I'm in total shock VLW, I didn't believe the Dr he had to do 2 tests... DH wants to do another test at the weekend when he's home as he just can't comprehend it.
Definitely doesn't feel real, to me, falling pregnant starts with injections and 2 weeks of turmoil, not a drunken holiday hump ha ha... (We don't know when we conceived!!)
I think you're a week/ few days ahead of me, Dr said I'm 7 weeks and due 2nd September but think I'm 7 on Friday, as my last AF was 26th November. When was your 1st day of your last AF? X
I don't think I have any real symptoms Tina, maybe twinges/cramps like AF is coming, I've been off my food but still eating and not feeling sick. I was a bit dizzy last weekend, but put it down to this cold I can't shake. One symptom I had in my previous pregnancy was a snotty nose all the way through and it looks like I've got it again. I'm crossing my fingers that your AF comes tomorrow lovely, pushing all my positivity over to you girls now x