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IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

i no just half hour to go before i take my drugs lol dh did them at first but was still at work one night when needed do them so had do it myself been doing it then scince. x
i did mine at half 7, me and my oh just take it in turns if hes in hehe if not i just do it myself to! how u finding them? u had any symptoms hun? xx
just a bit snappy and head aches really every day how did you find them hun x:wacko:
they was ok realy didnt realy have any symptoms wiv busererilin but had um the first few days when i started my menapur especially bad headaches and bloated and a lil emotional hehe, but they seem to have gone now apart from still being bloated! hehe everyones different tho some people get no symptoms at all hehe!

im still taking buserelin aswell as menapur now until they tell me to stop! x
so you do 2 inj a night hey just done mine now out of the way im going now hun let me no mon how your scan went nice talking to u x
so you do 2 inj a night hey just done mine now out of the way im going now hun let me no mon how your scan went nice talking to u x

yeah i do 2 a night hun,
i will post it on here how it went hehe! seeya hun nice talkin to u to!x
Bugs - congrats on being PUPO hun :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: hope your getting plenty of rest now.https://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o189/bethswk/Blinkies/stickembies.gifhttps://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o189/bethswk/Blinkies/stickembies.gifhttps://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o189/bethswk/Blinkies/stickembies.gif xxxx
Thanks Wrighty it is just the most surreal feeling ever, It's really hard doing nothing all day but i'm giving it my best shot. I'm going to walk the dog later just to get some fresh air and my acupuncturist says it's good to keep the circulation going.
Mornin ladies :)

Bugs- Woop woop!! Congrats on bein PUPO:happydance: Have everything x;d for you and cnt wait to see the BFP's come rolling in our lil thread this yr!

Littlepee- My dh will not talk about our situation either. He is crap with emotional stuff. He just see's it, that we need the treatment and thats the end of it it. I am glad i have my ladies on here to rely on for support:winkwink:

Laura- U getting excited now hun? :)

Wrighty- so where are we up to with you? lost track. lol. Been up the wall this wk with the news about my mum etc.

I am doing well with my diet. Stuck to it rigid and had a lil sneaky weigh in today and i have lost another 1lb since fri so deffo aiming for 5lb loss this wk. Going on the wii later and for a lil walk soon xxx
hello ladies

Bugs - a gentle walk wont do you any harm at all hun so when is your OTD? https://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o189/bethswk/Blinkies/stickembies.gif https://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o189/bethswk/Blinkies/stickyvibes.gif xxx

Africaqueen - im know where yet lol, waiting for that smiley face to be able to ring them. i was thinking of ringing the HC tomorrow about my chances of having a blast transfer. with 24 embies and this probably being my last treatment would really like the pick of the best espicially with the way my icsi cycle went. glad the diet is going well keep it up hun you will be on the list in no time xxx

Laura - https://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r104/ovwatch/Misc/thGoodLuck.jpg for your scan tomorrow hun https://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o189/bethswk/Blinkies/follies.gif xxx

Littlepee - how are you hun. https://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r104/ovwatch/Misc/thGoodLuck.jpg with your scan on tuesday hun xxx

AFM - well still nothing to report. i will start ov testing tomorrow morning :happydance::happydance: and hope to ov by friday then i will have dates cant wait to find out if i can have a blastocyst transfer its what i really want and would make me sooooo happy.

just been looking at the smileys made me chuckle lol :drunk::flasher::bunny::mamafy::holly::jo: i love the dancing bunny

https://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o189/bethswk/Blinkies/babydust.gif to us all xxxx
Hi Wrighty my OTD is the 19th Feb but that is the day i'm going to be chief bridesmaid for my friend so I won't be at home so I'll probably do a cheeky one the day before and see what happens.

Good Luck with your scan tomorrow Laura xxx

Congratulations AfricaQueen on the weightloss xxx
laura were are you from in st Helen's hun im from there to x x x
Thanks Wrighty it is just the most surreal feeling ever, It's really hard doing nothing all day but i'm giving it my best shot. I'm going to walk the dog later just to get some fresh air and my acupuncturist says it's good to keep the circulation going.

hiya hun, awww im sooo made up for u, glad ur taking it easy and gettin some fresh air!!! fingers crossed 4 u hun!!! when is it u go in for a preg test? or are u gunna do one at home? XXX :baby: :baby:
Wrighty- F'd for your surge and u will soon be pupo ;-)

Bugs- oooh im gettin excited for u now!

Caz- Long time no "see" hun! hows it going?

Hello again to Laura an longtobeamum etc :)
Im off to bed cos on early shift 2moz and im shattered xxx
Wrighty- F'd for your surge and u will soon be pupo ;-)

Bugs- oooh im gettin excited for u now!

Caz- Long time no "see" hun! hows it going?

Hello again to Laura an longtobeamum etc :)
Im off to bed cos on early shift 2moz and im shattered xxx

nighty night! hope u have a nice sleep hehe :sleep:
talk to u soon, xx
good luck with scan 2day laura hope everything goes well hun xx
Good Luck today Laura, You don't have to go in at the womens £4500 for treatment and they don't even provide you with a pregnancy test they tell you just to buy a clearblue and call them with the result and then they book you in for an early recognition scan 3 weeks later so the 2 week wait becomes another 3 week wait xxxxx
Hi All,

Just wondering if any1 can give me sum info on starting ICSI:nope:...... We start ICSI on the 18th Feb. Sooooo nervous but also a little excited.:wacko:

Im very new to forums so if any1 can help, let me know.

Thanks xxx​

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