Hi Lindy, how mad. We were fuming coming home though as someone tried to break into our car. I stupidly left my coat on the back seat
thankfully they didn't get in, just busted the window clips but couldn't get the automatic window open.
Phoned our garage (well he owns a garage but he's actually our neighbour two doors down) who had a look. Is a ford fiesta and will cost 90 quid for the part, but he's being fab as always and told me not to worry about labour costs! He's the most honest garage you'll ever find! Friggin ford and their stupid costs. There's no point claiming of the insurance for it, so well just have to pay out.
I found it really hard not to buy lots of clothes as there was sales on everywhere. Kept telling myself I'm going to get bigger so its pointless. I did get the dress in the bigger size for my holiday thou - said to hubby that's the first time I haven't complained about getting a bigger size.
Had a panic attack this morning so I thought (stupidly) to redo the pregnancy test, it was awesome seeing it become 3+ weeks so I relaxed then. Won't fully relax till my scan this week I think, can't wait to see our bean.
Hope everyone is good this Father's Day, and you'll all get to spend some time with those special dads we all have, take care x x x
Ps sorry for lack of personals struggle on iPhone!