IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Congratulations sharkey!!!!

Had my FU today. He was really positive. Said everything had gone fantastic and puts miscarriage down to bad luck. So doing long protocol again probably starting June so hurry up AF number 2!!!!
Lindy - great news and glad it went so well. Bring on your AF!! Whooooo!

Now you have the time to make sure you're taking all your vits and make sure that you are healthy an ready for a magic cycle!! :)
We have no preference either, but I'm just very impatient haha.
That sounds like a good idea to go to the docs, I had private early scans and people said I was mad and should just relax but I don't think anyone understands that you just can't relax when it's been such a long journey. Just do whatever you feel you want / need to do for reassurance & tell anyone who says you're worrying too much to sod off!!!

Hopefully people won't be like that with you but I was laughed at for my early scans and Doppler but if it chills me out then that's better for me and baby I think.

Anyway if you any any questions ask away, lots of pregnancies are very different but if I can help with anything, let me know :hugs:


Lisa; How much were the private scans If you dont mind me asking?? :flower: Would'nt mind having a few private ones myself....... Im totally like you, a worrier which does'nt help In pregnancy :kiss:

Morning all

Jules - how is the OHSS? Hoping you are drinking lots and you can get started with your FET soon. Any ideas when roughly that may be, did they give you and indication?

Bugs, Melbram, AQ - how are you all?

Hi to everyone else I've misses - sorry I'm findin it hard to consentrate at the moment not sure if hormones or what so sorry if I missed anyone out xx

AFM - I'm all over the place with hormones - I'm not a crier at all in fact probably none of my friends has ever seen me cry but I'm a blubbering wreck - crying at BGT, desperate housewives - seriously I need committing or something. OH thinks its hillarious!! Otherwise I'm still not sleeping through the night and can't sleep during the day so hence knackered but I guess it's a way of me getting used to little sleep! Fingers crossed x

Have a great sunny Monday everyone xxx

MrsE; Hope your okay?? I think It's your hormones that are making you emotional & not getting much sleep, If It's any consolation I am the same as you but to top It all off I am also moody :kiss:

Hi MrsE .....

I'm still here...... Got out of hospital on Friday afternoon, have been so upset the whole time. Especially on Saturday when it should have been transfer time. I'm feeling slighter better today and slightly less pain so I'm hoping it's clearing and moving on ! I spent all weekend sleeping and taking painkillers !
Anyway, hopefully im over the worst of it. They have told us 3 months, so going to have a holiday to try get refreshed for it. It's consumed so much of my life for so long, that I don't know what else to think about, so 3 months is a long time even when people tell you it isn't.

Anyway, I'm so happy for MrsE and Sharkey ! I bet you just cant wait til scan date!

Hope all is ok xxx

Jules; Thank You :flower: You / Lindy / AQ / Melbram / Del / Bugs will be the next to have a :bfp: (sorry If I have missed someone) You just relax now for the next 3 months & get yourself tip top to receive them lovely embies of yours back on board.... Hope you will be feeling better very soon :kiss:

Congratulations sharkey!!!!

Had my FU today. He was really positive. Said everything had gone fantastic and puts miscarriage down to bad luck. So doing long protocol again probably starting June so hurry up AF number 2!!!!

Lindy; Thank you :flower: I am really pleased that your FU went really well for you yesterday, roll on the next cycle!! I can already smell that :bfp: :rofl:

AFM; Im like MrsE - emotional ball of wreck, I have'nt slept properley for the last week & I am moody at top of the hat (think It's quite funny really)..... OH Is being driven nuts by me :haha: Called the Hewitt to book myself In for my scan & It's the 23rd May :happydance: I seriously cant wait, the next 3 weeks are gonna be the longest ever but hey we've waited a very long time so I am sure we can manage :hugs:
Sharkey - exciting stuff so you are pretty much 2 weeks behind me. I've got 9 days to wait for my scan. I've been told no point having a scan before 6-7 weeks cos you will not hear heartbeats before then just see empty sacs which would just stress me out personally. I think that's why HC wait these 3 weeks until you are at least 6 weeks. I gotta fisrt antenatal appt for 21 May too. I may have a private scan if the midwife says I don't need a 12 weeks scan cos I've had 6 week one which they can do apparently. So either way I would want a 12 week scan.

How's everyone else??
MrsE; them 9 days will soon fly by for you x Your right about having the scan at the right time (6-7wks) as guaranteed all women would worry themselves until the 12wk scan to hear the heartbeat..... I would think you would still get the 12wk scan, will you still be under Liverpool Women's? I went to my GP yesterday, was advised to book myself In with the midwife once I have the scan on the 23rd & go through everything etc x x Oooooh It's all exciting stuff :) x x

Hello everyone :) x
Hey sharkey. The private scan was £75 at before the stork in litherland but they won't do it before 7 weeks so it sounds like you'll get one before then anyway. Even if you have an early scan you can still have a 12 week one as that's when they need to do the test for downs. We didn't care about the downs results, we are proceeding with the pregnancy whatever happens but it made sure we got another scan :blush:

a friend in work had a dating scan which put her at 8 weeks & she doesn't get another now until 20 weeks as she didn't want the downs tests.

