IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Hey everyone! Happy 2017 :) Sorry I've been MIA for a couple of weeks. The move got pretty intense and then I got a BAD stomach flu. I'm still not 100% but I came to work today because I've been out since before Christmas so there's a lot to do. Up side, I lost 6 lbs ;)

klik- I think it's good to get some answers, even though sometimes it can be hard to know what to make of those answers. I hope at least this gave you and DP some closure and that maybe these results can help explain things a bit. One way of looking at things is that your body wants to be pregnant, but when things weren't going well your body knew what to do about it. So I think that's a good sign. Best of luck with your next cycle!

sava- OMG Congrats on the BFP!!! How exciting :) Any updates?

wish- I know what you mean about taking a break and also about feeling ready to give up sometimes. On my last thread I was on here I was that one person who didn't have a baby, and it really sucked. Still, seeing pictures of all of their babies now dressed up for Halloween and stuff gives me hope that the majority of women DO beat infertility. I hope your results are good and your FET goes smoothly :)

Amanda- congrats on a baby girl!!!:pink: Did you have any idea or were you surprised? I really hope your nausea lets up soon!

FPD- welcome and good luck on your transfer. I've heard plenty of positive stories about one follie. FX for you!

Disney- For some reason I think you're having a girl. Can't wait to find out!

boopin- How are you doing?

AFM, unfortunately I've been in no state to BD so this cycle is probably a wash. I haven't even taken any OPK's because I can't find them! I should be ovulating around tomorrow and it's my birthday too so maybe we'll get one try in there ;)
oh man, the stomach flu completely has made it's rounds around the globe! I'm so sorry that you were feeling sick for so long! but yeah...6lbs! HAHA!

how was the move? are you feeling at home yet? I'm sure it'll take awhile. Do you have snow? and HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow! :cake:

disney - yep, ready to get this show on the road. Should get results next week sometime. They said 3 weeks, but I have this weird feeling that it'll be a little longer. Just being over the holidays and such. Then based on the results, I'm not sure how long it will take them to recalculate the cycle (I'd think we'd only adjust the transfer day one day earlier or later) but if I have a low-lying infection, I might have to get rid of that first. So who knows.

klik - how's the trip going? are you still abroad?

how was everyone else's holidays?
Scooby - I'm so sorry to hear that you've been sick! That definitely makes it hard when you are moving (DH got sick when we were getting down to the wire for our open house, so our moms and I were scrambling to finish cleaning, packing, and tidying up. :dohh: Are you completely moved over? I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!

Wish - Hopefully your results don't take too long to come back and you don't have any infections or issues to deal with before starting. :hugs:
wish- I know, the bug seems to be particularly strong this year! We thought DH was out of the woods but he got sick this morning. And then my niece got sick at school today. Yikes! The move was so tough but we LOVE the new place! The lake is beautiful & my dogs are really into watching the geese lol. It'll be even better once we find everything and get totally settled in. Thanks for the birthday wishes!! How is everything going with you? Any results from the mock transfer yet?

Disney- Illness always seems to happen at the worst possible times, doesn't it? Probably because of stress! We are totally 100% moved in now, woohoo! Thank you for the birthday wishes!! Is your nausea starting to ease up a bit? I hope so :hugs:

I only managed to do one OPK last night (15 DPO) and it was negative so I thought our single BD session in the morning was probably too late. But then I could swear I had O pains late last night/early this morning so...??? I've O'd on day 16 of my cycle once or twice so I guess anything is possible. (Also thinking maybe being sick pushed things back?) Meanwhile, I'm looking into possibly purchasing leftover meds to save money. Anyone here ever do that? I found a website that seems legit. Speaking of meds, I have about a million questions lol.
Scooby - I hope the timing worked out for you guys. :thumbup: I've never bought leftover meds from anywhere. What kind of meds are you needing to get? Every time I think the nausea is letting up, it comes back in full force at bedtime.

We had a scan at my OB's office on Wednesday, and all continues to look well. Measurements are spot on, and the heartbeat sounded strong. We've accepted that it's real, but it's still so hard to believe after all of the fertility procedures (and money! :wacko:) we've been through before now. I go to my RE's office on Monday for the MaterniT21 blood test. Hopefully we won't discover anything bad from the test results. I'm dying to know the gender, too. With DD, we transferred a genetically tested embryo, so we knew the gender before I was even pregnant with her (we transferred based on embryo grade/quality, not gender though). Knowing then and not now makes it even harder to be patient. :haha:
Disney- I hope so too but don't think the odds are in our favor this month. It's ok, we still have one more natural try before we're moving to IVF. (And at this point I'm just assuming we're going to go forward so I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row.) I'm so sorry your nausea is still this bad :( Is there any medication they can give you? Hooray for a positive scan!! It's pretty amazing the way everything worked out for you. I guess sometimes it's just your time! GL with your test today. Looking forward to hearing the results soon!

