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IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Struggling a bit at the moment, just going to take it easy the next few days. Not sure if I will be up for work Monday atm xx
What's the difference between a medicated and natural fet then ladies? Xx
Es we've just done a natural fet and all you do is ring up when you get a positive ovulation test and then they schedule you in for embryo transfer then job done this is all done without any drugs. Not too sure how long medicated cycle takes or what it consists of sorry how you feeling today? xxx
Medicated I think you take drugs to help you ovulate and thicken your lining but I'm not sure how long that takes. Natural you ring up when you get a positive opk and you go back for transfer about 5/6 days later xx
Ah right ok. Guess we will see in a few months time which 1 I will do then. Still feeling drained and uncomfortable so just taking it easy today. The hospital rang and 11 of our eggs have fertilised 😃😃 xx
Wow 11 is an amazing number Ellie!!! Congratulations :) hopefully one of those will be your take home baby. So when is transfer gonna happen? Do you have to wait for 3 months?

Rachel, congrats on being PUPO! How Are you feeling?

We've just got home from a weekend away in the lakes, don't think ovulation has happened just yet but it's close. We made sure to fit in loads of baby dancing anyhow!

I'm ok thanks Tina don't feel any diff but didn't expect to anyway. Just got to ride it out and wait I guess. Hope your feeling abit better Es xxx
11 is a great number bet your really pleased! Xx
Praying for my 11 little dreams to grow grow grow 😘 Roll on Thursday for our update!
I've definately think I've got mild ohss, I'm so bloated n uncomfortable! I'm waddling rather than walking lol. it's a good job we are not having our transfer this cycle. The nurse said 3 periods so think we are looking at end of may/June. Said they are going to send a follow up appointment out to us in the next 4 weeks to discuss FET.
When's your test date Rachel?
Hope you had a good weekend in the lakes Tina 😊
Hope you and bump are well Vicky xx
Looking forward to an update on your embryos Ellie! Sorry to hear that you're feeling like you've got mild OHSS, drink plenty of water and rest up. May/June will be here before you know it.

I had a good weekend although it didn't go quite to plan. My OH ended up with a bug so felt unwell for most of it though we did make the best of the situation and still had a good time.

Think I ovulated yesterday which was CD19, looks like it's gonna be another long cycle for me this month with my period arriving on CD33..ish.

Hi ladies

Been meaning to read and catch up to see how everyone was getting on. Don't really have the chance much at the moment! Has anyone heard from Janey? Been thinking of her. Vlm congrats on the scan - it's amazing feeling isn't it!

Rachel lovely to see you back on the board again. I remember you and messaging you after your ccg started to charge. Our 2lg was born in December as a result of IVF! Unmedicated cycle just like yours

Sorry to hear about the recent fails too. Just remember to never give up. Sending love and hugs xxx
Hi Likklegemz, no we haven't heard anything from Janey. Seems like she is taking a break from the boards. Hope she is doing well.

Rachel, any symptoms happening at your end hun?

Hi likklegemz fancy seeing you here!! How are you doing?

Don't have any symptoms so not holding my breath for this cycle today make us 4dp5dt. Guess time will tell or should I say af will tell!!

Hope your all doing ok. I've got the rest of the week off work to chill xx
It's still very early days! There's loads of ladies who have zero symptoms then get a surprise BFP. I will be crossing my fingers for you!

Wish I was off work this week :( We booked a little week away yesterday to Devon. We are going at the end of July so at least that's something to look forward to!

Anyone after collection have seriously low/emotional moments? Is it due to the drop in hormones? 😢 xx
My whole first cycle was low and emotional ES so yes you're not alone. Don't forget you will still have all the stims running through your veins so you're bound to become emotional.

Sending you all my love xx :(

Rachel, any news from your end? xx
Think I'm on edge at the minute because I'm waiting hear how many embies are suitable for freezing. I know it says in the info that slight bleeding is normal after EC, I had a bit in the day of then it stopped but I've started to bleed again yesterday and this morning. Recon it could be do with those follicles they weren't able to collect? I did have dull aches in that area. It's still early days Rachel, everything crossed for you! Did they tell you the grading of your embryo? Xx
No they just said they were excellent quality. If you have any concerns just give the Hewitt a ring they said if your worried to call them xx
Think I had some bleeding too after egg collection, I remember waking up and the back of my gown was covered in it. Hope it's good news tomorrow on your embryos :)

Rachel, I know exactly how you're feeling hun. It's horrific! When are you gonna test?


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