IVF Oct/Nov/Dec BFP Announcement & 9month term thread!

Michelle - Sorry you are having pain. Did you call your dr to let him know and see if there is anything else you can take besides Tylenol?

First - Funny story. I was the same in terms of nausea. Didn't have any the first or second trimester(but did have lots and lots of cramps) but when I hit the third I started to get some.
@Hold, I am keeping you and your baby in my thoughts and prayers!!! Big hugs to you hun!!! :hugs::hugs: I hope they can calm your contractions down and that they stop so you can keep your baby girl cooking alot longer. :hugs: If your baby girl does come early just know that she has a 90% chance of being just fine although she will have to be in the NICU. I know how scary it is though since my twins came at 28 weeks, but they are doing really great!! Are they going to give you steroid shots in case you have to deliver? I also had to have magnesium ib my IV the day of my C-section for additional protection to help the babies when they were delivered. I will be thinking of you hoping for the best hun. Please keep us updated!! :hugs::hugs:

AFM, I have been so busy with pumping milk to take to the NICU for the twins and with daily visits to the NICU I have been struggling to keep up with everyone on here. Sorry about that guys. I have been doing great loosing weight from my pregnancy and I am healing up really great from my C-section. The twins are doing great in the NICU. Elijah weighs more than his birth weight so he is getting that nice baby fat packed on now. Lyric is doing wonderful, she is off of her IV now and both twins are off of their CPAP;s now and just on an oxygen tube. Lyric has been increasing her amount of BM that she has been feeding on and so has ELijah. Both babies are getting my breast milk now, I had to have my BM tested by the milk bank for bacteria and my BM had to go through a 5 day freeze before the twins could get it, but I passed the test and the twins have been getting my BM since Tuesday of this week. :thumbup:

I posted pics of the twins in my journal if anyone wants to take a peek. :winkwink:


I hope that everyone else is doing well and that you guys have a really great weekend!! :flower: From everyone's latest posts it sounds like all is well, so I am glad to read that. :thumbup:
Thank you for all the support everyone!! :hugs: :hug:

What an emotional roller coaster!! I am exhausted and my belly is so sore. Good news though!!

Contractions were stopped and my baby girl is still safely inside my tummy :happydance::cloud9:

I know I have a long rode ahead of me and things could change again at any moment... But for now I am focusing on the positive! My baby is happy and healthy and not coming into the world today! :thumbup: My Dr will continue to try and intervene, if/when necessary, until I reach 34 weeks. I am praying she has more time to grow and become stronger! Rite now they said she is still under 3lbs and would need a lot of help in the NICU and would be transferred to a different hospital. I was so scared!!

I am going to rest up and try and eat something now. My appetite was no where to be found with all the stress yesterday. Glad I am feeling hungry.

Will catch up soon!! Have a good day!! :hugs:
Hold - oh I'm so glad to read your update!! I hope your baby girl stays put for a long time. It's good that your appetite is back too :thumbup: Hope you can get some rest the next few days.

Michelle - ouch sciatica pain is the worst :(. I've had it for a couple of years and it's so uncomfortable. What helps me when I have a flare up is laying on my side with a pillow in between my knees. I hope you feel better :hugs: Maybe call your Dr. because there might be an anti-inflammatory med that you can take during pregnancy?

Wanna - so glad to hear you and the twins are doing well!! I'm off to get caught up on your journal and see pics!

First - I know what you mean about the nausea. I have it every day now and even though it stinks I'm so happy to have it too because it means my hormones are nice and high and baby is healthy. DH thinks I'm insane :haha:

AFM - I had my last beta this morning and it came back at 3529! :happydance: I'm 16dp5dt today :). Now just counting down until my ultrasound on Tuesday.
Hope: so glad to hear your news!

Wanna: I'm glad your absence was just because you were busy. I was a little worried about your kiddies.
Michelle I hope the pain goes away. It's awful not being able to sleep and now the pain. I don't miss getting up at 5:15! How much longer are you planning on working?

Hold I'm glad your little girl is still baking. I will keep you in my prayers so she stays there until 34 weeks.

EM that is a great beta! I can't wait to see your first baby u/s!

First funny story. I didn't get any MS but my boobs did hurt a lot and I couldn't stand the toothpaste so I had to change it to kids flavor.

Wanna I love the pictures! They are beautiful. I'm glad BF is going well.

AFM, my c-section is scheduled for July 10! I start NST next week. I'm getting uncomfortable but counting down to see my twins.
Hold, that is really great news!

Happy, wow, less than a month!

Wanna, glad things continue to go well for the twins.

