IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Hi Janey we actually saw Dr Drakeley back in August when our lg was 6 months old. We were given the go ahead to go whenever we were ready. We were breastfeeding so we couldn't start treatment until we stopped. I stopped in January and was goibg to transfer in February but my period came early and messed everything up. So we had to wait until March and as I ovulate I just had to wait for a positive opk, phoned clinic then they put them back in 6 days later. Was all very surreal didn't feel like I did ivf as there was no needles and no pessaries! :)

No we didn't have to pay for it as it was part of our nhs treatment. However I know that depending on your ccg you may end up having to pay. Dr drakeley was up front with us and said a number of ccgs where changing the rules regarding ivf after a live birth so I wouldn't necessarily hang around. Just give them a call, and take it from there cxx

Hope you don't mind me jumping into this convo. To cut what feels like a very long story short, my partner and I have been ttc for not far off 5 years. My partners SA results showed he had morphology problems. We got referred to Liverpool Women's January 2014. In that time my partner redone his SA which came back fine?! We had 6 cycles of clomid (3 50mg and 3 100mg).
At our last appointment, On April 21st this year we filled and signed referral forms for ivf, just over a week later we had confirmation of eligibility and we get 2 attempts of ivf on the nhs. We are waiting for PIE date to come through, does anyone know how long this usually takes to come through?
Hi ES89

We have just signed forms last week for IVF with ICSI after ttc for 2 years. We are currently just waiting for our funding letter to come through, I'm hoping it doesn't take too long. Have you had your PIE letter through yet?

Thanks for the reply 😊 amazingly yes I have had my pie letter through a few days later. Couldn't believe how fast! We are going to it tomorrow night 😊
If you are anything like I was it won't be a long wait. Where do you live?
Have you had tests done in Liverpool already? I'm unsure what will happen after pie as we have already had tests there over the last year
Did you get your funding letter through and then your PIE letter? How long from signing the forms did I take for you to receive everything? I'm waiting on both so hoping it will be soon - can you tell I'm impatient/excited :) Wow tomorrow I bet your looking forward to going I'm sure it will help a lot with clarifying everything and put your mind at rest.
We live in Warrington, luckily they reviewed the IVF funding in April and have increased it from 1 to 3 now which is great.

Yes my dh has had all his tests done at LWH over the past year as well. I had all mine done through my GP/local hospital, the Dr at LWH said he didn't need to repeat mine as all my tests came back ok, so he gave us the forms and referred us.

I hope tomorrow goes ok for you. I got told it would only be 8-10 weeks for us so no doubt it wont be very long for you x
We had our appointment on the 21st April (where we signed funding application) We got the confirmed funding letter through just over a week later and letter invitation to pie 8th May so all very quick!
We are in Barmouth in North Wales, funny enough I'm originally from Warrington. My family still live there. Think I will be staying with them when treatment starts as it's a lot closer for when they need to monitor me. What part of Warrington are you from?
I've got so many emotions going on today! Excited/nervous! X
I received a letter yesterday to say they have received our application and the funding team with review and write to us asap to confirm. It did say there was no wait for IVF on the NHS which is great!

Are you? I'm from Penketh/Sankey, where about are you/family from? That will be so much better for you less travelling and being around family will be so much better too :) Have you actually got a date for starting or is it once you've attended PIE you ring up on cycle day 1?

I'd be exactly the same so many emotions I'm sure it will help but your mind at rest when you've been. You'll have to let me know how you get on. x
Hi VLW & ES89

So nice to see you guys on here, don't get to visit much now but emails popped into my inbox & thought I'd see what was going on. I'll have a look through my notes but from what I can remember it's very quick from PIE. I think my PIE was May & then I think it's consultation a couple of weeks later, then you order drugs & wait for next period. But I was on short protocol. It seems like forever, but really what you've been through us forever so what's a few more months.
My advice... Try & enjoy it, think positive, get calming relaxing CDs... Luckily it worked first time for us.
So very best of luck & ask away if you have questions... Hopefully there is more oldies about who can give more info on timescales xxx
Omg small world! I used to live in Lymm. My family are in paddington/Woolston now.
I literally got my approval a few days after receiving that letter so hopefully too much of a wait for you. Keep me posted!
Pie was very informative! So much paperwork and info to go through now! I've literally gotta go for a blood test next week to check my egg reserve then literally waiting for consultation appointment. We have to make sure all paperwork is filled in by then.
Hi Janey thanks for your feedback 😊 it's nice hearing off others who have been through the whole experience. Brilliant it worked first time for you too! Had you already had majority of your tests done at Liverpool before pie? My info pack only had 1 blood test for egg reserve as we had done all the others in the last year x
Really! It is a small world.
Ooh did you, I had a voicemail yesterday just to say they are currently reviewing etc and shouldn't be long. I can't see us being rejected but until you have it in black and white it's still nerve wracking!
Glad PIE went ok, do you feel a bit better now and more clued up as to whats going on/happening? How long is the wait for consultation? What do they do at that appointment? So many questions - sorry :)

