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IVF/ISCI starting May 2010, anyone?

Tansey - Thats great your DH wants to help, how sweet.

I haven't done a HPT at all DH thinks I should wait abit longer to see what happens. Plus I'm too scared of being disappointed
I can understand you not wanting to be disappointed - keep my FX for you though! :dust:
Hi Girls

Lots of us on here now which is brill.

Started weight watchers yesterday and got an appointment for accupunture on Wednesday talk about leave it to the last minuet. Im starving and don't like needles the things we will do. I have got to wait for the :witch: to come then ring hospital for the drugs.

Keep posting

Tory x
:happydance: more of us! welcome!

Well I took my first tablet today, so nothing to report lol this is provera for helping bring on AF and I start my first injection to down reg on sunday!

I spent ages yest trying to get fridge at right temp! lol :wacko:
Hello Everyone,
Hope you don't mind me joining your group but I could do with 'talking' to people in the same boat...
Aclio - :happydance: didn't think the day would come, feels like we been waiting ages to get started! how are you?

:wave: hi hereshoping
Hi all, how are we doing?
Sniffing going ok - it's only Day3 :rofl:
Tory I have acupuncture - not having it during D/R unless I feel ill or feel I need it as it can be a waste of money as it is not needed at this stage (acupuncturists words not mine!)
Afternoon ladies! (or morning :))

I just got off the phone with the clinic. I wanted to make sure the paperwork was done and we are all set for May 5th. She said yea and then I asked about dh's SA. And she said that it was good... but that we might need ICSI. She said the doc will determine that at the time if EC. All she said was that his morphology was 49%. I thought that was good.. maybe there is another problem. Ah, anyway, that's the new news with me!
Great that everything is good to go :thumbup: i wouldn't worry about having to do ICSI, we might have to also coz of sperm antibodies, they will decide on the day apparently :shrug:
I did some fast math, and I am only 2 days behind you! Woot Baseline scans!!

Just got back from working all day! knackered!

Wish2bmama - I think lady must have the names confused. 49% morphology is awesome! Usual forms are deemed at 15% so 49 maybe means 49% motility which is also good. My DH morphology was 4% out of the normal 15% so we def need ICSI.

I got my first injection tomorrow! gulp! looking forward to getting the first one out the way! lol

night night hunnies xx
Hi ladies - I tested today BNF I knew it would be :( I feel really deflated. I'm so trying to just focus on the ICSI appointment. Not long now and I'll be joining you xxx
MunnyIwannabe- YAY!! :happydance: !! First injection! And thanks for the %s. I will speak with the clinic next week I think. I'll march my bum down there and get some answers. :)

ALICO- I am so sorry :hugs: But it's good that the apt is in 3 days! :hugs:
MummyIwanabe - good luck with your injections!

Alico - sorry about the BFN

Wish2bmama - i would go and get the correct numbers so that you know what's what for sure!

i'm off to see my friends 1 year old identical twin girls today :)
HI everyone! we are heading off to our appointment tomorrow morning. At the moment we are only male factor and need icsi, but i am getting all of my test results and i really dont want any nasty suprises. All going our way i think we will be starting about may 5th..... So i have one more go at producing the impossible BFP - i daydream about it so much what a weirdo.

Aclio, sorry about the BFN, i know what you mean even though you know deep down its not going to happen it would be so unbelievabley fantastic to ring the clinic and go 'i dont need my ivf appointment anymore!" . I convinced myself last month too, really bad. I had the sorest boobs ever, i couldnt roll over in bed and if i didnt wear a bra i couldnt stand it. I tried to go for a jog and had to stop for the pain.... I never really get sore boobs so i was convinced. Also to add to this i had had a HSG a few days prior to ov and evryone reckons it is the best time to :sex: as the HSG icreases the fertility But alas AF showed up a whole week early. This month i will not allow myself to be tricked......
Good luck with your appointment:hugs:
Hi girlies,

did my first injection today! was scared! lol took me a while to pluck up the courage to stab it in me and then I did it :) was fine once I did it. It went red and itched for about 20 minutes and then it went! Glad I got first one under my belt!

Aclio - sorry about your BFN :(
Let the others begin! lol xxx
Hi girlies,

did my first injection today! was scared! lol took me a while to pluck up the courage to stab it in me and then I did it :) was fine once I did it. It went red and itched for about 20 minutes and then it went! Glad I got first one under my belt!

Aclio - sorry about your BFN :(
Let the others begin! lol xxx

Hi Ladies... sorry Ive not been about for a few days had a busy weekend! how exctiing mummyiwanabe starting your jabs... well done you for managing it, I know Im going to struggle but it will be worth it!

Aclio so sorry you had a BFN but at least you know there's light at the end of the tunnel and your already set for your icsi, its awful hard tho as we continue to convince ourselves it might just happen without, but hey we wouldnt be human if we didnt would we!!

Just over a week till I have my 'teaching lesson' for my jabs and waiting for the call from couriers with my drugs..lol, Im not up with all the terms and havent a clue yet what Im getting but they'll tell me when I get taught, and then i start that night... Can someone in the know maybe give me a breakdown of the whole procedure to give me a clearer idea? about sniffing and down regulating and stuff? Im not sure why I dont know it but the clinic havent really gone into massive detail yet, or maybe im just not asking the right questions, scared Im doing it all wrong yet surely if I needed to know yet they would be telling me??? hope so anyway!!

Have a good Monday everyone... keep smiling we'll get there soon!!
Ok so we just had our ivf appointment.... I am a bit worried now, need to know whether anyone has any experience with this? All of my results came back normal which was reassuring ecxept for the AMH which is the most important apparently. The doctor said quote" your level is extraordinarily high" My level was 60 and the normal range is 30 or something. So she said that this could either mean i am super fertile... woo hoo, or that there is something wrong like and ovarian cyst causing weird hormone levels. My baseline scan on day 2 of my cycle showed a 1.6 cm follicle which should not have been there at this stage of my cycle and this could be the problem. It almost certainly explains the mega sore boobs of last cycle and the 'trick' pregnancy because it would be producing progesterone. So if it is just increased fertility then i will only be on a low dose of drugs because they say i am at high risk of overstimulation. The other option is that this cyst remains present and i will have to go on some meds to get rid of it before we can start. So at this stage we are all go for starting next cycle in 3 weeks, but i have to have another scan to before i start injecting to make sure its gone, if not cancelled cycle :cry:

The up shot of all of this is that i dont actually know whether we are going to be able to start or not until 1-2 days prior. I might actually go insane:wacko: Hubbys results were interesting, he has a very low count (we already knew this) which doc said fits in with a chilhood mumps picture. The intersting thing about this is that he always thought he was fertile due to a previous pregnancy with a partner a long time ago that resulted in termination. He would have always been infertile if mumps was the cause so his ex partner was telling porky pies about him being the father..... Good job it was such a long time ago otherwise he might have some serious words to say to her!

Any knowledge on the amh would be greatly appreciated:thumbup:

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