IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Aster, I'm so very sorry. :hugs: I think a holiday sounds like a perfect way to regroup & figure out what comes next.

Disney, congratulations on your scan results! Have you told family & friends yet?

BFN for me today. Still early at 9 DPO but I was so hoping today would be the day. I had some really unusual cramps from 5-8 DPO.
Scooby - The cramping sounds promising. Maybe it's still just a little early.

We've told our parents, and I went ahead and let my boss know already since it's just easier if she knows. She's pretty understanding about me working from home and stuff like that, which helps when you're feeling really queasy all the time. I'll probably let my sisters know soon, and maybe BiL/SiL closer towards the end of the first trimester. We won't "announce" anything to anyone else until we've cleared the first trimester.
Hi ladies, I feel like I need to take a break from here so won't be checking this board so much. I'm wishing all of you get to deliver healthy babies and stay strong on this very tough journey. It's definitely beaten me but weirdly I feel okay now I know it is the end of this road. I even feel a bit excited about the future and what it holds.

Thank you all for being here through all my ups and downs. You are all amazing women xx

Klik: I promised you some med info - I ordered from Stork Fertility Services (Biodose). Cheapest I found, you just email your prescription and they will quote. It has to be emailed by the RE for final confirmation and as long as it is by 2pm they deliver the next day. I found it all very easy and it saved me hundreds of pounds. Asda was actually more expensive than Stork but was good to top up and still cheaper than the RE.

Happy Christmas everyone and ALL THE BEST for 2017 xx
First off - Aster, I'm so sorry to hear this and absolutely understand a need to take a break. I hope this time is healing for you and your DH. You're both in my thoughts.

AFM - my wife and I decided to do a SUPER early test bc we just wanted to see the neg (sounds confusing but we needed to ground ourselves and we figured a bfn wouldn't be all that upsetting right now as it's so early) and there's the faintest of lines. Faint but absolutely there. I tested with a FRER and I'm 10 days past my trigger. I've never triggered before, how long does it usually take to get out of your system?
Asterimou: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I don't know if or when you'll get this, my dear, but I'm really really sorry it didn't work.. I think you did your very best: you chose a clinic that has a good reputation, went with an RE you felt comfortable with, had your tubes clipped though that is psychologically painful, your DH took supplements, you did ICSI, put your feet up after ET... really, nothing more could have been expected of you. I'm terribly sorry the little embryo didn't stick. Thank you so, so much for the info on medication--I'll be needing that soon... This journey is so difficult--we seek help, invest loads of money and time and care, and often we still get nothing in return--apart from knowing we really tried. As you grieve this stage and consider your next, I hope whatever you choose to do brings you the family you really crave. Certainly there is no doubt you deserve that. Take care... :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Disneyfan: what amazing news! I am sooooo happy for you... I think your plan of when to tell whom sounds really sensible--it's really clever to tell your boss so she can work with you and you can be more comfortable at home... I'm sorry your symptoms are so severe. Were they this bad when you were expecting your DD? I wish you forbearance until you pass into a more comfortable stage of pregnancy, when those fabled happy hormones presumably kick in... Hang in there, and congratulations! :hugs:

Scooby: interesting about the cramps... 9DPO is way too early, though! I hope you get your Christmas BFP this time around! :dust: Oh yeah, as for Clexane/Lovenox, I noticed Asterimou was on that too, so yeah, that may well be a UK thing. In the US I think it's only if there's some reason to suspect clotting problems, yes...

Boopin: :hugs:

Amanda: I hope you're doing well, and that your pregnancy is progressing beautifully! :hugs:

Wish: Your mock transfer is coming up, no? FX'ed for a cooperative cervix! O:)

Sava: I hope you turn out not to need those meds! Sometimes when you least expect it... When is OTD? :dust:

AFM: Thought I'd check in from NZ. We're taking an easy day today, because I have horrible hayfever, a cold, AND some bleeding (my period, maybe? But 3 weeks 2 days after D&C? My RE said 4-6 weeks. Gah!)... We're interpreting this as my body telling me to SLOW DOWN. Yesterday we had an awesome 7-hour adventure in a cave that has lots of glowworms. Lovely! But yeah, maybe my body just wants me to take it easy for a bit longer. Ho, hum. :coffee:
Sava: sorry, we cross-posted... I believe 10 days is roughly the amount of time it takes for a 10,000iu hcg shot to leave the system... So, it could be that. You're pretty much exactly at the crossroads, I believe... I hope it turns out to be your BFP! :dust:
Thanks, Klik - my obsessive googling seems to say the same. We'll definitely be testing again tomorrow. Here's hoping!
Disney- sounds like a good plan! I'm sorry you're feeling nauseous though :(

aster- If you see this, just know my thoughts are with you and your husband, and I 100% understand about needing to get some distance from this whole process. I felt like that last year and I'm starting to feel like that again. Infertility is one of the most difficult & frustrating things I've ever gone through. I hope that you find peace with whatever decision that you make. :hugs: Best wishes for 2017!

sava- Eeek!!! Can't wait to hear what happens today. FX super hard for you & your wife!!

klik- Exploring caves full of glow worms sounds amazing and about a thousand times cooler than what I've been doing lately. (Except seeing Rogue One which was pretty awesome.) Hope you feel better soon! I'm wondering now why Lovenox is not standard protocol here and if I need to bring this up with my RE. Hmm.

