IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Klik - I searched my emails and found what I was looking for. I confirmed that my doctor also schedules hysteroscopies in the first half of the cycle. When trying to hammer out the details of what day to schedule my procedure (we were timing it before a trip to Disneyland), she indicated that I should not be bleeding anymore when we did the procedure but that minor spotting wouldn't be a problem if that was still happening by the date that we picked. I suspect the first half cycle timing is likely to ensure that there's no way you are pregnant, but I also want to say they included HCG in my bloodwork before the procedure anyway.

:dust: for maximizing those follie counts!
Amanda: thanks for all the info! I thought it was all quite clear. I've read an argument that scratches are essentially "erased" after a period, so in that light your doc did the right thing by doing the scratch early in the active cycle... I think my London clinic does like doing scratches in the previous cycle, so "later is better" may well be their thinking...

Disneyfan: thank you, too, for all the info! I very much like the idea of allowing for a potential natural pregnancy, however much of a long shot that might be (for those for whom it's a possibility, that is!)

In fact, I think my London clinic is too blasé about wasting cycles... They'll put you on the pill, or on progesterone, or they'll schedule things in such a way that you have to use protected sex instead of allowing yourself to have any hope at all for a freebie. I just scheduled a consultation for next week with a doctor in the clinic of the guy I was hoping would deliver the baby... I think he'll be ok with doing this earlier in the cycle, and leaving me and DP free to do our thing. Also, when I found out the price difference between London and NY it make me want to cry. In NY it would cost about 8 times as much.

Rant over: trigger almost certainly tonight, retrieval on Thursday. My lead follicle is 22, and I think it's overcooked, but we'll see--best-case scenario is, we get 4 mature eggs, but either way if we get 3 fertilizing that's already 50% better than last time... and there is some hope of that...
Disney- Thank you so much for all of the info on shots, needles, etc. That is so helpful! At our meds class she mentioned triggering in the belly so I think that's what we'll do. So did you break down and tell your parents you're having a little girl yet?

klik- I like that your doctor is freezing on day one. I've never understood why some doctors wait until day 5 or even 6 and end up losing a bunch or all of them. I definitely believe some embies have a better chance cooking inside the oven ;) As for the hysteroscopy, my RE typically likes to do them between days 5-10 of your cycle because that's when your lining is thinnest and thus it's easier to see everything. However, because of the timing of my doctor's schedule we had to do mine on day 12 or something. It was fine. They didn't seem concerned so I wasn't either. Hooray for triggering (hopefully) yesterday!!! I'm so hopeful that you get 3 or 4 good ones.

Amanda- you must be veering into baby shower territory now, right? Any fun plans coming up?

AFM, I've been busy gearing up for this cycle! We took our meds class on Sat but our IVF class was canceled due to weather last night so that'll be next Tues. DH had one last blood test to get this morning, now done. I got a bunch of quotes on meds yesterday and I think I'm going with WIN as they had the best price for what I need and offered overnight delivery, free needles, etc. I considered one of the overseas websites for a hot minute because they were literally half the price BUT I read some stuff about 2-3 week lead times that just made me way too stressed. And today, I applied for a loan! :headspin: Keeping my fingers crossed we're approved for the full amount. Had a mini meltdown in the shower yesterday because I felt so overwhelmed and this is SO MUCH MONEY but then I calmed down. I'm good with this decision, DH is good with this decision and if I didn't at least try I know I'd be full of regret down the road. I'm ready. Baby me. :)
Klik, did you end up triggering? If you did and you have a retrieval today, I want to wish you the best of luck! :hugs:

We got our loan approval, woohoo! :happydance: I also got the strongest positive OPK I've seen in a while this morning, so DH and I are trying one more time the old fashioned way.
Klik - How did everything go? :hugs:

Scooby - My family knows the gender now since they knew we did the blood test. DH's family (parents) doesn't know yet simply because it's not normal to know this early, and it hasn't really come up yet. That, and we haven't really seen them recently. Congrats on the loan approval! I'm sure that's a mini load off your mind. Good luck with this latest natural attempt! :dust:

Also, I'd definitely go with a place that does overnight delivery for your fertility meds. You never know if you need to order extra of something last minute or if things may get delayed with overseas shipping.
hi girls! so much going on!!

