IVF Oct/Nov/Dec BFP Announcement & 9month term thread!

Thanks for the hugs and advice Wanna. I have just been feeling so confused about what my body is doing right now. I did call my OB and they had me do an at-home bp check (I have a cuff at home). They do sound a bit worried about preeclampsia, though my numbers were ok. I have to go in tomorrow to see my OB, do some urine tests, and have another bp check. They said to go straight to labor and delivery if I get persistent headache, changes in vision, more cramping, or pain or redness in my legs. My OB also told me to go on liquids only last night to see if that minimized the nausea and to get me fully hydrated. I am feeling better today, though not 100%. FX I don't have any more of those symptoms today....:shrug:

Your welcome. :flower:I am glad that you are feeling better now and that your BP was normal when you checked it!! :hugs: That is good that you called your OB and explained what is going on. I hope that you continue to feel better and the babies can keep cooking for a while longer!!:hugs::hugs: Did you have eat a lot of sodium or stay on your feet a lot recently to cause the swelling maybe, since your BP appears to be normal? I know a lot of sodium can cause fluid retention and swelling.
Hmmm - I don't think I have had any extra sodium lately, but it is not something I have generally kept track of. Perhaps I should go low sodium for a while and see if that helps....I'm up for anything that might reduce this swelling issue! :thumbup:
Hmmm - I don't think I have had any extra sodium lately, but it is not something I have generally kept track of. Perhaps I should go low sodium for a while and see if that helps....I'm up for anything that might reduce this swelling issue! :thumbup:

That sounds like a good idea. :thumbup: I had to go low sodium when my BP was high everytime I had it taken at the DR's office. I watched my diet and cut back on sodium and I really think it helped to get my BP back to normal again. You have to watch out for fast food and restaurant foods because they have a lot of hidden sodium. The average person is supposed to get 2,400 mg of sodium a day or less. I had to stop eating at Applebees because all of their meals are loaded with sodium, even the Weight Watchers meals and the under 500 calorie meals, which are supposed to be healthy options, but when you look at the sodium it is insane. One of their meals has 5,000 mg of sodium in it!! :wacko: Restaurants often post their nutrition information online now so take a look at some of your favorite places to eat and you will be shocked!! Any processed, boxed or canned foods you have to be careful of too. I was shocked when I really started watching out for sodium and I don't think people realize that this food is giving people high blood pressure and is as unhealthy as it is!! :dohh:
You're right Wanna - I think all of this high sodium food is probably the root of a ton of the health issues in the US. My DH is pretty careful about sodium - he will probably be more than happy to help me cut back. ;)
Here is my 26 wks 2 day twin baby bump pic from today....:winkwink: I am bursting out of this shirt which was loose on me not to long ago...:haha::blush:


A few nursery pics... We are almost done with it, but not quite yet... Here is a link to my journal if anyone wants to check out how it looks so far!!:winkwink:


I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!! :flower:

Lookin' good Wanna! Halfway to 27 weeks!

AFM - saw my OB yesterday. BP was super high the first time they took it even though I don't think I was feeling nervous or anything. Second time it was within normal limits. OB still wanted to run bloods to check for preeclampsia and I am doing 24 hour urine collection today. He also put me on bedrest for the weekend to hopefully get my swelling down and decrease the cramping I have been having. I guess the cramps can be a sign that my body is just stressed right now. I go back to see my OB on Monday and will get the results of all the tests then. FX I don't have to stay on bedrest after that followup. OB says I should be pretty safe to deliver if the worst happens as I am 32 weeks on Monday, but if we can hold out till 34, babies probably won't need time in the NICU. FX the rest of you can also hold out until the time is right. Hugs to all! :hugs:
Lookin' good Wanna! Halfway to 27 weeks!

