IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

That's awesome. I was dreaming that we'd get let go early tomorrow, but that's not going to happen. Boo.
sava - results??

I've had the most ridiculously busy week so I actually had a hard time trying to think about Christmas and get everything in order!! Seems I can multitask at work but I can't multitask work and life stuff very well. Good thing I'm not in a real cycle this month! HOO-EYY!

I have a 1/2 day today though and I'm going to brave the mall. I don't mind the crowds too much, especially when I know exactly where I'm going. The retail therapy still helps me, the Christmas decorations all around... :)

I hope you're all doing well and I wish you the Merriest of Christmases! :)
Wish - We had a half day yesterday, too. DH and I decided to go and see Moana. We tried a new theater near my in-laws' house (we were eating dinner there yesterday) -- leather recliner seats that you can reserve ahead of time? Heavenly and so comfortable! The movie was great and a nice treat after a long week at work. I hope the malls weren't too horrendous and that you were able to get everything you needed for Christmas.

I love Christmas! Everything about it -- decorations, music, movies, food, and getting together with family. DD is totally into everything this year (including presents, of course :haha:). Santa is coming tonight. Most things are put together, but we have just a couple of last minute touches to complete after she goes to sleep and we bring some of the stuff out.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! :hugs:
Sava: Very curious how your Thursday test went!

Scooby: I'm sorry you don't seem to have gotten your natural BFP, but glad your body is going back to normal... Here's hoping it's a good sign for your next attempt! :dust:

Wish: I'm really sorry your biopsy sucked, but glad it's well behind you now. I hope your mall trip went well and that you had an excellent Christmas! Also, I'm really sorry to hear about your near-exhaustion with this whole process--I feel it too... but I'm really glad you're able to hang in there. One of those other frosties is bound to take... I so hope this coming year is our year... Here's hoping for thwarted race plans! :dust:

Disneyfan: Glad you and DD have been able to thoroughly enjoy Christmas! Strange that the symptom pattern is so different this time, but they do say every pregnancy is different. How are you feeling?! :hugs:

AFM: In Australia now, and the hayfever has mostly let up. The cold died out quickly. I had my beta measured about a week ago, and it was down to 18. So my bleed really was my period, it looks like... I have a saline-infused sonogram scheduled for tomorrow... Scheduling tests in the antipodes has been remarkably easy! So yeah, HPT + sonogram tomorrow--hoping for the all-clear... and I'm monitoring for ovulation... getting ready for another cycle in New York in mid-January... :wacko: The miscarriage was due to trisomy 15. It's good to know why, but still hurts... I also had an extra, unexpected result on that test: a pericentric inversion on chromosome 4, which, if it was inherited, may be part of the reason for our difficulty conceiving--if either I or DP have that inversion, possibly some of his or my gametes are defective, as pericentric inversions apparently cause a greater number of copying errors (recombinant chromosomes) while the gametes are being produced (sometimes leading to no pregnancy, sometimes to miscarriage, sometimes to developmental disabilities...). But apparently the inversions themselves don't cause problems for the carrier, so if it wasn't for the trisomy the little bean (a boy) might well have made it and been healthy... *sigh*
klik - I'm glad your hay fever has let up. How did the sono go yesterday? I hope you get down to zero quickly. Need to get your mid-January show on the road.
That's quite a bundle of information to take in from the results. Is there anything to be done about the inversion thing? Yeah, it's good to know but awful at the same time. There's always a 'next time' available so I cannot wait to be cycle buddies with you! :dust:

disney - I LOVE those theaters! we have one near us called Chunky's where we can eat a full meal, have beers, etc. We love it. We have the even fancier ones where you can choose your seats and make reservations but we've only been to that one once.

I hope everyone else is doing well and had a wonderful holiday!

I've gotten AF and she's gone now, started BCP last night to sit in the holding pattern until results are received. Won't get those until around 1/9, so just more waiting. I was giving serious thought to just skipping a cycle, give my body a break. But I almost think going on, off, back on meds is probably not the greatest thing for my body either. So I'll just keep it hopped up on drugs. :)
Hey all! Thursday's test was a bfn but then Friday's beta came back at 6.9. It was so low that my wife and I didn't really think anything of it but Tuesday's repeat was 104! So doubling time of just under 24 hours. I have my third beta tomorrow and am PRAYING it's a healthy number!
Sava - Exciting news!!! Praying that your little bean continues to thrive!! :happydance:

