IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Disneyfan: OMG, she's so baby-shaped! Wow, that's amazing! I'm sooooo happy for you! :happydance:

Amanda: thanks! :hugs: Yay, so glad the nausea has finally quieted down!

Wish: thanks! Yeah, they're cool mixin' up fresh and frozen. Mine were frozen at day 1, actually. Frosties are usually transferred on day 2, and fresh on day 3--RE said it's up to me which one I prefer (but obviously we have to pick the same day for both). Gosh, so annoying you've had to do PIO shots twice now without having a real transfer at the end of that... But its for a reason, of course--hopefully it will help you get the timing just right and have your next real transfer be successful!

Scooby: Thanks! woooooooooooooow, congrats to Sava! Sometimes when you least expect it... Excellent news! And as for you, hopefully you'll get that natural freebie after all... but if not, it's super-normal to be excited and anxious all at the same time. We'll be here to cheer you on, though!

Ladies, lol about pillows--I've got a body pillow, too! In fact, I'm going to go hug it right now... Good night!
great news about Sava!! I hope she comes back to us for a bit! :)

boopin - how are you doing, hon?

scoob - totally understand your emotions right now! please PLEASE feel free to utilize us during the crazies!! that's what we're here for! I'm really hoping for your natural miracle. :)

klik - that's wonderful about the ability to put back 3 then! yay!!!

yeah, it does suck to have PIO without any real need. The right side seems to do great, but I think I flounder a little on the left. Tonight is a left, I'll try to rectify that.

disney - your daughter is beautiful! <3

ho hum here - waiting for the biopsy. 3 days... I was in touch with the head nurse at the RE's office and I asked her about starting up the real cycle right after and she said to ask the doc after the biopsy and if she approves, she will push everything through as quickly as possible for me! I love them!
Wish: yay on the probable fast-tracking! Hang in there--Friday is really just around the corner now.

Disneyfan: Yeah, I'll bet it feels surreal! Yaaaaaaay!!!!!

AFM: spoke to my local RE yesterday and he cleared up the hysteroscopy conundrum for me: when you suspect the uterus to have foreign bodies, it's best to do the hysteroscopy in the follicular phase, while the lining is pretty thin. When you believe the uterus is clear, you do it in the luteal phase, partly so you can do an endo scratch, as Amanda had mentioned. Not sure what the other reasons might be--perhaps so you can take a good look at the lining and make sure i looks like a good environment for a developing embryo? I forgot to ask! Anyway, both RE's agree the follicular phase is best so I'm super-relieved!
Amanda- Thank you! I honestly don't know what I'd do without you guys.

Disney- She is so beautiful! I love that her little feet were crossed, like she's just lounging around taking it easy. I hope that means she'll be an easy baby :)

boopin- I've been thinking of you & hoping that you and your husband are doing ok. :hugs:

klik- I'm so glad to hear that both of your RE's agree on the timing of the hysteroscopy. So does that mean it will take place at the start of your next cycle? Will you still be able to do a transfer later that same cycle? This is all very exciting!

wish- I really hope they can fast track things for you. You must be so sick of waiting! FX you get good news on Friday :)

Thank you so much to all of you for offering up your endless support and sharing all of your experience and advice. :hugs: I've been struggling with my emotions all week as the IVF start day grows nearer. I had a good heart to heart with my DH about everything and he was really awesome and supportive. He has a son from a previous marriage and we tried to get custody 2 years ago. (My stepson's mom is emotionally unstable and an alcoholic and things had gotten pretty bad.) It didn't go in our favor and we're still paying off the lawyer. He asked me if I regretted trying even though it failed and I said no, of course not. He said, "Well then why would you think I'd regret it if this fails? We have to try." So that made me feel a lot better.

