IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

That's wonderful news scooby!! I'm happy that everything's lining up nicely for you!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Ladies, If you'd like an update on my status, click on my journal below. xx :blush:
Boopin OMG I knew it!!! Congratulations!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Stick little bean, stick!
Boopin OMG I knew it!!! Congratulations!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Stick little bean, stick!
I'm not celebrating yet, as I've been down this road twice before with unfavorable results. My beta is on Saturday. Please keep me and my little bean in your thoughts & prayers. Thanks ladies. xx
Oh Boopin' I know how hard this is after 2 consecutive losses. Hoping and praying for a nice high beta on Saturday!!! In the meantime, try to relax!! As they say, 3rd time's a charm, right?
BOOPIN!!!! :happydance: :ninja: :wohoo:
Ok, that's all the dancin I'll do until Saturday! Then it's ON!

klik and scooby - I'm so sorry for what you both are going through right now, esp this time of year. But klik - it sounds like you're healing well. And scoob - so happy you found a place so quickly and it's got an extra bedroom!! ;) hopefully you'll need it! Hooray for being cycle buddies! :)

aster - how'd the trigger go? when is ER, tomorrow? sorry, I've had such a busy week, I barely know what day it is right now.

sava, amanda, disney - hi! :wave:

I got nuthin! just busy and waiting to start the mock tomorrow. Yeah, I just take the same meds as I would for an FET - baby aspirin, gradually-increasing Estrace and PIO shots. Biopsy is scheduled for 12/19.

I hope you are all well! :hugs:
OMG, Boopin, that is amazing!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! :hugs: I know this isn't the end of the anxiety, but... so far, so awesome! Congratulations!!!!! :yipee: I've got everything crossed that this time, you WILL get your full-term pregnancy and your lovely, healthy baby!!!

Scooby: thanks! :hugs: Hey, don't apologize for the sad posts--if we were only here for the good stuff, we wouldn't be nearly so helpful! Nevertheless, I am so, so happy you know where you're moving, and that you'll be there within the month, that it probably won't mess with your IVF plans... and that there's even a potential nursery there! I hope it needs using in this next year! :dust:

Amanda: you're the proof 3rd time's a charm! Really hoping that for Boopin!

Wish: Yeah, I'm doing ok, thanks... I was thinking of going back to circus class today but there's some clot stuff I'm still passing (sorry, TMI), plus today I really don't feel like having to answer "Where have you been this whole term?" Well, I have huge amounts of work to do, so I guess it's just as well. I'm hopeful this mock cycle will be helpful for you. I guess even if it doesn't turn up anything new, you can scratch one important thing off your list of things to check... Perfectly perfect blasts apparently don't implant 25% of the time for no known reason, so it could have just been a fluke... Either way, I'm really glad your clinic is being proactive and trying to cover all the bases before your next attempt! :thumbup:

Asterimou: I have you very much in mind! I'm hoping ER went really well today, and you've got some great eggs to work with! And that the embryologists pick the perfect sperm to go with them! :dust:
Boopin, that is GREAT news! I know you will be cautiously optimistic. I'm hoping with everything that this is it, this is your turn. Third time lucky :happydance:

Scooby: this process just makes other things harder to cope with. I see it like a cup that is already full and just needs a little more to make us overflow. You're allowed to feel crap sometimes so don't beat yourself up. I'm glad the house has come through, and with that extra bedroom maybe it was meant to be :hugs:

AFM: they collected 9 eggs today which I'm really happy about. Just hoping for some good embryos now. Waiting for the call tomorrow
can't wait for the fertility report, aster!!! FX'ed!!!

klik - you're right, i'm keeping those stats in mind and am thankful that we have another 4 on ice. I hope they don't find anything or if they do, it's something to work with. What is circus class?? have you mentioned this before??
boopin- You are absolutely in my thoughts and I'm wishing so hard that this is your take home baby! I'm sure the beta wait is tough so if you're doing at home tests I hope they're progressing nicely :) Your lines looked great!

wish- Thank you & best of luck on your mock transfer cycle! I really hope they find some answers that will improve your chances going forward. You're such a champ for jumping back in again. This is not an easy road we travel!

klik- Thank you, that's so true! I'm with Wish here- very intrigued by these circus classes of yours lol. Also in the TMI vein, they did a partial D&C when they took out my polyp and I had crazy clotting my first day of AF. It went away quickly though so I hope the same goes for you.

aster- that's awesome news!!! FX you get some great looking embies in the bunch. I forget, are you doing a fresh or frozen transfer? That's such a great analogy about the overflowing cup. After years of dealing with this you sort of forget that the constant added stress of infertility is not something most people have to deal with on top of every day life stress. Anyway, hoping you get awesome results tomorrow!
Hi ladies, only 5 eggs were mature enough for ICSI. Out of those we had 3 fertilise. I was obviously hoping for more but hopefully they are strong ones. They have pencilled me in for a transfer on Sunday but will call that morning if they think they think they should go to blast. We are hoping to transfer 2 so we may as well just do a 3 day transfer as there isn't many to choose from :(

