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IVF/ISCI starting May 2010, anyone?

Afternoon ladies
How are we all? I'm knackered! :( I'm sleeping terribly and dreaming and waking up really early! :hissy:

I have been having acupucture but not having it during D/R as she said it would be wasting my money but I can ring her if i need to chat or don't feel good - she is great! :thumbup:
I have my next one when I've started stimming and then before EC and ET.
It doesn't hurt but the odd one can sting a little in places but I reckon coz that point in my body needed sorting ;)

Aclio - poo that you have to wait but now you have a date you have something to work towards. I was told by someone who has been through 3 cycles that you have to set yourself little goals or things to keep you busy. For example I work MON-FRI so I had to plan busy weekends to help time go faster and keep me occupied.

Summer Breeze - I can't believe that man :grr: But so glad you didn't give up and found someone more suitable!
Hey Ladies! OMG, you are sooo good, all those lovely sessions you're going for! I hardly get time to sleep long enough nowdays- it's just work -home-dinner-bed-work-home-(skip the dinner)-bed....so I won't be having anything and I have no time to be honest - stimms starting on cd2 - next Tuesday!!!!!
My employer allows me up to 5 paid days leave for fertility treatment, but I won't tell them as it may affect a possible promotion, and I could use the money for the maternity leave, so I'll have to struggle through it. My provisional EC date is the 8th of May!!!! really soon!

Aclio - June is just around the corner! use the time to relax and get ready to be a mum!!!!!
Tansey and Cazd Hi! I've seen your posts in the journos - nice to finally (virtually) meet you :)

SummerBreeze...this man deserves to be reported to whatever it is regulating body- surely there must be some association or something!
right !off home now..... enough working!!!!
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the feedback on accupuncture - I thought I might have been doing something a little daft so I now feel quite happy about it.
I don't think it hurts - stings a little when the 'right spot' is hit which is a good sign and also stings if I laugh and jiggle about when the needles are still in!

Finding the time is a challange but I am lucky to be able to move my day around somewhat to go for sessions etc. I don't actually know what my company policy is about leave for IVF - as I am not telling them about it I was expecting to just take A.leave to cover the time I missed.

Sounds like the injections are going much better for everyone - I have just finished my two for this evening and it took 20 minutes start to finish -I don't think I will break any records with that :winkwink:

Can I ask if anyone is really tired for the Stim meds or is it just me - I was told the Down Reg might be tough but that things would improve again once I started injecting but I am so wrecked at the moment and haven't been able to sleep for the past two nights - maybe its the excitement of it all....

Hope everyone have a good night and catch you tomorrow.
I've been knackered from down regging so I do hope it improves for stim for me! I've been feeling quite rough and uncomfortable.

I've done some research on accupunture and there's a recent bbc article which mentions there no evidence it improves success rates, I'm not sure what to think now,its so hard to know what to do, but even if it doesn't help I'm all for it helping as it makes us more positive and relaxed :)

hope u get some energy back soon hereshoping! :)

MummyIwanabe - I read that article too and yep I didn't know if I would be wasting time and money etc. but I personally thought I had to try and give it everything I could. The article was actually a link from my accupuncturists website which I thought was pretty fair of her.

I would love to think all of it will have a material difference to our IVF results but in reality if it improves my attitude and reduces stress levels it has to help with the whole process.

Anyway am off this pm to be needled again and I will ask what the accupuncturists thoughts are on the latest results....

PS DH arrived home last night so he gets to do the injections this evening :happydance:
I agree if it makes us more positive and relaxed then its a good idea :) That's very fair of her too to put that on her site :)

Did my injection this morning. Bd'd last night, first time in ages and i regretted it afterwards lol. Got really bad cramps and it was really uncomfortable. Not been up for it at all recently! doh! damn hormones....
Can't say I have been feeling my most aluring lately but am feeling a lot better in that department so DH is on a promise later and he is quite chipper this morning :thumbup:
Everything feels so much better and more manageable when DH is home - I think I just have too much time to think otherwise :blush:
Greats news! DH's Karyotype test came back all clear!!! Just got to wait for CD1 (hopefully next week) and then they'll arrange for my injection training, the clinic tour/info evening and the pre-treatment scan! WOOHOO!!! Only took three years to get this far :p
Hi Ladies! It's been a few months since I started this thread and was away resting.