klik - no, I guess I haven't had that procedure done then. Did you trigger? I hope you got some good eggs out of this round! That makes me sick about the price differences. Freakin US costs.

the PIO shots don't end up being TOO bad - I was sticking myself too close to the crack and too far down, I swear I hit my sciatic at one point. But the nurse at my transfer took a look at my sites and said I was too far in/low. So when I moved it out a bit (around where your thumb lands if you have your hands on your hips), I stopped bruising and it doesn't lump as much. I'm still shocked at the size of the needle and how it doesn't actually clip my hip bone or something! But it doesn't.
I prefer belly shots too, all of my triggers were in the belly. Actually, everything except this PIO shot has been in the belly.

scoob - congrats on the loan approval! one more thing out of the way. And hopefully you can turn that money around and pay it off b/c this month's au natural attempt works!

not too much going on here - day 14 scan and bloods in Mock Cycle #2 were yesterday - all looks good. So I start the PIO tomorrow night and the biopsy is next Fri. I should be able to start estrace for the FET cycle right after that - I'm going to ask the doc.
Other than that, work is still nutty so just trying to keep my nose above water!
More about PIO. :) Forgive the picture. Hopefully I'm allowed to post this here. You want to aim for the upper outer quadrant for the PIO shots. So -- above the butt crack, and to the outer area if you draw an imaginary line down the cheeks. :haha:


Massaging the area after should help with the knots a bit. I (or rather DH :haha:) used a small battery back massager. For me, I found the PIO shots to be itchy sometimes. That sensation went away for me when I started having my husband run a fresh alcohol swab over the injection site after taking the needle out (to clean off any residual oil that may have dropped onto my skin). We also alternated sides each night.

Wish - Good luck with the shots and biopsy. You're getting closer! :thumbup:
Hi, ladies! Sorry about the disappearance. I'm back in London now, though...

Scooby: well done on the loan and on the strong ovulation! Good luck this cycle! Would be great not to have to go through IVF after all!

Disneyfan: how are you?! I hope the pain and nausea have both gone away by now...

Wish: Wow, you're getting pretty close to that second mock ET. Good luck! I hope you get conclusive evidence this time!

Right, so I triggered on Tue, retrieved on Thu. Retrievals are more painful at Cornell for some reason. Maybe it's having more eggs than in a natural cycle IVF? Anyway, I was really hoping for 4--my estrogen was pointing to 5 but my follicles didn't look right for 5. I was gutted when we only got 3... but then it turned out that all were mature and all fertilized, so we've now got 3 frozen zygotes.... Which is the sort of best-case scenario I'd envisioned anyway (I was thinking 4 eggs, 3 fertilized). In other words, yay!

Next step: getting a call from my local RE re the hysteroscopy. I'm afraid he might advise me not to do it at all. In which case I will be fretting like crazy, because what to do if you're between two RE's you like and trust? Hopefully he'll make it easy for me, though...
Klik, yay for three frozen little bubba's to be!!! Will they transfer all three when the time comes? I hope your RE in London is on board for the hysteroscopy.
Klik - Well done on the 3 frosties! Best of luck with coordinating the hysteroscopy. I personally think it certainly can't hurt, and if you are still retaining PoC, I'd assume your UK RE would be on board with everything. Good luck!

AFM, I'm glad to say that I haven't felt any pain for a couple of weeks. It went away after I started sleeping with a pillow between my legs. Not sure if that was a coincidence or if it really helps, but I'll continue doing it until I finally fish out the big pillow. I've got my 13 week scan coming up on Monday. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing her again and confirming that everything is still going ok!

Amanda - How are you feeling? Have you started thinking about names yet?
That's great Disney! I've got the big u shaped pillow that's been a lifesaver for sleeping. I'm doing pretty good, no names yet, there's a few I like, and a few he likes, but they don't match up yet hehe.

Wish, glad that bloods were good! Fingers crossed that all is good to start the FET cycle soon!

