AQ, I'm reiterating what Mrse said. Don't beat yourself up, and your not "dragging the thread down" we've all been there, when everything feels so bleak. Spend time just on you and hubby and you don't know what tomorrow brings. Find out who you both are, have a break and you'll get your dream job and finances won't be so bleak. Besides, look what happened to us a while back - the thought of winning the lotto seemed so small, and we won that large amount of money between us all.
It might be that the break from ttc and IVF does you the world of good, and in a years time the place you find yourself will be so different, both emotionally and financially.
We're all here for you, wether that's just so you can rant or for a cry. You've been here for all of us, ands I don't think I would have coped very well if it wasn't for you. Even last week when I was proper panicking over my lap you helped calm me down. I'm not going to say chin up (I know how many people I wanted to beat up when they said that too me) but I am going to say things will get there in time
Big hugs hunni x x x