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IVF/ISCI starting May 2010, anyone?

I prob have more scientific 'belief' in the benefit of the accupuncture and I think the hypnosis benefit will purely be managing stress plus its a nice nap! My hypno person gave me an mp3 file which is 'standard' relaxation and I just use it to switch off (and have 40 minutes nap) between sessions. The actual sessions are more specific to the stage I'm at etc.
From an accupuncture point of view I left it very late to get started as the accupuncturist would have prefered to get me 3 months in advance to prepare and strengthen everything but if we need to go for further cycles I would start accupuncture in advance. We only got 2 weeks notice that we were going down the IVF route so it has all been nuts since then :wacko:
MummyIwanabe, I think the accupuncture is to help stimulation and implantation and the hypnosis is 'to help increased implantation and clinical pregnancy rates'. Not sure any of it helps with the petri-dish or ICIS bit....

Talking to DH last night he said the injection bit all sounds a bit complicated and he wasn't sure if he could do it right so I said no worries I will supervise and bite on a pillow so I don't scream :haha:
Thanks Hereshoping! Wow quite expensive then! Sounds great so tempted to do it but not sure we could afford that. Always makes me worried when I know there's more I could be doing! :wacko:

Took my last provera today so fingers crossed AF will turn up round about on time and not take too long to grace me with her presence!
Believe me I understand the expense side of it - the way I justified it was if it reduced the number of cycles needed then I had to give it a go but in saying all that my clinic doesn't promote it (but they don't object to it either) so who knows if it will make any difference.... we may be peeing in the wind with this one and it is prob adding £500 to the cycle cost (but to be honest I am willing to try almost anything actually - prob try anything! to have a :baby: with DH).
MummyIwanabe, hope AF arrives on schedule but when I deregg'd AF from hell arrived.... BUT it was worth it because baseline scan was perfect (albeit impossible for me to see anything sensible so I just took their word for it :blush:)
HI LAdies, Just abit of an update. I have my appointment for the 17th June with the nurses to go through my injection training and all my drugs. He did mention the 25th for something I think not sure what that was. He did say its alot to take in and not to worry cos the nurses will go through everything in more details dates etc.

I was a little disappointed as I thought it would have all started sooner but never mind xx
Thanks Hereshoping, I guess if AF hurts more as long as it gives us the perfect baseline scan then its worth it! Long as she comes on time then I'll be happy :)

Alcio - hope your appt went ok, sorry to hear its a bit later starting than you had hoped. I had that when I had to wait an extra month and it was sooo annoying. Amend your ticker so we can count down to when you start and we can look forward to that!! :)
ACLIO!! OH NO!!! JUNE?????? that's FOREVER away :hissy:
oh bugger - I'm so sorry - but I agree with MIWB (soz for the shortening :wink:)
get a new ticker and we'll count it down with you :hugs:

Re acupuncture - I've heard so many ladies rave about it but I can't afford the time or money so I'll just have to stick with PMA...
For anyone who wants to try hypnotherapy but can't afford the sessions, check out Maggie Howell's "The IVF Companion" CD (there are probably others available but this is the one I'm using). I've listened to it twice now and I feel totally chilled out afterwards, sleeping so much better the last two nights that I have done for months and feeling quite calm about everything at the moment (even work and I'm usually totally stressed about work). It's not expensive, just the cost of a CD and it's worth a go, even if it's just for the 30 minutes relaxation.
Hi everyone! i havent got much to report, just saying hi and hope everyone is going well with their injections. What is down regging? Why havent i been told to do that? I am a bit confused..... :shrug:
I am still worried about my amh results. Every single website (even the one of the clinic we are going to) says a level of 60 is PCOS. Can you have pcos and not know it. I never miss a period and am ovulating every month if EWCM and ovulation predictor kits are anything to go by. I just forked out for another ov kit to reassure myself...

