IVF Oct/Nov/Dec BFP Announcement & 9month term thread!

I sure hope so Happy; right now I feel like things are in slow motion :wacko:
Want - when I read about your DH, his promise to God, and his special prayer for us, it brought tears to my eyes. We've all been through some major trials, but when people like your DH does something like that, my faith in humanity is restored. There are some amazing people out there. :hugs:

Happy - adorable cribs! I love the zoo animals. So glad you are getting a break from work soon. Are you going back after the twins are born?

Michelle - Sorry you're not feeling so great. I'm guessing that each pregnancy presents unique challenges. I bet it does hurt to breath! Your LO is taking real estate from your lungs. ;) Hang in there! :hugs:

Sandoval - Maybe a girl eh? Still can't wait to find out!

AFM - I am staying at home today and taking it easy. I'm going to miss seeing the girls, but I need some time for recovery. DH will be checking in our LOs a couple of times today. They are still putting on weight and doing terrific. They are also off their IVs which is awesome because Lili had to have one in her head yesterday because her other IV sites kept going bad. One less cord attached to my babies! I am finally passing fluid and the swelling is going away. So relieved! I was sort of wondering if my legs would look like tree trunks forever. ;)
Happy - So glad your almost done with work. Now treat yourself and go get your nails done or something relaxing like that. I love your Nursery snapshots, we actually are doing a jungle/zoo theme too. And DH says your welcome.

Michelle - Yes, it was awesome. felt like I was in a dream but awake for it. And DH has a great catch in me.....lol he really is a good man. I have felt uncomfortable a lot lately too. No real good position to sit or lay on and it's a little worse each day lately.

Sand - DH, says your welcome. He said he also had some tears towards the end of the walk. He says It was a pretty special moment. Now I'm almost tearing up. lol

Wanna - keep us updated hun. You & your LO's are in our thoughts.

Whisper - DH is tearing up again after reading everyone's posts. He says that all of us on here are great examples of having faith in something so hard to reach, but with Gods blessings anything is possible. :hugs:

After 8yrs+ of trying we are truly humbled to finally be getting our little miracle. And are happy to have all of you to be able to share experiences with. We have been here for eachother and hope we can continue this thread after all the LO's have arrived and continue to share experiences and tips on parenting.
Hello everyone!!

Whisper and Wanna I am so glad both your twins are doing well :) :)

Happy yay for being done with work!!!

Michelle I am getting uncomfortable already and I still have aways to go! I'm glad your contractions are better!

Sand- our 1 mystery surprise baby!! Can't wait for u to find out either!

Chase- hope ur shopping spree went well!

I invited some of the girls who were on the IVF thread with us who recently had successful IVFs and FET!!! :happydance: I am so excited for all of them and hope they join our thread when there comfortable enough!!! Congrats Firsttry, Em, Sweetness and Alicatt :) :bfp:

AFM: I go to the Dr on Thursday and I am anxious to see what he says. I have been having really bad calf pain and am not sure what to do about it. I also woke up on Sunday to both of my boobs throbbing and leaking :shrug: I thought it was too early for that, but they have continued to leak and it looks like milk now!! Other then that I have constant period type cramping but the sharpe pains have become less often. I am prayin I have not started to dilate.
@Want, cute bump pic!!! Your baby shower looks like it was really nice!! Cute decorations. :thumbup: Thanks for the well wishes and for the prayers at church. You are such a sweet heart!!! :hugs:

@Happy, your nursery came out really cute!! I love the jungle animal theme. :thumbup: I was going to go with something similar at one point but I changed my mind. But I love how yours came out!!!:winkwink:

@Whisper, I can understand how hard it is having your babies in the NICU. Big hugs to you!! I am right there with you. :hugs::hugs: It is tuff to see them so tiny with all of the wires hooked up. I wish I could do more for them, but I am thankful for being able to breast feed and bring milk in for the twins to have. It makes me feel better knowing that I can contribute to their well being in some way. I hope the time goes by fast for us both so our babies can come home soon. :hugs::hugs: My legs are all swollen up too like elephant legs. After my C-section my legs and ankles started looking all crazy, I am glad to know that the swelling will eventually go down!! :thumbup:

@Hold, I am sorry that you are having contractions. I had leaking boobs start in my second tri. but it was just clear fluid, I didn't have any actual milk coming in yet and I wasn't getting contractions during that time. I have been pumping now and the pumping is giving me contractions and my milk came in after 3 days. I agree that you should talk to your OB about it. Fingers crossed the contractions subside soon and that you can keep your baby girl cooking for a lot longer. :hugs:

AFM, Sorry I haven't been on here in a couple of days, recovering from my C-section has been tuff and the pain meds that I am on leave me loopy, and sleepy so I can barely function lately. We had a small scare with our baby boy, Here is my journal so you can check out the details. The outcome is on the next page of my journal. I just want to say that things turn out okay so I can't scare you girls if you go read it.