We had our IVF class last night, and I learned a couple of interesting things. Apparently at my clinic, if there are 3 embryos or less they automatically do a day 3 transfer, and 4 or more they do a day 5. They only look at the eggs the day after retrieval to see what has fertilized normally and then they don't touch them again until the day before your transfer. So I won't be getting daily updates and I won't know if there will even BE a transfer until the day before. They also have strict standards for what they'll freeze, so at best I may end up with one frozen embie (if I'm lucky). Hello, reality. You're kind of a buzz kill! Lol.
scoob - your husband sounds like a great guy. Good perspective he put things in! that's interesting about your clinic's processes - they are all so different!
How are you liking the new place? Settling in now?

klik - that's great news about the hysteroscopy details! Do you have this scheduled already? Is it an in-and-out process or think you'll have to take the day off to recoup afterwards?
Klik - That's great that both clinics are on the same page for the hysteroscopy. :thumbup:

Scooby - It's definitely great to have a supportive DH, and I'm so glad you have one that is there for you. :hugs: IVF definitely seems overwhelming in the beginning, but as things start moving along, you realize that it isn't so bad. The end goal will always help propel you along. My DH did whatever he could to help. His job was always to prep my syringes, even though I did the tummy shots myself. And I was more than happy to have one less thing to worry about. :thumbup:

When I did my egg retrievals, I was told how many they got right after the procedure both times. They didn't tell me how many were mature or how many fertilized until the next day. I did get a daily update, but they were mainly just checking to see how many they were each day and what their grades were. If they were still doing well, they held them until day 5. I think they looked at them but didn't actually touch them or do anything with them. Good luck! :hugs:

Wish - Good luck with your biopsy!
Scooby: I'm skipping this coming cycle--it shall be fully dedicated to the hysteroscopy. (Well, and then we'll sneakily try naturally and fail. And then I'll put on the estrogen patch. And then I'll be ready for the following cycle.) Hey, your DH sounds soooooo sweet! So glad you've got each other!

Wish: I think the hysteroscopy is somewhat like the D&C you sadly had a while ago... They put you under, dilate the cervix, except then instead of putting just the curette in there, they put in a camera on a thingamabob that can also do surgery. I think. (I'm a mistress of technical detail, clearly!) Anyway, good luck tomorrow! I hope you get a CLEAR answer and can finally move on! Also: last PIO tonight for a little while, right?

Disneyfan: Wow, it's nice that you got updates on days 2&4, too! For me, it was days 1, 3, and 5. Also, I know that to grow embryos from day 3 to day 5 they needed to develop a new medium, but now I'm a little confused... I don't know if they use that same medium from day 1 all the way to day 5, or if they switch the embryos over to a new medium on day 3. Also... how are you?

Ok, I think I've conclusively proven to myself that even after all this time I know pretty much squat about this process. So much information!
wish- We're loving the new place! I sooooo don't miss sharing a wall with other people lol. (Did I mention my ex-neighbor's 11 year old son was learning to play the saxophone? Loudly?) One thing is my dogs won't stay out of the lake, so muddy paws are becoming a daily problem. Also we have a whole room full of boxes we still need to unpack ;) Don't you have something going on today? Results? I hope you get to start soon!!!

Disney- I'd been hoping for daily updates too but it is what it is. I'll need to find a craft project or something to keep me busy so I don't obsess so much lol. DH will be mixing and injecting for me too :) It's a nice way to keep him involved in all of this. How are you feeling? Is it finally starting to feel real?

klik- I wasn't able to try the cycle of my hysteroscopy because they did the surgery right before I ovulated, and honestly I was too sore still. It's not bad just a little uncomfortable. I'd say within 4-5 days you'd be fine to try naturally, so why not? :) I think we're going to be cycling pretty close to each other!

AFM, got a BFN at 8DPO this morning. I think it's still too early to test, but I'm not expecting a positive anyway. Hoping AF shows up this weekend so I can finally get my IVF on!
Klik - I'm doing well - thanks! Nausea seems less frequent though still lingers in the evening. Brushing my teeth still gives me a gag reflex more often than I'd like (which means I must take my thyroid pill after brushing my teeth in the morning!). I really feel that I have nothing to complain about as I am so incredibly grateful to be in my current position.

