IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Oh, no, Wish, we cross-posted... I'm really sorry... I hope you find something easily fixable on the ERA. Possibly just moving the transfer day a little bit will be all the tweaking you need... I'm so sorry, my dear... I hope next year is your year.
I'm really sorry Wish :hugs: I hope you are okay and that you are positive about moving to Frostie #1. There is still hope xx

AFM: still lots of follicles but they're not growing. They increased my meds so I'm hoping that will kick start them. On a plus side there are none shooting off on their own but I would like to see some growth. I'm booking in with yet another counsellor tomorrow. This journey is driving me crazy :wacko: Onwards and upwards hey ladies!

Happy thanksgiving to you all. I hope you can take a break from ttc and enjoy a little bit xx
Asterimou: hopefully they will start growing, or are already, but they've just not noticed. Sometimes slow-growing follicles make excellent eggs, and I hope that's the case for you!

D&C scheduled for tomorrow afternoon... I didn't even realise it was going to be general anesthesia. It'll be my local RE, who did both of my local (failed) ET's... So, a really depressing role for him this time, compared to the super-hopeful one previously. But it's got to be done (or at least, I've chosen to get it done). Hopefully I'll get some answers out of it. I've never done this before and sincerely hope none of us EVER have to go through this again.

Right, I'm off to my "last meal" before I have to starve for 16 hours or so...
Oh Klik. I'm so sorry, and hope that everything goes as smoothly as possible given the circumstances. I hope that they are able to give you some answers as to why this happened and what can be done differently next time. We will all be thinking of you tomorrow. Huge hugs to both you and OH, I hope you are able to do something good for yourselves this weekend. :hug:
Wish - I'm so sorry to see that your FET didn't work out. Hopefully the mock cycle gives you all of the answers you need to ensure that the next one works. :hugs:
Klik - I'm so sorry that you are going through this. :hugs::hugs: My D&C earlier this year was pretty similar to my hysteroscopy. I was put under both times, and the physical pain after wasn't bad. I do recall bleeding (like a period) for quite a while after the D&C, so hopefully you don't have to deal with that for too long. It's a lot to endure emotionally, so don't be afraid to lean on us here for comfort and support. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Good luck today Klik, I hope it gives you some answers.

Wish: how are you holding up?:hugs:

Boopin: are you PUPO?

AFM: my follicles have finally decided to join the party and I've had some good growth. I'm having another scan on Monday, which could be trigger day :thumbup:
hi girls!

klik - ugh, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Good luck today (though it's probably already over for you at this time). I hope it all went as easily as it could have. :hugs: take care of yourself this weekend.

boopin - status!!

I'm doing fine - had a great day with family yesterday and I got to meet my cousin's new baby finally. He is just the cutest thing. I wasn't jealous or anything (it's their first and she and I are close, so I'm just plain happy for them). The only thing that irked me a little is when my aunt showed up and announced that her other nephew and his new wife were now expecting. On her other side of the family - like we all know them and are going to be over the moon. Ugh. But that was it.
Yeah, I'm hoping that this mock cycle will give answers so they can tweak the transfer day or something. Though the first one that took was a 5-day transfer so they CAN implant in me. Guess this one just decided not to. Though my boobs are STILL killing me, I wish that would stop. It's making me second guess all the testing but there's no way it could be wrong! :wacko:

I hope you all have a great weekend! Any crazy Black Friday shoppers out there?
klik - Thinking of you today. Rest up my dear. :hugs:

Aster - Happy to hear your follies are growing. GL on Monday!! :dust:

Afm - I'm 2dp6dt. Transfer went well and I'm taking it easy. No symptoms to report. OTD is 12/3. KMFX!! [-o<

Have a blessed weekend ladies. xx
Amanda: thanks... It did actually go pretty smoothly. So far I've got no regrets--my previous m/c was much more painful, even though it was 3 weeks earlier and all there was was a tiny empty gestational sac... today I'm already down to just spotting and the occasional mild cramp. Physically, this is a much, much better experience than last time... Psychologically it's much harder, as we've had more time, and, with a heartbeat, more reason to build our hopes up... Feh. But hey, no reason why next time, if there is one, we shouldn't get lucky all the way to a healthy baby... Speaking of, how is that belly of yours? Are you showing? Are you able to eat yummy things more consistently now? :cake:

Disneyfan: I did manage to read your update before going into theatre, and it was very reassuring--thanks! :hugs: You're absolutely right, so far the physical bit has been much much easier than the emotional. I do remember you kept bleeding for a long time--you must have wanted that to just be over... I'm already down to spotting, but I guess that could potentially last a while. Hopefully not, though... Thanks again!

Asterimou: Thanks! I'm super-happy your follicles are growing! Good luck on Monday--hopefully they'll all be roughly the same size! :dust:

Wish: thanks! I'm glad your Thanksgiving was mostly nice, and that you were able to enjoy the baby that was there among you, despite such a recent disappointment... I'm sorry about the aunt with the random announcement... But hey, hopefully someday soon, your family will be able to annoy others with announcements about you! :winkwink: I really do hope so... I'm sorry about the still-sore boobs--I guess you don't always get that with progesterone, right? As for the one 5-day transfer that took, you're right, they can implant--still, there could perhaps be an even better day for that... I really wish you could have had that BFP for Thanksgiving, but... hey, come on--next year has got to be our year, right?