@Want, I agree we should all keep in touch even after we have our babies.
I have been through a lot with you girls, from our
ivf cycles to our pregnancies and I care about you guys, you guys are awesome friends. :thumbup:

@Hold, I would love for the girls from our original thread to rejoin us on this thread!! I would love to know how they are doing!! :thumbup:Congrats to those that got their BFPs!!:flower:

Sorry if I missed anything, I am struggling to keep up on the boards today since I am recovering from my surgery and on these crazy pain meds. I am out of it the majority of the time. :wacko:
Morning Ladies :hi: !!

Long time no see! Like 6 months or so! So happy that you all got your BFP back in Oct/Dec. Unfortunately I did not, but I'm happy to say that I finally did get my BFP!!! :happydance: I'm only 4w5d today, but hey, we all have to start somewhere!

Ali!!! I was silently stalking your other thread recently and so excited to see your BFP!!! Sending my thoughts and prayers your little bean grows healthy and strong. :hugs:
Ali!!! I was silently stalking your other thread recently and so excited to see your BFP!!! Sending my thoughts and prayers your little bean grows healthy and strong. :hugs:

Thanks so much! OMG your twins are here? WOW! That is amazing! Congrats! :happydance: How is it having twins? I was hoping for twins, but with my beta numbers so low I'm not sure that is in my future. Right now I'm just hoping to have this bean stick!
Whisper - So glad you are taking a little time to yourself to recover ;) I am sure it is hard being away from your girls, but you won't do anyone any good if you are not healing! Great news about one less IV/cord too.

want - I certainly hope we can continue after all our LO's are here ;) It is nice to get suggestions and tips from other mommies and daddies :)

hold - Sorry you are in so much pain and having cramping; that doesn't sound good. I would say if it gets worse not to wait till tomorrow. Hang in there :hugs:

Hi Ali!!! I have also been silently stalking the other thread and saw you got your BFP. I am sooooo happy for you; you certainly deserve it and have been through so much to get to this point. When is your first scan?
Ali!!! I was silently stalking your other thread recently and so excited to see your BFP!!! Sending my thoughts and prayers your little bean grows healthy and strong. :hugs:

Thanks so much! OMG your twins are here? WOW! That is amazing! Congrats! :happydance: How is it having twins? I was hoping for twins, but with my beta numbers so low I'm not sure that is in my future. Right now I'm just hoping to have this bean stick!

Lol. Lets just say that twins are not for the faint of heart! They are in the NICU right now, so the care part is fairly easy, but everything is already taking twice as long to do. ;) I'm sure the sleep deprivation will explode when they get to come home, but that is ok. I'm excited for the day when I finally get to have my babies close all the time.

Keep up the PMA! We are all rooting for you. You have worked so hard for this! :hugs:
Wanna - I'm so glad the blood platelets transfusion worked and Elijah is doing ok.

Ali - Long time! Congrat's on your BFP! :happydance: Happy & Healthy 9months to you hun!

Michelle - Really want to continue to talk to you girls on here and share pics and tips on parenting. How are you feeling?

AFM - Been having some sharp contractions since yesterday morning. Not sure if they are BH because I had some before but not as strong. My sister in law is a week ahead of us and has been feeling them everyday she said.
Welcome Ali :wave: and congrats on your bfp!!

Want, hope they are just bh and not the real deal. Stay put just a little longer little bean x
oh boy want, are you still having contractions? I am doing OK; yesterday I had this awful pain on my left side in the area of where your love handles are. It was so bad last night that I just went to bed; the pain hurt to do anything, walk, sit, stand or move :( I was in tears every time I had to move, but this morning it is more of a dull pain, so I don't think it is anything to worry about.

How is everyone else doing?
I'm off to the Drs!! Will catch up on everyone when I get back. Praying for good news this morning, but I am kind of nervous with all the pain I have been having. Hoping he doesn't send me back to L&D. :(

Welcome Alicatt!!! :flower:
Welcome Alicatt! I'm so glad you got your :bfp: I have been stalking the thread hoping everyone gets their babies!

Good luck hold! I hope the pain eases up. I can't believe you are alreading leaking milk. Let us know how your appt goes.

Want I hope the pain stops unless Nicholas is ready to make his appearance. When is your next appt?

