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IVF/ISCI starting May 2010, anyone?

Oh and i forgot to add that they said DH has a low grade infection (strep B or something) and has to have a 5 day course of antibiotics. Does anyone know whether this would be affecting his count? Doc said it would make no difference because it is so low we would still need ICSI.
Ok me again, now i am panicking... I googled high amh and all the websites say it is indicative of PCOS. Wouldnt she have told me if i had this at the appointment?:shrug:
Hi Gracy - the clinic told me if it's high its a sign of PCOS. don't panic though maybe its not and you just have a lot of egg reserve. You won't know until they check which sucks for you waiting but at least you're on the road to finding out.

So I had an awful night last night. Went out for a meal with all our closest friends (8 of us) and right at the beginning of the meal one of them announced they were pregnant (3 months preggers) so now everyone is pregnant but me and we started trying before everyone. Im so pleased for them but felt so guilty as I instantly felt like I wanted to cry too. I wish they had said it at the end of the meal as I had to sit there through the whole meal trying not to cry and eating me dinner which I then didn't feel like. All the talk was baby talk and I felt sick. I felt so positive yesterday because I'd started the injections and now I feel major pressure that it's not gona work :cry:
and the final nail in the coffin? They got pregnant in first month. They all know we've been trying for so long and I know they have every right to be excited - I would be and I don't want to take away from that but it hurt so bad.

My DH felt sick last night and we had a really rough nights sleep :( :nope:

Woke up this morning thinking it was a dream :nope:

I feel so down right now :cry:
Mummyiwannabe, so sorry to hear you are feeling so low. And you were feeling so good about starting as well. I have had dinners like that, i have actually had to go to the bathroom and hide for a while to try and compose myself. Then you sit there with a smile plastered on your face for the remainder of the meal wishing to get the hell out of there. It just hurts so much. I am not sure if its the right thing to do but i am avoiding a few people at the moment because it makes me feel so bad, then feeling guilty about it. DH just said to me not to be so hard on myself and that this is a completely normal reaction. I think that was good advice. I even have two very good friends at the moment who are trying for number 2 and i just know i am going to get the announcements any day now, it usually only takes them a month or two.

Just try to focus on yourself. Remember You have already come so far to get to the injections and ec soon, its an exciting time :flower: i really hope you get to make your announcement at dinner soon too and your BFP will be so much more special ! Do they know you are doing IVF? :hugs::hugs:
Thanks Gracy. Ugh I just feel so rubbish. And to think I was telling my friend a few weeks ago how hard I was finding it with all the baby talk and then she now announces shes 3 months pregnant. She would have been pregnant at the time and not told me. i almost wish they'd prepped us before hand so I was prepared. I mean I was totally expecting it but its not the same as actually hearing it.

I just spent the last 45 minutes trying to inject myself as well. Got myself into a right tis and couldn't do it. I just broke down and thought god pull yourself together its only a little needle!! Think I've found a better technique but ugh its not nice. Stings and then itches like a buggar :nope:

None of our friends know about our IVF. i'm scared they wouldn't be sensitive and then that would really really bug me. My DH has said if this treatment is not successful then we are going to explain to our friends that right now it's too hard to be around them and that we want them to enjoy their moments but for us its unhealthy and too hard to deal with. My DH feels awful as he feels like its his fault. I don't think like that at all I just feel sad that we can't have our moment yet.

But like you say gracy and like my parents just said. Nothing has changed since friday when i was feeling positive. We are still on our way hopefully to a BFP and I mustn't stress myself out about it. I think time will help with this, I will just keep my distance from them at the moment as it's not good to be around right now :)

Having said that, one is due any day so not sure I'll have much choice! lol xxx
mummy - I'm so sorry about your friends news. I know how your feeling and feels like someone has just ripped your heart out stomped on it and everyone is watching. A friend of mine got married just before us and she announced a month ago that she was pregnant. All I kept thinking was why not me. I look after myself, I don't drink much Im not over weight. I felt really bitchy cos she's totally opposite over weight, drinks, doesn't look after herself. Mother nature can be a proper bitch at times!!

I'm so proud of you doing your injections. I know it might not feel like it at the moment but when you get your little baby you will appreciate him/her so much more cos you've been through so much to get them.

Just remember your I day nearer to him/her xxxxxx

Gracy - I'm not sure about your results. I was just told outright that I had PCOS confirmed by internal ultrasound. Have you had an internal ultra sound?
Thanks Aclio :hugs: I feel like a bitch too and my DH says he feels awful as he wants to be happy for them and is really struggling. Mother nature is so unfair! lol

I've got to go to work this afternoon as well and be all energetic and I really don't feel like it. Mind you maybe it will keep me busy :)

lots of love to you all my lovelies xxxx
Hi aclio, yeah i did have an internal ultrasound and they said it was fine. My ovaries do not have polycystic appearance. So why such a high AMH? All the sites say it is PCOS. God something else to worry about arrghhh!
Hi girls,

Can I join??

