How exciting, Tina & Rachel it feels like this cycle has happened really quickly! I can't believe you're both around the same time that's really nice to go through the 2ww together. Try & get some things organised for 2ww. date night? long walk? read a book at night? meditation? I know it's difficult but I'm a great believer in positive thinking (although find it difficult to practice it!) I think the best way, is to be busy all the time when something is on my mind! Sorry if I'm preaching to the converted, just really want it to work for you both xxx
ES, I'm crossing my fingers for you that you start sooner rather than later. Annoying they want to delay it with a consultation but better that they want to get everything perfect for you. Like Tina said they are very thorough! I would call every morning and see if you can get a cancellation (that's what I did!) Hope you get seen as quickly as possible... and when you get your BFP you'll know it all happened perfectly xxx
I'm ok thanks Tina, no, no real symptoms still. Making me a little anxious but have my 1-2-1 midwife coming round on Monday and they said if I feel really anxious then he'll book me in for a scan early. But apart from snotty nose, there's nothing... Doesn't help to make it feel real! What about you VLW? Any more symptoms? 1-2-1 were excellent on the phone and even though I rate the NHS midwives, I struggled with BFing and would like more support from someone I've got to know. Although... my midwife is a man!!!! x