AFM - saw my OB yesterday. BP was super high the first time they took it even though I don't think I was feeling nervous or anything. Second time it was within normal limits. OB still wanted to run bloods to check for preeclampsia and I am doing 24 hour urine collection today. He also put me on bedrest for the weekend to hopefully get my swelling down and decrease the cramping I have been having. I guess the cramps can be a sign that my body is just stressed right now. I go back to see my OB on Monday and will get the results of all the tests then. FX I don't have to stay on bedrest after that followup. OB says I should be pretty safe to deliver if the worst happens as I am 32 weeks on Monday, but if we can hold out till 34, babies probably won't need time in the NICU. FX the rest of you can also hold out until the time is right. Hugs to all! :hugs:

Thanks for the compliment on my bump shot!! :flower: I have that happen when I first would get into the OB's office my BP would be high. I honestly think that I get anxiety when I get into the OB's office for some reason, and I also feel out of breath because they rush me down the hall, make me jump on the scale and immediately throw the blood pressure cuff on me to check my BP, so I can feel that I am out of breath when they take my BP and simple activities are exhausting when pregnant. One time I asked them if they could let me sit for a few minutes to catch my breath before they took my BP because I knew I was out of breath and it would be high. :wacko::dohh: The last time I went luckily my BP was normal and that was the first time it had been normal at the OB's office in a while. I started monitoring my BP at home and it is always normal, and both times when I was in the hospital my BP was totally normal as well. I had to start tracking my BP at home and I brought it into the OB's last time to show her my numbers because I didn't want to be put on BP meds unecessarliy. Plus I started watching my diet and sodium and I think that helped as well. :thumbup:

I had to do a 24 hour urine collection as well and blood draw, and I never heard anything back so I am assuming it was alright. Good luck with yours, I hope you pass it!! :thumbup: I hope your swelling goes down!!:hugs: Make sure you take it easy and relax this weekend. Fingers crossed the babys can keep cooking a few more weeks. Although if the babies came sooner the rate of survivability will be very high at 95%, so the babies should be fine even though they would have to be in the NICU, so please try not to worry if they come earlier!!! I am hoping to make it to 27 weeks or higher because the rate of survivability is at 90% at that point!! :hugs:

I hope you all have a wonderful day and cherish every moment of it!!!! :flower:

I went on a shopping spree yesterday (because i have been cooped up inside for weeks) and spoiled my baby girl! Had so much fun, but really wore myself out and am exhausted today! Going to take it easy and eat all day :) Had another appt last week and Baby is now viable (24 weeks)!!! :happydance:
Dr gave me a "heads up" talk that baby girl might not stay in until the end of August though! So I am all registered at the hospital and have a long list of signs I need to watch out for.

Have a blessed day!!!!!!!!!!
Whisper I hope everything goes well with your appt. I'm glad your BP was back to normal we are all getting close to the end and maybe we are just excited to meet our babies. I was told I have an 80% chance of getting preeclampsia so I have to be very careful. Hopefully all your tests will come back normal and you don't have to stay on bed rest.

Wanna very cute pump! Your nursery looks beautiful and it's coming along very nicely. Keep those babies cooking! Looking forward to your next OB appt.

Hold happy Mother's Day to you as well! It sure has been special. I'm glad you got to do some shopping. Keep an eye on those symptoms!

AFM sorry I've been MIA but I've been busy at work training my replacement who happens to be pregnant as well. One of those "oops it was an accident" it has been hot here in California so my feet are starting to feel it. I'll probably work up to may 29th and that's it. I gotta get ready for the arrival of my twins. I'm a bit nervous I hope everything goes well. By the end of the summer we will all have our babies! Happy Mother's Day to everyone!
Wanna, I love your bump pics and happy mother's day to everyone else!

Just heard from Reba that her blood test came back and she's all clear - no gestational diabetes. I was fairly sure that would be the case, but still good news. And Casper is being typically active - she thinks she can start to make out arms and legs pressing against her tummy. So all going great!
Chase I'm happy to hear no gestational diabetes for Reba. How exciting to hear she is able to feel the difference between legs and arms.
Hello everyone, here is my 29 week bump!

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great day yesterday ;)

Happy - CUTE bump picture :)

Whisper - Got my FX'ed for you, keep those babies in as long as possible! It is good they are monitoring you so closely.

Wanna - LOVE your nursery pictures and names, super cute :) And great bump pic!

