IVF Oct/Nov/Dec BFP Announcement & 9month term thread!

Whisper I'm sorry about the BP. I'm glad your Dr is monitoring you close and hopefully those babies stay in there as long as possible. I can't believe you are 2-3 weeks away from meeting your princesses! How exciting! Hopefully the "non stress tests" will come out clear for all of you. Take it easy and enjoy the bed rest I know it can be difficult but you are doing it for a good cause. Keeping you and the babies in my thoughts and prayers.

Want I'm glad everything is moving along. It feels like there's so much to do and not enough time. I'm glad you got to see Nicholas. Thank you for the reminder of the hospital bag. It's hard to believe how soon you'll be holding your baby! I'm super excited for you.

Michelle I'm sorry DS is having issues with his tummy. I hope they find out soon what's wrong with him. The food journal sounds like a great idea. It might help figuring out what's causing the pain.

I hope everyone else is doing well. We are getting closer to holding our babies soon.
Want - cute bump pic. Very creative! We are definitely on the count down now. I basically got my hospital bag all packed just in case of preterm labor.

Michelle - sorry about your DS. :( I bet it is really hard to see him feeling bad. FX it is all figured out soon. Keep us updated!

Wanna - So glad you are still hanging in there! Keep up the good work. ;) I am realizing how hard it is to take it easy! Who knew?

Happy - hope you are feeling good and that everything is moving right along!

AFM - Had my first non-stress test today. They did a scan on the babies to make sure there was enough amniotic fluid (there was) and they could also see the babies' lungs moving, which is a good sign. Then they put monitors on my tummy to monitor the babies' heart rates. I basically just sat there for an hour while they gathered data. They wanted to see if the heart rates increased with movement (they did). However, baby B wanted to sleep the whole time so a couple of times they had to use a buzzer/vibrator thing to wake her up. She definitely started moving after that. Anyway, everything looked good and my BP was pretty good after laying on their table for a while. My legs are still super swollen all the way up to my knees though. Ick. Generally feeling more confident now, so that is good. :)
Hi everyone, I've been dropping in and reading your updates but haven't really had time to post. A few of you are getting close now - so exciting!! I can't wait to hear some of your birth stories x
Sandoval - Good to see you pop in! Hope you are doing well.

AFM - I have been feeling up and down all week. I felt pretty good yesterday, and now today I'm feeling icky again. I put in a call to the nurse at my OB office and now I am just waiting to hear back from them. I was just wondering what some of you think about my symptoms. Last night my right leg was all swollen all the way up to the hip. Like, noticeably bigger than the left. And my hands were super swollen this morning and DH thought my face looked swollen. It seems like the only way I can keep the swelling down is to lay down all day. Technically I am on 6 hours per day of bed rest. But when I get up, I puff up within minutes. I'm waiting on the nurse, but do you ladies think I should be worried? Should I just be staying down constantly? Some friends invited us to go out to dinner tonight (might take a couple hours) and I'm not sure if I can even go. So confused...:wacko:
Whisper I hope the nurse calls you back soon. I don't know what can be causing the swelling on your legs. It's not fun being on bed rest I was on it for 3 months. I don't think it would hurt to go out to dinner. The dr did all these tests on you and everything seemed fine. Don't worry too much! I hope everything goes well and the nurse calls you soon. Big :hugs:!
Hey thanks Happy. I did hear back from the nurse and they wanted me to come in and see the on call doc, which I did. They had me get an ultrasound on my leg to check for blood clots, and there were none. The final word from the doc was that it is ok for me to go out a bit if I want unless I start having contractions or something. So everything is fine. I feel sort of silly for even calling. :blush: I have just been unsure when I need to be concerned. Plus DH thought my leg looked rather freaky last night. But I guess everything is ok. :shrug:
Just for fun, here is a picture of my gargantuan legs. I wish I had a pic of my non-prego legs for comparison. Can you all see the size difference between the two? They were even worse yesterday.