Scooby and Sava hope you're doing well!
Amanda - That's great that you are doing well! :thumbup: I really should pull out my snoogle pillow as that thing was awesome the last time. DH kept trying to steal it -- and he was usually only half joking. :haha:
Amanda: thanks! :hugs: I think they will transfer all 3, yes, on day 2 or 3. Though I was thinking of using these to "top up" my fresh transfers, though--so if I get 2 next time, I'll top it up with one of my frosties. For some reason 3 feels like the right number for me (remembering these are 3-day embryos and I'm old as the hills!) Glad you're doing well and are enjoying your pillow! Still nauseous?!

Disneyfan: thanks! :hugs: Cool that the pillow is working! Heh, maybe you can get your DH to fish out the big pillow if you promise him he can have it after you're done with it :winkwink:. Best of luck tomorrow!!!
Klik, that sounds like a great plan! 3 is a good number to transfer 😊 Thankfully the nausea has subsided!
oh DH and I just love pillows and I can say that putting one between the knees helps tremendously, even when not preg. It helped DH's back problems (he has 2 body pillows, plus 2 regular pillows!) and I feel like I even out when I use one there as well. So glad your pain is gone!
Good luck at the scan today! I hope she does something fun for you to see!

amanda - so glad you're doing well!!

klik - great job on the collection! Will they let you put back 2 + a frostie? I wasn't able to but my one frostie I had way back when was a 5-day and I wanted to add it to a singleton that they were putting back on day 2 or 3. But if yours are frozen at day 3, shouldn't be a problem, I'd think!
I hope your REs agree on the procedure - I want them to be able to get your uterus into prime reception shape!!

Thank you for the PIO injection picture, disney! It is a great reminder. Somehow, each night, I freak out a little before inserting the needle b/c I'm not entirely sure if it's too low/far in/whatever. Saturday night's barely hurt, last night's I'm still feeling. I switch sides every day too.
Wish, the nurses gave me the same picture for my PIO, and it really makes a difference. Also, when I got so many knots that it felt like we were running out of room, they actually told us we could go even closer to the hip, practically on the side. Just always make sure you're above the crack! I also used Disneys tip with massaging it after which is also key. We also used a hot magic bag right after which took the sting away.
Hey ladies! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

For anyone wondering, sava ended up getting pregnant after her IUI :) She's 9 weeks along now & everything is looking great.

Disney- Thank you for all of the PIO information and advice, that picture was super helpful! I'm so glad your pain has subsided. So excited for your 13 week scan today! I hope you get pics :)

wish- That's excellent news that everything is moving along well. Do you have an approximate idea when the transfer will be?

klik- Hooray for your 3 frozen zygotes!!! That's such awesome news. I'm sure your local RE will advise going forward with the hysteroscopy. As for # transferred, my sister did 3 on her 2nd IVF attempt and one of those is now my 6 year old niece :) So I think 3's a charm.

Amanda- I'm so glad your nausea is finally gone! That sounded just brutal. When is your next scan?

re: pillows- I just sleep with the one for my head, but DH has 3! Between the pillows and the dogs sneaking up almost every night to sleep with us, I can't imagine how we're going to fit a pregnancy pillow into this mix ;)

AFM, I'm 4DPO today. I have the weirdest suspicion I ovulated 2 eggs this month, because I've never had O pain that strong and that long before. I think we timed things pretty well but I'm under no illusions that this will work naturally at this point. Expecting AF to show up by this time next week and then it's baselines time! I'm excited but having a lot of anxiety too. If it wasn't for you guys I swear some days I'd just scream because it feels like no one else understands what this is like.
Scooby, that's great about Sava! As for the excitement but anxious I totally understand that (as I'm sure we all do). IVF can be quite scary with all the needles, and egg retrieval, and when you don't have anyone close to you who's gone through it, it can be easy to feel like you're alone. Don't be shy to share any anxieties or fears with us, we will be here for you throughout the process!!
Hi ladies. Our scan went great this morning. The 13 week NT scan is considered specialized, so we had to drive a little more than an hour north to get to the place. They had a TV monitor on the wall that showed everything from the ultrasound monitor, which was awesome. For such an expensive looking machine, the printer was of disappointing low quality, so the pics aren't that great. But we did walk away with several. :kiss: I'm 13w2d today, and she's measuring right on track at 13w4d. Heart rate was 168 bpm. Her little feet were crossed while the sonographer was taking measurements. I'm still in disbelief that she's real. :cloud9:


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