IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Yes ours was the same she did say she could go through the other meds with me but there wasn't much point anyway will wait till I'm at that point it's a bit complicated with just the merional. I'm sure when we've done it once or twice it'll be fine. Yeh she mentioned the pesseries too I know it sounds grim but it's prob best that way as if they go in the front they can leak out a bit :wacko: haha

Waiting on my cycle to start now I've never wanted it to show up much :)
me too! Knowing my luck though she will be late. She was 4 days late last cycle :( My mum said she has had pessaries before that you've had to insert that way and she said if she can give me any advice she said to do it at bedtime because if you do it in the day then need the loo they will just fall out if they haven't been absorbed into the body.

The joys of infertility hey! It's no journey for the squeamish is it haha

Hey ladies!
Sounds like ur journeys are going to be starting V soon and once they do it all goes so fast!!
Anything u wanna ask please feel free?!
As yucky as it sounds the pessaries are better up the bum as they leak out so easily otherwise. Also u can't use them vaginally at all until after transfer!!
Here's to lots and lots of big juicy follicles!
Hi it's VLW I've had to register again as my account locked me out and couldnt get back in!

Oh I know it'll just be typical won't it being late ha! Bedtime is good idea now you have said that I might just do the same and yeh once it's in least you can go bed and not think about it all day! Oh i know we have to do so much don't we ha.

Hi Nici when did you have IVF? Think the whole process is quiet nervewracking. I'm just wishing the days away xx
Hi Vicki,
I started my ivf journey about 4 years ago. I was under Mr Kingsland and found him lovely and V down to earth and informative! Who do u have?
Goodluck with your upcoming cycles ladies xxx
I have no idea tbh Rachel. Guess I'll find out on EC day then ha we did see Dr Russell at one point but since then it's been nurses really xx,
We were fortunate for it to work first time. We were unexplained but I was diagnosed with Leiden factor V which is sticky blood and I'm adamant that's what was causing us not to conceive naturally. All through Ivf I had to have an additional injection for blood thinning and then had it all the way through our pregnancy was so worth it though! We originally got told that the transfer would be free as it was from an nhs cycle but we have since got a bill as our nhs changed the funding so it was 550 to freeze them for 3 years and then 1300 to have one put back. If it gives us a positive pregnancy then it will be worth it.

My only advice is to carry on with life whilst doing your injections it will take your mind off things. Once I had transfer I did take 2 weeks off and chill out as I didn't want to think what if if it didn't happen. You've got your partners to help you through it it was my hubby injecting me and although it's not them going through the process they want the same result as much as you do and seeing you go through all that I think is tough for them too. Just be there for each other xxx
That's great it worked first time Rachel, typical they change the funding changed. The Dr only told me the other week it's free, is it worth ringing LWH to check? Your right through as long as you get a bfp it will be worth it.

So you took the whole of the 2ww wait off? I think I'm going to take the week of EC and ET and then go back to work and keep busy :) Yeh my and my dh are quiet grounded and we do laugh about his swimmers being lazy and things, we're just trying to keep upbeat xx
I asked the question Vicky when I went on Tuesday whether using a frozie would be free and she said no, it'd cost round about a thousand pounds. I was also under the impression that because it was still classed as embryos from your first cycle that it'd be free to use them but apparently not! Strange how we have both been told different things.

Hi to Nici! Thank you for offering support. I think I'm going to need it. I also don't know the name of the consultant that I'm under but I know it's not doctor kingsland... I think he was pretty booked up because he is the main guy to go to isn't he. I've got tonnes of questions but I don't want to bombard you with an essay so I'll start with a couple and see how we go on...
1. What were you told were your chances of the IVF working on your first go?
2. Did you have any symptoms in your 2WW? Or did you feel like your AF was coming?
3. Is the egg retrieval really as painful as it sounds? (my consultant worded it as "A big needle will be inserted in to the back of your vagina") Lovely!

Rachel, once again congratulations on the IVF working for you. My sister has booked some time off work around the time by emby will be put back in so I am hoping she will be able to keep my mind off wondering whether it's worked or not!

Hi Tina
Was it the nurse that said that? They told me at my consultation when going through protocol etc FET's would be free if we got any from our first cycle. Yeh that is strange, well even if we have to pay the thousand pound if were luckily enough for it to work first time I'd love a sibling. Lets see how this goes first ha.