Hi Janey
Wow congrats on your little one what lovely news, did you have ICSI? How did you find it all? What do they do at your consultation? sorry for so many questions.
I agree a few months/weeks is nothing I think once you know the plan of action it feels like a weight has been lifted!

No you felt exactly the same, nerves were going crazy until i had that letter in front of me haha
A little, all the paperwork is a little daunting! I don't think the wait is long after completing all the tests in your pack. I literally only had the 1 because my partner and I have done all the others in Liverpool within the last year. The first dr that spoke was foreign and I couldn't understand him very well! Simple minded me found the way he said womb n vagina hilarious 😂😇
They want all the paperwork filled in by time that appointment comes. I think They then talk about the best option for you x
At least you have some time to get everything read and filled in though now. I'm not sure what we'll need as we've had all ours done already at least it's only 1 you have to do though - quick and easy hopefully! Haha at least he entertained you I'm not sure I could have kept a straight face!

We've already been told we're having ICSI I guess everyone's situation is different though. At least you'll know what treatment you'll be having soon, I'm surprised they didn't tell you before PIE?

Fingers crossed our paperwork comes through over the weekend I'm sooo impatient now. Hope you enjoy the bank holiday :) x
Yer I've got my blood test next week so fx it doesn't take too long for consultation appointment to come through.
Think we will be having ivf, both semen analysis my partner did at Liverpool came back ok. Our case is simply unexplained infertility. Sometimes I wish there was something up because atleast id know what was preventing us conceiving! If you get me?
Any news your end? Do you mind me asking how old you are? x
Hope you had a nice bank holiday :)

At least you'll have your blood tests out the way this week and hopefully your consultation wont take too long to come through then now. I know what you mean, I really thought there was something we could have taken or been given to help/assist us but they can't find a reason for ours which is frustrating!

No news my end I'm hoping our letter/PIE comes this week It's driving me crazy now!! I'm 30 and my husband is 31 how about you? x
Not much of a bank holiday, I worked it all! 😫 I'm off Thursday n Friday this week though.
Perhaps you should ring them if you don't hear anything soon?
Yer I'm hoping the consultation app comes through soon after doing my blood test. I've got a friend who is also going through ivf. Unfortunately her first attempt didn't work. She's gonna help me with the paperwork this week though.
I'm 26 n my partner is 34, yes bit of a gap hahaha. We've been together 8 years, bought a house. Not married YET haha x
Ahh rubbish least your off at the end of the week and can have a nice long weekend :)
I rang this morning they had to send the application/funding to Warrington CCG to review and it's currently still with them. She said with Warrington it can be a matter of weeks :(
That's good you have someone to help you. YET haha I bet that's the last thing on your minds with all this going on x
Oh no! I thought wales was the awkward country that took forever with things!
I will be honest it's not a necessity for us. We've got the house together and hopefully a baby together soon and that's commitment enough for us right now 😊 are you on Facebook?
Had my blood test today, just gotta wait for them to get the results back n then they will send a consultation appointment out to us. Gonna be on pins for weeks now! X
I think because Warrington have upped theirs from 1 to 3 which is great but just means a lot more funding applications are going through. I'm guessing I wont hear for another 2 weeks - I hate waiting haha!
Yeh I'm on Facebook, have you told anyone? I've only told my best friends and mum & dad. I'm not even telling work just going to try and arrange meetings at our other offices around dates and take a couple of half days and full days off when I need to.
That's good hopefully won't be too long, what do they do at consultation - tell you which form of IVF you need/having? We've already been told it's ICSI for us, have they talked about any options for you or not gone into detail yet? x
Ah right that could be why! Would make sense.
Send me your name in a private message and I will add you on there.
Yes I've told close friends and family. My manager knows. He moved from the store in my hometown 2 years ago up to another store and I recently moved to his new store so he knew from working with me previously that I have been ttc.
Think they talk about options in that meeting, which 1 to do ivf or Icsi n then the length of protocol. Go through the paperwork. Hope it's not too much of a wait x
Will do!
That's good he already knows, I'm dreading trying to keep mine a secret at work!
I'm sure it wont be long for you at least you've started the process now x

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