Regarding the hysteroscopy, I felt a little more sore down there after the procedure than I did after the D&C, but one dose of pain relievers, and I was fine. I took the opportunity to relax for the rest of the day but didn't feel that I had to. I worked the next day (though from home, which is normal for me). I definitely bled and cramped way less than after the D&C (more like spotting). :thumbup: I say go for it with the natural try if you are up for it physically. :thumbup::thumbup:

Scooby - Sounds like you moved just in time. I can't imagine listening to saxophone practice (good or bad!). Does your back yard have kind of enclosure to keep the dogs confined to certain areas? Do t feel bad about the boxes. We moved 2 years ago and still have a few remaining (clearly things we really need :haha::dohh:). Pinterest is great for finding little projects to keep yourself occupied if you aren't on there already. Sorry about the BFN. :hugs: Maybe it's still early, but if not, you'll do great with your upcoming cycle! :hugs::hugs:

Wish - Good luck with the biopsy today!
Scooby: yeah, I was trying to pre-schedule the hysteroscopy so it wouldn't end up right on top of my ovulation but they didn't let me do it. Still, I think you can book a hysteroscopy pretty quickly (unlike a HyCoSy) so I should be ok if I call them on CD1. 8DPO is way too early--you might get that lucky natural pregnancy yet! If not, though, you're waiting til AF and then it's BCP time? For how long, again? Good luck! :dust:

Disneyfan: So glad the nausea is finally quieting down, though sad that bushing your teeth still does that to you... You can complain to us--we won't think you're being ungrateful! :hugs: I didn't realise you were more sore after the hysteroscopy than after the D&C--good to know that pain relievers were enough to help! Also yeah, your D&C kept you bleeding for a while... Excellent that the hysteroscopy was better. Thanks for sharing! :hugs:

Wish: thinking of you! Hoping the mock transfer did not suck so badly this time, and that you get straightforward answers soon! :hugs:

AFM: ho, hum, waiting for AF to schedule the hysteroscopy. Her ETA is Monday, but from today onwards she might be here any moment now...
hi girls!

oh geez - BOXES. We have still so many boxes and also have that one room of just stuff. And we've been here 5 yrs. ugh. I think we need to have a goal for that room (nursery, dammit) before it gets cleaned out or organized. The other 2 spare bedrooms we have are my office and a spare guest room.

klik - i literally laughed out loud at 'i'm a mistress of technical detail, clearly' - you may not be (and you're speaking my language) but you have such a way with words that I crack up every time. I wish you great success in your hysteroscopy and I hope you happen to fall into a miracle pregnancy a few days later.

disney - ugh, I make myself gag sometimes brushing my teeth and I'm not preggo. Can't wait to see how ultrasensitive I become when i am!

that's really cool having the husbands mix the meds for you - I just took care of all of it. DH doesn't like needles and such so it was more of a bone-throwing to him if I DIDN'T include him. No biggie. My nurses/docs were shocked yesterday when I told them I was doing the PIO shots all myself. Oh well!

speaking of - biopsy day yesterday, it was fine. Painful but I had all my 'girls' in there with me - my blood nurse that I LOVE gave me a hand if I needed to squeeze it, and the office manager who is finally back from her own maternity leave kept me talking while the doc went in and did the quick aspiration. I love them all dearly at this point - blood nurse (Brenda) and office manager (Sarah) and I were all in there before the doc (me pantsless, mind you) chatting away and laughing our butts off b/c of this horrid procedure and the doc comes in and is like 'All i can hear is laughing down the hall!'
So all went fine, quickly, though there was a LOT more post-procedure bleeding. Like, I had to switch out a few pads in a couple of hours. That didn't happen last time, but whatever. I'm fine now but will most likely spot until AF.
And the doc was down with starting the FET cycle right away instead of going on BCP while waiting for the results. So for the next 8 days (the rest of my 'luteal' phase), I'll downgrade from the PIO shots to Crinone and mimic a real LP, get AF and on Day 1 of AF, I'll start the estrace for the FET cycle. Then when we get the results in about 3 weeks, we'll adjust the transfer date as needed. Boom, done. So transfer should still be around early March, I'd guess.
Wish, that's great news!! I'm sorry there was more bleeding, but glad you had your girls with you. Also, you do your own PIO shots too??? (I think boopin was the other?) Geez girl! Lol you're my hero! I cannot reach that way. Fingers crossed and sending all the positive vibes that this next FET is the one!

