VLW we had a beautiful amazing perfect little girl and I loved being pregnant with her and loved loved loved giving birth. She is 2 next month and was in the magic 4% of babies born on her due date. I wanted a girl, I was worried about the whole willy thing, being wee'd on and getting excited etc... Just thought girls were easier. Don't think I tried any old wives tales.... My mum said it was a girl, DH was convinced it was a boy.
My labour was 3 hours, 2 hours in bath at home, 15 mins getting dressed and to the hospital & 45 mins pushing.... So was in a daydream on top of gas & air & gave birth on all fours, but the umbilical cord was too short to pass her up to me so had to wait... So having DH crying telling me it was a perfect little girl & describing her was magical and will do it the same every time over (if we're lucky enough!)... I get goosebumps thinking about it. Not long till the best scan xxx
Tina, honestly I passed out giving blood, feel faint at every blood test, but amazingly, after the first one, I look forward to injecting now. I think it's overcome my total fear of needles x Do it you might be sad and enjoy it like me!!! Lol hope it goes well today x