And I just wanted to say 'WOW!!!!!!' there are so many of you! I'll be spending the next few days reading all your posts and catching up on what's been happening in your individual lives.

Just an update....

I just got back from my 2nd doctor's visit and checked on the hormone blood test results & my scan. Everything is fine, but as expected, my FSH:LH is 6.5:6.44, showing mild PCOS. Scan shows a healthy lining and ready for the IVF process.

This time around (different doctor), I am not on the pill to regulate my period. He's confirmed that this month's cycle is on schedule. However, I've been on Metformine 850gm (diabetic medication) for 6 weeks to control decrease my LH levels. He explained that high LH from PCOS tends to decrease the chances of the embryo sticking to the wall. Initially, he gave me two options to either go on Metformin or have an Ovarian Drilling. I chose the pills instead.

My schedule has been confirmed to be:

3rd May - Buserelin (Down-Reg)
21st May - Blood test and Scan
28th May - Gonal F
1st June and 4th June - Scan for eggs/follicles and Uterine Lining
8th June - Egg Pick-Up
10th June - Embryo transfer
24th June - Pregnancy Test

OK that's all for now, I'm going to head back to page one and start reading everyone's posts :)

Love you all ladies and all the best to your upcoming cycle!
Hi all :wave:

Well started spotting when I got home from work (so very lucky!) so :witch: is going to be here on time - good that all is going to plan but a bit sad that my last natural chance has gone. Can't wait until Bank holiday Monday and my baseline scan and gthen hopefully the next stage of the process!

JaniceT - nice to see you back here and with your plan as well :thumbup:

tickledpink - great news! :happydance:

MummyIwanabe - good for you giving :sex: a go :rofl:

HeresHoping - hope DHs doctor role tonight goes well! :winkwink:

brumbar - it's nice to meet you too :hugs:
Hi Janice good to hear what your next steps are! So exciting!!

Hey tansey, I too am now waiting for AF. Hope my follows yours and comes soon! lol

Have a fab weekend, we're having a bbq fest all weekend :) niiice :)
Damn....I can't remember the last time I was hoping AF will arrive!!!!!!LOL
Hi MummyIWannabe, Tansey, Butterfly, Tory123, TickledPink, wish2bmama, underthestars, tubs, summer breeze, doodles29, ACLIO, Aphrodite, CADZ, Step Mummy, BigFoot1980, Lizibee, Gracy 004, MrsJA, HeresHoping, brumbar and MrsR32. LOL if I missed anyone, my appologies and hello to you too :)

Just read through 33 pages of everyone's post and really want to give you a HUGE hug. Hang in there lovely ladies!

Anyways, just a quick summary for everyone to keep tabs on the dates on our big May family. It'll also help us know who's going through the different stages and test days. Do just copy and paste, then fill in the blanks if you feel like it :)

BCP = Birth Control Pills
DG = Down Regulate
Stims = Stimulating Hormone injections
EC = Egg Collection
ET = Egg Transfer
Test Day = Pregnancy Test