Oh and the meds are for an antagonist protocol, so Gonal F, Ganirelix and hmmmm... can't remember the rest lol. I think I've decided to just purchase them new, since you never know if they've been stored properly.

Has anyone here ever done the antagonist protocol? I'm assuming they're starting me out on that because of my age and low AFC, although my AMH is on the high side and my FSH was pretty low last time they tested me.
Scooby - I haven't asked for any medication as I prefer not take anything unless absolutely necessary. A lot of ladies have it much worse than me, so I'm actually grateful that I don't think I have to have medication to function.

I was on a protocol that sounds similar to yours during my 2 IVF cycles. My AFC was low (9), as was my AMH (0.64). My doctor put me on gonal-f, menopur, ganirelix, and I triggered with novarel. The doctors office showed me how to combine my gonal-f and menopur into one syringe so that I could reduce the number of overall injections. :thumbup:
Scooby I was on an antagonist protocol too. Gonal-F, luveris, and triggered with ovidrel. The meds weren't so bad to give, once you get over the injection part. Oh, there was also orgalutran (which is the antagonist....same as ganirelix I THINK)
Hi, dear ladies! :wave: Back from vacation, unfortunately... It was mostly really nice--a needed break! I'll try to write individual responses, probably tomorrow, but I hope you are all well and that you all have a wonderful 2017! My immediate news: Cornell asked for a beta today, and I was really kinda hoping it would be indicating a new pregnancy, but sadly it was 1.7... Well, at least that is not getting in the way of trying another IVF cycle, but yeah, truth be told I was madly hoping we could avoid all that cost and stress and unpleasantness... Unrealistic, I know. So, IVF, here we come again (as soon as possible...)!

:hugs: to all--sorry for the brevity but I'm totally behind on everything!
Disney- Totally understand not wanting to take anything. I'm glad it's not so bad you can't still function. I always feel just awful for women who have to deal with that. Haha my AFC is 9 as well! My AMH is surprisingly okay for my age but I think they want to jump right in with the "best" protocol with me since we're OOP and this is our only shot. Your protocol sounds just like mine, except I think I'm using an Ovidrel trigger instead. That's awesome about mixing injections. Hope they show me that trick too!

Amanda- Hmmm, interesting! Good to know that protocol worked for you. Maybe I'll get lucky too :) How are you feeling hun? Any new scan pics?

klik- Welcome back! I'm so glad you had a nice, relaxing time on your vacation. I'm sorry your beta didn't give you the results you hoped for. On the plus side, I think we might end up being cycle buddies :)

wish, boopin, sava- Hope you're all doing well!

AFM, got suspicious spotting/light cramping on 6DPO (yesterday) which has since disappeared. It CAN'T POSSIBLY be implantation because I'm not that lucky. :nope: But of course there's the "what if" and the hope that pops up, and I just can't help thinking how amazing it would be if it were true. Far more likely, my screwed up body has decided to start AF dreadfully early again.

The plan: Summon the willpower not to test until 9DPO, which is Friday. Stop googling "implantation bleeding 6 DPO" because it is NOT HELPING me keep my grip on reality.

The reality: Break down and test tomorrow morning at 8DPO. Get a BFN but still ask my doctor for a beta at my appointment tomorrow afternoon because I'm a glutton for punishment.
Thank you! I keep thinking "Well, it happened for Disney..." LOL.

Recap, for anyone following along:

Light spotting 6-9DPO
Cramping (sometimes quite painful) 6-8DPO
Tested today 9DPO, very white BFN on IC

For the symptom spotters:

Only unusual things this cycle are I'm very hungry & very thirsty. I've also been more tired than usual, especially in the evening. TBH, I'm not holding out much hope that I'm pregnant. Just figured I'd share in case someone obsessively searches for this down the road like I've been doing these past few days ;)

It's been so quiet on here! Hope everyone is doing well. I have to go to a wake tonight for my best friend's dad. It was sudden and I'm sad. He was very cool.
Scooby, sorry about the negative :(. Also, sorry you have to go to a wake tonight. You're right it has been pretty quiet.
Has anyone heard from Boopin? How are you doing? How are things going?