Klik - I hope your sonogram went ok and that all looks good. It sounds like your beta should be down to zero soon, and you'll hopefully be ready to start again soon. I know how difficult it must have been to get the results of the testing back. :hugs: Hopefully your doctor will be able to shed more light on the inversion thing, and hopefully you might be able to do something to get around that obstacle. I'm praying so hard for your success. :hugs:

Wish - You're probably right about the idea of bouncing on and off the meds. I've got everything crossed for you that your results lead to answers and that your next transfer is the one. :hugs:
sava - WOAH!!! That's wonderful!!! I can't wait to hear about the next beta. That's a miracle right there. Are they concerned at all? I ask b/c I had a low beta earlier this year (ended up as a chemical) and they were concerned it was an ectopic.

disney - thank you! I hope so too.

Sometimes the thought creeps in about statistics - statistically, at least one of us will never have kids. I often think that in the groups that I'm on here. Not in a 'woe is me' way, but more logically, I guess. But statistically, I could be that 'one' for many women on here.
Enough of that nonsense...
They did bring up the 'ectopic' word, yes.. That's what the third beta tomorrow is supposed to rule out. I'm not TOO worried about that, though. The cramping I'm having is centralized which, I believe, wouldn't be the case in an ectopic.

But we'll see what tomorrow says.
whew!! I like that answer!!! good luck today!!! Fingers so crossed for you!!
Sava good luck!!

Klik, glad to see your beta is coming down. I really really hope you only need the one more shot in NYC.

Wish, how are you doing? Gearing up for an FET, I think, right?

Boopin and Disney, how are you feeling?

Scooby, when are you moving again?

Sorry if I missed anything! Trying to catch up after the holidays 😊
how are YOU doing, amanda?? how's the little one?

still waiting on the ERA results here, should be here on 1/9. So we wait...then schedule the FET accordingly. :coffee:
I'm doing pretty good. Still get nausea most days, but it's manageable. Had my 20 week scan on Thursday and found out we're having a girl. I still get so nervous before scans, and it all still seems so surreal.
Amanda - Congrats on finding out the gender! Little girls are so fun! <3

I'm sorry to hear that you're still experiencing nausea. Mine has been fairly constant since about 6 weeks, with me throwing up maybe 1-3 times a day. Some days are better where I'm feeling nauseous but don't actually throw up. I'm constantly tired, but that's to be expected. I definitely feel more symptoms this time than I did last time. I'm not sure if it's just due to being a different pregnancy, if it was because I was doing acupuncture last time, or if we are maybe dealing with differences caused by a different gender. I'm doing the MaterniT21 blood test in about a week, which will actually tell us the gender while checking for possible genetic issues.

I hope your nausea ends soon. Funnily, last time, I didn't start feeling nauseous until the second trimester hit -- weeks 14-18. After that, I was feeling better.
Hi everyone,

Happy new year to everyone:happydance:
Sorry to jump on here, I was just looking for a little hope.
I'm on my last day of stims for my first IVF cycle via the NHS. I've only got one follicle so I am set to do a retrieval on Thursday. I was on 450iu of Menopur.
I was devastated. My lone folly is 19mm and my lining is good. I'm trying to be hopeful but I've only got one shot. Any words of hope, or stories where someone has had a poor response but went on to get a BFP would be welcome. Xo
happy new year, everyone!!

amanda - so sorry to hear that you're still nauseous! And CONGRATS on Team Pink! :) I hope your nausea ends soon so you can enjoy the last half of the pregnancy. Hopefully it just means growth spurts and lots of hair or something! :)

Disney - you too! I wonder if you're having a boy?? I can't wait for you to find out!

FPD - welcome! I'm so sorry for your situation - I've been there too many times. So unfortunately, I can't provide any words of solitude, but I can say that it only takes one! Your follicle and lining sound just right so as long as there is a good egg in there, you've obviously got a shot!! FX'ed for you!!
Wish - I've been wondering about the possibility of a boy, too. We'll see! I take that blood test next Monday. Last time, I got the results in a week, but I think it can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks. I can't say we got much out of the test last time since we did PGS on those embryos, but my doctor still urged me to do it. Next ultrasound is with my regular OB office on Wednesday. My RE offered to scan me again at her office if I want it when I go there for the blood test. You're results should be coming back soon, right? I'm sure you're ready to get the ball rolling.

FPD - Welcome! I'm sorry to see that you didn't respond well. I've seen so many stories of success where ladies only had one embryo to transfer. Your follicle size and lining sound great. I wish you the best and hope that this egg leads to the BFP that you long for and deserve. :hugs: Good luck! :dust:

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