Wish - You're in NH? Love finding other New England gals on here!
Aster - Testing Thursday? Yikes! Only two more days!
Scoobs - Glad packing is going well. Ugh, I really *really* hate moving. We've been in our house for almost 7 years now and I literally can't imagine having to pack everything up and leave. You have my pity!
AFM - Saturday went well. This weekend has actually been quite insane. The baby we're caring for ended up having to go to the hospital due to a fever. So I ended up triggering on Thursday and then going to meet my wife at the hospital where we were until Saturday evening. So it was a lot of running around and juggling between the roles of ttc me and the foster mama me. The baby is home now and doing well, but it was a bit of an exhausting weekend.
So I'm 3dpiui right now. For some reason I'm already feeling like this cycle didn't take so my eyes on already on next cycle. Previously we discussed two monitored IUI cycles before having the "next steps" convo. We put the order in for next month's IUI vial (we had to for shipping purposes) and I have an appointment with my RE on Thursday to discuss how I responded and timing of this month and to make a plan for next month. So, while I don't feel like this cycle was successful, I do feel like we're already preparing for next month, which feels good.