Hold - Hi hun! Glad you are doing good and got some shopping in; and hopefully your little girl hangs in as long as possible ;)

Chase - Great news about the GD testing :) Glad everything is going good.
Hold - hope you had a good Mother's Day! It was nice for me especially because last year was so tough with all the infertility issues. Glad to enjoy the day this year.

Happy - That is pretty exciting you have a last day for work. FX you don't have any preeclampsia issues!

Chase - That is good news about the gestational diabetes test. One more worry to check off!

Michelle - Hope you are doing well.

AFM - BP was elevated over the weekend and 148/90 at my OB appointment this morning. My typical BP is like, 116/60. So yeah.... Anyway, all of my labs and 24 hour urine came back normal, so no preeclampsia yet. But my doc says I have "gestational hypertension." I'm not totally sure what all of the differences are, but there is no protein in my urine and no detectible effect on my organs like in preeclampsia. OB says I won't make it to 37 weeks. Maybe 34 or 35. They gave me a steroid shot this morning and I have to go back for another one tomorrow just in case I develop preeclampsia and have to deliver immediately. Then I have to have a "non stress test" on Thursday to check that there is no stress on my heart or the babies. And I am on 6 hours per day bed rest till delivery. The OB will be seeing me weekly at least, running weekly blood tests and having me do weekly non stress tests till the babies come. And I am done with work - cant even do my five hours per week now. Phew. I think that is all. I know you other ladies have been through some scary stuff and you have all done wonderfully and been so courageous so I am trying to follow your examples and be calm. I think it is all going to be ok, just need a lot of monitoring till the end. Just not sure I feel ready to deliver in two weeks! Exciting but also a little scary.
First, Happy 1st Mothers Day to all of you!!!! :happydance:

Wanna - Thanks girl for the compliments on our tree. Can't wait to see the pics of your nursery. And I love all your bump pics!

Happy - Yeah, we did get a lot of stuff at the shower and finished buying the rest of the stuff we needed this week. Only a couple things left to purchase. Still haven't bought any bath stuff(baby oil, powder, lotions, etc.) and still need to buy a breast pump. That's it. Our appointment last week went great and we were able to see Nicholas on the screen(it had been a month since our last ultrasound). Getting real close now and can't wait till he's in our arms. Your not to far behind us. Glad your shower was great and the snowcone machine was a hit. Sry you are on weekly dr.'s visits now and I hope your contractions hold off until it's time hun. I know what you mean about being excited and nervous at the same time. I feel it too. And I love your cake btw. It looked delicious! Happy 30wks to you!

Whisper - Awesome you were able to get some stuff really cheap at some yard sales. We were able to get one of those high automatic bouncer swings for $20 at a yard sale last week too. My right ankle is usually more swollen then my left too. I also agree with the other ladies that you should take it easy the rest of the way hun. Sorry about the high BP and that you will need monitoring the rest of the way hun. FX those buns stay in the oven until the time is right cycle buddy.

Michelle - I had to do 2 glucose tests and they both sucked. Had to do 2 because they didn't tell me I couldn't eat anything before doing it the first time.

Chase - Glad everything is going well. Get organized now while you have time. By the way if you are going to paint the walls make sure you wait at least 2wks before putting up any decals.

Update on me - Hey ladies, sorry I haven't been on in a few days. Been busy getting final touches on Nursery done. DH washed the carpets this weekend and moved all the furniture back and just finished installing the monitor on the wall. We also went ahead and registered at the hospital. We are going to be delivering at Winnie Palmer. Didn't know until this week but they deliver about 16,000 to 20,000 babies a year! that's a lot of babies!

Here is a pic at 31wks dh tookof me last week. still a bunch of pics to do on his list and only a few more weeks to do it. Going to start packing our hospital bags in the next week to start getting ready.

want - Great bump pic :) Oh hospital bag, that is something we all have to start thinking about soon!! Amazing how time is just flying by.

Whisper - I am glad they are monitoring you so closely and I had to have the steriod shots with DS, just in case, so it is a precautionary thing!! Good you are done with work and resting; a few weeks sounds scary for them to be here, but when you are holding them in your arms, you will forget all about that feeling ;) Hang in there and rest up!!