Whisper I am glad everything is ok! :hugs: I can see the difference in ur legs!! I would rest tonight, make your OH go get you dinner :)

afm: I am debating on calling the after hours line for my Dr. But I know he will send me to the maternity ward hospital and I am just not sure what is going on. I have been having contractions off and on all day along with some dizziness. This is embarrassing..... But I just had a tiny amount of fluid leak out after a contraction.. What are the chances it is amniotic fluid and not just pee??? I'm worried now because I have googled it and I really didn't feel like I peed myself :( Baby's heartbeat is 146ish on Doppler
@Whisper, I am sorry about all of the swelling. I can see the difference in your legs from the pic and I can see why that scared you. You did the right thing by going in to get checked by your DR because all of that swelling isn't normal. All of that swelling is normally a sign of pre eclampsia, especially if your face is swollen. I know that there is another twin mom on the messaging boards that got all swollen up like that with her feet and face and she ended up having to go into the hospital for an emergency C-section, and they had to give her meds to treat the pre-e. I hope I am not scaring you but this is my fear of what could be going on with you.:hugs: I am guessing that they checked your BP out and it must of been normal?? It is better to be safe then sorry so you did the right thing by getting checked out. You don't want to ignore symptoms that could be a sign of something serious. You need to keep yourself and the babies safe. So please don't feel silly. :hugs::hugs: Honestly I think you should stay in and relax, stay off your feet as much as possible. I am very cautious though and I would rather play it safe then take any unnecessary risks. So what exactly did your OB say was going on when they saw all of that swelling??:shrug:

Here is a website that talks about the symptoms and signs of pre-e and they mention the swelling on there...


People share their stories about pre -e, so I thought this would be helpful...



@Hold, I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. Big hugs to you hun!! :hugs::hugs: Your symptoms sound scary so I do think you should call your OB and tell them what is going on. If your OB refers you to the hospital after you call than you should go. They will monitor your contractions and monitor your baby's heart beat. If you are having contractions then they can give you medication to get them under control and make them stop. To check if you are leaking amniotic fluid it is very simple and similar to getting a pap smear. They take a sample just like they would in a pap smear and they take a test strip and depending on the color it changes they can tell what the fluids are. If you pass everything they will let you go in a few hours and if not then they will most likely keep you. But hun it is better that they monitor you and give you medications to keep your contractions at bay then god forbid anything happening. As I have said before it is better to be safe then sorry. I have had 2 false alarms myself and been sent to the hospital and everything turned out fine luckily, but no one blamed me for getting checked out and everyone agreed that I did the right thing. The nurses were very nice and understanding. At least getting checked out will give you peace of mind knowing that everything is alright. It has been getting warmer out, have you been drinking enough fluids and staying hydrated? They gave me a bag of IV fluids the first time I went to the hospital because I was dehydrated and it caused my cervix to be irritable. Being dehydrated can cause contractions. Please take care of yourself and your baby girl and go get checked out. Big hugs to you!! I hope that everything is going to be alright!!!

Here is a link to a site that has the signs of pre term labor, I hope this helps...


AFM, My OB appointment went well today. I had a long list of questions to ask and my OB was patient and answered them all for me. I had a few questions about having a C-section. I asked about getting anxiety medication during my C-section again and the OB said this time that whoever is taking care of me let them know I need anxiety medication and they will take care of me. The last time I asked her about this she made it sound like I would need to be freaking out first before they would give me anxiety medications and I wasn't happy with that response. I am assuming that the anesthesiologist would be the one to give it to me in my IV bag. I did tell the OB about how I was having panic attacks when I had an inpatient hospital stay for pneumonia and I had to be on Xanax so I think maybe that made her realize that I really do have anxiety when it comes to medical stuff. I even have to go to the sedation dentist to have dental work done since it freaks me out also.:wacko: I also asked how the results of my 24 hour urine were and my blood work from 2 weeks ago and everything was fine. My BP was slightly high but the OB wasn't concerned. I know that I was anxious once I arrived at the OB's office and I could feel that my BP was high so I wasn't surprised that it was high. I think it is because being at the OB's office gives me anxiety because at home and at the hospital my BP has been normal. :shrug: My OB asked me about doing the glucose test today but I refused because I had already eaten breakfast and lunch and had some sweet foods and carbs so I didn't want to mess up the glucose test and get a false high reading, so my next appointment in 2 weeks is when I will do my glucose test. Let's hope that the babies are still cooking by then. My OB didn't do an ultrasound today, she just checked the heartbeats and both were nice and strong, one was in the 150's and the other was in the 160's, they sounded like galloping horses in there. :thumbup:

So Monday is another level 2 ultrasound so we will get to see the babies then. They will also most likely do a cervical length check with the vaginal ultrasound ,which I am not thrilled about but my OB said that after 28 weeks they will stop, since it won't really matter anymore, so thank goodness for that. Like I said before I am not sure what the point of the cervical length check is at this point since the last time my cervix was so short there was nothing left to measure and I had funneling. I highly doubt that it will improve at this time and even if it looks worse well that won't be a surprise either, since the twins can come any day now. :dohh::wacko:

a 27 week bump pic from today!!!:thumbup:

Thanks for helping me feel better ladies! I don't want to overreact to stuff, but I have had a bunch of preeclampsia symptoms over the past couple weeks. They ruled it out again today, though the doctor was pretty straight forward with me and said that there is a good chance I could end up with full blown pre-e before delivery. It just helps to know you ladies don't think I'm nuts. ;) There are some crazy and unexpected things that happen during pregnancy.

Hold - I am with Wanna on this one...contractions are a for sure reason to go into the hospital. I had a similar experience as Wanna where I needed IV fluids. I immediately felt better and the contractions stopped. Hoping you went in.

Wanna - So glad your appointment went well and the babies are looking good. Sorry the delivery is causing so much worry and anxiety. I'm scared too so you are not alone. Isn't it great how everyone likes to tell their horror stories just as we are about to deliver? I'm sure it's hard to be objective when there is so much unknown, but from my point of view you have been so strong and capable I just think you are going to do great. It's also ok to cry, scream, and freak out if you need to in order to get through this. ;) :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thank you girls!!!!

Wanna- you look beautiful in your belly pics :) I am glad your appt went well! I hate hospitals they make me very nervous! And I hate the 'unknown'! My body is so unpredictable... Will see how this little girl ends up making her way into the world! :wacko:

Whisper- I don't think you were over reacting at all! I am glad you are feeling better about the whole situation :hugs:

AFM: I did end up going to the hospital rite after I posted that yesterday. They sent me straight up to labor and delivery in a wheel chair and I was nervous. My Dr was on call (thank god) and he immediately starting running tests. I was hooked up to a monitor for 5 hours. I was having stronger, consistent contractions every 30 minutes. And then littler ones in between which just felt like cramping to me. They also did a test to check if amniotic fluid was leaking, negative. Some other test to see if I would go into premature labor in the next 2 weeks, negative. And checked my cervix a couple times and it was not changing, no dilation. My cervix seemed a tiny bit short, but Dr wasn't too worried. So I will be having a cervical check ultrasound next week and probably routine ones after that.

At 1am I was finally able to go home and put on strict bed rest. I am very thankful my baby girl is healthy and not coming in the next 2 weeks at least.. The nurse said I might have to have the swab to check for premature labor every two weeks along with monitoring, but will see what my Dr decides next week.

I thought IVF was going to be the hard part!! Now I can only imagine what the next 11 weeks looks like :wacko: Dr plans on intervening (if necessary) and preventing labor till 36 weeks for me:thumbup: Praying its not needed!
Whisper - Sorry about your swollen legs. I've had issues with swollen feet my whole pregnancy. Been having to wear flipflops since around week 15. I really hope my feet go back to normal because I don't want to lose all my shoes. Don't think your swelling is anything to alarm yourself with. You probably just need to sit more. If you need to do something, alternate sitting for 10-15min along with it. That should help a bit.

Hold - Glad everything is ok with you and your baby girl! Just running those tests and seeing everything is ok will help ease your mind. Hope you continue cooking for another 11wks girl.

Wanna - Great Bump Pic and awesome that your LO's heartbeats sound like galloping horses!