1. MummyIWanaBe: DR - 18 Apr, Stims - , EC - 4th May, ET - 7th May, Test Day - .
2. Butterfly : BCP - since April, DR - July, Stims - , EC - , ET - , Test Day - .
3. Tory123: Starting in May
4. TickledPink:
5. wish2bmama : EC - 17th May
6. Underthestars: BCP - 2 months, DR - 12th May
7. Tubs: BCP - 5th April
8. Summer Breeze: 10th May begin
9. Doodles29: DR - 21st May
10. ACLIO: doctor's meeting - 21st April, injection training - 17th June
11. Aphrodite: EC - 27th April, Test Day - 6th May
12. CADZ: start mid May
13. StepMummy:
14. BigFoot1980: Doc/Nurse visit - 23rd April
15. Lizibee: start 11 April
16. Tansey: DG - 14th April
17. Gracey 004: appointment - 19th April
18. MrsJA: DG - 3rd week April
19. HeresHoping: DG - 30th March, Stims - 20th Apr
20. brumbar: Start end April
21. MrsR32: DR - 20th April
22. JaniceT: DR - 3rd May, Stims - 28th May, EC - 8th June, ET - 10th June, Test Day - 24th June
Sorry for the many long posts, just wanted to answer a few questions since Page 1 :)

MummyIwanabe, my husband and I have tried to conceive for almost 3 years now. He's got 2 adult children but right after his 2nd child, his wife at that time told him she didn't like taking birth control pills and he went for a vasectomy in his mid-20's. 3 years ago, he had a vasectomy reversal but the sperm antibodies were so high that it just showed 1 sperm motility in his sperm assay.

We tried our 1st ICSI early 2009 with him going for a MESA and TESA. Pity my husband for all the pain he went through. We managed to collect 18 eggs of average quality and fertilizing 8. None were frozen as the quality of embryos were not good after 3 days. ICSI failed.

2nd ICSI in mid 2009. This time, we used a sperm donor but the procedure showed a BFN.

Why both ICSI procedures failed? It is attributed to a number of possible things. I had mild PCOS which decreases the chances of the embryo implanting to the wall. Also, my husband's sperm were of bad quality. Lastly, I was supposed to be laying down and resting for 2 weeks but being my impatience, I had to do thing and move around.

This time around, I'm doing things a little differently. For the TWW, I'll be laying flat and have told my husband not to stress me out or take me on weekend trips anywhere. No walking, no lifting, nothing. In addition, my new doctor has explained in a very detailed manner on how PCOS affects the success of ICSI. Most importantly, lots of rest, taking my diabetic meds to decrease LH levels and keeping a very positive mind. Stress, negativity and impatience does decrease the chances.

Ohhh... and for those on their first ICSI and preparing for down regulation, just remember to tell your partners to be calm :) DR simulates symptoms of menopause and you might just be having hot flushes, mood swings and feel extremely exhausted within a few hours of the shots. I crashed everyday by 11am as if I just took a handful of sleeping pills.

Hope the above helps :)

Babydust to everyone!!!!
Wow! Thanks Janice! That was really helpful
I'm waiting for AF to turn up- which should be on Monday, so i start stims on Tuesday! We're on the short protocol:) 3days left now! Then day 5scan on Friday, day 8scan on Bank Hol Monday, EC probably on the 5th of may and ET on the 7th of May..... Then official test date 14days after ET soooo 22nd of may.... Reall hope i manage to get the drugs right!
Thanks Janice really useful :)

Well mine has changed slightly now so it goes as follows :)

AF - due monday if on time lol
DR - since 18th April
Stim - *hopefully 30th April not sure yet
EC - w/c 10th may or maybe w/c 17th may
ET - unknown yet
Test day - ?

Will update more when I know more hehe!

Wow janice you've been through a lot. I really hope you get your BFP this time :)

My DH doesn't seem to realise the feelings I've been having since DR! I have felt all of the above you have mentioned and its really tiring. Ugh it's just not pleasant but it will be worth it hopefully! I'm starting to get nervous about the EC,ET and test date now, just pray to god we all get our BFP's this time!! :) xxx
WOW JaniceT that's awesome, thank you!!
And thanks so much for setting this thread up, I am loving it!
Gosh I can't believe how many of us there are when I look down the list!
It's such a good way of seeing who's got what coming up!
Thanks so much for telling your journey JaniceT wow you've really been through it, I hope there's a big fat BFP with your name on it coming up! Sounds like you really know your stuff which is fab cause I need to learn lots!
I have updated me below with some dates, how exciting!!