I have been having some issues with DS; poor thing ended up in the ER Friday morning and we had an appt with the ped GI dr already that afternoon. He has been having some issues with his tummy and they are not sure what is going on. He had blood work done, x rays and we started him on a laxative yesterday; and tomorrow morning he is getting an ultrasound. Hopefully we can figure out what is going on.
Thanks for the compliments on my baby bump picture everybody!! :flower:

@Hold, thanks for the happy mother's day wishes!!:flower: I hope that you had a wonderful mother's day as well. :winkwink: I am glad that you found some cute stuff shopping for your baby girl!! Shopping for babies is so much fun!! :thumbup: I hope that your baby can stay in and keep cooking for as long as possible. :hugs::hugs:

@Happy, thanks for the mothers day wishes!!! :flower: I hope that you had a great mothers day as well. I am sure that you are glad to be finishing up working since you are becoming more uncomfortable these days. :thumbup:I can understand where you are coming from about being nervous. I am really nervous as well. I think it is normal to feel this way though and I think most women share in our feelings before their babies come. :hugs::hugs: I am really scared of L&D right now and with the risk of the twins coming early I am worried about their health and well being. Fingers crossed for us both. I hope we can keep these babies cooking for as long as possible and that our babies are born happy and healthy. :hugs::hugs: I love your bump picture, you look super cute!!! :flower:

@Chase, I am glad that Reba and Casper are doing great!! That is awesome that she passed her glucose test. :thumbup:

@Whisper, I am sorry that your BP has been high!! Big hugs to you hun!! :hugs::hugs: However I am glad that you passed your 24 hour urine and bloods though. I hope that you pass the rest of your tests without any problems. :hugs: Make sure you take it easy and stick to your bed rest so you can keep your babies cooking a few more weeks. That is great that they are giving you the steroid shots to help prepare your twins for arrival, the shot will help develop their lungs and other organs so it is a really good thing to have. I had to get it at 24 weeks because of my short cervix. They give you the shot in your behind and it stings like a bee sting and is tender for a few minutes, but the stinging sensation wears off quickly. It isn't fun but it is of course worth it because of the benefits to the twins. :thumbup: I got my fingers crossed and I am sending well wishes to you and the babies and hoping that they can keep cooking longer. :hugs::hugs:

@Want, I can't wait to see pics of your nursery once it is finished. I am sure it is going to be lovely. :thumbup: That's great that you are getting everything in order and that you have registered at your hospital where you will be giving birth. :thumbup:Your bump is looking cute and has grown a lot since your last bump pic you showed us!! :winkwink:

@michelle, I am so sorry that your DS hasn't been feeling good. I hope that the DR's can figure out what is wrong soon so that it can be treated and he can feel better soon!! Big hugs to the both of you!! :hugs::hugs: I wonder if maybe he has a food allergy, or if he is lactose intolerant, or maybe problems with gluten?? Just a thought and something to consider if other tests don't show anything? :hugs::hugs:

Thanks wanna! All of those you mentioned about the food, etc... the dr said was a possibility! So at this point, we see what the blood work shows and the scan, then go from there. I think a food journal too is something I may just start as well; just to record what he is eating during the day.
Whisper I'm sorry about the BP. I'm glad your Dr is monitoring you close and hopefully those babies stay in there as long as possible. I can't believe you are 2-3 weeks away from meeting your princesses! How exciting! Hopefully the "non stress tests" will come out clear for all of you. Take it easy and enjoy the bed rest I know it can be difficult but you are doing it for a good cause. Keeping you and the babies in my thoughts and prayers.

Want I'm glad everything is moving along. It feels like there's so much to do and not enough time. I'm glad you got to see Nicholas. Thank you for the reminder of the hospital bag. It's hard to believe how soon you'll be holding your baby! I'm super excited for you.

Michelle I'm sorry DS is having issues with his tummy. I hope they find out soon what's wrong with him. The food journal sounds like a great idea. It might help figuring out what's causing the pain.

I hope everyone else is doing well. We are getting closer to holding our babies soon.

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