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IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Think we will test at weekend so we don't have to go to work upset if it's bfn xxx
Think I'm actually getting full af now... I'm cautious about using tampons so think I will stick to pads!
Yer think that's a good plan Rachel, I've got everything crossed for you xx
I too think that's a good idea Rachel, you should be enough days past transfer by then to get a BFP if you're preggers. I will be crossing my fingers for you.

Hope your AF is kind to you Ellie :( Mine is due in just over a week

Shortest cycle ever! Haha 🙈 explained why I felt so low yesterday! I'm cramping but I was expecting it to be so much worse as my ovaries are probably still swollen.
Did you say u are starting a new ivf cycle next period Tina?? Xx
Yes we are starting a fresh next cycle, just waiting on my stupid period to come then we can get started. Think I will be taking the Norithesterone first before our actual stimms begin

Are you feeling any better today Ellie? Hope you get some good news on your embies today! Keep us posted

Hi ladies

How is everyone doing?
Ellie hope you have lots of embies for the freezer :)
Any news Rachel - when is test day?
Hope you're af shows up soon Tina

Hi all, day 2 of af n I'm feeling loads better, like a big weight has been lifted! Hopefully the hormones are sorting themselves out!
Well we've got 6, 5 day embryos on ice 😀😀😀 I'm so chuffed! Xx
Es that's fantastic news. Nothing to declare here think we will test at weekend xx
Good luck Rachel, everything crossed for you 👍👍 xx
6 frozies is great!! I heard from the womens that most people don't get any to freeze so that's amazing news!

Vicky, how are you bearing up? How much longer now till your 20wk scan?

Rachel, are you testing today?

Hi everyone, hope you're all well.

Everything crossed for test date Rachel.

Amazing news ES. Six is a fab amount.

Tina- hope you can start soon.

I'm starting stimms on Sunday. Excited and scared at the same time. Paying for treatment is a whole other ball game playing as well as just doing treatment. I am much more aware than last nhs cycle of the risks, but got to keep positive and hope for the best.

Baby dust to all.
Official test date isn't till Tuesday but we did a test this morning and it came up with pregnant 1-2weeks. We cannot believe. We haven't had he best luck the past two years with loosing both my mum and dad so this will be something for us all to luck forward to. Thanks for everyone's support on here it truly is a great place to let is all out. The only symptoms I have had u would say is an increase in cm. And also my back is hurting when in bed at the bottom but that's about it really oh yeah I sneezed the other night and it felt like my ovary area was about to explode xxx
Sqquueeeeeeeeeeeeeee Rachel that's the best news to wake up on a Saturday morning too! Huge massive congrats and a V happy and healthy 9 months!
Keep us updated with scan news!
Aw yay big congratulations Rachel! ☺️☺️ Really pleased for you xxx
Well otd isn't until tomorrow and I've seen pink when I wiped this morning and got dull pains. Gutted

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