Klik, hope AF arrives on schedule so that you can get the show on the road with the hysteroscopy. I agree with Wish, you definitely have a way with words and get me laughing.

Scooby, I know what you mean with boxes, we moved three years ago, and still have a few boxes we just stored in the garage and haven't gone through. Ugh, I hate packing and unpacking. 8dpo, is definitely super early! Keep us posted, but should the damn witch rear her ugly head, we shall cheer you on during your first (and hopefully only) IVF cycle!

Disney, so glad your nausea is easing! Hehe mine stuck around until about 22 weeks, finally feeling decent now though! Just tired, but that's totally manageable.
Klik - Hopefully AF doesn't keep you waiting long. I know you're so ready to get this ball running. The pain after my hysteroscopy wasn't overly terrible (more soreness than anything) and didn't last long.

Wish - I'm glad that the biopsy went well and that you had moral support in there to help you out. Sorry that you bled extra, but that's great news that you can get started on the next FET right away! I'm with Amanda -- major props to you for doing your own PIO shots. I just can't reach that far and couldn't do it without DH. I'm definitely cheering you on for your next transfer!

Amanda - I'm glad that you've completely passed the nausea phase. The tiredness is to be expected, and that's awesome if that's all that you're dealing with now. :thumbup: Are you setting up a nursery or doing anything to get ready for your princess?

Scooby and Boopin - I'm thinking of you guys! :hugs:
Wish: thanks for the wishes and glad I could make you laugh! More seriously, I think I try so hard to understand so much TTC stuff, sometimes it's a relief to just surrender and let the experts do their thing. Glad you had your girls with you for your biopsy! I'm sorry you had all that bleeding... I love the plan of mimicking a realy luteal phase so you can skip the BCP! Woohoo! Can't wait for your next transfer! :dust: Also... re. PIO--wow! I can do the occasional one myself (like, if I'm on a plane) but all of them?! Crikey!

Amanda: So cool your nausea is finally behind you! I'm sorry you're tired, but yeah, it's par for the course... Did you stay off work? Can you nap during the day? :sleep:

Disneyfan: OMG, I am SO ready! I'm kind of fuming that whatever embryos I have are frozen. It feels like such a waste of embryos! But yeah, let's make sure my uterus is tip-top before we put them back in. :coffee:

I hope you gals are all having a great weekend! DP and I are going to walk our dog in the freezing mud now. :cold:
Hey everyone :) What an absolutely INSANE super bowl last night! Just as things were getting interesting, my oldest dog started vomiting (I suspect from a new brand of bone we gave her- never again!) and she didn't stop for over an hour :( I felt so bad for her, she looked just miserable. So we had the game paused and were behind as we took turns running outside with her so she could throw up in the yard. She's much better today & had some white rice for breakfast. Anyway, it was a long night!

Disney- I'm so glad the nausea is waning and hope it's gone for good very soon! Haha, we definitely moved just in time. We do have fences on both sides but the lake is a natural barrier in the back. So there's no way to keep them out really. It's ok, they really love it so we're just dealing. Anything for a happy pup :)

klik- They gave me 600mg of Motrin after my hysteroscopy and I think I took that for 2 days and was good. I didn't even finish the bottle. I did take the following day off just to rest but I probably could have handled work. I know the wait is frustrating but you're so close now!

wish- Wow, it sounds like you have a nice big place! I have very high hopes that you will be able to turn one of those room into a nursery. :hugs: I really can't believe you do your PIO shots yourself. You're a warrior woman! LOL at your description of the biopsy. I'm so glad it went well and you have such a great team there to support you. It sounds like your transfer will end up being about a week or so before mine!