I'm starting down reg next week I hope.. as soon as AF shows up. This will be IVF/ICSI cycle 1 for us.

I'm on a clomid cycle this month, but we recently found out we have male factor and thus we are boarding the IVF bus.

I know what you guys mean about other people and their pregnancies. I think they should all be made to give us a leave pass on their news until we have had a chance to get through our IVF!!

Wishing you all the very best for this cycle. Hope this is a lucky thread :hugs:
Hi everyone,

Sorry to see the difficulties people are facing.
We had just had an appointment with our consult. when our friends announced another bump on the way and of course we were delighted on the outside but somewhere inside I admit I was :cry: but I survived and was thinking on the brightside - they would find the best schools first and save us some hardwork!!!

My mantra is 'Half Full' so off we went for our consent signing etc.

Anyway this is our first try at IVF, our downreg started 30th March, we have survived that and my baseline scan is scheduled for tomorrow and fingers-crossed, I start injecting from tomorrow night.

We made a decision not to tell anyone about our IVF endevours as we figured if anyone knew we would be under even more pressure to perform but I must admit I am feeling a little lost not being able to talk about it.

I would really appreciate some company on the journey and some voices of reason along the way....
Hi, :wave::wave:
Your all in front of me. I should find out what will be happening with our ICSI on Wednesday.

Just a quick question to you all. What happened after your Af's did you start meds straight away or was there a wait? The reason I ask is the spotting I had last week do I count that as AF or not.
Hi mrs JA, welcome. Whereabouts in oz are you? we are in adelaide. We are starting hopefully as soon as af shows up too. Not entirely sure how we are paying for all of this, went and got a credit card today for $13,500!!!!! i sure i hope we dont need all of that! I hope your stay here is short, we are on our 1st cycle too :hugs:

In my case I was told to phone in when AF arrived proper (not spotting) and they then moved my downreg injection out so I had it 12 days after the start of AF. AF was playing silly games so I know if it arrived any later I would have probably had to wait for another month...
Hope this helps.
Hi all :wave:
Big :hugs: to you all - this is such a hard journey for us all. We need to try and remain positive no matter what which is very hard sometimes - just keep thinking about our goal :baby:
Feeling a bit :shrug: myself as in not sure how I feel. Could do without working :winkwink:

I hate to wish my life away but I hope these two weeks until my baseline scan go fast!

Don't forget to also join us in the Four Leaf Clover thread for that little bit of extra :dust:

Welcome mrs Ja! :wave:
I know what you guys mean about the mother nature and the pregnancies. My Cousin just announced she is having her 2nd baby. She m/c in dec and got pg again in Jan! And about 80% of my friends are pregnant. Tansey is right, I am thinking very positively! Haha, I even thought of myself as -2 weeks pregnant the other day! I know it's silly, but it helped :)

Gracey, I had a bad time getting diagnosed with PCOS. They did blood work and it seemed like I had it, and then they looked at my ovaries and they were normal. So they told me I didn't have it. Well, they found it after my MMC. Turns out that 4 years on birth conrol had surpressed the cycts. It took about 10 months for them to develope. But you may not have it, I have heard of people just having a high ovarian reserve. I hope I helped! :hugs:
Hi Ladies!

Aclio, so sorry about your BFN, that really sucks. But at least this time things are so different, you still have loads of hope ahead of you, you ICSI appointment is like 2 sleeps away! How exciting! And from what I hear from other people once you start this procedure things move really quickly so no more of this waiting waiting waiting... well until we get into our 2ww!!

Mrs JA Welcome!! Lovely to have you on board. So exciting that we're all going through this together at a similar time!

Gracy, i don't know much about PCOS at all I'm afraid. Could you ring one of the nurses and talk it through?

MummyIwanabe My heart truly goes out to you xxxx It just sucks. It sucks that what is so difficult for us seems so easy for so many people, it sucks that we have to take this on the chin in public, it sucks that we then feel really guilty for thinking bad thoughts and not just being completely over the moon, and it really sucks that we have to deal with ALL of this while injecting ourself with crazy drugs that mess with our hormones!!!
I sometimes feel like someone up there is having a laugh with me!
Buuuuuut.... your time will come, all our times will come. Like my husband says to me; without the rain you can't see the rainbow... When we do finally get our BFPs is it going to be so so soooo special after everything we've been through and until then we have our husbands/partners and us girlies on here to help us through!!
Sending you big hugs
Just got back from work. Thank god I'm home now, just wana chill in bath and go to bed. Not looking forward to my next injection seeing as the one today took me 45 minutes to pluck up the courage! lol my dad is coming over tomo to help me incase I buckle again!

So this evening I got home and I've got a little smidge of blood in my pants. Never ever do I spot. Is this the effects of down reg? I'm on CD22

anyone had this?!
MummyIwanabe - spot anyway so i couldn't really say sorry.

I confess I am wasting some cheapo pg tests. i am on 9DPO and thought i'd torture myself - obviously BFN this morning :shrug:

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