1. MummyIWanaBe: DR - 18 Apr, Stims - EC - 4th May, ET - 7th May, Test Day - .
2. Butterfly : BCP - since April, DR - July, Stims - , EC - , ET - , Test Day - .
3. Tory123: Starting in May
4. TickledPink:
5. wish2bmama : EC - 17th May
6. Underthestars: BCP - 2 months, DR - 12th May
7. Tubs: BCP - 5th April
8. Summer Breeze: DR - 29th March, Stims - 10th May
9. Doodles29: DR - 21st May
10. ACLIO: doctor's meeting - 21st April, injection training - 17th June
11. Aphrodite: EC - 27th April, Test Day - 6th May
12. CADZ: start mid May
13. StepMummy:
14. BigFoot1980: Doc/Nurse visit - 23rd April
15. Lizibee: start 11 April
16. Tansey: DG - 14th April
17. Gracey 004: appointment - 19th April
18. MrsJA: DG - 3rd week April
19. HeresHoping: DG - 30th March, Stims - 20th Apr
20. brumbar: Start end April
21. MrsR32: DR - 20th April
22. JaniceT: DR - 3rd May, Stims - 28th May, EC - 8th June, ET - 10th June, Test Day - 24th June
Hi brumbar, MummyIWanaBe and Summer Breeze, glad to see you're all so excited and positive about this journey :)

Don't worry too much MummyIWanaBe. After 2 ICSI cycles and this being the 3rd, my husband is still not taking on well to it. He still is unable to understand why I feel the way I do, believing that I can control my exhaustion. (DUH!) I've learned to just block his pessimism out because I too can understand that he's going through stress. Men have egos and pride, it's like a 'caveman' mentality .. haha!.. where they are more 'manly' if they can provide the seed to their women to birth naturally without fertility treatments.

Brumbar, just don't stick the needle too deep in if you're of slender build, it'll hurt like hell if it hits the muscles. I learnt this the hard way through 2 cycles until I complained to my Doc and he laughed... said I was just too anxious.

Summer Breeze, thank you so much. I'm really hoping that this time, it'll work. I've started taking my vitamins and folic acid again. Eating vegetables, sleeping more and lowering stress levels. My doc explained that stress causes the body to produce a hormone which causes miscarriage. I can't emphasize enough on the importance of this because I believe it was one of the major reasons why my last ICSI failed.

Anyways, my deepest wishes for all of you to be blessed very soon! Will be away for a short holiday from Monday - Thurs, see you all tomorrow or a week later :) Updated list as below:

1. MummyIWanaBe: DR - 18 Apr, Stims - 30th April, EC - 10th or 17th May, ET - to be announced, Test Day - .to be announced.
2. Butterfly : BCP - since April, DR - July, Stims - , EC - , ET - , Test Day - .
3. Tory123: Starting in May
4. TickledPink:
5. wish2bmama : EC - 17th May
6. Underthestars: BCP - 2 months, DR - 12th May
7. Tubs: BCP - 5th April
8. Summer Breeze: DR - 29th March, Stims - 10th May
9. Doodles29: DR - 21st May
10. ACLIO: doctor's meeting - 21st April, injection training - 17th June
11. Aphrodite: EC - 27th April, Test Day - 6th May
12. CADZ: start mid May
13. StepMummy:
14. BigFoot1980: Doc/Nurse visit - 23rd April
15. Lizibee: start 11 April
16. Tansey: DG - 14th April
17. Gracey 004: appointment - 19th April
18. MrsJA: DG - 3rd week April
19. HeresHoping: DG - 30th March, Stims - 20th Apr
20. brumbar: Stim - 27th April, EC - 5th April, ET - 7th April, Test Day - 2nd May
21. MrsR32: DR - 20th April
22. JaniceT: DR - 3rd May, Stims - 28th May, EC - 8th June, ET - 10th June, Test Day - 24th June

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