AFM - Had tooth ache & ear ache yesterday. Enough to wake my dh up with my moaning around 3am. After calling the nurse, we decided to go to the ER @4am. It turns out I have an ear infection. They put me on antibiotics for 10days and gave me meds if the pain returns which so far it hasn't. We ended up leaving the ER around 9am so DH had to miss work yesterday because of me. I hate he had to miss work because our budget is tight with him being the only one working throughout our whole pregnancy but I'm glad he was there to take care of me the rest of the day. The vacation days he does have he wants to save them for when Nicholas arrives. I'm 33wks today. Looking back through our last 8 1/2 years it's hard to believe how far we've come to get to this point and that in just a few more weeks we will be holding our little one in our arms. :cloud9:
Whisper - Sorry about the swelling; I can see it in your picture. Hopefully your doing better!

Hold - Glad you got checked out; not knowing what is going on can be scary and better to be safe then sorry!

Wanna - Cute bump pic ;) Glad your appt went well and good luck today!

want - sorry about yoru ear infection, good thing you went to the dr! Hopefully the meds are working and you are feeling better!
Hello everyone,

Whisper I can see the difference in your legs on the picture. Don't feel like you are bothering your OB that's what they are there for! I hope everything goes well. Happy 33 weeks! Soon you'll be holding your little girls.

Hold I'm sorry about the contactions. I'm glad you had the testing for preterm labor. I totally agree with you on IVF. Here we thought it was the hardest thing to do and now we know it was the easy part. Stay on bed rest and drink plenty of water. 11 weeks are going to fly by!

Wanna I'm glad your appointment went well. Very cute bump. I'm glad all of your testing came back clear. Hopefully they will give you something for the anxiety. Good luck today on your u/s. You are so close to 28 weeks! Keep those babies cooking!

Want sorry about the ear infection. Hopefully you are starting to feel better. Yes finally you'll get to hold your baby after all the struggles. Happy 33 weeks! You are almost there!

I hope everything is going well Michelle, I hope your LO is doing good and not having any more tummy problems.

AFM, counting down....my last day of work is next Wednesday!! :happydance: :happydance:
Thank you girls :hugs:

I am actually back in the hospital. It's been a long weekend! I was having severe pain on my right side. Dr was worried my ovary had twisted. Contractions are better so that is a huge plus :)

Dr has set a new 'goal' for me and baby. 5 more weeks to go now (if worse comes to worse)!! At 30 weeks he feels confident that she will be strong enough to be born, IF NEEDED. It's nice to know they feel confident baby will stay put till then. That's way better then now at 25weeks. Just have to look at the positive at this point!
Big :hugs: hold! I'm sorry you are back at the hospital. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers so your little princess continues to bake in you. I hope the contractions ease up. If the dr feels 30 weeks is good then he knows everything will be ok. :hugs:
Hey guys, Some of you may already know about what is going on with me because they popped by my journal but for those of you that don't know what is going on, today was a tuff and scary day. I went in for an ultrasound and our baby boy aka baby B's heart was irregular and pumping way to hard, with abnormal rhythms. :cry:The Dr thinks his placenta is failing. Long story short I am in the hospital and by Wednesday the twins will be delivered by C-section if everything looks okay with our baby boy until then. Our baby girl looks healthy though. The full details about what is going on is in my journal like below. Please keep the twins and I in your thoughts and prayers.


@Hold, I am sorry that you are back in the hospital again. I hope that the pain subsides in your side. Big hugs to you hun!! :hugs::hugs: I will be keeping you and your baby girl in my thoughts and prayers that you can reach the goal the dr has set to keep your baby cooking until 30 weeks !!! :hugs::hugs:
Hold and Wanna - so sorry for your challenges. I'll be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

AFM, officially had second stage separation and third stage engine ignition at midnight. Praying for smooth final journey to orbit.
Happy- thank you!! :hugs: I am going to do everything possible to keep her in as long as I can. Even if that means bed rest till deleivery! I am scared to death my body will fail her :(

Chase- thanks! :)

Wanna- I wrote in your journal :hugs: I hope you doing ok today and your still in my thoughts :hug:

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