Stay positive. No symptoms doesnt mean a BFP! I think we always try to not build our hopes up as a natural barrier, but they do say to visualise. My egg quality is fine (well it was 6 yrs ago on our last cycle!) Im 35 now, so who knows what the quality is like now?! I just dont respond very well. This is my 4 th cycle and Ive only produced 2, 4, 2 eggs. Thankfully we were successful on our 3rd cycle.
Cant believe the needle went through your bladder! Thats so bad. Did they repair it? I remember waking up through mine in agony and I thought that was bad.
I will keep everything crossed for you. Thanks for replying to me. Good to have some support.....hubbie is amazing, but I think unless you are going through the hormone changes, you cant empathise.