Is anyone else finding this completely 100% consuming? I am seriously thinking about it all day every day. And i have been a real moody idiot about it all. Dh got a bit short with me the other day and said I really wasnt helping myself with all this negativity and i certainly wasnt helping him either. made me feel bad :cry:
Aclio, good news about your appointment, even if it is a bit later than expected. Mummy, sounds like you are finding the injections a bit easier now :thumbup:
Mrs JA, I think we are paying about that too. The figure we were given was $8000 upfront, but total out of pocket costs after medicare about $3000. I not sure if the drugs or the day theatre is separate to this though. TBH when they started talking finance i just switched off, not because we are made of money or anything but just because the whole thing is hard enough and worrying about money on top of everything else would just be too stressful, i am just going to stick my head in the sand and not worry about money for now.....
Thanks MrsR32! Sounds like a good idea to me! Going to check it out online now!!

Hi Gracy - down regging is when you inject yourself with medication to slow down your bodies ovaries etc. Then they can get your lining right and then stimulate you to create more eggs and down reggin stops your body from releasing them all at once!

I'm sorry i don't know about your amh results. I too have read it can be a sign of PCOS I would have thought you might have some symptoms of it but I don't know if thats a given - everyone is different.

I am 100% consumed with ttc. It's a tough time for us all, so try and come on here more for help and support and stay positive with you and your DH. You need to help each other and I often try to see it as a positive that we're going down this route. Although stressful its also exciting and the closest I've ever been to a BFP! :) xx
Hi Ladies!!
Aclio, sorry to hear you've got a bit longer to wait :-( But next week is May and then it will be "next month", that doesn't seem to far way to me, definately with the others on the ticker, get a new one counting down!
I have had 4 accupunture sessions and am loving it, I have one more then my preparation course is over. The I will have one just before egg collection and on the day of egg transfer and then one or two in the 2ww. The main reason I did it was so that I was doing something. I have found all this waiting sooo hard and it just broke up the wait for me. And I have to say its actually made quite a difference, I'm sleeping a lot better and generally feel a lot more positive.
Cool summer breeze! How much do you pay? How did u find someone did you just look online or was it a recommendation? silly question maybe but does it hurt? xx
Yeah it's rather pricey, it's £35 a time, ouch!! But it's my birthday on Sunday so I've asked my Mum to buy me the set of IVF sessions for my present! I'm so obsessed all I want is anything to do with IVF! My brother is getting me 2 IVF hypnosis cds, one Zita West one and another one done by a midwife!!
Well first of all I went online and I found this man who's beeb practising for years and wasn't far from me, had a session with him but he told me, first of all that in "my current state" i would never get pregnant, even with the help of IVF!!! Unless of course I had acupuncture with him, can you believe it?!!
He then went on to tell me that "something traumatic in my childhood that I didn't deal with properly caused my Endometriosis" So i left the place feeling like I brought all of this on myself, I was a right mess!! Anyway, obviously I didn't go back but I couldn't shake that horrible feeling he left me with so I decided to go back online and found a woman who actually specialised in fertility and IVF and she even meets with my consultant frequently to check up on developments in the treatment. And she is wonderful, she trained with Zita West (not sure if you've heard of her) so she knows so much about IVF and the treatments, she's a little bit like a too, I go in, have a little talk, she makes me feel better then puts loads of need counsellor les in me!
Oh and MummyIwanabe, no it doesn't all (oh apart from when I forget I have one in my writs and go to scratch my nose....ouch!)
Thanks Summer Breeze! wow can't believe that guy! That's so bad! I've heard of Zita west so maybe I should look into it.

Glad to hear it doesn't hurt tho, we will have had enough of that with all this treatment! :) xx
Got a phone call from the nurse at the clinic this morning to say that DH's Karyotype test results are back!!! She didn't tell me what the results are but she said she's seeing our consultant this evening to discuss them and she'll call us back in the morning. I'm assuming they're ok because she asked what CD I was and then said 'oh not long until you have to call me on CD1 then'... maybe I'm jumping the gun but that sounds to me like everything is ok... :shrug: Anyways... fingers crossed and we can start next month!!:thumbup:

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