IVF/ISCI starting May 2010, anyone?

I'm feeling ok, got some trapped wind which hurts but not sleepy just a bit dizzy. Tummy is sore but no bleeding so far just a tiny brown smudge sorry tmi!

I just pray the 11 eggs are mature and then that they fertilise. This bit tnite of waiting to find out is gona be hard I'm so nervous about it!

Hopefully I'll know by 12 tomorrow :)

mrsr32 good news bout EC on weds!

Brum - good luck tomo with ET :)
All will be fine Mummy! You'r follies were pretty much the same size!!!!! I had big and small ones- i gues that's why some wre immature!
xxx fingers x-ed!
I have trapped wind now I think, my tummy is rubbling away and I keep getting shooting pains up my vagina and other end. did you have this brum? Pretty tender and uncomfortable now, wasn't too bad at first but not so good right now. Knew it was too good to be true!! lol!
Oh good luck Mummy! and Hereshoping - when's your test date or are you going to take out shares in Boots and test everyday?

:witch: landed for me today so I start DR tomorrow. I'm beside-myself excited about it.
and reading all your stories is making it all even more real. 5 number 1 graded embryos is just fantastic. I've only got one ovary so I've no idea what the norm is for that in terms of egg production....

Good luck with the 2ww HH xxxx
Congrats Hereshoping!! Glad to hear you're feeling well. Hope the next 2 weeks pass like lightning for you!! Are you planning on keeping really busy or chilling out for a while??

MummyIwanabe wow, well done on your 11, that's fantastic, keeping everything crossed for you for the call tomorrow, I'm sure you'll get great results!

Good luck for ET tomorrow Brumbar!! Let us know how you get on!!

Mrs R32 good luck for EC Wednesday, sounds like you have plenty to play with to me!!

Soo, I had my first follicle scan this morning and it didn't go great :sad1:

As suspected I've not responded well enough so only had 3 very small follicles on each ovary. Luckily it's still really early so they're upping my dose to 450 units of menopur (6 vials!) and I have to go back on Friday.

Got acupuncture tomorrow so I'm hoping that may help too!!

Just a bit gutted cause I'm so fed up of always getting disappointing news, I wish my stupid body would surprise everyone just once! :grr:

I also have one of my ovaries stuck behind my uterus and there's no way of getting to it at egg collection which would halve my chances! But he says as the ovaries getting bigger and heavier gravity might take hold and pull it down! Anyone had any experience of this??!!

Sorry to put a dampner on an exciting day for everyone but am panicking that things aren't going to work out :cry:

oh dear... well at least there's 2 positives.... you're not over-stimulated so the cycles not gonna be abandoned - and they're aware of it and upping the dose.
and second... ovaries move about all over the place - they're not fixed at all.
I had a scan when I was 22 and they said the left one was one massive cyst.
Came to the operation and it turned out it was my right one that needed taking out - they'd swapped over somehow.
And then just recently I had a scan and the sonographer said - I can see your right ovary - left one removed.
She took some persuading that I'd had my right ovary taken out - and then she said - well they're loose in there so its just drifted over!
well - I reckon if you jiggle around or something that might dislodge it?!!!
haha thanks cazd, I'll get jiggling around!! I think it's cause of my Endo though, all my bits have been stuck together with adhesions, it's been like that on all of my scans so far but hopefully some gravity and jigging will help!!

Very exciting about your starting DR!! Bet you can't wait!
Caz , congrats on starting hun !!!!!
HH, hope the 2ww brings some good news!
Mummy, yes , I had minor cramps and I felt a bit sick - I had to run to the bathroom twice, but wasn't physically sick! And I had a couple of drops of blood ... It all came in the evening, I guess when the painkiller wears off... They inject some painkiler with with the sedation! The consultand said it is normal! If it gets bad, call the clinic's emergency number!
Summer, It's still very early hun.... I'm sure you'll get more follies! They only see those 5mm and over. Not sure what to say on the ovary position, but I guess caz is right..... Fingers crossed hun... Just eat your eggies and drink your water! People have had BFP on natural cycles IVF with one egg! I know how hard it is, but try to remain positive...
Have I missed somebody? I'm typing on my phone and can't read the posts after I started typing...

I'm off to reclaim my embies at 11.30 tomorrow! Hope they continue to grow nice and strong! Xxx
Aw no mummy, I hope you feel better. :hugs:

Summer Breeze, it is still early and that upped dose might do the trick! I never had what you have, but I did have 'kissing ovaries' once. My ovaries met at the top of my womb and clung to each other! It was rather comical actually. :D But they did correct themselves in a few days. Hope that helped!

Brumbar, how exciting! tomorrow!

Cazd, :happydance: for DR tomorrow!
Apologies in advance for this VERY long post but I feel like I have been neglecting everyone for the past few days... :hugs:

Mummy: 11 is great! Hope you are feeling better by now – I know I was still in a bit of pain that night and the following day but was feeling fine 2 days after. Hope they fertilise well overnight and you get a good update tomorrow.
Hope your wind has improved... btw the pain in your ‘other end’ may be from the pessories (I know I haven’t felt quite right since I started using them last wed... but now that I think about it - it depends where exactly you are putting them (so to speak) – I have gone for (as DH says) ‘up your bum’ because there is supposed to be better absorption and no leakage.... I know WAY WAY TMI)

Brumbar: Best of luck for tomorrow – the ET is a piece of cake (I was really worried about being so stressed out that the embies wouldn’t be able to get in (again maybe TMI....) ) but I listened to my hypnosis tracks in the waiting room and during the actual transfer (one ear in and one out so I could hear what was going on and it was no problem at all)

ACLIO: I had 2 grade one transfers and we also got 3 for the freezer – we were told it looked liked 6 to be frozen but a couple of hours later when they went to freeze them they decided to use 3 only (the other 3 had fragmented and they said while they could have used them for a ‘fresh’ transfer they wouldn’t/were unlikely to survive freezing etc. - I guess its better knowing know rather than banking on them being viable later (but we were a bit disappointed)) Basically of the 4 grade 2’s one had slipped to a grade 3 overnight so that was out of the equation. So of the 8 embies left they chose the top 2 for transfer and the discounted the 3 fragmented ones leaving us with 3 for later!
They said they only freeze grade 1 and 2 and there is virtually no difference in success rate between 1s and 2s just that they need to grade them.