Em, great beta! I remember waiting for the first US - hope the time doesn't pass too slowly for you. It did for me!

Tomorrow is a holiday, here. Going to see if I can relax and have some time to myself as Saturday and Sunday I have functions to deal with. And I am enjoying the new La-z Boy Recliner I just bought. I know women hate recliners, but I love 'em! Ahhh, so comfortable. And it's my throne, mine, mine, mine! No one else gets to sit in it but me. And it's a rocker, so I can rock Casper in it when he comes home. :smug:
Happy - yay that's so close!! It won't be long now :happydance:

Chase - thanks! I have a ton of stuff planned for the weekend for hopefully that will help the time pass faster. My in-laws have recliners in their family room and I love hanging out there watching movies. They are so comfortable!
Chase I love my recliner! I share it once in a while with DH. It will come in handy when Casper comes home. Have a nice holiday and enjoy your weekend!
Sounds cozy Chase ;) Have a great time this weekend!!

Em - I am still thinking twins, even though you transferred one, or that is one VERY strong bean you have cooking ;)

Happy - WOOHOO, July 10 isn't that far away!! I am planning to work until I cannot! With Tyler I was working the morning I delivered him :haha: I had my c-section with him scheduled for July 9 and had him July 1, so I had him later that day, but that morning I had planned to go to work and woke with horrible cramping, continued to work from home then went in. I want as much of my 12 weeks off to be with this LO and not before I have him, if possible.

Em - YAY, great news indeed! Praying for you and your little girl; keep her cooking ;)

Wanna - Beautiful pics of your twins ;) Glad things are going well with them.

I was able to get some relief after working out yesterday; WOW, it made such the difference and I am going again today! Even though I didn't/couldn't do a whole lot, just the little I did helped stretch my sciatcia nerve and I slept better :)
Oh boy, it feels like forever since I last posted! Forgive me if I miss some of your updates!

First - So good to see you here! Congratulations on having a great heartbeat! The first of many exciting milestones. And yes, I too must confess to feeling rather excited for unpleasant pregnancy symptoms in those first few weeks. :haha:

Em - Sorry about the insomnia. It will get better.....and then come back again in the third trimester! ;) FX it will go away and you will sleep soundly the rest of your pregnancy. Great final beta yesterday! So excited to hear about your scan on Tuesday!

Hold - So glad to hear your contractions have eased up again. I have met so many parents in the NICU who delivered their babies at 28 weeks and the babies are doing great. One of our NICU nurses even shared her experience of delivering her baby at 27 weeks! Baby is now a healthy four month old. So 28 weeks is a big accomplishment, though I will pray that you continue to hang in there as long as possible.

Happy - Your kids have a birthday!!! How exciting! Just over a month now until you get to meet them face to face.

Chase - Glad to hear things are still going well with Casper and Reba. I think your Lazy Boy will be fantastic to rock Casper in. You can doze off together while snuggling when you are totally sleep deprived. :) I was desperately wishing for a recliner in the last weeks of my pregnancy. I think it would have made sleeping a lot easier!

Michelle - That pain sounds awful. I'm glad some exercise helped it ease up. Whenever I'm in pain or sick my DH always says, "Stay active and drink water." I always groan and roll my eyes at him. It's kind of our inside joke now. But I have to admit, it's not bad advice. :)

Wanna - Glad to hear everything is going well with you and the twins. I checked out the pictures in your journal and they are adorable! They do look so alert and healthy for such teeny tiny babies! How far do you live from the hospital? I agree that it is pretty crazy to keep up with all of the pumping, driving, and visiting of having babies in the NICU.

AFM - I have just felt so busy! I am trying to keep up with visiting the NICU, pumping, and trying to get our house and yard back in order. I also had a baby shower at my sister's house last Friday, so I need to get all of the thank you notes done and delivered. The most stressful thing has been pumping and trying to breastfeed the twins. I have had terrible luck with pumping - I get some milk, but not enough to feed twins. I seriously doubt I will even have enough for one baby when they come home. And there is so much pressure from nurses, doctors, and lactation consultants! I really have tried as hard as I can and have been doing every little tip that has been given to me. But the bottom line is, I don't think I'm genetically built to be a milk maker. My mom and both of my sisters have all had difficulty providing enough to feed even one baby. I know it's not really my fault, but I still end up feeling like a failure. I am trying to move past that feeling and realize there really isn't anything else I can do. I'm going to provide the milk I can, and stop stressing about something I apparently don't have control over. Despite my milk production problems, both girls are doing great and are gaining weight every day. The only thing really holding them back from coming home is being able to feed by mouth. I am still trying some breast feeding and we have decided to start trying bottles as well as they will definitely need bottles when they come home anyway. They are starting to make some progress and I am hoping they get to come home before their due date of July 8th!
Whisper - sending you huge :hugs: You are not a failure!! I can't believe how much pressure there is now to breastfeed. Yes, it's a good thing but it's not the be all end all. I and most people I know were formula fed and we all turned out just fine.