Michelle I'm sorry about the pain! I think our bodies are getting ready. I've had days when I just wanna sleep. I'm glad you are feeling better.

Wanna I'm still praying for your babies. I hope they are doing well.

Whisper I'm glad you are taking some time to yourself because once the girls go home you are going to be a busy mom. I hope your girls are doing well.

I hope I didn't missed anyone!

I have an OB appt today and they will give me my c-section date and I also get an u/s and get to see my babies. I'll keep you posted.
Happy- good luck at your ultrasound!

Want- are the BH feeling any better?

Michelle- sorry about the pain! Pregnancy has way more aches & pains then I could of ever imagined!

Wanna & Whisper- how is breastfeeding coming along for both of you?? I am so excited to breastfeed! :blush:

AFM: I just got back from my appt... It went WELL :happydance: I am not dilated at all, nice low blood pressure and no contractions on the monitor! I was so relieved to hear all that :thumbup: My baby girl is head down already! I knew I had been feeling her feet in my ribs the last few days and her hiccups are so low. Dr said she is running out of room already and things are just going to get more painful for me. He said unfortunately, I haven't seen the worst yet!!

On a complaining note... I have been so down about my weight! I barely gained until middle of 2nd tri.. And now it has gone crazy and I have been gaining about 4 lbs every 3 weeks :( I know I shouldn't even be thinking about it and should just be happy to have my miracle, but it is difficult to see the scale constantly going up when I am eating so healthy! I think being on bed rest is just making matters worse and I have had a stressful month.. Hoping to get out of this funk asap.. Thanks for listening girls :hugs:
Ali!!! I was silently stalking your other thread recently and so excited to see your BFP!!! Sending my thoughts and prayers your little bean grows healthy and strong. :hugs:

Thanks so much! OMG your twins are here? WOW! That is amazing! Congrats! :happydance: How is it having twins? I was hoping for twins, but with my beta numbers so low I'm not sure that is in my future. Right now I'm just hoping to have this bean stick!

Awww, Congratulations on your BFP hun!!! I am so happy and over joyed for you, after everything you have went through this is so amazing!!! :happydance::happydance: H&H 9 months to you!!!! I am so glad that you decided to come back on the thread so we can all keep in touch!! :hugs:

Hold I'm glad everything went well with your appt. don't stress so much over the weight. Your little girl is growing nice and strong. Its very easy to gain weight when you are on bed rest. I'm so glad your cervix is closed.

AFM, my u/s went well. The boy did not wanna show his face today. The girl did and she looks all like her dad. I didn't get to see the OB since he had an emergency at the hospital. So I'll get to see him next week. It was nice to stay home and not go to work. Now I can finish what I need for the twins.
@Want, I hope that the contractions go away soon and that your baby can cook a lot longer. Big hugs to you!! :hugs::hugs:

@Michelle, I hope you feel better soon hun!! Big hugs to you!! :hugs::hugs:

@hold, I am so glad that your appointment went well!! :thumbup: I am sorry that you are feeling down about your weight gain. I know it isn't easy seeing your body change. At least you are eating healthy so most of the weight is most likely going to the baby. You will be able to loose the weight after, especially since you are breast feeding, BF'ing burns a lot of calories so it will help the pounds just fall right off. :thumbup: I gained a total of 22 pounds in my pregnancy and I have already lost 7 pounds this first week. :thumnbup: I haven't done much of anything other than breast pump and I have been eating normal. I am still recovering from from my section so I am still to soar to do a decent work out just yet. I noticed most of weight gain happened during second tri. It was tuff watching my weight in second tri, the pounds came on really fast for some reason. I think the last week when I was in the hospital I gained like 5 pounds from being stuck to the bed and the unhealthy hospital food.

As far as BF'ing, I have been doing good pumping although I can't make the 10 pump sessions in 24 hours, it is way to much for me right now and I am averaging at about 6 pumping sessions, and I wake up at about 3 am to pump. To say that I am exhausted is an understatement. Pumping is a lot of work!! :wacko: I am trying to hang in there though. It started out with about 5 ml of milk from each boob and now I am up to 1 ounce for each boob for a total of 2 ounces, so I have had slow but steady increases in my milk flow.

@Happy, I am glad that your appointment went well. :thumbup: Will you have to wait until your next appointment to find out when your section will be scheduled for? How cute that your one twin looks like your DH!! :winkwink:

AFM, I just posted a bunch of pics of the twins from our visit lastnight to the
NICU, if anyone wants to take a peek here is a link to the pics in my journal.


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