Is EC while your sedated Nici? I'm sure thats what I've been told xx
Hey ladies,
Ask.as many questions as u like!!!
My amh level is really low and we were paying for our cycles as my oh has a son. I can't remember what the odds were but we were gonna give ourselves 3 cycles as it worked out around 4000 per cycle for us.
The 2ww is the worst part as every little twinge is analysed! I didn't feel much wen our first 2 cycles failed but the 3rd one that worked I had the most horrendous stabbing pains which had me doubled over at one point and I totally thort it was All over again. I now know it was implantation. Some ladies don't feel anything tho. everyone is different.
EC is great haha which I know sounds a bit strange but the man who gives u the sleepy juice is so lovely and that stuff is bloody brilliant. U won't feel a thing and are out for about 20mins. Afterwards u go back into ur Lil room and get tea and biccies and roughly half hour later a nurse will come in and tell u how many eggs they retrieved!
Feel free to ask ANYTHING and I will do my best!
I can imagine to 2ww dragging i think thats going to be the worst part as you say we'll be over analysing everything, every twinge and pain.
Yeh I thought you were sedated, I'm kind of glad about that bit. Aww bet thats nice when they come in and tell you how many they have got :)
My amh is really high at like 70 hopefully that means more eggs :shrug: but I'm not sure, it's dh's sperm thats the issue with us.They did mention OHSS to me so hopefully my ovaries dont go in overdrive! xx
Thanks Nici!

I am so glad that you've said you are sedated for the E.R.. I'm definitely a massive wimp when it comes to pain so as long as I can't feel anything I don't mind!

Vicky, yes it was the nurse who told me that. I asked the question and she definitely said that we would have to pay to use frozies. I'm going to query it again when I next go because if a consultant has told you that it's free and a nurse is saying we have to pay I kind of feel inclined to believe what the consultant says... but we will see!
I have no idea what my AMH is.. something else that I'm going to have to ask! I do remember our guy telling me that my hormone levels are good though. Again with us it's the man who has the problem so I'm hoping that all we need is some help with getting the sperm to the egg :D

We watched the DVD last night in bed, and now I wish we hadn't bothered because it has completely put him off injecting me. He now doesn't think he can do it.. so I'm back to the drawing board!

Have you had any signs of AF arriving? I've had cramping for the last 24 hours which I normally get a couple of days before my AF arrives

We originally got told it was free and then the letter stated that our Bhs trust had changed the funding policy. It is because we have had a live brith from the cycle. I think it may be different if it hadn't of worked. I completely understand having to pay but think they should be clear from the start. Our nhs trust is Lancashire as were from Preston. The 2ww isn't that bad I don't think it is actually 14 days you have to wait to test I think it maybe 10 or 12 but we told our families it was 2 weeks so if it didn't work we could get our selves together before we told our families.

Like it's been said before the anethatist Man is amazing he made me feel so relaxed and your other half is allowed to go in with you while they get set up so its not like your on your own. I can't remember if he was still in there when they knocked me out and was asked to leave after that.

When your waiting to start ivf you've never wished your period to come so much so you can get started crazy how things pan out isn't it!!!
haha you're so right Rachel! I guess you could go as far to say "You know someone is starting IVF when they've never been more excited to see their period arrive" :D

Vicky, has your AF come yet? Still waiting on mine.. CD29 today. I did think she would be a couple of days late though as I ovulated later than normal.

Girls how did you approach the no alcohol situation? Me and my OH had a huge row last night over it. Our consultant told us strictly no alcohol during our cycle and then last night my OH dropped the bomb of "ummm so I'm going to go out next weekend to watch the match and have a few pints is this okay?" To which I replied "Yeah sure, as long as it's going to be pints of coke that you're drinking?" we ended up arguing because he thinks it isn't important to cut alcohol out during IVF. The consultant didn't tell us this for the fun of it! He told us because it's going to increase our chances of fertilization happening if we don't drink!!! It's like talking to a brick wall honestly

Hi ladies
Well my cycle started Saturday night but it's been spotting/light so far so I think it will start properly tonight/tomorrow. I usually do spot for a day or so before it arrives properly so fingers crossed tonight/tomorrow as I have bad cramps today :happydance:

I agree Rachel I think I'd tell people it's 2 weeks so we can have a few days with just us knowing.

Oh typical Tina hopefully not much longer wait for you now. We weren't really told that about alcohol they said to cut down but to be honest we don't go out that much really. I was in Edinburgh with all my friends at the weekend and had 1 drink and my hubby went out with his mates and had a few and it didn't bother me, he's done all his frozen samples and wont be doing one until the day now which wont be for 2 and half weeks or so. I don't think a coupe would do much harm for his side tbh but that's up to you both what you do really xx
It said in my info pack that women need to cut alcohol out completely and men are allowed 6 units a week during the cycle. My fella said he would cut out the booze completely during the cycle x
I don't want to cause a row with him but his count and motility are both really low. If it was me who had the problems then I wouldn't have a problem with him having a drink but his counts are low enough already.
A pint of lager is 2.8 units, so he would basically be allowed 2 haha!

Still no period here grrrr.. No spotting, no nothing. I'm definitely not pregnant as we've used protection all month. Just delayed, bloody typical!

Vicky, has your AF arrived full flow now?


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