One of my best friends went through something similar with her little boy. He was born tongue tied and had a weak sucking reflex and on top of that she just didn't produce that much milk. I stayed with her for a week after he was born to help out and watched her go through that agony of pumping all the time and the pressure from the lactation consultants that visited the house. It was intense and scary and I just felt so bad for her. She was just so devastated. It took her some time but eventually she realized that the most important thing is that her son was gaining weight, regardless of how he was being fed. She later said that all the hormones after giving birth contributed to her feelings of failure and when she was a few months out from it and her hormones had leveled out she could look at it with much clearer eyes.

Don't let anyone make you feel bad about anything! You're doing the best that you can and you're doing a great job!!
Lyric has been doing great and she continues to do so. Elijah has been doing good up until today.:cry: The NICU called us at 3 am to let us know that Elijah wasn't looking very good tonight. I don't think they were totally sure of exactly what was wrong with him. I know that they were worried about infection so they have him on antibiotics and they also gave him a blood transfusion. They had him down to just an oxygen tube and they had removed his CPAP, but they are putting him back on it now just in case it was part of the problem. Over the last few days they had to increase his oxygen on his nasal tube so maybe it was just to much to soon, They had him on continual feedings every hour and had been slowly increasing them, but because of what happened tonight they have stopped his feedings, This has caught DH and I totally off guard because Elijah had been doing so well lately. He has gained weight and is up past his birth weight at 1lb 9 ounces. We are hoping and praying that the blood transfusion and antibiotics work and that his condition improves. Once again I ask if everyone can please keep Elijah & Lyric in your thoughts and prayers. I will update and let everyone know how Elijah is doing when we go visit and call on Sunday during the day time.

I am up sitting here crying right now in the middle of the night in bed. This is such an emotional roller coaster, just when I think everything is going so well we get this news out of nowheres about Elijah. I am trying not to worry and I just keep telling myself that he will be okay, but it is so hard, he is so tiny. It is so hard because he can't just tell us what is wrong and what hurts. After everything that we have been through to get him here safely when we thought he had heart problems when I was pregnant with him, he is truly a miracle and I couldn't handle anything happening to him. :cry: Gosh I am so scared girls and these are those moments when you feel so helpless. I don't think I am going to be able to get any sleep the rest of the night. DH fell back to sleep though, so I am up by myself worrying right now.
Wanna - I can only imagine what you are going through worrying about Elijah. :cry: There is probably nothing that can really comfort you aside from your little one feeling better again. But I am thinking of you and your little family and will say a prayer for little Elijah. So very sorry it was such a terrible night. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Wanna - Big :hugs: to you. We are praying for Elijah and Lyric! Hoping for good news about Elijah today hun!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hold - Glad to hear and glad you got your appetite back

Em - Awesome Beta number hun! :happydance: What kind of things do you have planned for the weekend? Sorry, I'm curious.

Happy - Great to hear you got your c-section scheduled.

Casper - Glad you love your new recliner.

Michelle - Awesome that you were able to sleep better after working out a bit.

Whisper - Sorry about the lactation issues you are having. Not your fault so don't beat yourself up about it. And I hope your little ones get to sleep in their own cribs real soon hun. :hugs:

Wanna - Will continue to keep you, Lyric & Elijah in our thoughts. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

AFM - Not sure how much longer but these last few weeks feel like they have been taking forever. I just feel so lazy lately and want my energy back.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers everyone!! :flower: I did an update in my journal and Elijah appears to be improving. :thumbup:

Whisper big :hugs: to you! Don't let anyone pressure you about BF. there's nothing wrong with formula. Don't feel like you let the babies down. Right now what's important is the babies are eating whether is formula or BM.

Wanna I'm sorry you are going through this! I will keep Elijah in my prayers that he gets better soon. Stay strong and I really hope you get good news today. Big :hugs:

Want I know what you mean about having no energy! You are so much closer at holding Nicholas in your arms.
Wanna - so good to read your update :hugs:

Want - well, I didn't get much done yesterday because I was home sick with a cold. My first one being pregnant and it's not much fun not taking cold meds but I'll survive. Today we went to brunch and then did a little shopping :). You're getting so close! Happy 36 weeks!!
Wanna, glad to hear things are improving. It really must be tough but you and DH are holding up great.

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