Wish, Klik, Disney, Sava...hey! Hope you're doing well. New cycles must be coming up?
Scooby - I'm sorry for the loss of your friend's dad. It's always hard losing good people. :hugs: I'm also sorry that your test came up negative. I'm always holding out hope for you ladies to get surprise BFPs. :hugs::hugs:

Amanda - How are you doing?

Wish - Any news on the test results?

Klik - Welcome back. I'm so glad that you had a wonderful time! I'm sorry that your test came back negative. I'm keeping everything crossed that this next cycle brings you the joy and success that you so very much deserve! :hugs:

Boopin - I'm thinking of you and hope you are doing well.

Sava - If you are lurking, I hope you are doing well, too!

Pregnancy is turning out to be a literal pain in the butt. I have what I'm fairly sure is posterior pelvic pain. Pain that sits very low in the back at waist level that travels back and forth between there and my left butt cheek. It hurts whenever I bend, get up, walk up and down stairs, put on pants, etc. :dohh: I keep reminding myself that it's worth it in the long run no matter how painful it's turning out to be. Hopefully it's temporary.

Hello to everyone else!
Amanda- No, haven't heard from boopin at all. Even looked on her journal the other day but no updates. Hoping everything is ok with her!

Disney- That sounds like it could be sciatic nerve pain to me. Does it sometimes radiate down the backs of your legs? If this is the issue, there are a lot of great stretches that help tremendously. One is lie on your back, bring your knees up so your feet are flat on the floor, cross one leg over the other and press the side of that leg/thigh towards your other side so you're stretching out the hip and lower back. Sorry if that description sucks but look up stretches and you'll see what I mean :)

Hope everyone else is doing ok & just busy or hibernating for winter!

AF came on Friday for me. I'm hoping the short cycle was due to stress/illness, but if I do have low progesterone then at least I know I'll be taking that during my IVF cycle. At least this means I'm one step closer to starting! One of our two classes starts tomorrow night. I also got the sign off from the high risk OBGYN (who I hated BTW) so just a few more steps and we're there. Woot!
Hello, dear gals!

Wish: Thanks for the thoughts and wishes! I hear you on the stats... Still, I think one of those little frozen beans of yours will stick... And I can't wait to hear about your pregnancy, when it comes, as it develops! Have you received the results of your receptivity array?! I hope whatever the data is, you finally find success in your next attempt. Really rooting for you...

Sava: how's it going?! I hope your third beta was healthy, and you've got a nice, good, lasting pregnancy with a lovely THB at the end of it...

Disneyfan: Thanks for the wishes... Re. your pelvic pain... ugh! Life is not making it easy, huh? I mean, at this point, I'd go through pretty much any torture for a healthy baby, but it shouldn't be necessary... :hugs: I hope the pain (and the nausea!) lets up soon. So glad your scan last week looked good! Such a relief! I've got my fingers firmly crossed for the results of your MaterniT21 test. I guess you're getting your results today? (Even though it's a holiday?) I really hope you get the all clear... [-o< also, very curious about the gender!

Amanda: OMG, a girl!!!!! <3<3<3 So sorry about the nausea but so happy the scan went well! May you have a healthy and happy continuation!

FPD: not sure if you're still lurking, but by now you perhaps know how it went? This is belated, but while I've no experience of success yet, I do know of a number of women who had success with only one follicle in an IVF cycle. Good luck!

Scooby: Aw, sorry the natural attempts were hijacked by your illness... Hopefully this cycle, though! If you do have to do IVF, though, I'm also on the antagonist protocol (very similar to yours--I think Gonal-F or Follistim is the one you forgot, probably... except I'm doing estrogen priming beforehand, to suppress cysts and try to get my follicles to be roughly the same size before the cycle starts).

Boopin: really hope you're ok... :hugs:

AFM: my saline sonogram was not so great, unfortunately--I still had some retained products of conception, and they were being fed by a blood vessel... I was warned that if I do get pregnant again and the embryo implants in that region, that's another miscarriage. (We still tried naturally, but as you know, no joy). So, Cornell said "no" to a January cycle... and then I thought about it--after all, it's my uterus that's compromised, not my ovaries--so, after huge difficulties getting in touch with Cornell (we were on a boat, which was nice, but pretty isolated) I asked if I could freeze embryos, and they said fine.