AFM, I've been driving myself a little nuts this cycle because I was hopeful that once the polyp was gone I'd get my BFP right away. I know, I know. Unrealistic. So the deal is that my cycles have been getting shorter and shorter all year with spotting that increased from 1 day to 4 days. (I've had a 25-day cycle for like 15+ years but the last 6 months were only 21-22 days.)

I kept asking my doctor if it was from the polyp and she said that no, polyps typically cause mid-cycle spotting and my cycles are getting shorter because of my age. (Hmpf.) So, long story not so short, I'm on day 25 of my cycle today and JUST started spotting. Naturally, I thought BFP. But I'm 11DPO today and think I got an evap on a FRER this morning, so I'm calling it- this is not my month. Taking it a little hard but it's very encouraging that I seem to be back to normal. Down to two more natural tries and then onto IVF, which I will freely admit terrifies me.
hello lovely ladies!

first off, I'm positive I missed you but Aster - my heart is with you. :hugs: I hope you get the rest and relaxation you need to heal and take whatever future you have in front of you by the horns. I am really starting to get to the same point, but I have to hold on for my 4 frosties. I completely understand the excitement of something new, something new to think about and plan and have fun with. The world really is your oyster and I know you'll make the most of it whether you keeping trying and go DE (welcome to my club) or decide to move on. You're in my thoughts.

disney - WAHOO on the heartbeat and successful scan!! :happydance: I'm really just so thrilled for you. I think I keep saying that - sorry I'm redundant!

sava - EEEEK x2!! I can't wait to hear what happens today! i hope that wasn't the trigger and that it's the start of yet another BFP!
ohhhh you're so lucky to live in Portland! I'd love to move up there and get an awesomely cute condo. Maybe that's what we'll do if we ever have to downsize. Unfortunately, the biggest hurdle for that would be for DH's work to agree to let him work from home! I do love where we live but I've come to the realizing that it's too big if we don't end up having kids.

klik - yes, dear, take care of yourself! Though the cave of glowworms does sound incredible!!

scooby - ahhhhh, another possible BFP!! I hope I hope!!

hi amanda!! I hope you're gearing up to enjoy your last Christmas with just the two of you! :)

afm - biopsy today at 2:30, weeeeee! I assume Capt Uncooperative Cervix will be in town. Lessons learned this cycle - PIO shots are the devil and they give me cramps, cold-like symptoms, somewhat sore boobs, sleepless nights. So I'm really REALLY going to try not to go crazy in the TWW next cycle and just let it ride. Also, I'm planning on signing up for some running races throughout the year starting at the end of Feb - I need something to thwart those plans! But if not, at least I'll be getting back into shape!
Aster - I'm not sure if you will get this message, but I'm sending you the biggest hugs and the warmest wishes right now. I pray that you and your husband are able to find comfort together this Christmas and beyond. :hugs::hugs:

Sava - Fingers crossed that this is the start of some exciting news! :dust: that this is it for you and that the trigger is no longer in your system! :hugs:

Klik - My symptoms with DD interestingly didn't show up until around 14-18 weeks, right when they normally disappear for most people. I'm not sure if I'm feeling more symptoms this time because I'm not doing acupuncture like I did last time, or if it's because it's just a different pregnancy. Either way, it's still manageable, so I'll take it.
NZ is on my list of places I definitely want to visit. I hear it's amazing and gorgeous there! After my D&C, my doctor told me to expect my next period 6 weeks later. It started exactly 6 weeks after (and I thought, man she's good! :haha:). I also remember it seemingly starting again as soon as I thought it was over. Hopefully you aren't bleeding much anymore and it ends soon.

Scooby - You never know. It could still be early. I'm not too familiar with what evap lines can possibly mean when it comes to a potential early detection of a BFP, but I'm still holding on to hope for you. :hugs:

Wish - I hope that the biopsy went smoothly for you today and that you get good results. :hugs:

Boopin - :hugs:

Amanda - How are you feeling?
biopsy sucked. That is all.

(thankfully the whole thing only lasted a couple of minutes so I was in and out but DAMN)
Glad it's over with, Wish!

(afm - test was solidly negative last night. So Sunday was, obviously, the trigger. keeping my fingers crossed for Thursday, though!)
FX'ed Sava!!! my schedule is all off this week, I thought today was Thurs. One more day!
I wish it was Thursday. I'm finding it so incredibly hard to feel motivated at work this week. Everyone else being off makes me sooooo not want to work. :haha:
I know, Disney! I feel like I'm just suffering through the days to get through this week!
My company is letting us go after working a half day on Friday. But I don't think they really expect people to be working those morning hours. At least, I hope not. :haha:

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