Scooby: this is my 3rd fresh cycle. I've never had any to freeze and we have suffered from poor quality embryos. I was hoping ICSI would help things so we'll see how strong these 3 embryos are.
aster- I'm sorry it wasn't as many as you were hoping for but I'm sending positive vibes your way that the 3 you have are healthy and strong and that your transfer goes smoothly this weekend! :dust: I think ICSI will give you an edge, I really do. You'll be in my thoughts all weekend!
Aster, I know it sucks not to have as many embryos as you had hoped, but I'm really really hoping that those 3 are nice and strong!! I think transferring 2 on day 3 is a good idea. C'mon little embies, grow grow grow! :dust:
Aster - There's a member on another thread that transfered three 3 day embies and is now 9 weeks pregnant with a singleton. KMFX you have at least 1 good blast!! :thumbup: Sending you bucket loads of GL dust. :dust: Grow embies... GROW!! xx
Thanks ladies, really needed those positive words and thoughts right now.
aster!! the lucky 3!! I know it's not what you hoped but I'm glad you got 9 to be able to whittle down to the 3 - they will hopefully be good and strong. I am a firm believer in ICSI - I think they should use it all the time! FX'ed for triplets of strong embies!

boopin - how are you feeling??
Hi ladies. We just back from vacation tonight, and I'm fighting off the worst cold right now. I haven't gotten a chance to catch up just yet but see that a big congrats is due to Boopin!! :happydance: I'm praying for nice high beta numbers for you!

Aster - I'm praying that your envies continue to thrive and that all goes well with your transfer. I'm pulling for you so hard!!

So...I have some news to share that I've only confirmed a few hours ago.
I was late my entire trip. Turns out the home pregnancy tests say I'm pregnant. My doctor is running blood work tomorrow morning, so we shall see what happens. I'm still a little :shock: and :wacko: right now. Feel like I'm dreaming. I also just found out that my grandma passed away on Tuesday, so we're dealing with some very mixed emotions tonight.
I'm beyond happy for you Disney!! Congrats on your natural bfp, no ivf required. Amen, god is good and sounds like all your vacations did you some good, too!! :winkwink:

KMFX you have great blood work results tomorrow. :dust:

I'm sorry to hear about your grandmas passing. Sending you big hugs. xx
Disney, first off, I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one is incredibly difficult, sending you huge huge huge hugs.

Now for the happy part, YAY!!!!! You get to be one of those "we weren't trying, and spontaneously got pregnant!" When one life ends another begins, and I'm hoping that this is the little sibling for DD that you've been waiting for. Anxiously awaiting to hear what you bloods show!!
Thanks, ladies! I got blood drawn this morning. I should have those results this afternoon with repeat blood drawn on Monday. If my calculations are right, I would be considered 5 weeks today.
Asterimou: you may already know this, but 60% is bang on for fertilization rates--3 out of 5 is kind of as good as it gets. I'm glad Lister was able to achieve that with ICSI... I'm sure you were expecting more--I would be--but as we all know, all you need is for one of those embryos to stick and stay stuck... And you've now got three chances of that! I hope you do get to transfer tomorrow, but if they decided to take these to blast, then I really hope they all make it... Good luck either way! You must be biting your nails... I so, so hope this is YOUR 3rd-time's-a-charm! :dust:

Disneyfan: wow, I'm... speechless... Firstly, I'm really sorry about your grandma... I hope you find time and space to mourn as much as you need... :hugs: As for the BFP, I'm so, so happy for you!!!! :cloud9: I'm sure you've got a lot of anxiety about this, too, but I really hope that what you really needed was a nice, restful break from TTC in order for it to actually happen... I really hope this LO snuggling into your lining right now becomes your second rainbow baby! Best of luck with the tests tomorrow--I hope your beta, and whatever else gets measured, comes out at great levels! :dust:

Wish: I hope you're enjoying your (relative) break! :hugs:

Scooby: Are you in hyper-efficient-packing-mode?! :bodyb:

Amanda: Can I just say THANK YOU for sticking around and cheering us all? You are so, so sweet! :hugs:

Boopin: I hope everything went well at today's beta!!! :dust:

AFM: After some clot stuff came out, I seem to be spotting again. My theory: a precarious scab had formed and has now been dislodged. Kinda can't wait for it to stop, but I am keeping Disneyfan's experience in mind--it's only been, like, a week for me. Hey, anyone know any decent clinics or ob/gyns in Australia?! My NY RE wants me to have a saline-infused sonogram after AF arrives, and I'll almost certainly be in either Sydney or Cairns when that happens... right around Christmas! :wacko: Oh, yeah, re. circus I think I'd mentioned it before, but my fave way of exercising became these circus classes: silks, static trapeze, and handstands. But this term with all the travel and being careful for different reasons and whatever, I haven't made it even once--I'm not renewing for next term, since I'll have to go back to NY--I'll stick to yoga and pilates and walking the dog instead...

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