IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Asterimou: pay no attention to the scary acupuncturist! I'm sorry, the last thing I wanted was to spread the scaremongering. She actually said that taking aspirin 3 days before and 3 days after flying protects one from miscarriage (which I will ask the ob/gyn about). Though I have to say, I pushed her as hard as I could for more information without being outright obnoxious, and from what I could gather she'd seen ONE post-flight miscarriage, and that was early-mid first trimester. In other words, it was an early-mid first-trimester miscarriage. Which, as so many of us bitterly know, is not exactly uncommon.

Also, I flew NY->London about 30 hours after embryo transfer, without aspirin, and I'm still doing extraordinarily well by my standards. At least, I hope I still am!

Good luck tomorrow! I hope you find some nice follicles growing in there, getting ready to be fertilised! :dust:

Mara: I don't remember you saying "hi" before, but my memory's really bad... Anyway, if you are new here, welcome! 11 embryos is utterly amazing! Hopefully they'll all make it to transfer day--are you doing day 3 or day 5 transfer? Good luck!
You guys are so impressive keeping up with everyone - this thread moves so quickly sometimes! Anyway, just wanted to pop in here and say hi! Hope everyone is having a lovely Monday!
Klik: you certainly are proof that flying is fine in the first trimester. You couldn't of really been any earlier in your pregnancy! You and I also seem to fly a lot so I guess it's what your body is used to as well. They say don't start running lots if you never did before (no chance of that from me!).

Scan went well. I have 14 follicles, which is my most ever. All small at the moment so hopefully they all grow a bit more for Wednesday. Lining thickening as well.

Hi everyone else, and welcome Mara. I can only dream of 11 embryos I you should be very happy 😊
good morning, all!

re: the flying - I think it's rubbish. The only thing I've ever heard was not to travel well into your 3rd trimester in case you have the child. Other than that, any specific issues you might be having with the pregnancy could stop you from flying but other than that - go for it. I don't plan on stopping unless I need to, that's for sure. Everyone I've known has basically flown in their first tri - hell, I had 2 women at my destination wedding in Puerto Rico who were 7 weeks along and they all turned out fine.

mara - welcome! I echo aster, I'd kill for 11 embies! Good luck!

aster - 14 follies is awesome!!! well done! I hope they all keep going strong!

nothing new here - boobs are still sore but not killing me, but other than that, I feel normal. I'm not going to test until Wed morning before my appt. If it's positive, I'd love to bring the test in with me and show the nurses at my local office where I'll have my blood drawn. If it was positive, they wouldn't be the ones to call me since I'm with the DE team, so I want to celebrate with them a little if I can. If it's negative, at least I'll know.
I did have a day-long headache on Sat that I couldn't shake and was exhausted by 8pm that day. I had only cleaned the house for 3 hrs and walked the dog - not a terribly taxing day! But then yesterday I had the normal amount of energy. So nothing is really consistent except for the boobs. And even those - the right one comes and goes. So we'll see.
I've never talked about my boobs so much...
Sava: hi!

Asterimou: 14 follicles is amazing!!! I hope they grow strong, and roughly at the same rate, so you get a really good number of mature eggs!

Wish: Yeah, I think the flying thing is rubbish too. I love your plan to show the HPT to the nurses! Good luck tomorrow--I hope you get that BFP!

AFM: I'm really, really sorry, but I have bad news to share. The fetal pole is smaller than it was 2 weeks ago, and there's no heartbeat anymore. I'm waiting for instructions, but pretty sure NY will ask for a D&C and genetic analysis of products of conception. I am, of course, gutted. I'm really sorry--this thread has now taken a generally optimistic tone, and I hate to pull it the other way. But I'm still optimistic for those of you who are cycling now, or trying naturally--it's looking really good!
Klik- I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry :cry:. I'm absolutely gutted for you :hugs:. I know you'll need time to process this. I'm in London often so if you feel the need to speak face to face or just have a proper hug then please PM me xx. I've never got that far so don't understand if that is definitely it or if there is still an inkling of hope?
oh nooooo, klik. I'm so, so sorry for you and OH. :cry: I wish I was there too so I could offer a hug face to face. :nope:
And seriously, do not apologize for changing any sort of 'mood' on this thread - this is what it's for - the ups and the downs. it is what it is and we are here for the long haul. Biggest hugs to you, my friend.
Klik I'm so so sorry :( and please do NOT apologize! We are all here for you. This is where it would be nice if we all lived closer, so we could all offer you proper hugs and support in person. I'll be thinking of you and your OH. All the hugs and love to you Hun 😥
klik, I'm saddened by your heartbreaking news. :cry: I know how difficult this must be to process, but please don't apologize to us for your loss. Like Wish said... We're here for each other through the ups and the downs. We're ttc sisters and are here to support each other through it all, no matter what. I'm sending you the BIGGEST HUGS ((filled with love)) that I possibly can. :hugs::hugs::hugs: You and your OH will be in my thoughts & prayers today.
klik, my heart is breaking for you both. I know you have the strength to get through this but I'm so angry that you have to. You're in my thoughts and I'm always here if you want to talk or rant or anything at all. :hugs:

boopin & wish, I wanted to wish you both the very best of luck tomorrow with your ET & OTD's!

aster, I'm so glad to hear everything is progressing well so far. Awesome news!

