happydance::happydance::happydance:happydance::happydance:

Well after a pretty disapointing start to the day the Womens rang and said that out of my 5 embies 2 had pretty much stopped growing so I had 3 x 3 cells they said anything between 2 and 4 is fine so I was a bit gutted coz I was hoping to have more. So I asked about doing transfer tomorrow to see which ones progress the most and she wasn't having it so after all the false promises that they would do it on Sunday was a load of shit so just be aware of that if your collection is on a Thursday. So I decided to have 2 put back to give us that extra chance.

Anyways I'm in the hospital all ready and waiting and the embryologist came in and said she'd just checked them again and 2 had progressed to be perfect 4 cells with no fragmentation so they were our babies, So i'm delighted that they had progressed that extra step so I'm trying to relax and take it easy but it is hard xxx

Hope everyone is well :

Little Pee my period when on down regs was all over the place so don't worry too much.

Laura25 GoodLuck with your scan on Monday you'll be Pupo next How exciting.

Wrighty the waiting must be driving you insane, It was the lead embryologist I spoke to they said it was my decision if I wanted to go to day 5 but I just wasn't brave enoughI was too nervous that I would get there with nothing to transfer and I think I would have drove myself crazy between now and Tuesday oh and I am private.

Babys4beckyx Your appointment will soon be here and I don't think the waiting list is long at all.

AfricaQueen and Longtobeamum keep it up with the weightloss I can't wait to watch someone else's journey xxxx

Hope I didn't forget anyone, Well I'm off work for 2 weeks now so i'm sure I will be a regular visitor xxxx
hi laura when u had you baseline scan did you start menapur same day x
thanks bugs for advice just that i had a period last fri then started again yesterday really brown i phoned lwh and said its fine just come 4 scan on tue as norm x u just panic with everything dont u x
Bugs- Im made up for u hun!!! 2 perfect embies thats brill news! good luck hunny!!!!

yep be me next week hopefully hehe, cant wait now but im a lil nervous hehe! xxx
Hi littlepee, You will either start stimms that evening after baseline or possibly the next day depending on when they can fit you in for your next scan.

Thanks Laura it's getting exciting now xxx
Hiya becky, i had my baseline scan last thursday then started my menapur last saturday hun and i finish it on this monday coming! x
Hi littlepee, You will either start stimms that evening after baseline or possibly the next day depending on when they can fit you in for your next scan.

Thanks Laura it's getting exciting now xxx

it is hun!!! :baby: wishing u lots of babydust :baby:
im just woundering when ill have ec approx i started dr on the 21st jan so does anyone no when about it will be 4 ec if everything goes well anyway fingers crossed x
good luck laura hope everything goes well 4 u just a little behind you but keep me informed you need this site cause dh wont talk about it feels like it shouldnt be happening doesnt realise how many people go through it hey x
good luck laura hope everything goes well 4 u just a little behind you but keep me informed you need this site cause dh wont talk about it feels like it shouldnt be happening doesnt realise how many people go through it hey x

thanku hun, yep ur not far behind hun, good luck to u 2!!
i know its nice to have lots of people to talk to about it on here who are goin thru it aswell! its mad how many people are in the same boat as u aint it!! xx

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