Oooohhhh mrse 9 days, bet you can't wait & the 23rd isn't too far away either sharkey... Just 1 day at a time girls :thumbup:

Me & oh were in the hewitt today getting his :spermy: results after 6 months of taking vita and drugs & apparently the motility has improved massively... We said no kidding & showed dr aziz our scan picture. He did a little dance haha :happydance:

Hi ladies,hope everyone is well?
There's a real buzz on here with all the pregnancies! Fantastic,it gives me so much hope.
Lindy,fx for next round,looks like we will be doing it at the same time.

Afm, I'm after advice...after 3 failed attempt is there anything that anyone could suggest that I do differently to prepare for ivf? I am of healthy weight,I eat sensible food,I take folic supplement along with royal jelly. Xx
Del - sounds like you are doing everything you can the only other thing I was on was DHEA but that was because I had zero AMH and they thought it may help with quantity (which doesn't look like your issue) and quality. Was on it for about 12 weeks before collection. Don't know if this helped me or not - I go 4 eggs, all mature and 3 fertilised with ICSI so I didn't have as big a crop as you but we got 2 x blastos out if them which was a huge surprise. We paid to use the embryoscope too after EC so again dont know if this helped. I think you are doing everything you can and it's a numbers game gettin the right number and quality of eggs.

Good luck and baby dust xx
Lisa: £75 Is not that bad :thumbup: I will deffinately have the 12wk one as the GP mentioned It on Monday & the midwife too x

That's brilliant news on the :spermy: Is'nt It :happydance: My OH Is still on the vitamins now, Ive told him not to bother stoping beacuse It's not doing him any harm!! :kiss:

Del: I've done exactly like you, taken the pregnacare preconception since november, stopped all alcohol since september, been doing acupuncture since November (which totally helped me to relax & de-stress during the treatment).... The one thing I never did was take the DHEA like MrsE, even though I have an AMH of 0.00 I still had 7 eggs, 2 un-mature, 5 were ICSI'd (3 were destroyed doing the ICSI process) 2 fertilised & we transferred a good 12cell embie on day 3 the remaining 5 cell did not survive :cry:..... We also did the embryoscope at a pop of £700 :wacko:, dont think we had the full benefit of It as we did'nt get to blast but I am not complaining as we got pregnant with that fast growing little embie of ours :haha: :kiss:

MrsE; how are you today?? Have you had any more symptoms ?......:kiss:

AFM; Exhausted Is an understatement at the moment, should of brought my duvet & pillow to work :haha: Been falling asleep since 8:30 this morning..... Im also now the proud owners of size "E" boobies lol Gone up a Size In a week hahaha.... I poas this morning on my last CB digi & got 2-3 on It :happydance: OH started to well up when he saw It which was so cute of him, cant believe this Is actually happening to us :hugs:
Hi Sharkey - my goodness your boobs have grown that much I'm normally an F so hoping they won't grow much bigger or I'll need scaffolding!! Ha, ha! Not any more symptoms to be honest still not sleeping which is driving me crazy!!! Anyone any ideas of what I can try?

Otherwise on the count down to next week :) let's see what we've got. I confessed to my friend the other day and the pregnacare vits were on 3 for 2 but didn't buy them cos what if it all goes wrong - I'm being stupid I know but think it must be hormones. I just want to see an make sure it or they are there and then I can relax a bit (I hope!!)
MrsE; scaffolding :rofl: Forgot to mention that they also look like spaghetti junction :haha: I was thinking of buying the pregnacare vits also, Im gona carry on taking the preconception ones Ive got until Ive finished them then take folic acid on It's own until 12 wks, most probably then I will buy some :hugs: Wont be long & It will be the 10th May & you will be having your 1st baby scan :happydance: Have'nt got a clue about what to take about the sleepless nights, Im In the same boat & no wonder Im so exhausted all day :kiss:
Hi girls, hope you are all well

The pregnacare vits are pretty much always on 3 for 2 lol, When we first started trying I used to buy 1 pregnacare conception & 2 pregnancy ones (was hopeful each month would be our month :blush:) after a few months I started buying 2 conception & 1 pregnancy & then after a while I gave up buying the pregnancy, mainly because I had a 9 month supply already lol :rofl:

If you're not wanting to get 3 at a time though, I'd recommend getting Spatone sachets as part of the 3 for 2 offer, so 1 pregnacare & 2 spatone or vice versa. They are iron sachets & although there is iron in the pregnacare a lot of women still have a deficiency even with the extra. It helps with the tiredness & as you put them in fresh orange first thing in the morning it helps to get one of your five a day too. :thumbup:

My iron levels at 9 weeks were 13.5 and the midwife was really pleased as many pregnant women do become anaemic. Anyway that's my tip of the day lol.