I hope everyone else is doing well. We'll be traveling for the holiday tomorrow & away for a few days but I'll try and log on to check in on everyone. We just got some bad news about our living situation. Apparently our landlord let our house go into foreclosure and it's going up for public auction in 2 weeks! He hasn't said a word to us. We only found out because we saw people parked in front pointing up at our roof & thought it was odd. My husband looked up our house online and there it was. So now we're scrambling to find a place in our price range that allows 2 dogs and we're going to have to pack up & move right before we're supposed to start IVF. Really bad timing but I'm hoping we find a nice place and it all gets settled soon. I know life is an adventure and all that, but I wish it was a fun adventure like an African safari or a trip to the Virgin islands. Instead of a trip to the DMV :wacko:
Oh no Klik! I saw your signature and my heart absolutely sank. I'm so so sorry - I have no words and am absolutely gutted for you. Don't apologize for "changing the tone" of this thread - that's what these threads are here for. To rejoice in the good and support in the difficult. Clearly all of us who are this far in have had more difficult than good. We're with you. I'm so sorry this is happening.

I'm at work so I don't have time to send specific messages to everyone but I've been reading along and have all of you in my thoughts. Sending good wishes your way!
scooby - that SUCKS!! what timing! man, the guy sounds like he's just not on the up and up with anything. I hope you are able to find a place quickly! Do you have family you can stay with if you don't quite find something in 2 weeks? You could get lucky and the new owners may say you can stay. i hope it all works out quickly for you.

boopin - thinking of your big day tomorrow! Good luck!! drink lots! :)
Good luck tomorrow ladies. I'll be on day 7 of stimms and hoping my scan shows some follicle growth. Really hoping you get your BFP wish xx

Klik: I've been thinking about you a lot today and sending strength your way. I know you are a fighter but a little help can't hurt:hugs:
Oh Kilk, I'm so sorry to read the heartbreaking news. May you have the strength and support to find peace with what has happened and get through this. We're all here for you. Sending you my biggest hugs right now. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
thanks, all - I took a test this morning with fmu and it was negative. Still obviously went to have my bloods drawn so I'll get the call later today. But looks like we're back to the drawing board with frostie #1.

boopin - good luck today!

aster - good luck at your scan! I hope you can trigger soon!!
got the call from my blood work and it was confirmed as a BFN.

going to do a mock cycle in Dec to see if there are any issues with the timing of transfer and my uterine lining at the time (called an ERA test). Then the next FET in Jan.

I hope everyone in the States has a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
Asterimou: thank you very much for the offer to meet up, and the sentiment, the strength you've sent, and everything else... I shall PM you after writing this post, unless my scattered brain stops me! Sadly, yes, this is it... 2 weeks elapsed since my previous scan, and the fetal pole, if anything shrank. Also, heartbeat followed by no heartbeat is a horrible giveaway... I am going to try again. Next time, if I even get this far, I'll be even more anxious. But hopefully, I will make it. I hope your scan today showed good and even growth! Your cycle sounds pretty good so far--I really hope it continues to do so!

Wish: thank you very much for the virtual hug and all the support! I'm holding out for a positive beta that keeps doubling, despite the negative hpt... Either way, a big hug to you!

Amanda: thank you very much for the hugs from afar! I really appreciate it. I am so glad you are on the other side of this 12-week watershed! I hope your nausea keeps decreasing, and everything else continues to go beautifully for you and this little one!

Boopin: thank you so very much. You've been in a very similar position, not so long ago--I have everything crossed, my dear, that this time will be different. I hope this last little frostie will be your THB. I hope your transfer has gone beautifully, and I hope to hear a BFP from you soon!

Scooby: thank you very much... You're right--it is, among other things, enraging that so many of us have to suffer so much on this road. Hey, you totally cracked me up with the "trip to the DMV" adventure line... Sometimes it's incredible how hard we have to work just to stay in the same place... I hope Wish is right, and the new owners allow you to stay (and that you find out soon, so the uncertainty can be minimized!) Have an excellent Thanksgiving, and I hope this time next year you have huge amounts to be thankful for: in particular, a lovely, very affordable home (wherever that may be), and a happy, healthy baby.

Sava: thank you very much for the welcoming sentiment... I really appreciate it. We really need luck to be with us in our efforts, and I really, really hope you have loads of it in your next attempt.

Disneyfan: thank you so much... I really appreciate it... Thank you for popping up sometimes and giving us the benefit of your warmth and support... I hope your holiday is truly lovely!

D&C scheduled for Friday, though I don't have a time yet. The choice was basically left up to me of how to handle the m/c, but my Cornell RE did say on balance he thought by 9w, enough material has accumulated that a D&C might make sense. I'm very anxious to know if there was a non-survivable chromosomal abnormality. If there was, we'll know at least one reason why the pregnancy was not viable. If there wasn't, I guess I'm in for some extra investigations... Needless to say, I hope it was a chromosomal abnormality, that there is a next time, and that next time I'll get lucky...

Hey, Luck, please hang out in this thread for the next several months... You'll be very, very welcome here, and not at all taken for granted, I assure you!

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