Amanda- Hooray to the nausea finally being over! I'm so glad I'm not the only one with boxes all over lol. There are certain things that fall into that weird category where they just don't really have a spot in your house but you don't want to get rid of them!

AFM, it was still a BFN on 10DPO so no natural pregnancy for me, but I started spotting last night! :happydance: Really hoping AF shows up today so I can do my baselines tomorrow. Then it's BCP for 2-3 weeks and finally we start!
I hope that AF doesn't keep you ladies waiting too long. Good luck, everyone!
Scooby: I did not watch the Superbowl but it sounded spectacular! It made me a little sad re. deflategate, as it would be nice to be able to just think of Tom Brady as purely awesome. But maybe no one is. As for boxes, we have more than our share of unopened ones... Glad your dog is feeling better! I'm sorry you're quite sure of no natural BFP, but I'm looking forward to being cycle buddies!

Disneyfan: Thanks! Mine is here now.

Hysteroscopy booked for next Monday! I was kind of thinking Friday would be best but actually I can't guarantee I'll really be done bleeding by then. I'll simultaneously be monitoring for ovulation so I can put on the patch a week later and get ready for next cycle. Oh, yeah, and also hoping for that oh-so-likely natural BFP. There's this AMAZING, though outdated, list of over-40 women with mostly OE, sometimes DE success that someone posted recently: https://www.network54.com/Forum/53068/thread/1358650894/***Over+40+ and I have to say most of these success stories look like natural BFPs. Still, realistically I expect to be back in New York in March. Hopefully they'll let me in, what with my olive skin and passport in a funny language.
good morning! :coffee:

omigosh, i'm still on a high from the SB!!!! I love my Patriots even though they made me nauseous, on the verge of fainting and having a heart attack! <3 What a game.

klik - oh dear, I didn't even THINK of you not getting back into town!!! I hate that this even has to be a concern!! I'm so glad you're scheduled and ready to go for the hysteroscopy. Hopefully it'll be a breeze. And that's great that you can immediately start getting ready for O-Watch. I have to look at that link when I get a chance. Man, how I'd love a surprise natural BFP. Doesn't look like that will happen for us, though. At least not until the end of the year if I don't get preg via DE. I'll be on meds from hereon out until June-ish, I believe. Woooooo...
(and just a note, nothing was ever proven that Brady cheated, so don't be sad! He just won this year with no deflation - so why would he need to cheat? ](*,) love, a Pats fan :haha:)

disney - I'm also glad the nausea has waned, that's got to be the pits. The one week I had it was HORRIBLE, though it wasn't nausea, but more just awful gassy, heartburn-y feeling. Though I welcome that back with open arms if it means I'm preggo! haha

scooby - yeah, we got this house with a family in mind. It's been a blessing, though b/c we unexpectedly had my FIL move in with us as well (he has his own space) but we certainly don't use all of the space. I've often wondered if we'd downsize if we don't end up with kids. It's a lot to clean! But I do love this house.
And YAY for being cycle (and hopefully BUMP) buddies!

amanda - so glad you're feeling better. Are you enjoying the 2nd tri like you're supposed to? Any names, nursery colors, etc picked out yet? :)

nothing going on here - doing Crinone every day until Saturday to mimic a real LP and then just waiting for AF. Though I've been sorta crampy so maybe AF will come on her own. That would be nice if she showed up earlier and we got an earlier start on the cycle!

Anyone have any V Day plans? We don't do anything, which is fine. It bothered me way back when but in my old age, I see that you should be romantic on any day, not just the day on the calendar they jack up the prices 3x on things that are red and pink! :)

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