Tansey, annmc30, MrsR32, cazd: thanks for the congrats and I have absolutely no idea how I will survive the 2WW (Mummy is going to help be with my ticker!)
I have a couple of early conference call in the morning I said I would honour but after that I think I will take some time off – the clinic said there was nothing I could do to impact the result now – even if I went on a trampoline straight after ET it would change the result so just do life as normal but my acupuncturist said to rest for a couple of days but then work as otherwise I would just have too much time on my hands to worry etc
So I think I will do a little of both – I have an acupuncture session tomorrow and plan on watching TV after that! But I might work towards the end of the week.
One of the nurses said to us last week that basically nothing we do will change the result – its either sticking or not but don’t do anything you might regret if you don’t end up with good news – I think that’s the best advice.

MrsR32: best of luck with the trigger shot tonight and EC on Wed!

Cazd: yah starting DR!
My test date is 24th............... we were told to hold off for 2 weeks before testing as the trigger shot can give a false positive if you test too early (I thought we would just keep on getting BFN until the levels were high enough to register so I would hope I could stay away from peeing on a stick till then but who knows...). When we went shopping after ET today DH disappeared and I assumed he wandered off to get shaving foam or something – anyway he came back with a pregnancy test and suggested maybe he should keep it locked away for the next 2 weeks!!! :growlmad: We got to the checkout and the Tesco lady picked it up to remove the security case and asked ‘is this for good news or bad?’ All I could do was grin and say 'good I hope...'

Summer Breeze: don’t worry about the 6 amps – I started on 6 and went down to 4 half way through and we did really well with our collection. During the Stims I wasn’t very positive as it seemed everything was going really slowly but we got there in the end and we were told slow is much better than too fast so chins up and see things grow at the next scan.

Summer Breeze & MrsR32: I really think acupuncture helped me get across the finish line – so keep getting stuck! I had a session Sunday, ET today, another session tomorrow and then another one on day 5 after ET – I was told if I get a BFP I will need further sessions to keep the 2 in there!
If it gets and keeps BFP then I am willing to stick with it (pardon the pun...)

Thanks again everyone and apologies if I have forgotten anyone – I just hope we all get that BFP we want xxx

PS Mother-in-Law and DH managed to get the bee swarm into a new hive beside our existing one so hopefully these guys will stick too :winkwink:
(they are very fickle - if they don't their new home they wander off...)
The wind has eased a bit. DH went to get me peppermint tea as that's supposed to help and it does. Still really tender, everything is a struggle at the moment. Think I must be a woss as I seem to be worse :( stuck in bed feeling sorry for myself lol. I hope I feel better soon! I got my pessary in (up my vag) lol tmi! Is that for the lining? What's it for?

Should get a call between 10-12 I'm scared I dreamt last night they said I had none fertilised. Negative I know but I'm petrified all this discomfort will be for nothing. I just pray I have some!!

Summerbreeze - sorry scan didn't go as well as you hoped hope the next one shows improvement.

Hereshoping - if you test say 4 or 5 days after once you see the negative on test you know the trigger has left your system so if u wanted to test early you could and know that it's the real thing :)

brum - good luck with ET today

sorry if I have forgot anyone I'm on my phone and it's a bit tricky!!
The pessories are to replace the progest. that would normally be around after OV - normally at OV just the egg leaves the folicle but with EC they take everything (some yellow liquid - not sure if that is the actual progest. or just something that allows you produce progest...) from the folicle leaving you without the progest needed to tell your body you need to stop OV again as you may need to sustain a pregnancy etc - so I think yes to linning and also to stop your body starting another cycle.... I think... :wacko:
Thanks Hun I was told to put mine up vag but not sure if bum would be better. I left it in for 50 mins before having a wee and I still saw a bit of cream down loo...

Hope your babies are snuggling in well :)
HH - Good luck with not testing - my man has said that he wants us to wait the full 2 weeks. He's going to hide all our sticks but if I knew there was one in the house I don't think I could resist. Where have you put it? oooh - so exciting.

Mummy - so sorry you're feeling rotten :hugs: Hope the peppermint tea clears you out soon.

Brum - GOOD LUCK for today!!!!!!

And its official... I'm on my IVF cycle - took my first tablet today. I'm sure that'll start to wear thin soon but calling the clinic to let them know was wonderful. :happydance:
DH has had to travel this week - he left a few hours ago so I will be on my own with the cat for the next few days. As our wifi routers are both in our respective cellar offices, reception in some parts of the house is limited to say the least but DH did move his router to a different part of the house so I can surf from bed or while watching TV..... :thumbup: He is obviously being nice to me becasue usually he would tell me to move my own! :winkwink:

Right now I am having a debate with myself if I can eat chocolate (there is a bag of giant choc buttons in the fridge....) - any ideas?
I was told either was ok for the pess. as its the absorption into your bloodstream thats important not that Vag is closer to the action....
right - I am off for another session of accupuncture - catch you all later.. :hugs:

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