So I'm in NY, as of yesterday! In the immigration queue, there's a video of president Obama welcoming us to the US, and I almost cried--that's the last time I'll see that video... Anyway, my RE said he'll scan me on CD 9 (Thursday) to try to determine if I've cleared those products of conception (the doc who scanned me in Australia said it should be visible from a normal scan, no saline infusion needed) and in that case we can convert from a frozen to a fresh cycle. I'm feeling bullish about that (I think, fashionably based on absolutely zero evidence, that my uterus has cleared), but really bearish about getting pregnant this cycle. Weird, huh? Still, the right thing to do, for me, is always persevere, so here I am...
Oh, Scooby, we cross-posted! I'm glad you got the ob/gyn's sign-off--still hoping you don't need it, though... Good luck this cycle!
klik- Hello there! Nice to see you on here again :) Yes, Gonal F or Follistim is the other one. What do you take for estrogen priming? I wonder if I'm on that too? Good luck on Thursday! As always, your optimism is so inspiring. Whatever happens, it feels good to do something doesn't it?

Disney- Hope you got good results! Thinking of you :)

AFM, my boss dropped a major bombshell on me yesterday that I'm still trying to process. Basically he's giving me an opportunity to own a majority share of the company. I'm running most things now but I don't do the operational stuff like billing, payroll, insurance etc. So there would be a lot to learn, and the success or failure of the business would fall on my shoulders. High stress for high reward.

Not great timing when I've decided to make my #1 focus starting a family, but an opportunity that I just don't think I can pass up. Life sure does like to twist and turn, doesn't it? I think I'm going to see if we can transition in March or April so I can take February to make IVF my priority. Short term, it would be tough for sure. But long term, if we succeed, we'll be able to offer our child and my stepson so many better opportunities. What do you guys think?
hi girls!! sorry for the silence - unintended for sure. Work has been nutso and I also managed a trip down to NC to see my family.

ERA results = have another ERA. Ugh. The results came back that they were 80% sure that we should push out the transfer date by a day but b/c they were not 100% sure, it could actually only need to be pushed out by 12 hrs. So in order to land on the most optimal transfer time and be more sure of it, we're doing ANOTHER mock cycle. I got AF on Saturday and started my estrace/baby aspirin. I await further instruction, but it seems we'll have the biopsy on day 21 of the cycle, after we determine which day is day 1. So probably first week of Feb, I guess. Then wait 3 more weeks for the results. THEN start the next FET cycle. I wonder if they can put a rush on the results or something...I'll ask.

Disney - so glad to see you're doing well! Good luck with the upcoming test, I'm sure all will be great!

klik - welcome back! to the thread AND the US! hahaha :haha: I'm always so happy to see your optimism - I stand with you! Great idea about moving forward and freezing any embryos. I really hope they can get a few more out of you this time (or do you only go for one?)

I was on the Gonal-F (max dose), menopur combo in my IVFs as well, with either Ganorelix or Cetrotide as the antagonist and then I think Pregnyl as my trigger. Max doses of all for a long time (up to 16 days once, i think?? or maybe it was cd16, but still - $$$$$$$!!) I hope no one has to go through that. I also combined mine into one shot - you do the menopur first b/c you have to 'make' it, then squirt the dose of gonal into that vial, then pull it all up together into one syringe. Easy peasy.

amanda - I missed the post of the gender announcement but caught it on klik's post - congrats!!!!

sava - yes, updates on you!
boopin - same thing, I hope you're well and just busy

I hope work is going to be slightly more calm but I doubt it so if I don't check back in for a bit, it's not b/c I've left. :) hugs to you all!
Scooby - Thanks for the tips on the stretches. The pain thankfully started easing on Sunday. Not sure if it has anything to do with the fact that I started sleeping with a pillow between my legs, but anything that might help is A-OK in my book. Here's to hoping it stays away! :thumbup: I'm sorry that AF came, but it's exciting that you are cleared to start soon. Your RE will definitely have your progesterone covered whether or not that was an issue. Good luck with your classes!

Klik - Welcome back to the US! I'm sorry that your sonogram didn't go well, but it's great that you don't have to waste the cycle and we're cleared to freeze embryos. Fingers crossed that this is it for you!! :dust: Will they continue to monitor you to ensure that the retained POC come out?

Wish - It must be frustrating to get inconclusive results. I'm sorry that you are having to do another mock cycle, but it's good news that they want to make sure they get it just right for you. Good luck with your next biopsy. :hugs:

AFM, I'm still waiting to hear back on the MaterniT21 results. I read somewhere that they typically take 1-3 weeks to come back. Last Monday, my doctor said she normally tells her patients roughly 2 weeks, but they've been coming back much faster lately. The lab is in Southern California, and we live in the SF Bay Area further north. Hopefully being in the same state puts us on a shorter timeline. The results for DD came back in exactly one week last time. I'm anxious for the results!

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