Boopin: thanks! So glad transfer went well and you're able to take it easy! I've got my fingers crossed for you too! Lead the way to that lasting BFP, lady--I'll do my best to follow you soon! :dust:
klik - you're just so positive! I'm glad things went much better for you this time around. Yes, let's make 2017 our year!! I know it's got to be for you!!

boopin - eeee! when is OTD?

AF started right on time yesterday so we'll get the mock cycle going. Does anyone know anyone else that's had this test and what they found? guess I need to do some research. it's not covered by insurance and I just want to be sure they have something to find. it's not terribly expensive - about the price of one Gonal-F pen! hahaha
Hey Boopin: sounds like you're keeping your cool in the tww. All the luck in the world for your test on Saturday. I'll be thinking of you xx

Klik: I'm glad it went okay and you're keeping your chin up cx

AFM: good growth today so it is my last night of stimms and then trigger tomorrow. Collection is booked in for Thursday morning. I have 9 good sized follicles and 4 smaller ones so these are good numbers for me. Let's hope they have some good eggs in them:thumbup:
That's great Aster!!! How exciting :)

Wish I'm glad that your mock cycle can get started. I don't know anything about them, but, hopefully they're able to find maybe just one little tweak that'll lead to success next time.

Klik, I'm glad the procedure went as well as possible. Take care of yourself Hun!
aster, that's so great!! good amount of follies and I'm sure a couple more will catch up!

amanda - thanks! I emailed my nurse about her thoughts on the test and she said she absolutely recommends it. It can show if we are transferring on the wrong day, when my uterus is no longer fertile, or it can see if there is a low level infection in the lining that is causing any blocks to implantation. I was able to read one article earlier and it stated that after having this test and tweaking, 33% of their test subjects were able to get pregnant! That's pretty high!
Wish: that's a nice stat so well worth investigating. Good luck with the mock!
Wish: yay, 2017! It's a prime number. I love prime numbers. In the world of numbers, they're like the ultimate parents. I'm sure it will look after us... Ok, that's my nerding-out done for the day! Hey, I didn't know the receptivity assessment had that much of an ability to help with implantation--I really hope this is the tweak that pushes you over the edge--I'm sure you're really close to getting that pregnancy, and that baby! :dust: How does the mock cycle work, though--do you still take the same meds as if you were doing a real transfer?!

Asterimou: WOW, trigger tonight! That is so exciting! Yeah, these look like really good numbers for you... Are you growing all embryos to blast or is the plan to transfer one or two beforehand? Or is it "let's see how we go?" Good luck!!! :dust:

Amanda: thanks! :hugs:

Yesterday I felt fine, and wasn't even spotting, so DP and I BD'd. Now I'm spotting again a tiny bit, but am not really worried... If I'm honest, I think we're both having some trouble accepting the loss, and are trying to do whatever we can to get this fabled post-m/c fertility boost to get me pregnant again. But, realistically, I'll probably be back in NY in February, for a first-hand experience of the US under president Trump... :dohh:
wish- :hugs: I'm so sorry that things didn't work out for you this time. The mock transfer sounds like a solid plan and that percentage is exciting! Looks like we might be cycle buddies in 2017. :)

klik- :hugs: I'm glad I could make you smile but what you're going through just plain sucks. I hope you're able to get some answers. I think that will give you some closure. Don't force yourself for anything you're not ready for or put yourself on a timeline. You need time to heal and time to grieve.

aster- Happy Trigger Day! Good luck on Thursday & I've got everything crossed that you get some nice follies and it all goes smoothly :)

boopin- You must be 6dp6dt today right? How are you feeling, or are you trying not to think about it? Best of luck for Saturday!!!

Disney & sava how are you ladies doing?

AFM, I'm just feeling really low. I'm usually the optimistic one but I'm having a tough time staying positive this time. I don't want to move out of where we are and the thought of packing up the whole house makes me want to curl up in a ball and sob. From what we hear, we'll have anywhere from 30-60 days to stay where we are, but it all feels so unsettled and I'd rather just move now. We went and looked at a place yesterday. It's not perfect but it'll be ok for a year. We applied and if she picks us we'll move in January 1st. It's literally the only place in our price range that allows dogs, so if we don't get it I'm not sure what we'll do. Sorry to vent but I'm so ready for 2016 to be over!!!
Scooby: thanks! :hugs: Answers would help, you're right--but it's also being able to find quiet moments to mourn the loss. My mom was here til Monday night, and that was nice, but now she's gone I feel the loss more. And this is generally not really a quiet time of year. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this move now. Life really sucks sometimes. I'm glad you found a good-enough place at such short notice--I hope they take you... I'm sorry you have to move. Moving is hard. I hope it goes as easily as possible. In the meantime, all I want to say is, it's ok to feel low... Please be as kind to yourself as possible... :hugs: Good luck.

Boopin and Asterimou: rooting for you! :dust:

:hugs: to all...
klik, that's such great advice & I hope you're kind to yourself too! It is such a difficult time of year to go through a loss. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself. I'm glad your mom was able to stay with you for a bit!

AFM, I'm sorry about my sad sack post yesterday. I've snapped out of it today! We were offered the house and we decided to take it. It's a big relief knowing that we have somewhere to go :) Also, I don't think I'll need to push back IVF until February, since we'll be moved in by January 1st. Woohoo! (Also, this house an extra bedroom so I can't help thinking nursery!)

How's everyone else doing?

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