Congrats on the 2-3 weeks digital sharkey :yipee: & only 8 sleeps left MrsE :happydance:

Hi girls.
Wow a lot has gone on around here whilst i was in Benidorm!

Susie- HUGE congrats on the arrival of your baby boy! wonderful news x

Sharkey- wow another 1st time lucky! big congrats. Seems the hc is having a good spell with successful treatment. Hope it continues when i come to go again as almost everyone had failed cycles when i had mine so think it depends on staff, how the embies are kept etc etc tbh x

MrsE- Hope all going well for you so far? x

Del- Good luck with tests x

Lindy- Sorry iv not been able to respond to your msgs. I am in a dispute with vodafone over my last bill so i cancelled direct debit and they have suspended my account for now so can receive texts but cant text back sorry. Glad FU appt put your mind at rest. I told you it was just bad luck an nothing to worry about ;-) x

Hi to Lisa, Melbram, Laura, Jules, babydust and all the gang. x

AFM- Not heard anything from my GP as regards getting together to put a letter together for pct so when im off work on fri il call her an get it sorted. Iv been in Benidorm past few days and what a wonderful time we had! there was 8 of us girls and we had a ball. Partied every night and chilled by pool or beach during the day. I went the zoo and had my pic with a dolphin too which was amazing :)
Sharkey - Congratulations! I have followed your progress since your post about 12 cell embryos. I had a feeling that the 12 cell embryo was a good sign for you! I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!
How are we all doing ladies??

Sharkey - how you getting on with 3 week wait to scan?

Hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend xx
Hi MrsE :hi:

I'm good thanks, went for a cervical scan as I've had part of it removed in the past & I just wanted to make sure it was ok. All was good and we also found out that ...... It's a pink one :happydance:

really can't believe there is actually a little girl in there, it is so surreal. Hope you are ok, only 6 sleeps till your scan :yipee: less than a week. So excited for you.

AQ- sounds like you had a fab time in Benidorm :hugs: make sure you pamper yourself lots and best of luck with the letter to the pct :thumbup:

AQ; good luck with the letter & I hope you get more funding :kiss: Sounds like you had a brilliant time & a well deserved one :hugs:

Missy01; thank you ever so much for the Information that you gave me, It gave me the extra boost that I needed :kiss: happy & healthy 9 months to you too :hugs:

Lisa; congratulations on :pink: I'm sure your :yipee: bouncing at the moment :hugs:

MrsE; I've got 19 days until the scan & It torture :hugs: Won't be long & It will be Tuesday before you know It :kiss:

AFM; I'm trying to stay off the I-pad for a bit, not helping me at the moment.... The slightest twinge or stabbing pain I get then Im googling & getting myself down!! :dohh: I'm totally scared about having another ectopic even though the GP reassured me on Monday that It would be a very slim chance :hugs:
Sharkey - what you're feeling is natural - I'm thinking is everything ok with every pain and twinge and I've never had an ectopic. My friends said to me today that if it were ectopic you would have some sort of bleeding something about the tubes being more sensitive - not sure if she's making it up to make me feel better. But the more you worry and stress the more that doesn't help your babs snuggle in and settle so try and get through a couple of days without googling symptoms and take it from there. Time will fly by (she says!!).

I've had a bit of a mare tonight my dads been taken into hosp with peunomia and we've not told parents were preggo until after the scan next week so had to lie to my mum saying with all the IVF drugs I can't be around anyone sick cos my immune system is low - not entirely a lie but still I feel awful. Hes been kept in overnight on oxygen and hoping he responds to drugs. So tomorrow I'm going to do mums shopping and I'll sort out lunch and dinner for her in between her going to hosp cos I can't risk getting it cos viral variety. Feel like a bad daughter. :(
Hi ladies, here's my story in a nutshell. I already have a 5 year old daughter. July just gone I had a complete placenta abruption at 36 weeks of pregnancy, my little girl didn't make it and was born sleeping. I couldn't ttc until 3 months after this as had mmr jab but when we did in December we got r BFP straight away. I was overwhelmed and scared. I then went on to have a mmc at 10 weeks of pregnancy. After my sleeping daughter was born Ive been experiencing left sided pelvic pain, it wasn't as bad when I got pregnant again but after mmc came back with a vengeance. Had laparoscooy done on Friday still in so much Pain after this, I was told my left tube and womb stuck to wall due to scar tissue and both tubes blocked. Consultant said only way to conceive now would be ivf. I'm heartbroken. I don't qualify for nhs funding as I already have one child so would have to pay privately. This will probably be at the Liverpool women's. Had a look into egg sharing but in not 100% sure yet, I know this would bring the cost down. What am I looking at to pay if I pay privately for ivf. People keep coming back with different figures, I know my partner doesn't have a problem and up until my blocked tubes I didnt. Any advice would be appreciated. Feel completely lost at the minute it's been a horrific 9 months xx

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